The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, October 20, 1921, Image 9

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THE STRAND THEATER PROGRAM THURSDAY, Oct. 20— Bryant Wash burn, in “The Six Best Cellars.” FRIDAY, Oet. 21—Constance Binny, in “The Magic Cup.” SATURDAY. Oct. 22—Roy Stewart, in Comedy, and a serial. VOL. XXVIII. D. W. GRIFFETH’S WONDER SPECTACLE “THE BIRTH OF A NATION” COMING NOV. 2 Thousands of the Ku Klux Klan Are Seen in Re galia, the Raw Head and Bloody Bones Insig ma Across Their Breasts, Ridding the South of a Menace that Caused More Suffering than The War Itself. RENT ' D. W. Griffeth’s “The Birth of a Na tion," is to he seen here for a special presentation at The Strand Theater for one day only, matinee and night, on Wednesday, November 2, direct from its engagement in Atlanta. it will be presented upon the same elaborate scale which has marked its recent presentations in New York and other important cities where the great public demand for it induced Mr. Grif fetli to send several companies on tour No American film spectacle lias en joyed the vogue or the fa me of “The Birth of a Nation" and it stands alone as an achievement of I lie American screen. The story which moves through the most s.irrinj' periods of our history lends itself to that form of sweeping dr.' c.i Griffeth has employed in recent ye’avs to astonish the world. Certainly no screen spectacle of contemporary times 1 as for its lay > 1 aracters such wonderful figures in our native history as adr ihe protagonists in this elabor ation ot the Thomas Dixon novels deal ing with the ev. i rs ,liar lead up to the Civil War, the great battles of that con flict and the thrilling days of the re construction period when ‘lie Soutli had to be reclaimed from a horde of ad venturers who lauded there with the hack wash of war anil caused more suffering tlian the war itself with ils hitter disappointments and terrible sac rifices. Running through it it are sev eral love stories and touches of ro mance which materially heightens the action: In these days* of costly production it would he impossible to reproduce "The Birth of a Nation" with its remarkable east and itfs- great scenes. The public therefore is b liefitted by the shift of times and given an opportunity to sec Griffeth at ids best in a master work which would swamp a National Re serve Bank to product' in these days. Among tiic screen favorites and stars who have prominent parts in lids story arc: Henry B. Walthal. Mac Marsh, l.illiagr Gish. Miriam Cooper, Mary Al den, Josephine < mowed. Spotiswoode Aiken. Ralph Lewis, Joseph Ilenaherry, Raoul Walsh. Donald Crisp. Howard Gave, George Seigmali. Walter Long ami Klmer Clifton. Much is being said through certain class of newspapers regarding the Ku Klux Klan. In the Birth of a Nation wi]l lie shown the part the Ku Kluxs played in ridding the South of a condi tion Which caused even more suffering than the war itself. The mysterious hooded klansmen. with no meeting place anil the ability to appear upon the scenes from nowhere, composed of the taw abiding, home-loving citizens of t! • greetest country on earth, the soutli. r st ,red peace ami happiness and saved the Soutli from the carpet-bagger rule. Seats for either performance may lie purchased ill advance. Admission 25c and 50c. NOTICE TO CITY TAX PAYERS. Notice to all tax payers of the city of Wind r: The tax books are open, am/ I especially reijuest that all of us pay our taxes as promptly as possible. If you can't pay ad. do the best you ean, and by su doing you will help our city to meet lier obligations. It is very embarrassing for your school teachers not to get their salaries, which can’t be done unless each of you do his or her part in relieving the situation 1. as v-our mayor, am making this personal appeal, believing you will respond promptly to this appeal. GEO. N. BAGWELL, Mayor. One Third Fund Is Raised In 24 Hours. One-third of the Million Dollar War Memorial Fund raised in 24 hours is a record that shows the spirit of the men of Old Georgia,” who have set out to raise the fund for the University at Athens by Armistice Day, November nth. On Tuesday. October 11th, University men sat down to a