The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, October 20, 1921, Image 2

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THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1921 Christian Churches of Northeast Georgia. The Forty-fourth annual convention of the Christian churches in the North oast Georgia district will be hold with the Wutkinsville Christian church on Tuesday. W dnesday and Thursday, Oc t*ilH r 25. 245, 27. 1921. l’Ut Ml RAM Tuesday Evening, October 25th. 7 :30 —Devotion. Song Service and prayer. Bible Study “Deepening the Prayer Life." T. <> Slaughter. s:ihv Welcome to Wutkinsville —it. M. Nicholson. S;ls_ stewardship Session, conducted liy team of National Workors. Weihnsday Morning, October 20th. it -.45- Devotion. Song Service and Prayer K. C. Willingham. 10:410- Roll Call and Report <)f church es. 10:15- Reports: District Evangelist, Bruce Nay Secretary and Treasurer, E. ,J. Crowley. 11 :.'!( Address of district chairman, 3inl business session S. It. Grubb. Afternoon. Woman’s Missionary Societies anti Ses sions: o :<xt C. \V. B. M.. led Ity Mrs. it. J. Turner. :>::;o \V. S. M . led ly Mrs. B. <*. Miller. Evening. College Session, A. R. Moore, Presiding 7 ;.‘io Devotions. Song Service am! Pray r. liible Study, "The Bible and Education" .lames Barfield. SMKt Program supplied by Christian 4 Yillego. Thursday Moniing, October 27th. Bible School Session Directed by K. It. Quick. <I:I,V Devotional, .1 W. MeLeary. 10 :(M> The Sunday Morning Session Claud Mayne. 10:15 Tim Organized Adult Class Mrs. .1. !•'. Whitehead. 10 ;:io Teaching Missions in the Bible School Mrs. S. It. Grubb. 10:45- The Need of the Small School E. B. Quick. Idling People’s Session, Bruce Nay, Presiding. 11:15 Report of Societies. 11 ; :{4l Address; “Meeting the Needs uf our Young People." It. L. Porter 12 :(M) ltepurt of Convention Commit tees. Afternoon. The New Testament Chureli Program, W. It. McDonald, Presiding. 2:00 The Value of Tracts and Lit erature T. L. Young. 2:15 Our Field Discussion led by Brine Nay. 2:30 Sermon, ‘Evungelisut” Allen Wilson. .•{ :tio Unlitiished Business. Members of District Board. .1 11 Wood, It. F. Miller. \V. B. Mc- Donald, S. L. Autry, L. L. Lultoon, G. .1 Parish. Claud Mayne. E. .1. Crowley, 5 It. Grubb. Officers of the Board. S. It. Grulili. (’liairman ; E. .1. Crow - ley, See. A Treats.;Bruce Nay, Evangel ist. AH delegates expecting to lie enter tained at Wutkinsville are asked to send their names to Judge T. It. Fulli love, chairman of the entertainment committee. OAK GROVE Miss Elizabeth Booth lias returned holm 1 after spending several days in Winder. Mi's Kttdene Jones spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Boy Patrick of near Jefferson. Mrs. Ktlna Unbolts and little sons, riyde and ('oral, of Statlnuu, spent Saturday with Mrs. T. N. Suddeth. Mrs. K. H. Jones anti son, Walter, spent several days recently with -Mrs. lama I’atriek, of near Winder. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Cha|uuan and ehildrett s| a 1 nt Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. t’olentan of Bachelor's Academy. \lr. and Mrs. Paul Kiev of Winder spent Sunday with Mrs. .1. .1. Booth. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jones spent the week-end with the latter's, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wages, of near Bogart. Messrs, t'onnally and Goswiek of Key West. Florida,AtpouUSunday night with Mr. and Mrs. J. Payne. Mr. and Mrs. Krnest Wilbanks of near St at ham spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. I* L. Patrick. Mr. Fate Suddeth of Winder spent last Thunsday night with Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Suddeth. Mr. Grady Jones of near Greensboro is visiting relative* here this week. The many friends of Mrs. T. K. Wil banks are sympathising with her in the sad death of her brother, Mr. Jeff Kay of near Maysville. Shark By No Means Valueless. Prom tl>** hide of n 500-pound shark Is possible to obtain ten square feet leather, and the stomach furnishes raw nintertnl which can be made o leather with the appearance and ’“ure of glared kid according to the t 4 ork Evening I’ost. The liver Hydeld anywhere from 10 to tp oil and the dorsal Bn. when bring about $2.50 among PENTECOST. Miss Lillian Moore was tli • guest of Miss Zora Henry Sunday. Mrs. H. A. Hardigree. Mrs. J. M. Wall and children and Messrs. Charles Hardigree and Hoyle Henry are guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hardigree of Montreal, and will tak • in the South eastern Fair. Mrs. Woodie Wallace anil children of Winder spent Saturday night and Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. It. W. Iluynie. Misses Fanny and Nellie Kilgore spent Saturday night and Sunday with Misses Lillie Belle and Eva Mim-ey. Rev. ami Mrs. J. B. Gresham and children