The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, October 20, 1921, Image 14

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THURSDAY, OCTOBER. 27, PRIZES WON AT THE NORTH GA. FAIR School Exhibits. Paradise, First Prize SIOO Ontrnl. Second Prize 75 Parrish, Third Prize 50 Rockwell, Fourth Prize 25 Bethlehem, Fifth Prize 25 Chandler, Sixth Prize 2< Bethel, Seventh I*rizc 25 Oak Grove, Eighth Prize 25 Mt. Bet hel. Ninth Prize 25 County Line, Tenth Prize 25 Mulberry, Eleventh Prize 25 Auburn, Twelfth Prize 2. Indit idual Agricultural J. H. Bedingfield, First Prize* SOOOO A. L. Simnnton, Second Prize 50.00 Fred Fuller, Third Prize 40.00 G. W. Fuller, Fourth Prize 50.00 G. S. Suratnerour, Fifth Prize 20.00 C. A. Edwards, Sixth Prize 20 00 Boti Thomas, Seventh Prize 20.00 M. ft Maynard, Eighth Prize 20.00 P. E. Adams, Ninth Prize 20.00 H. A. llardigree Tentli Prize 20.00 Ribbon Cane. Fred Fuller, First $2.00 8. S. Cosby, Second 100 Melons. G. W. Fuller, First .52.00 8. W. Wilkerson, Second 1-00 Wheat G. W. Fuller. First $3.00 Oats C. A. Edwards, First 2.00 G. W. Fuller, Second l.OO Corn Orok Jtostcr, First 52.00 Collie Skinner, Second 1.00 Pumpkins T. K. Wilbanks, First 1.00 W. T. Edwards, Second 50 Sorghum Cane A. I). Collins, First 2.00 G. W. Fuller, Second 1 00 Colored People Tanner’s School (colored. First $25.00 House District (colored) Ni*cnnd 20.00 K. W. Wanslev, (colored) Third 10.00 Oldest Man anti Woman. Mr. W. I). Sweat 2.50 Mrs. Rebecca Winns __ . 2.50 Baby Show Mrs. J. W. GrifTeth’s, nearest perfect Prize $5.00 Mrs. Earl MeElroy, Second 3.00 Mrs. Green Greeson’s prettiest _ 3.00 Mrs. W. M. llolsenlieek, largest 2.00 Cattla A. O, Collins, First, Itiill $25.00 A. D. Collins, First, Cow 15.00 A. D. Collins. 2 heifers 15.00 A* I>. Collins, Herd 10.00 W. .1. Kennedy, sheep 1.00 ('. C. Saul. Hull 5.00 C. C. Saul, Cow 6.00 .1. c. <1 tiffin, Bull 5.00 Mrs. F. L. Sims, cow 5.00 Paul Brooksher, Bull 10.00 <5. S. Millsaps Bull .15.00 Mrs. M. J. Griffeth, Cow 15.00 Frank Hoed, Heifer 5.00 G. S. Sunimeronr, Heifer 10.00 ■Bennie Williams, sheep ti.oo F. M. Morgan, goats 2.00 Horses J. P. Eley, First 20.00 Emory MeElroy, Second 10.00 T. K. Wilbanks, First colt 10.00 Will Harris, second, colt 400 Fair ITg (Tub. Hoke House, First -- SO.OO Bennie Fleeninn, Second 5.50 Gladstone Harrison, Third —— - 5.00 Olin Smith, Fourth 4.50 Collie Skinner, Fifth 4.00 Jaw. Willie Harwell Sixth 3.50 Glen Hagan, Seventh 3.00 Clio Sorrels, Eighth 2.50 Albert Harris, Ninth 2.00 General Pig Club Miss Hayman, First SO.OO Julian Smith, Second 5.50 Alvin Williams, Third 500 William Russell, Fourth 4.50 Swine Hersehel Hill, boar 0.00 L. C. Brlcoe, fat 10.00 Jim Fuller, tirst herd 0.00 G. W. Smith, second herd 4.00 A ,I>. Collins, pig 0.00 . W. Fuller, sow 400 ('. A. Edwards, sow 4.00 G. W. Smith, boar 4.00 G. S. Millsaps, boar 10.00 G. S. Millsaps, sow 10.00 Chester Perkins, boar 10.00 School Parade. Parrish, first $7.00 Mt. Bethel, first 7.00 Bethel, tirst 7.60 Parade* Floats Mrs. G. C Moseley, first ... 20.00 1). A. H second 15.00 Federated club, third 10.00 M E. Tirol.', No. 3, fourth 8.00 Mrs. R. A. Tamp, fifth, 7.00 Ernest Hodges, sixth 5.00 Women’s Department. Miss Janie Thomas $2.00 Miss Majorle Phillips .75 T. N. lester - —2.0 t) Mrs. W. M. Holsenbeck l.OO Mrv. (5. S. Millsaps l.