banquet in many cities of Georgia and other states, and the results of pledges made then to gether, with a gift of $50,000. This r, markable showing has given the cam paign such an impetus that it Ascer tain tlint the entire amount will be subscribed in the month allotted. AND THE BARROW TIMES CROW’S ACADEMY Mr. and Mrs. Joe Luke had as their guests Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Luke and Mr. and Mrs. Walker and Mrs. Will l’atton. Mr. and Mrs. A. C’asey had as their guests Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Huff and Mrs. Georgia Ann Lee. The singing given by Miss Belle Por ter Sunday night was enjoyed by all who attended. A crowd from here attended the sing ing at Providence Sunday. m Miss Myrtice .Whitehead called on Miss Nellie Casey Saturday. Misses Myrtice and Ree Whitehead had as their guests Sunday Mr. Worth Roberts and Miss /ora Lancaster. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Casey had as their guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Christian and Mrs. Mattie Casey. Miss Nellie Casey had as her guest Sunday Miss Molli;* Edwards. Misses Florence aud Lena Edwards and Master Troy Mclntyre'’ called on Miss Geneva Michael and Master John nie Michael Sunday. Miss Mattie Michael lmd as her guest Sunday Misses Myrtice and Ree White head. Get rid of that nervous, fretful fi‘cl ing. Brace up. Take Tanlac and you will look everyody in the face with a smile. Sold y G. W. DeLaPerriere & Sons, Winder, Ga. MICHAEL’S Athens, Ga. Make Michael’s Your Athens Home When planning our new store we constant ly impressed upon our architects the fact that the new MICHAEL’S must be HOMEY So, we have provided a resting space for you and rooms for “freshening up” after your trip to Athens. We want you to take ad vantage of these services, whether or not you desire to make purchases makes no differ ence. Using our convenience does not obli gate you to buy. Just come in and Make Yourself At Home f Use our rest rooms. Check your parcels. We will be GLAD TO SEE YOU. MICHAEL’S The Store Good Goods Made Popular.” Winder, Barrow County, Georgia, Thursday, October 20. 1921. BAPTIST LAYMEN'S CLUB ORGANIZED. Tlie Baptist Laymen's Club was or ganized at the home of John M. Wil liams, senior deacon of the First Bap tist church Monday night, October 10. A large number of meu were present and plans were made to perfect the or ganization in the church parlors on Friday evening at seven-thirty o’clock, October 21st Every Baptist man in this community is urged to be present and help in this work that is to mean so much 1o our church life. The fol lowing officers were elected: J. Rov Jackson, President. .1. I>. Watson, vice president. S. F. Maughou, secretary. J. E. Callahan, church treasurer, will act in tlie same capacity for this organ ization. A great social hour is anticipated next Friday when the Junior B. Y. 1. will serve refreshments. Baptist men. come and help in this work. BAPTIST LAYMEN’S CLUB TO MEET Tlie Baptist Laymen’s Club which was recently organized will hold its first meeting, which will lie a social meeting next Friday evening in the parlors of tin* First Baptist church al seven-thirty o'clock A special invita tion is extended every Baptist mail ill town to attend Refreshments will he served on this occasion by tlie members of the Junior B. Y. P. U. Tlie social feature will lie stressed in the main hut someone will he call ed upon to give the purpose anil aim of the new organization. You are invited. Pigs and Shoals For Sale. We will have for sale next Saturday, October 22. a load of tine pigs and shouts. Come and get your pig early. HOUSE & FLANIGAN. Winder, Ga. The Birth ®f A Nation” At The Strand Theater, Wednesday, November 2nd. BETTER MARKETS FOR FARM PRODUCE The Atlanta Journal and The Coun try Bankers’ Association of Georgia - have started a campaign f#r better | market facilities for agricultural pro ducts of Georgia, and it is hoped that every section of the state will co-op erate with them in this great work. For perhaps a hundred years or more, cotton lias been grown in Georgia and lias been the chief, if not the only, mon ey crop of the state. During that time a very complete system of ginning, pre