The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, October 20, 1921, Image 6

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Y (VTO'IV.P *>o 10°1 Legal Advertisements. of Administration. GEORGIA- Barrow County. To all whom it may concern : H. W. St<>ed of said state, having in proper form, applied for permanent let ters of administration on the estate of Mrs. Cora Steed, late of said county, deceased, this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Mrs. Cora Steed, decas<*d, to h and uppeiil at the Court of Ordinary of said comi ty, at tin*- November term, 1921, and vhow cause, if any they have or can. ivhy permanent letters of adtninidta llou should not tie granted to said 11. *V, Steed on tile said estate. Witness my ottieial signature this Kid day of (let. 1921 t . W. PARKER. tirdinary. Leave fo Sell. GEORGIA Barrow county. To w horn it may concern : Notice is hereliy given that J. 11. Parks, and J. W. Parks, as admlnistra tralors of Mrs. Mary .1. Parks, deeeas ol. having applitsi to me by petition tor leave to sell the real estate of said Mrs. Mary J. Parks, deceased; and that an order was made there on at tilt 1 Octo ber term, 1021, for citation, and that citation issue; all the heirs at law and creditors of the said Mrs. Mary J. Parks, dceeaaed, will take notice that I will pass upon said application at the November term, 1021. of the Court of Ordinary of Barrow county, and that unless cause is shown to the contrary lit said term, said leave will lie grant ed. This the 3rd day of October, 1021. C. W PARKER, Ordinary. Leave to Sell. GEORGIA- Harrow comity. To Whom it may com-i-rn : Notice is hereby given that .1 H. Ad- Hins, as administrator of Mrs. Caroline Adams, deceased, having Middled to me tty petition for leave to sell the real estate of said Mrs. Caroline Adams, de ceased; and that an order was made thereon at the October term, 1921, for citation, and that citation issue; all •the heirs at law and creditors of the said Mrs. Caroline Adams, deceased, will take notice that 1 will pass upon said application at the November term, ID2I, of the Court of Ordinary of Har row county, and that, unless cause is shown to the contrary, at said term, said leave will he granted. This 3rd day of October, 1921. <- W. HARK HR, Ordinary. Administrator's Sale. GEORGIA- Harrow county. Ity virtue of the authority vested In nc under the terms of the will of the late Mrs. Jennie Moulder, deceased, I will sell on the tlrst Tuesday ill Novem ber, before the Court House in said county, between the legal hours of sale, to the highest and best bidder for cash, the following described proper ty ; All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in said state and county, find in the city of Winder, Georgia, be ginning on Athens street, and running North 270 feet to a stake wilier ; th in e \y SO feet to a stake corner thence 11 1-2 W 51 feet to a stake corner, 4hence S 2 E 220 feet to stake corner on Athens street, thence with street S so'.j W 81 feet to the beginning turner, con taining one-half acre, more or less, also adjoining the above, a parcel of 'land commencing (i ft. S of Mrs. 11. * Horton, corner running S 4:! It to rock corner, thence W I! ft: thence N 43 ft. thence K 3 ft to starting corner, con- taining 129 ft more or less. Also,tract us follows, commencing at rock cor ner on side walk on West corner of K. M. Moulder lot. running I*l Mi rt North on said line to rock corner, thence West 10 ft, thence South I*l'g tt to side walk, thence 10 ft east to starting corner containing I*ls sq. teet, more or less. The above described lands compose the lot known as the H. M. Mouldei lot, on Athens street in the t ity ot Winder, Georgia, on lot is a six room frame dwelling in good repair, having recently been covered and painted and otherwise repaired, and is in good con dition. Also at same time and pi aw will be sold a lot of liousehdlorro he sold a lot of household goods, be longing to the estate of Mrs. Jennie Moulder. K. t\ STARK. Administrator of Mrs. Jennie Moulder, estate. Tit is Sept. 29tli, 1921. Leave to Sell. GEORGIA Harrow county. To ail Whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given that W. L Hush and M. .1. Gritleth. as adminis Ira tors of W. 11. Hush, deceased, hav ing applied to me by petition for leave to sell the real estate of said W. 11. Bush, deceased, and that an order was made thereon at the October term, 1921, for citation, and that citation issue; all the heirs at