The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, November 10, 1921, Image 10

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THttßT>*T, NOVEMBER 10, 1021. PROFESSIONAL CARDS RICHARD H. BUSSELL, JB. Attorneye-At-Law WINDER, GA. Office in Carithers Building. Practice in All the Courts G. D. ROSS JULIAN E. BOSS BOSS & BOSS Attorneys-At-Law Winder, Ga. Office Over City Pharmacy Practice in all the Courts. — COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY JOSEPH I>. QUILLIAN Attorne.v-ut-Law Office Over DcLaPerriere”* Drug store Winder, Georgia. G. A. JOHNS Attorney at Law Winder, Ga. Office Over Carithers Bank. ( Practice In All Courts. W. H. QUARTERMAN Attorney at Law Prcatice In All Courts Commercial Law a Specialty T. ELTON DRAKE Attorney-At-Law Office in Old Court House Building Winder, Georgia W. L. DeLaPERRIERE Dental Surgery Fillings, Bridge and Plate Work Done in Most Scientific and Satisfactory Way. DR. C. 8. WILLIAMS DENTIST Offices in the Winder National Bank Building. Rooms SIR-814 Residence Phone 2S4 —- Office Phone 81 WINDER, GA. DR. It. P. ADAMS General Practice Bethlehem, Georgia. Phones: Office 24. Residence 6 l)r. L. C. Allen I)r. Myron B. Allen IR. L. C. ALLEN & SON Iloschton, Georgia Office Hours: Sundays, ft :00 A. M. to 11:00 A. M. Wednesdays, 8:00 A. M. to 12:00 M. Saturdays, all day until .'5:00 IV M. All other times when not attending calls Great Moments in a Great Picture ,> . i Julio meets Marguerite Thus began what will go down through the ages as one of the greatest romances ever dreamed. From the first theirs was a hopeless love; its clear, white flame had always to be kept hidden from the world. You will thrill to the story of Marguerite and Julio when you see * i v ~ Metro’s Rex Ingram Production THE FOUR HORSEMEN Of the Apocalypse Adapted by June Mathis from Blasco Ibanez’s IV cm el DR. CHARLES HAYES Athens, Ga. Specialty: Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 511 Holman Building office Hours: 9t012 A. M. Itos P. M. It. HENRY BARNES, I). C. (Doctor Chiropractic) CHIROPRACTIC is the adjustment of the spine to re move the cause of disease. SPINAL ANALYSIS FREE Hours: 9 to 12 A. M. 2 to 5 I*. M. Saturday ft to 12 :30 A. M. Office New Bush Building. DR. R. A. VERDIER PRACTICE LIMITED Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat Glasses Fitted PHONE B.TA —510 Sou. Mutual Bldg. Athens, Ga. St B. E. PATRICK Jeweler Room 409, 4tli Floor Winder National Bank Bldg. Winder, Ga. 8. M. ST. JOHN Jeweler Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Cut Glass and Silverware. Repair Work Done Promptly Broad Street Winder, Ga. W. M. THOMA S Cleaning—Pressing—Altering Phone 4ft—Jackson Street Winder, Georgia "Tweedledum and Tweedtedee.” We understand that the expression “tweedledum and tweedtedee” Is used to designate two things between whlcti there is the smallest possible difference, and Is applicable to dis putes over trities It >s also applied to nonsensical discussions such as the old logicians Indulged In, e. g.. when a farmer takes a pig to market, Is the pig going with the farmer or the farmer going with the pig?—The Wire Message. Tobacco Seeds Small. Tobacco seeds are so minute that a thimbleful will furnish enough plants tor an acre of ground. WASH YOUR HANDS; SANITATE YOUR HOME Avery large per* entage of the sick ness of the human race is due to the; eating or drinking of human excre-1 ment. This is not very pleasant to 1 think of and less elegant to write' about, yet it is necessary sometimes j for us to know unpleasant and distate ful things. When one takes typhoid! fever he has partaken of human! faeces; when we have dysentery we are obliged to have taken into our mouths the germs that are thrown off from one who has the disease in the] movement of the bowels. This is alsb true of other diseases. There are many ways in which these germs are