The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, October 20, 1921, Image 20

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THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1021 THE GREAT TRANSFER SALE Continues Attention! King Cotton Goes Up While the Goods Go Down STRANGE’S are the the people who helped to put Winder and Barrow county on the map. 30 years of fair dealings, fulfilling of all promises and always considering the CUSTOMER first, enables this Big Department store to stand out to itself. New merchandise arrives daily and the prices are marked down instead of UP. WE NEED THE DOLLARS You must have the goods. All to the wheel and the load moves Let's get together. You are not considering your family’s best interest unless you go to STRANGE’S. Come—we want you. *> i J. T. STRANGE COMPANY DEPARTMENT STORE Classified Ads. <iiv* Winder Mobile Company your retiring us they have beeu in the au tomobile business for 15 years and they know. I>et us show you why it eosts less to own and use a Majestic Ha ape than any other range. Visit our store dur ing the week of October 51 to Novem her sth Smith Hardware Cos. A good drain Drill pays for itself many times over. Buy one now from Smith Hardware Cos. Henri your ear to Winder Mobile Cos. for repairs. Get the Genuine OLIVER Plows and repairs from Smith Hardware Cos. It is economy to use n Heater. Let ns install one in your home. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Smith Hardware t o. Winchester Products arc Superior. Hold by Smith Hardware Cos.. The Win chester Store. We save you money on guaranteed automibile casings and tubes. Smith Hardware Cos. The Winder Mobile Company re pairs all makes of automobiles and their prices are reasonable. Lap Rolh s ut greatly reduced prices. Smith Hardware Cos. Don't fail to visit the GREAT MA JESTIC RANGE DEMONSTRATION at Smith Hardware Cos.. Oct. 51. to Nov. sth. Vlr. I*. 1. Gaines invites his friends and customers to Winder Mobile Com pany for repairs on all makes of cars. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Kelly, Miss Jo sephine House and Mr. Walter Stanton motored to Gainesville last Sunday and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lay and family. • • Mr. aud Mrs. Gordon Greene aud baby of Washington. D. C., are guests of the latter's parents, Judge aud Mrs R. B Russell. Mrs. A. A. Camp spent Monday in Athens shopping. * • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Camp attended the foot-hall game in Atlanta last Sat urday. • * Mrs. T. M. Leonard and baby of Ueidsvillie, S. C,, are spending a few days in Winder with home folks. * * Mrs. K. J. Harris and little (laugh ter of Wrightsville, are the guests of Mrs. E. K. Harris this week. • • Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Smith. Otis Wil lie Smith and Mrs. J. It. N. Baugh spent Saturday in Athens. • . 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Smith and son Visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack Murphy at •Tnlnio last Sunday. • • Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Pritchett and lit tle son, of Covington, spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Smith. The only explanation of Tanlac’s great success is Tanlac's true worth. — G. W. DeLaPerriere & Sous. THE WINDER NEWS Dr. and Mrs. Quillian had as their guests Monday night, Mr. aud Mrs. J. T. Quillian of Commerce. • • Dr. aud Mrs. G. W. DeLaPerriere, Mrs. E. E. DeLaPerriere, Mrs. L. E. Herrin and Mrs. S. T. Ross were vis itors iu Athens last Friday. • • Mrs. Khoda Weatherly, Mrs. John Weatherly and Mrs. Singleton of near llowhOon were visitors in the city Tuesday. • • Mis. T. W. Parson and little daugh ter, Doris, left lust week for a three months’ visit to her parents iu wes tern Maryland. • • Mrs. W. O. Horton. Mrs. Paul Rob erts. Mrs. W. N. Bailey, Mrs. G. H. Kilgore left Tuesday by motor for Cai ro. Ga„ to attend the annual state W. C. T. U. convention. • • * Mrs. J. H. L. Thurmond. Mrs. J. C. Daniel and Miss 'Louise Daniel, of Stathani spent Sunday with Mrs. E. E. Bishop on Cobb street. —Athens Daily News. Miss Desma Elder left last week for Decatur, Ala., where she has accepted a place in the public schools. LOST—-Hind gate of wagon between Appleby's Mill and Winder Oil Mill Finder return to Homer Baird at Camp Warehouse and receive suitable re ward.—J. S. Hill. ltpd You will want a bottle of the won derful Tunlac remedy. You can get it from G. W. DeLaPerriere & Sons. There is a good time in store for ev eryone at the school building Friday evening. Be sure to be there. Mayors, bankers, lawyers, prominent government, state and county officials, prominent business and professional men and Ministers of the Gospel have endorsed Tanlac. —G. W. DeLaPerriere & Sons. It may seem fanny to some people, but to the horse editor of the Thoma* Cat tt appears like the folks In Hot Springs that have a license to be stuck ap don't use It—Arkansas Thomas Cat Subscription Price: $1.50 Per Year. Keep the Kidneys Well* Health is Worth Saving and Some Win der People Know How t o Save It, Many Winder people take their lives in their hands by neglecting the kid neys when they know these organs need help. Weak kidneys are responsible for a vast amount of suffering and ill health—the slightest delay is dnager ous. Use Doan's Kidney Pills —a rem edy that has helped thousands of kid ney sufferers. Here is a citizen's rec ommendation. P. P. Jennings, retired merchant, 605 Broad street, says: “I used Doan’s Kid ney Pills some time ago for a bad case of Kidney complaint, the worst troub le being too frequent action of my kid neys. This caused me a whole lot of annoyance. I couldn't find any medi cine to fix lie up until I took Doan's Kidney Pills. Doan’s regulated my kid neys and made me feel a whole lot bet ter.” ' v 60c at all dealers. Foster-Milburn Cos., Mfrs, Buffalo.