law and creditors of the said IV. H. Bush, deceased, “dll take notice that I will pass upon said appli cation at the November term, 1921, of the Court of Ordinary of Barrow coun ty, and that unless cause is shown to the oontrury, nt said term, said leave will la* granted. This 3rd day of Oct. l!r_’l. c. \\\ PARKER, Ordinary. lit the District Court of the l, S., Northern District of Georgia, as a Court of Bankruptcy. In Ke: "William A. Collins, Bank rupt. In Bankruptcy. The creditors of the debtor above named, a resident of Statluim, Ga., in the county of Harrow, said district, are hereby notified that lie was on Septin- Irer 20tli, lirjl. duly adjudicated hunk nipt and the first meeting of Ids cred itors will he held at the office of Ref ree at Lawrenceville, Gu., Oetohet Mb, 1821. (K. TANARUS.) at which time the said credi tors may attend, prove their claims, ap point a trustee, examine the bankrupt ami transact such other business as may properly come before said meet ing. N. L. HUTCHINS, Referee in Bankruptcy. Lawrenceville, Ga., Sept. 2*. 1021. COMMISSIONERS SALE GEORGIA Barrow county. Pursuant to a decree of the Superior Court of Barrow county, rendered on September .'to. 1821, in the matter of T. C. Flanigan vs. John A. Skelton, Caleb Wood and Mrs. Cassie Wood Hutchins, intervenors, and to the authority there in conveyed, we, the undersigned, a.s ommissioners, duly named and appoint ed by said court, will on the first Tues day in November, 1821, during the legal hours of sail 1 , to the highest bidder for cash, before the court house door of Barrow county, the following real es- fate, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Auburn district of Har row (formerly Gwinnett) county, Geor gia containing one hundred acres, more or less, hounded on the North by lands of k. v. Wood, J. G. Wood and others; on the East by lands of E. V. Wood, John Ethridge, and others; on tin smith by lands of W. W. Harks, and by lands of John Williams; and on the West by lands of J. G. Wood and others, and known as the Holly Skelton old home place whereon she resided at the time of her death, and whereon John Skelton now resides," and being tin same tract as was conveyed to Mrs Mary J. Skelton by Hiram N. Rainey by deed and on which she resided from is".'! to the date of her death in 191s This tract of land is sold for the pur pose of a partition of the net proceeds among the common owners, to-wit: John A. Skelton, T. ('. Flanigan and Haleb Wood and Mrs. Hassle Wood Hutchins and the undersigned commis sioners will cause title to be made to the purchaser. \V. H. QUARTER MAN, G. I). BOSS. JOSEPH 1). QUILLIAN. Commissioners. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. GE<>RGlA—Barrow county. All persons holding notes, accounts or claims of any kind against the es tate of Mrs. Jennie Moulder, deceased, arc- requested to certify to the same and mail to E. C. Stark. Commerce, Ga„ and all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate set tlement. E. H. STARK, Executor, Mrs. Jennie Moulder’s Estate. SALE NOTICE. GEORGIA Harrow county. Ity virtue of the provisions of the will of William Collier, deceased, duly probated in solemn form in Jackson county, before the Court-of Ordinary, on January tith, 191.'!, as appears of re cord on Minute Rook “(' page 239, granting to R. 1., Car it hers and M H>. GriftVth, Executors therein named, the power to sell any or all of bis property, the undersigned as executors of the will of the said William Collier, will offer for salt- before the court house door of Harrow county, at public outcry to the highest bidder, in the City of Winder, between the legal hours of sale, on the tiri-t Tuesday in November. 1921, as the property of the deceased, the follow ing decrlbed property of the said de scribed lands, tow it: All that tract or parcel of land gen erally known as the old home place of the said William Collier, deoeaw-d. and occupied by him at tin- time of his death ami later occupied and controll ed by Miss Rhoebe MeLocklin. return ed in the Inventory and appraisement by said estate at 2<H> acres, more or less, but later surveyed by W. T. Ap pleby and containing in the aggregate 17.'