The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, October 06, 1921, Image 1

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OPEN SATURDAY With A Good Program BEGINNING .'SATURDAY CHANGE OF PROGRAM EACH DAY > The Strand Theater VOL. XXVIII. NORTH GEORGIA FAIR ATTRACTING BIG CROWDS; EXHIBITS BETTER THAN EVER AND ATTRACTIONS ARE FIRST CLASS. The North Georgia Fair is the best one this year in its history. The exhib its are better than ever before and large crowds are attending. The at tractions are all first class and \\ inder and Barrow county have given them selves over to taking in the fair this week. "The parade Tuesday morning was fine and the decorated cars and trucks were attractive, showing great skill in those vVio had prepared them for the occa sion. Those that took the first five prizes were (11 Mrs. Kathleen Mose ley (2) The 1). A. It's.) (3) The Feder ated club 14 t M. E. Church Circle (5) Ernest Harry Hodges. The parade of the school children war the largest since the first year of the fair in 1012. It; looked like every child in Barrow county was in the pa rade. Governor Hardwick Speaks Governor Hardwick spoke to a tre mendous crowd at 3 o'clock Tuesday af- ternoon. The governor was at his best i.iui he delivered a tine speech and was heartily cheered by his hearers, lie -.poke along rhe lines of taxation and .slowed ihat he is deeply interested in getting the state out of the quagmire of debt. Mr. Hardwick is a tine speak er and has a large following through out* this section. He was met at the depot by a representative committee of our people who extended the courte sies of the city, and he was given a cordial reception by our people, lie was introduced to the large audience by Rev. W. H. Faust in his usual hap py manner. School District Exhibits. There are 12 school district exhibits every one of which did credit to those districts. They were County Line, Mul berry. Central. Rockwell. Parish. Par adise. Bethlehem. Auburn. Oak drove. Chandlers. Bethel, and Mt. Bethel. These displays show conclusively the great possibilities of this county and section and that our people should not grumble. We can live at home if we will only fry. Individual Exhibits. There are a large number of individ ual exhibits from among the various farmers of the county, among them we note the exhibits of H. A. Hardigree. Fred Fuller, C. A. Edwards, Bob Thom as, P. E. Adams. ,1. H. Bedingfleid, and. W. Fuller. John Simonton, M. K. May nard and and. S. Summerour. These are all flue and show the splendid thrift of these citizens of our county. The Boys’ Pig Club. We noticed that there are about 14 line young shouts, the property of the hoys of the county who entered the pig club the first of the year. Every one of these pigs has grown to be fine hogs and the boys have made'a fine record. We hope to bo able to publish next week the 1 names of the boys who enter ed this club. Other Exhibits. There are many other exhibits that we have not space to mention. Mr. A. I). Collins lias a fine number of Jersey cattle and hogs. Mrs. M. J. Griffeth lias a fine Jersey cow and an equally as fine Holstein. Among others w ho have fine stock we noted H. H. Pendergrass, Frank Reed, Mr. Still, Mr. Harris, W. N. Skinner, Ben R. Williams, Mr. Kennedy. G. S. Millsaps, Jim Fuller, G. W. Smith, J. >l. Brookshire & Sons. C. A. Edwards, Green Fuller, L. C. Briscoe, Hersohel Hill, L. P. Eley, T. K. Willbauks, Jack Harwell and C. J. Hardman & Bro., of Commerce. A Ladies Department. Among the very best exhibits of the fair are the exhibits of the ladies of the county. The display of canned goods, cooking, sewing, art work, paint ings, etc., show the finest skill, and proves conclusively that Barrow coun ty has the finest bunch of good house wives in hll tbe state. We were de lighted with their work. If you have not seen their work yet go hack and take a look at their exhibits. It is worth while. Poultry Department. This department is tip top. All kinds of chickens were on exhibition, and just as fine as you will see any where in all the country. Colored Exhibits. We were surprised at the exhibits of the colored people. House’s school and Tanner's school both had magnificent exhibits which shows conclusively that the patrons and children of these two siehools are wide-awake and progres- ® )c winder Mem AND THE BARROW TIMES GREAT MEETING OF FARMERS, BANKERS AND BUSINESS MEN The farmers, bankers and business 1 men of Barrow county will hold a 1 great meeting at the court house, Fri i day, October 