were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Job Haynie Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Hoseh and chil dren were guests of the latter’s parents, Mr. ami Mrs. Barney Henry Sunday. Miss Mattie Lou Hcwel of Bogart spent Sunday with Miss Lucille Miller. NOTICE OF SALE. GEORGIA Barrow county. Cuder and by virtue of a power of salo contained in a certain security deed given by John J. Thomas to Mrs. Ida L. Chamberlin, said deed dated Feb. 21, 1920. and recorded in Clerk's oftiee of the Superior Court of Barrow county, Georgia, in record of deeds, bonk D, folio 7; the undersigned, the said Ida L. Chamberlin, will sell at pub lic outcry before the court house door in said county, on the lirst Tuesday in November, next, between the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, all of the following described property, to-wit: ’• All of a certain tract or parcel of land, with tile improvements thereon, situate , lying and being in the State of Georgia and County of Barrow and in tin* City of Winder and known as a part of th It. S. H. Lanier Place and lying on the South side of North Broad street and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a rock corner on Broad street near house anil run ning thence South 55 1 2 East 12.10 chains to branch: thence with the mean ders of branch 5.90 chains to a poplar; tlienee North 77 West. 2.24 chains; thence South 17 1 2 West 3.00; thence North till West 1.93 chains; thence North ss W. s5 chains: thence North 57 West 3.4(1 chains to iron pin at pasture fence; thence up ditch North 2 West 2.2S chains. North 11 West 3.17 chains to iron rod: thence North 7N West 1.37 chains to iron pin on Broad street; thence along Broad Street South 2S West 3.49 chains to the beginning cor ner, containing 2 acres, more or less. This sale will be made by the said Ida L. Chamberlin for the purpose of satisfying a certain note given by the said John J. Thomas, to the said Ida L. Chamberlin for the sum of Twenty Five Hundred no-100 ($2500.00) Dollars, said note dated February 21. 1920. due five years after date and secured by the aforesaid deed. The said John J. Thomas defaulted on February 21, 1921, and August 21, 1921, in the payment of interest and in accordance with the terms of said note, the said Ida L. Chamberlain lias ma tured said note and offered said prop erty for sale. This property will be sold as the property of the said John J. Thomas, and for the purpose of paying the principal and interest of said note, including all costs of thfs sale, and the balance, if any, will he paid over to the said John J. Thomas. This October sth. 1921. Ida L. Chamberlin. S. A. L. Schedule In Effect May Ist, 1921. South Hound. No. 11 arrives 6:32 a.m No. 17 arrives 8:42 a. in. No. 5 arrives 3:00 p.ui. No. 29 arrives 7:27 p.m. North Hound No. 30 arrives 9:15 a.m No. 6 arrives 2:35 p.m. No. IS arrives 7:00 p.m. No. 12 arrives 11:07 p.m. GAINESVILLE MIDLAND RAILWAY SCHEDULE—Effective July 24, 1921. No. S daily for Gainesville lea. 1:33 pm. No. 14 leaves Winder 8:45 A.M. Dai No. 14 daily except Sunday for Gaines ville, leives 8:45 I’M No. 5 adily except Sunday leaves 11:30 A. M. No. 13 daily except Sunday from Gainesville leaves 3:15 I\ M. Ponder over the following figures: 4S per cent of all deaths under one year of age occur during the first month of life, and that at least 43 per cent of them are due to natal or prenatal causes. It Is believed that congenital syphilis or no syphilis, our respon sibillty to the unborn and the new born child should be encouraged and the responsibility taken up. Every community has its part of this bur den to bear. Tile Itirth of A Nation" At Hie Si rand Theater, Wednesday, November 2nd. BANKRUPTCY Editor Winder News, Dear Sir: 1 want to congratulate you on pub lishing the splendid article on bank ruptcy. 1 believe if people knew the straight and narrow way they have to walk to get through bankruptcy, if contested, there would be less voluntary petitions filed. First, we want to explain to your readers the difference between involun tary and voluntary bankruptcy. In voluntary bankruptcy is where three or more creditors file a petition under oath alleging that an individual or company is insolvent, that his debts are more than his property is worth. The creditors are tlie parties acting and are responsible for the bankruptcy pro ceedings anil are also subject to dam age or prosecution if they allege any thing in the petition that is not true.. Often good people are put in by their creditors. But creditors cannot put fafmers in bankruptcy. They have to go in themselves, which is voluntary bankruptcy, seeking to settle their debts by law. He has to swear to ev ery word of the petition and he has to swear lie has listed in his petition every item of property in* lias, even to his household effects, and to