(Kl Mrs. t. M. Jackson 0.00 Mrs. Clyde WilliHinson 2.00 Mi's. Bob Plrkle 1.00 Mrs. (I. \V. DeLnPerriere - 2.00 Mrs. Paul Roberts 2.00 Mrs. W. N. Bailey 3.75 Mrs. y. C. Phillips 20.00 Min Young McDaniel 20.00 ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR COUNCILMEN AT LARGE At the solicitaticm of many friends and citizens of Winder to Itocome a candidate to succeed myself as council man at large of the* City of Winder, I have decided to offer again for the place and solicit your vote and influ ence at the coming primary. M. J. GRIFFETH. AT-LARGE 1 desire to announce my candidacy for councilman at large In the coming city election, and earnestly solicit the sup port of the voters of the city. If elect ed 1 promise my best ability in the dis charge of the duties of the office, and will appreciate your support. T. C. FIT,I,BRIGHT. FIRST WARD. I hereby announcement myself a can didate for councilman from the First Ward in the coming city primary. I earnestly solicit the support of every voter and if elected will give the city the best service of which lam capable. G. T. MCDONALD. FIRST WARD. By solicitation of friends I have de cided to announce my candidacy for councilman from the First Ward in the coming City election, and I earnestly solicit the support of the voters of the city. If elected I promise my best ef forts in the discharge of the duties of the office, and will appreciate your sup- F. (’.. GRADDICK. FIRST WARD. To the Voters of Winder, Georgia. Ladies and Gentlemen: Three or four, possibly a dozen or so, have asked me to run for councilman from the First Ward, and admitting that I just naturally want to run any how, yon will not la* surprised that I make this my formal announcement, and I assure you that if elected it will be my highest ambition to serve every one alike, irrespective of trade, color, calling or condition, rich or poor, so I respectfully ask the support of tin* vot ing public, and will do my beet to satis fy my constituency (which 1 admit in advance cannot la* did), nevertheless, 1 will do my best to conserve tin* interest of tta* whole people. Respect fully submitted, J. BRISCOE WILLIAMS. THIRD WARD To the Voters of the City of Winder: Having been solicited by many of my friends to off fife r for councilman 1 take this method of milking my formal announcement for councilman from flu* third ward, subject to the white prima ry. and solicit your vote and influence. R. L. EAVENSON. THIRD WARD. To the Voters of the City of Winder: I hereby announce myself as a can didate for Councilman of the Third Ward, subject to the action of the white primary. VASCO SEGARS. Mrs. M. .T. Griffeth 31.00 Miss Lena Shepjard 1.75 Mrs. G. C. Moseley .75 Mrs. Jim Fuller 6.00 Mrs. W. C. Horton 3.00 Mrs. C. A. Edwards 3.00 Mrs. W. H. Faust 2.00 Mrs R. H. Kimball 3.00 Miss Ix>ra Crane 3.00 Miss Mobile Mobley 2.50 MT-s. Buddie Thomas 2.00 Mrs. Hiram Oliver 4.0 Q Mrs. R. R. Russell 3.00 Miss Prudie McDaniel . 5.00 Miss Callie Thomas 12.50 Mrs. Broome 4.75 Mrs. A. N. Elliott 1.00 Mrs. Hersehel .Smith 2.00 Miss Mabel Jackson 3.00 Miss Runette Woodruff 3.00 Mrs. J. H. Pledger 1.00 Miss Rosa Westbrook 4.00 Miss la*ila Coker 5.00 Miss Claude Coker 2.00 Miss Nettie Bagwell 4.00 Mrs. G. W. Fuller 5.00 Miss Rubye Rooks 2.00 Mrs. Joe Estes 2.75 Miss Louise Williams 2.00 Miss Anita Bagwell 1.50 Mrs. Judson Jackson 1-Q0 Mrs. A. T. Harrison 6.00 Mrs. W. B. McCants 7.00 Mrs. G. H. Kilgore 1.00 Poultry Department Floyd Foster, first pen $.3.00 Floyd Foster, first trio 3.00 J. F. Rainey, second trio 2.00 Floyd Faster, first pair 2.00 Hubert Moore, second pair 1.00 Floyd Foster, first cock .50 Mrs. Rob Higgins, first hen 1.00 Hubert Moore, first pullet 1.00 Grace Thomas, trio ducks 2.00 M. J. Stancil, trio ducks 1.00 J. G. Cheely, turkeys 4.00 Jat mar Perry, first pigeons 1.00 Claud