7th, at 4 o’clock in the af -1 ternoon. The purpose of this meeting is to plan diversification of crops for next year, and to secure marketing fa * cilities. This is of vital importance to every one in our county. \Ve are not going to let "Billy 801 l Weevil" eat us up or run |us out. If our people are wise they will attend this meeting. Bet's get ready for next. year. SUPERIOR COURT IS STILL IN SESSION Barrow Superior Court which con vened Monday of last week is still in session and has been busy this wok with criminal business. Many minor cases of no interest to the general public have been tried this week. The grandjury bas been in session but tip to the hour of going to press has not brought in their presentments. These will likely be published next week. Holder Addresses The Methodist Men’s Club. An unusually large attendance was present Tuesday night of last week, at the regular monthly meeting of the Methodist Men's club, which was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Camp. The event of the evening was an address by Hon. John N. Holder, of Jefferson, recently appointed lay leader of the Gainesville district. In an elo quent speech that gripped bis audience from the very beginning, Mr. Holder told of the opportunity of the laymen for service in the church today. He lauded the spirit of brotherhood and charity manifested ine the fraternal or ders but declared that the ehruch should have first place in the heart of .every follower of Christ, and that the work of the church called for meu of varied talents, and had a work for each man to do. The reports of the various commit tees were uniformly encouraging. The building committee reported such prog rss that a date could soon he set for the opening of the new house of wor ship. The social service committee told of numrous activities that had been engaged in by the members of the dub. The boys work committee thanked the club for the successful boys and girls camps of the past summer to which the club had made such liberal contribution. The membership com mittee announced their plans for a rec ord breaking rally day on the coming Sunday. Th men will have charge of the night service the second Sunday in October (or which an laborate program is being prepared. It was decided to feature a debate on the disarmament”'question, at the next monthly meeting, which will be held at the home of Mr. A. Y. Bavenson. The meeting adjourned af ter a social half hour during which the hostess served a delicious fruit course. sive. E. W. Wansley had an individu al exhibit that was fine. He must be a live, progressive farmer of his race. We commend these colored people on the exhibits that they made. Our Police Force. The police force, including the spe cial officers that are on duty this week, are doing splendid work in preserving order. Chief Earl McElroy and Police men Hall. Cheeiey and Crawford, assist ed by the special men that are on duty, this week, are doing their best to keep things smooth and they are to be con gratulated on the work they are doing along this line. Next week we hope to be able to give the names of the winners of the pre miums. Winder, Barrow County, Georgia, Thursday, October 6, 1921. NOTICE TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. On account of the scarcity of money we carried our subscribers through the summer without de manding prompt payment. Now. everybody in this section is mak ing a fair crop and the price of cotton, our money crop, is good. We are sure that all our subscri bers who really want the Winder News are able now to pay $1.50 for it. If you really want the paper, we want you to have it ; if you do not want it. of course we do not wish to .send it to you. Now. we are going to revise our subscription list November Ist. and all that are in arrears, we will presume that you do not want the paper and we will dis continue it. and proceed to col lect what is due us. This is pay up time with every body and those who do not pay up cannot expect to continue to receive credit. If you want the Winder News you will have to pay up your subscription by No vember Ist. Notice your label and if you are in arrears and want to con tinue to receive the News come in at once and square up with the paper. We do not want to lose any of our subscribe us hut we are not able to supply them with a good weekly paper every week in the year for nothing. WINDER HIGH DOWNS ELBERTON Coach l’agc with 17 of his young sters journeyed over to Elberton Fri day morning for their tirst football I