! Tt acres, described by a boundary ommonctng at an iron pen on road near Casper line; thence along said road S. 42 1-4 E. 89.50 cits, to a rock on said oad : tlienee with Terrell lands S. 19 1-2 \V 20 chs to rock:- thence with Vickers land N. 11 1-2 W. 8 chs. to rock: thence S. :ts 3-4 W. ,8.44 chs. to rock: thence with Vincent lands X. 40 W. ;!7 It! ekr to rock; thence S. 44 W. 14.10 chs to rock : tlicnce N. (!1 W. 5.33 chs. to rock ; thence S. 58 W. 4.37 chs. to rock; . thence S. 39 1-2 W. 8.27 chs. to a rock: 1 thence S. 80 W. 80 leugbts to rock; I thence with the Kellurn lands N. 39 3-4 W. 17.27 chs. to rock; thence N. 48 1-4 E. 43.20 chs. to iron pen; thence S. 39 3-4 K. 9.36 chs. to iron pen ; thence X. 4s E. 16.94 chs. to the beginning corner. . Said lands lias been sub-divided into five smaller parcels and will he sold by the said five smaller parcels, de scribed as follows: Tract No. 1. Commencing at a rock on the Smith line with the corner of tract No. 2; thence S. 42 E. 31.04 chs. to a rock; thence S. 38 3-4 W. 10.03 clis. to rock; tlienee X. 40 W. 28.34 clis. to rock; thence N. 10 E. 9.30 chs. to a rock: thence X ,4s E. 7.94 chs. to a rock at Beginning corner, containing 49.30 acres more or less. Tract No. 2. Commencing at an iron pen or post oak on the road with Casper lands; thence S. 42 1-4 E. 29.50 chs. to a rock : thence S. 38 3-4 W. 9.20 chs. to a rock : thence N. 42 W. 31.04 chs. to a rock at the corner of tract No. 1; thence X. 48 E. it chs to the beginning corner, containing 27.34 acres, more or less. Tract No. 3. Commencing at a rock on road with the Daniel lands at corner of tract No. 2; thence S. 42 1-4 E. 10 chs to a rock; on road with Terrell lands; thence S. 19 1-2 W. 20 chs. to a rock; thence with Vickers lands N. 41 1-2 W. 8 chs. to rock: thence S. 38 3-4 IV. 8.44 chs. to rock : thence N. 40 W. 8.82 chs to rock; thence with line of tract Nos. 1 and 2 X. 2,8 3-4 E. 23.83 chs. to rock ou road at the beginning corner, containing 30.63 acres, more or less. Tract No. 4. Commencing at a rock marking X. \V. corner of Tract No. 1 with lands of Vincent; thence N. 44 \V. 14.10 chs. to ock at bridge; thence X. 46 3-4 W. 16.40 chs. to rock; thence X. 48 1-4 E. 23.04 to an iron pen; tlience S. 39 3-4 K. 9.36 chs. to the rock at the beginning corner, containing 32.90 acres, more or lss. Tract No. 5. Commencing at a rock at bridge at the corner of tract No. 4 with lands of Vincent: thence S. til IV. 5.33 clis. to rock ; thence S. 38 W. 4.37 chs to rock; thence S. 39 1-2 W. 8.27 chs. to a rock; thence S. 60 W. 90 lengths to a rock in the road; thence X. 59 3-4 W. with Hel ium lands 17.27 chs. to rock; thence X. 4S 1-4 E. 22.22 clis. to rock at corner of tract No. 4; thence S. 46 3-4 E. 16.40 chs. to rock at bridge at beginning cor ner, containing 33.12 acres, more or less. Terms of sale: One-third cash on day of sale and remainder on January lst, 1922. Possession of lands to be had on January Ist, 1922. This the sth day of October 1821. It. L. OARITHERS, M. B. GRIFFETH, Executors of Will of William Collier, Deceased. G. A. JOHNS, .1. C. PRATT, Attorneys for Executors. SHERIFF’S SALE. GEOK(! 1 A—Barrow county) Will be sold on Saturday, October 22, 1921, before the court, house door of Barrow county, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, tin* follow ing property, to-wit: One Studebaker (> Touring Automo bile, No. 8F205K, Georgia License No 10.1853, seized in the possession of Tom Corn and Claud Hughes, while trans porting whiskey on the public- roads in Harrow county, and the said automobile is sold by virtue of a judgment of con demnation as is provided by law ren dered by tlie Honorable Blanton Fort soil. Judge of Superior Court of Bar row county, at the September term, 1921. of Harrow Superior Court. This the 12th day of October. 1921 H. O. 'AMR. Sheriff. 2t Harrow County. NOTICE. <;K< UG IA Harrow county. All creditors of the estate of Mack Moore, colored, will render in their de mands to the undersigned, duly proven according to law, and all parties owing and Indebted to the said Mack Moore ill at once make payment to the under signed. 11. G. HILL. Administrator of the Estate of Mack Moore. 