Herrin, second pigeons 1.00 Thurmond I>eLay, bantams 2 00 Coleman Skinner, bantams 1.00 J. L. Harwell, rabbit 1.00 Mrs. A. D. Robertson 3.00 PARRISH LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Alexander were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Skelton Sunday. Messrs. Walter and Vester and Miss Pearl Marr visited Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur Jackson near Jefferson Saturday night. Miss Thelma Higgins of Auburn spent Friday night with Miss Carmen Elder. Miss Lorena Elliott of Cedar Hill was the guest of Miss Thelma Allen Sun day. Miss Flora Simpson was the guest of Miss Thelma Allen Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Greeson and family were guests of the latter’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Harrison, Sunday. Mrs. Martha Jackson was the guest of Mrs. W. E. Flanigan a few days last week. Miss Thelma Higgins of Auburn was the guest of Misses Nellie and Ruth Allen Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Allen and little son. Almond, motors! to Chestnut Mt. to the former’s brother, Sunday. A large crowd attended preaching at this place Sunday night. Mrs. Herman Attaway, who has been ill for some time is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Allen spent Fri day night with the latter’s mother, Mrs Pearlie Simpson. Masters Gartrclle and Kelly Elliott were guests of Chester Elliott Sunday. I Tallassee Dots Misses Annie and iSallie Hunter and Lizzie Nicholson wen* the guests of Misses Mellie and Belle Haynie Satur day night. Mr. Festus Kinney and Son Sikes wen* the. guests of Mr. J. C. Sikes Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Will Wilson were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Daniel Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Fleming were the guests of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fleming Saturday night and Sunday. Miss Montine Wallace was the guest of .Miss Bernice Davis Saturday night. Master Krastus Kinney was the guest of Dan Sikes Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Patton made a business trip to Athens Friday. Miss Prudie Kell Sikes and little Mary Bell and Dan Sikes were the guests of Mrs. Edgar Fleming Thurs day night. A crowd from here attended the sing at Bctlinbara Sunday and reported a Beginning Monday, October 31, 1921 Biggest Sale Ever Held In This Section, of House hold and Fancy Linens, Beddings. Months ago when the market was at its lowest this sale was planned. Now we can give values in all fine merchandise that can not be duplicated today. You will find the prices the lowest in seven years. What You Find In This Sale Table Cloths, Napkins, Madeira Linens, Filet and Cluny Pieces, Damask, Linen Piece Goods, Pillow Cases, Towels of all kinds, Blankets, Comforts. MICHAEL’S ATHENS, GA. THE WINDER NEWS G. M. Districts and G. M. Officers In Barrow County. District No. 243, Houses. Court 2nd Tuesday in each month. A. I. Lyle, f. P„ It. H. Kimball, N. P„ J. W. Sims, Ind B B. Bradburry, constables. District No. 249, Bethlehem. Court Ird Saturday in each month. G. T. Edwards, J. P., J. T. Harrison, N. P., Bethlehem, Ga„ Warren T. Thompson, Bethlehem, Ga., constable. District No. 1740, Auburn. Court 2d Saturday in each month. J. W. Clack, J. P.; J. O. Hawthorne, N. P.; Auburn, Ga., W. H. Lovin, Auburn, Ga., consta ble. District No. 1741, Jones. Court 2nd Saturday in each month. W. C. Sorrels, J. P.; Krastus Perkins, N. P.; Winder, Ga., J. W. Lackey, and K. It. Martin, Winder, constables. District No. 1742, Statbam. Court 3rd Wednesday