game of the season with the Elberton ! High School. A downpour of rain fell ! for thirty minutes before the game | which made it hard going for both I teams, however, it was a thrilling affair from start to finish with Winder High taking the big end of the score, 11 to 7. Hill kicked off to Elberton who return ed the hall thirty yards then on the next formation Rucker for Elberton dashed thirty yards around left for the first touchdown. The balance of the j first quarter was fought on mid-field j with neither team scoring. The sec lond quarter started with more fight ithan ever but the Elberton lads were ; unable to hold the Winder boys on liae plunges for Harrison’s hard plunges ; put the Oval over for the first toueh- Idown for Winder within three minutes [of play. P. Hill later kicked goal, tic | ing the score. With four minutes to iplay P. Hill dashed around right end ! for the second touchdown, later kicking goal, here the second quarter ended so did the scoring. Third and fourth quarters were fought on mid field, however danger of scoring was shown several times by both teams. Rucker for Elberton. showed best for his team while for Win der the entire team showed splendid form: their line held like a brick wall, never being broken. The back field is light but has world's of spins! and it was displayed in great form. Coach Page has worked hard with the boys for the past month trying to put out a winning team so that the people of Winder might see some real football. But it takes something more than boy to make a football team, and with your presence and support at these games they expect to win. Friday the Elberton boys will be visitors to our city in the afternoon. The two teams will meet at Valley Park for the second game. Let's everybody try Wd see this game, show your spirit for its half of the game. The game will start promptly at four o’clock. At a recent meeting of the W. C. T. U. delegates yvore elect ml to the state convention at Cairo, Ga., October 2.">- 28, which were as follows: Mrs. Paul Roberts, state secretary L. T. L., Mrs. W. C. Horton, district president 9th district; Mrs. \V. L. Mathews, county president: Mrs. Guy Kilgore, local pres ident: Mrs. W. X'. Bailey, leader L. T. L.; Mesdames George Eortson and W. B. McCants, delegates at large. The nnual report shows that our local chap ter, under the leadership of Mrs. Kil gore, is increasing in interest and en thusiasm regardless of hard times, with 76 paid active members and 16 honor ary members. BOND ELECTION TO BE HELD SATURDAY On next Saturday the election to de termine whether the people of Barrow county wish to issue $50,000 worth of bonds in order to finish the court house will be settled. It will take a majority of the qualified voters of the county to make the election legal and two-thirds of those voting will have to vote in fa vor of bonds. The election failed be fore because not enough votes were cast in the county to make the necessary majority. Not many votes were cast against bonds hut not enough votes were cast. Those who favor bonds will have to interest themselves in getting all who are likewise in favor of the bond issue out to the polls next Saturday. If you are intrested go out and vote. WHISKEY RUNNING AUTO IS CAPTURED A break neck pursuit of a whiskey running automobile ended four miles from Athens Monday morning when a whiskey car turned turtle as it was cornered by n pursuing posse from Jackson county and a posse from Clarke county that went to intercept it. No one was hurt. One hundred gallons of whiskey in two barrels, and the car were confiscated and two pret ty young women and a man were ar rested and taken hack to Jefferson jail for trial. The pursuit started at Jefferson on a tip to Sheriff Collier and was contin ued at a sixt.v-mile an hour gait, with the pursuing posse keeping up a steady volley of lire at the tires of the fleeing automobile. Careening and sliding on the wet road, the whiskey runners kept their'' lead on their pursuers until the posse from Athens was sighted in front, waving down the driver with their weapons while the steady crack of the shots sounded behind him. He lost control and the big machine plun ged off the road, turning half over and spilling its occupants and the whis key just a few yards from the county line. The parties in the car gave their .names as Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Plurner and Mrs. Mabelle Williams, of Augus ta. The sheriff of Jackson county thinks th(>se are not the real names of the parties. They