transmitted from the host, the diseased person, to the well per son. If all human excrement could be immediately handled in a sanitary way these diseases would become an cient history. One thing that everyone could do to lessen the incidence of these dis eases would be the constructing of sanitary closets. They are inexpen sive and almost anyone could have a safe privy. For the amount of the investment we do not know of a great er return; It is the very best, cheapest life insurance policy that you can take out. The State Board of Health, Atlanta, issues bulletins giving you instructions how to construct sanitary closets for rural homes and schools, and send when requested working plans, so that anyone can build such a closet. It is your duty to yourself and family, let alone to your neighbor, to build an approved closet. Write for these plans and bulletins and get busy. THE MOUTH IS THE SOURCE OF INFECTION Most contagious diseases find their way through the mouth. Disease germs cannot thrive or sur vive unless bad conditions exist. Defective teeth causes much of the sickness among children and adults. By careful attention to the cleans ing of the mouth and sterilization of the food, the alimentary tract may be rendered comparatively sterile. From a hygienic standpoint the se cretions of the mouth constitute one of the chief resources of respiratory infection. The mouth is one of the greatest sources of infection that we have to deal with in preventive medicine to day. In the words of Dr. William Osier: ‘‘Oral Hygiene—the Hygiene of the mouth. There is not one single thing more important to the public in the whole range of Hygiene than that.” HERE IT COMES! METRO’S MILLION-DOLLAR PHOTO MASTERPIECE The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse The Worlds Foremost Picture VARIOUS DRAMATIC CRITICS in various big cities of the United States-have made various comments about the picture-in various terms, it is true-but to the same effect: that by all odds greatest achievement of the screen so far is For Example: The New York Times said: The Boston Traveller said: Tire Chicago Tribune said: „ To ftud a p]av that ; s equally ep ‘lt is a great picture." „ Go and “The Four Horsemen ochal in its implications one must go The Pittsburg Press said <>f (h( , Apoca iy P se’ . . . It is worth back to the Elizabethans—for example -It . . . has resulted in a film mas- youf time alld money.” to Shakespeare’s ‘.Vnthony.’ terpiece.” Miss Paula Beerman Eminent Concert Soprano Accompanist Will Sing Twice Daily 235%: & siasM-i&wsfi v. AT THE STRAND 2 DAYS, NOV. 21-22. MONDAY AND TUESDAY. THE WINDER NEWS We Beg to Announce That We Have For Our Fair For Week of Nov. 14 19 Polack Bros. & Cloth’s GREATER SHOWS (COMBINED) Captain Codding - s VViid West Shows, with Cow boys ana cowgirls Wooiey s circus Side Show and Menagerie. Dixie Minstrels witn Georgia Minstrel Jazz Band. Grace Gleen s Hippodrome and Dog and Bony Show. Margie—the Wonder Girl. Elsie—A Wonderdful Attraction. The Hawaiian Village, featuring Stella Lambert and her troupe of Singing and Dancing Dolls. Johnson's Jungleiand Show-strange Animals from the Far East. Museum of Strange Curiosities. Jtsig Ben-tne sensation of all leading fairs, ihe lar gest bieer ever placed on exhibition; weighs 3,5UU lbs. stands a feet mgn, born and raised in Georgia. Fure Holstein stock. Crazy House-Amusements for old and young- Up Hign Billy Kiem-the sensational hign-diver. Dainty Miss Labely in her sensation Aerial Peiform- Free Band Concert daily by Prof. P. DeLauientis and his Concert Band; Also Anderson s Ragtime Min strels The Shows will arrive Monday morning, Novem ber 14th, on their special train. Will open for perfor mance Monday night, November 14th. Band Concert on Court House Square at noon Mon day. Walton County Fair Astociation MONROE, GEORGIA Subscription Price: $1.50 Per Year.