jiaritig and marketing cotton has come into being, so that a ready cash mar ket for cotton exists in practically ev ery town and village in Georgia, thru out the year. This is not true of all other crop save cotton. There must now lie a change in our 'agricultural plans. There must be pro-1 vided a stable and certain market for | everything that can be grown in Geor-1 gia. This matter of markets is not a 1 farmer's problem ; it is a business man’s problem. To a very large extent when tiic fanner has grown the crop, jmt it in condition to market aml brought it to town, his part of the task is done— i tin* distribution and handling of the crop after it is produced is up to the business man. Agriculture is the foundation of all | business prosperity, uiiil the disorgani zation of business in Georgia to-day, due to the lack of adequate markets, is a very serious one for every business mail. The farmers and business men of Harrow county will be interested in tliis work and the best efforts of our; peoiile will be given in co-operation. | x —T Tanlac. the remarkable remedy that everybody is talking about, is sold by G. W. DeLal-erriere & Sons. i Strand on ® ! . )ay Wed. Nov. 2 Theatre-Winder n y Matinee 3P. M. Night, 7:45 i {jra, RR -S’. R B B B W B ■■ ■ ■ 1 m RB RHR| R s? mm Wm iBH mm . w p HI rB B W * .• ■ r R 1’.,;’.. R I R w r— a ■ I MM W m LX \i v J I I ■ ■ ■ , lB i I I I I k A M A"”'""'B m k fl l B B Wk D. W. GRIFFETH’S AMERICAN INSTITUTION 18,000 PEOPLE —3,000 HORSES THE GREATEST SPECTACLE EVER SEEN “The Supreme Picture of all time.”-N. Y. Mail. DR. JOHN <i. Itl.AUk AT FIRST BAITIST. Dr. John G. Black, a graduate of Stetson University, Florida, and of tlie Rochester Theological Seminary, New York, will preach at the First Baptist church Sunday at 11 :,’!0. Sunday school at 10:15. Junior and Senior B. Y. I\ U. at 0 :,’!0. Preaching at night by the pastor. Special music lias been arranged for both the morning and evening services. MINISTERS’ CONFERENCE Tin* next session of the Apalachee Ministers and Workers Conference will lie held at Bethlehem on the first Wednesday in November. The executive committee of the As sociation will meet then and the wom an's executive committee, perhaps. There will be a sermon at eleven A. M., and a number of interesting topics will be discussed. It has been decided best not to try to load a car of provisions for tlie or phans at Happy Hie, but the committee in each of the three counties will make separate shipments over different rail roads to their own convenience. W. S. WALKER. The Birth ef A Nation” At The Strand Theilcr, Wednesday, November 2nd. FARMERS SOW GRAIN \Vo arc State Agents for Duplex Basie Phosphate, which runs from 1s to 24 per cent. It is manufactured liy the Tennessee Goal Iron & R. R. Cos.. Birmingham, Ala., mill is scientifically prepared, especially for all kinds of Grain and Hay Crops. It is shipppd in 100 pound Cot -1011 Sucks or Bulk. Write us for Booklets and quotations. We want an Agent in every county. Truitt Coal Iron & R. R. Cos. Plume Ivy 753 Atlanta, Ga. THE STRAND THEATER PROGRAM , MONDAY’, Oct. 24—Alice Brady lirM ‘Out of Course." j TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, Oct. 25 and 20.—“ THE RIVERS' END.” by James Oliver Curwood. OCONEE COUNTY SINGING. The Oconee county singing choir meet with Bethalmra church in Ocooeft county next Sunday afternoon, OcC. 23rd. All Barrow county singers am cordially invited to he with us. YVe want to have one of our best singings. Everybody come. Z. I). LANCASTER, President Providence News Miss Odell Hunter was the weck-eirjl guest of Miss Annie Hunter. Misses Nellie and Belle Haynie wera the guests Saturday night, of ttieii* grandmother, Mrs. Salhe Potter. Miss Gertrude Skelton was the week* end guest of Miss Cordelia Cofer. Miss Gladys Mobley of Statham was the guest Saturday night of her sister, Mrs. Jessie Wages. The party given by Mr. and Mrs. (J. W. Butler Saturday night was Ingle- Iv enjoyed by those present. Misses Marie and Rosa Lee Boyd were the guests of Misses Sara and Annie* Tlunter. 1 Master Bill Hunter spent Saturday night with Master Dupree Wages. The Birth of A Nation” At The Strand Theater, Wednesday, November 2nd. No. 27|