said that they se cured the tiquor in Dawson county and were on their way to Augusta. They are being held in jail in Jefferson where they will he tried. Employee* Offer Take Over The Gainesville Midland Railroad. i An interesting proposition lias been i made to the owners of the Gainesville railroad by the employees of that road. They propose to take over the road and operate it. Rather than see the road ! scrapped it would boa good idea to let 'them make the experiment. We have the following information 1 in regard to said road which bears an Athens date line: Employees of the Gainesville Mid land railroad which runs between Ath ens and Gainesville and between Gaines villel and Monroe, will take over the operation of that road if proposals made to George J. Baldwin, of New York, president of the company, are acvept ed. The proposals, which were made by the operatives through J. T. Adair, of Athens, for several years, and now en gineer on the Midland, follow the vol untary throwing of the road into a re ceivership and the subsequent petition to the Interstate Commerce commission to dismantle it. At the same time the proposal of the employees became known it was learned that there is a group of sub stantial business men in Athens who ure willing to pay the company more for the road than it would bring if it were Scrapped and the iron marketed. These men will make this offer rather than the road thrown out of commission, r is stated. Athens business men ure interested particularly in the Athens- Jeffer-on part of the road, it being un derstood that the company especially desires to junk that part. Fli c home grown Seed Oats for sale jv Smith Ilardwaee Cos. Hurt in Auto Accident. . The little son of Mr. .1. S, Craft was hurt last Wednesday by being thrown against the wind shield of-Jhe car in which he was riding with his father ami little sister. The wind shield was broken and a gash was cut in the lit tle fellow’s face. Mr. Craft had his little daughter in his lap and on this account could not guide the car easily, li run against a tree which caused the accident. The car was not damaged to any great extent. The little fellow is getting along alright. FORD CARS AND TRUCKS SELLING Dr. C. B. Mott, the malinger of the King Motor Cos. in this city is very optimistic over outlook In this section of the state. 11c says that good times have arrived ill Burrow county and in this section of the state. He sold 10 Ford cars and one Fordson tractor late *eck. He is doing a line business. Woodruff Hardware Sale Draws Immense Number of Buyers. The great sale that is going at the Woodruff Hardware Company is at tracting attention all over this section. Their large store was crowded to its utmost capacity the morning the sale started and has been crowded every day since. This Is evident proof that they are selling goods at truly bargain prices, because you can not fool the buying public. In this issue of The News is a picture of their store front on the morning that the sale started. If you haven't visited this store yet or even if you have do not fail to get your share of the bargains that they are giving the people of Barrow and ad joining counties. THE MILL SCHOOL. Why is it that some people respond to every good cause in the tip-building of a city and some people Just exist right on and do practically nothing, but wag their tongues? l'lease, Win der people, think about that question ttnd see if you can’t do a little bit more toward beautifying and helping the mill side of town to raise good citizens. Remember the older citizens are setting examples and to be honest with you some of the examples of cleanliness around the stores, mills, offices and va cant lots are bad. One more week is going to t>e given for you men and la dies to clean up. You know trash, old barrels and every kind of junk when you see it, so sweep around and make tilings attractive. There are always some schools neg lected in spite of teachers and a few doing their best. The mill school inis been neglected and yet it is under the public school system just the same. The big Winder Public School lias a good bit of equipment (such as maps, charts, globes, reference books, etc.) and too, an attractive play ground with drinking fount, shoot-to-shoot, basket bails, ocean waves, goggling board, vaulting poles, etc. Now ask what we have at the mill school along those lines. Nothing but a victrola. Yes, noth ing. l)o you understandV And it isn't fair, neither is it a square deal. We aren’t mad, but we do believe