in each month. D. L. Hale, J. P.; T. J. Sikes, N. P.; Stat ham; W. M. Stinchcomb, Stktkam, con stable. District No. 1743, Pentecost. Court Ist Saturday in each month. W. 11. Greeson, J. P.; J. W. Doster, N. P; Winder, Ga., A. M. Haynie, Winder, constable. District No. 246, Chandlers. Court Ist Saturday in each month. It. W. Haynie, J. P; Tom Suddeth, N. P.; Winder; C. E. McDonald, Winder, con stable. District No. 316, Ben Smiths. Court 3rd Saturday in each month. N. D. Meadow, J. P.; W. J. Ethridge, N. P.: Carl, Ga.,; C. G. McDaniel and J. W. Elrod, Carl, Ga., constables. District No. 1744, Cains. Court 4th Saturday in each mouth. J. H. Parke. J. P.; T. A. Deaton, N. P.; Hoscbton, Ga.; H. It. Fagin and J. M. Davis. Hoscbton, Ga, constables. To Gain a Good Reputation. The way to gain a good reputation is to endeavor to be what you appear.” That is precisely the manner in which Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy has gain ed its reputation as a cure for coughs, colds, croups and whooping cough. Ev ery bottle* that has ever been put out by the manufacturers lias been fully up o the high standard of excellence claim ed for it. People have found that it can I>e depended upon for tin* relief and cure of these ailments and that it Is pleasant and safe to take. Salmon Worth Taking. The biggest salmon ever taken In th® fresh waters of New Hampshire re cently was caught in Lake Sunapee. Its weight was 27 pounds. The larg est previous salmon caught in Sunapee weighed about 15 pounds. MT. MORIAH Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Cheek were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Wages Sunday. Miss Hood of Gumming was the guest of her cousiD, Miss Winnie Tug gle, Sunday. Miss Mattie Ethridge spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Willie Sloan. Miss Gerdie Wood and little Mias Adeil Ethridge spent Friday night with the former’s sister, Mrs. Lula Mont gomery. Mr. Burton Burel, of Atlanta was in our burg Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Cheek visited Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Ethridge Saturday night. Miss Oma Pope spent Sunday after- Prosperity Is Coming During the past few weeks we have been investigating conditions, particularly in the territory served by this school and the infor mation secured from reliable sources points to business revival, with VERY favorable conditions for 1921. History shows that in this country, a period of unusual prosperity is invariably followed by a period of depression, which is just as surely followed by another period of what is commonly called “GOOD TIMES.” Right now we are passing from one of the depress er periods to one of prosperity. Start your Business Course NOW. There will be a position for you when you are ready to fill it. Athens Business College Athens, Georgia Subscription Price: $1.50 Per Year. noon with Miss Gerdie Wood. Messrs. Boyd and Kelly Sykes wert Sunday afternoon guests of Misses Anthy Wages and Willie Sloan. Mr. Sylvester Cheek, was the guesfcv of Mr. Arthur Wages Sunday. Mr. George Wood is at work in At lanta. Sunday school is on a boom at this place; everybody is invited to attend every Sunday afternoon at 2 :30 o’clock. B. Y. P. U. every Sunday night 7:3Q. Everybody come and help us out in out B, Y. P. U. and Sunday school. Booze is the order of the day around' here. There were some few on the 4 drunk list Sunday afternoon. Little Miss Altha Mae Montgomery .spent last week with her uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Montgomery,, of Union GroTe. G W