the money in his pockets. If he does not, he is sub ject to prosecution for perjury in the federal courts, and no amount of money will pay him out. In the past, not often has anyone contested or investi gated his petition. Now, if the law requires the bank rupt to return all his effects why not call a meeting of the creditors and di vide Ids property with the folks that furnished Him bread and meat and clothes for his family and tools to make a crop with, and often time the doctor that saved his life or that of some mem ber of His family? Do they think more of the court anil lawyers than they do of the folks that made it possible for them to live and have property. If not, then stay out of bankruptcy and call a meeting of creditors and see if your creditors will not do as much for you as the courts will. The world has al ways looked on the farmers as a class of honorable men believing in treating His fellowmen right, and we still believe that a large majority of them arc tHis way, hut every time one goes into bank ruptcy without first calling a creditors’ meeting lowers the stardard that much. Now. it's time for all good people of all classes to speak out loud expressing their sentiments. Let your light shine in the community in which you live. You can do a great service to your community and the country at large. He want to know each individual feels about this all important subject: we want to know who our friends are and we are going to keep two lists, one of each. Let's all help to save the good name and credit of our citizens. SUBSCRIBER. Pentecost (Too Late for Last Week.) Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hayuie and chil dren, of Carithers Mill, were guests of Mrs. J. M. Hayuie Sunday. Mr. W. T. Priekett is the guest of relatives in t’artersville this week Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Lyle and ehildron .of Tyro spent Saturday night with Mrs. H. A. liardigree and family. Miss Lila Harris of Bogart was the guest of Miss Grace Priekett Wednes day night. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie McDonald nti nonnee the birth of a son on September 20th. Mr. and Mrs. It. W. Hayuie and Miss Marie llaynie spent Sunday with Mrs. J. M. Hayuie. Miss Zoru Henry spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. ltegar Steed. Next Sunday will be the last ap pointment here before conference. Let all the members, especially, be present, and make it a rally day. The pastor would lie very glad of a good ‘attend ants* on this day. Buy a Home in the Mountains White county has the most promising future of any county in the whole Southland. Come and see. It lias nev er bin'll developed. It is adapted for grazing; all kinds of farming and absolutely the best fruit growing county in the United Slates. We have the best High School ut Cleveland in the state. A state highway will soon be built through the county. Write or come and see us. White County Realty Company. CLEVELAND, GA. 4t v - King Had Faith In Women. The famous Emperor Charles V, who was accounted one of the ablest rulers of bis time, had such confi dence In the ability of women to gov ern that he appointed three succes sively ns regents of the Netherlands. THE WINDER NEWS THE UNIVERSAL CAR % DOES MORE FOR LESS That the Ford One-ton truck does more for the far mer or the merchant is proved by the great number of them in daily use —that it does this at less cost is shown by the actual figures—a smaller first cost and a much lower expense for operation and upkeep. The Ford One-ton truck has proved a great money saver, as well as a labor saver. It has solved the prob lems of economic transportation between the farm and the city. The Ford One-ton truck has all the merits of the Ford car, with added strength for greater capacity. The worm drive of aluminum bronze gives unusual and pos itive power at a very low cost. Come in and let us show you how the Ford One-top truck will help you and save you money in your work. IMPORTANT We are prepared to furnish the Ford Truck equipped either with Standard or Special Gearing. The Standard Gearing gives the truck a maximum of Power. The Special Gearing increases the speed of tin* truck from five) to seven, miles an hour, converting it into a Fast Delivery car. KING MOTOR COMPANY C. B. MOTT, Manager Authorized Ford and Fordson Dealers 1625 I. “ I' Detroit The Fordson tractor is built with over-strength in ev ery part to withstand the strains of constant heavy work. It was tested under every possible condition of farm work before it was put on the market. It has been tried out by thousands of farmers in the past three years and has never fallen down on its claim. The Fordson is simple in design, flexible in control and operation. > 4 . Let us demonstrate this tractor on your farm. King Motor Company Subscription Price: $1.50 Per Year.