in peo ple getting a square deal in life. If somebody doesn't root and squeal for that square deal, smashing feet are on the weak who can’t help themselves and consequently they stay down for ever. We have hail good response in sever al of our undertakings, and we do ap preciate it. but here is a place where the different Sunday school classes, clubs und individuals can do some missiona ry work right at home. The following is u list of things need ed, wanted and that will be appreiuted. A globe, maps of the continents, more black board (we have about 18 feet to each room), drawing equipment, drinking fount, scissors for class room, drawing and cutting, yard sticks, flow er vases, stain for new book case, good books, magazines for pupils, also pat rons, anything for a kitchen, we have a four burner stove engaged, victrola records (as we have only a few) and any kind of play ground equipment. Yours for a good school. Ernestine Bush, Frankie Sparks, Willie Mae Holloway. OPEN SATURDAY With A Good Program BEGINNING SATURDAY CHANGE OF PROGRAM EACH DAY The Strand Theater NEWS ITEMS FROM OUR NEIGHBORS Gathered From Exchan ges in Adjoining Counties. t Gwinnett County. . | (Journal) Judge G. G. Robinson went to Win der Tuesday to attend the funeral ofi his cousin, Mr. Nick Rainey. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Williams were in Winder Sunday. Miss Mary Lou Sgurs, of Winder, spent Sunday with Miss Dorothy Thompson. Mrs. Hall, of Winder, is the guest oC her sister, Mrs. Tandy Shackelford.- (News-Herald) Major W. E. Simmons is having erected a sweet potato curing house on his lot. When completed it will hold several hundred bushels of pota to!*. Judge N. L. Hutchins spent Wed nesday in Winder, holding a session ot the bankruptcy court there. Mr. Shannon Smith, Miss Icie Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Erast us Smith and little daughter, of Winder, were visit ors here Sunday. Messrs. .!. E. Randolph, C. Y. Dan' lei, Mrs. Ettie Flanigan. Dr. .1. C. Ben nett, Mr. and Mrs. .1. N Holder attend ed the funeral of Hon. H. N. Rainey, in Winder, on Tuesday afternoon. Jackson County. (Herald) Mr. and Mrs. Mark Siins and little son of Winder were in the city Satur day night, guests of Mr. and Mrs. I)os Wilhite. Walton County. (Tribune) Sunday afternoon, at Gratis, occurr ed the funeral srvioes of Watson Stair ett, who did in a hospital in Frunce, July 2!Mli. Ibis. He was the son of ,Vtrs- Ernest Stairett, of Winder, and for some time resided in Monroe. The funeral services were conduct ed at the grave hy Rev. W. H. Faust, of Winder. A large crowd was in at tendance upon the very impressive sea vices, and a fellow-soldier sounded; “taps” over the grave. Mrs. Joe Greer and children spent several days of last week in Winder. Miss Annie Thomas, of Winder, , the guest of Mrs. J. M. Williams. The death of Mrs. Mattie Riggers occurred at her homo near Bold Spring Sunday afternoon, and wus the occa sion of much sorrow to her relatives unit many friends. Mrs. loggers was the wife of Mir. John Riggers and was before her mar riage Miss Mattie Perry. She had been in failing health for quite a while, but seriously ill only a few days. FORDSON TRACTOR DEMONSTRATION Don't fail to attend the big Fordsou Tractor Demonstration in Winder oh Friday and Saturday, October 7 and 8. It will unquestionably lie the most laborate demonstration ever held in All is section. On tbe first day, Friday, the pro gram will start at 7 o’clock, P. M., showing the slides, moving pictures, etc. No Held work will be done on thM day, but these pictures will be tine. On the second day, Saturday, the big field demonstration will start at 9 o'clock, A. M.. affording everyone the opportu nity of seeing a physical demonstration of the most modern machinery. Don’* fail to attend these demonstrations, both Friday night and Saturday. \ TO THE PUBLIC. We are here to serve you the best wiw cun, especially are we trying to give yon good service during fair week. Every officer on the police force is making ev ery effort to maintain order. I don’t think I ever saw special officers try any more to do thpir duty than the spe cial force we have for this week. We appreciate the assistance of all tbe law abiding citizens in our efforts to sur press crime und to pri-serve order in our midst. E. O. McELROY, Chief police. REMOVAL NOTICE I have moved my office over the l*ar ker Furniture Store. —J. L. Whitley. Optometrist. Htpd Sow wheat and grain, buy wheat and oats drills from Smith Hardware Cos. No. 25;