6t ATTENTION! CONFEDERATE VETERANS On account of the Annual Reunion t'nited tjonfeddniho Veterans. Chat tanooga. Tenn.. October 24-27, 1021. the SEABOARD will offer special round trip fares to those presenting identifi cation certificates. See proper officer for these certificates. Call on nearest Seaboard Ticket agent for tickets and reservations, or address FRED GEISSLER, Asst. Gen’l. Pass. Agent, S. A. L. Ry., Atlanta, Ga. 2t-2G See “The Rivers End” at The Strand Theater Monday and Tuesday, 24 & 20. THE WINDER NEWS UNION LOCALS . Mr. and Mrs. Alliert Page and Miss Geneva Hewitt and Ouida Hill, of Win der sjM'iit Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. \V. L. Page. Misses Belle and Seyelle Chapman spent Sunday afternoon with Miss How ena Duncan. • Mr. and Mrs. Mark Segars and chil dren of Winder were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. \V. X. Strange Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Etl Ilealan and daugh ter. Lorenn, spent Saturday night and Sunday with the former’s purents, Mr. and Mrs. W V. Ilealan. Miss Pauline Daniel from South Ga. arrived here last week to take her school at tliis place. We are always glad to welcome anyone in our commu nity and hope she will lie pleased with her school. The party at Miss Lavada Stewart's Saturday night was enjoyed by those present. After s|ieiidiiig last week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Foster and children, Vivian and Leslie, have returned to their home in Atlanta. Union's own singing choir which was organized and met here lust Fourth Sunday afternoon is a success and will meet next Sunday again. Everybody has an invitation to come and be with us. The birthday dinner at Mr. and Mrs. Hosea Smith's Monday was enjoyed by a large crowd. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Doster, and son, Frank. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Doster and children Raymond, Willa Nell and Julia Dell, and Miss Lavada Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. Hosea Smith and children, Ida 'and lUi.v. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Walls and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wells. The singing at Mr. and Mrs. W. X. Strange's Sunday night was enjoyed by those present. I To Gain a Good Reputation. The way to gain a good reputation is to endeavor to tie what you appear.” That is precisely the manner in which Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has gain ed its reputation as a cure for coughs, colds, croups and whooping cough. Ev ery bottle that lias ever been put out by the manufacturers lias been fully up o the high standard of excellence claim ed for it. People have found that it can be depended upon for the relief and cure of these ailments and that it is pleasant and safe to take. FARM FOR SALK. 32Vs Acres of fine farm land; 24 acres in cultivation, balance in fine tim ber, good four room house and good out buildings; fine pasture and good well of water. Four miles east of Win der. In one-half mile of church, and one mile of good school.—Mrs. W. V. Segars, Winder, Ga. 3t25-pd See “The Rivers End” at The Strand Theater Monday and Tuesday, 24 & 25. Prince Alberts anew note in the joys of rolling ’em! Talking about rolling your own cigarettes, we’ll tell you right here that Prince Albert tobacco has ’em all lashed to the mast! You’ve got a handful-of happiness coming your di rection when you pal it with P. A. and the makin’s papers! For Prince Albert is not only delightful to your taste and pleasing in itsrefreshingaroma,but our exclusive patented process frees it from bite and parch! prince Albert the national joy smoke WHEN YOU THINK OF INSURANCE THINK OF NORTH GEORGIA TRUST & BANKING CO. LIFE : FIRE : HAIL : LIGHTNING : CY CLONE : PARCEL POST : ACCIDENT HEALTH : AUTOMOBILE : (Full Cover age) : LIABILITY : COMPENSATION. : Phone 82 S. F. MAUGHON, Manager. Winder, Ga. Government Goods We have the following Government goods at the store of J. C. Ray & Cos., on Athens St. ' Note the prices: Overcoats $6.00 Woolen Coats . ... . k . 1.00 Woolen Pants 1.25 Cotton Coats ....... ...... ....... . .35 Cotton Pants .75 Cotton Blankets, pair 1.25 Woolen Blankets, pair 4.00 Woolen Sweaters 2.00 Laundry Bag 35 Hats 95 Caps 65 Woolen Shirts 1.25 Canteens 35 Hurry up before they are all gone. Cochran Brothers At J. C. RAY & CO. STORE. And, for a fact, rolling up Prince Albert is mighty easy! P. A. is crimp cut and stays put and you whisk it into shape before you can count three! And, the next instant you’re puffing away to beat the band! Prince Albert is so good that it has led four men to smoke jimmy pipes where one was smoked before! It’s the greatest old buddy smoke that ever found its way into a pipe or cigarette! Subscription Price: $1.50 Per Year. Prince Albert is sold in toppy red bags, tidy red tins , hand some pound and half pound tin humidors and in the pound crystal glass humidor with sponge moistener to P • , A I IOMMVMNI wVaNB I ‘CIGARETTE TpBAKO J ■ Copyright 1921 by R. J- Reynolds Tobacco Cos. Winston-Salem, li. c.