The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, November 10, 1921, Image 11

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THT7BBDAY, NOVEMBER M), 1921. V. S. ACADEMY Rev. J. R. Burel, of Auburn, pastor of the Sharon church, attended the Bible class Sunday night. Mr. Charlie Cruee and family and Mr. Ernest Parks visited relatives at Walnut Sunday afternoon. Miss Marietta Duncan of Auburn, who<N attending the A. & M. school at Monroe, spent Saturday night with Miss Pauline. Miss Lois Davis spent Sunday With Miss Alma Deaton. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hayes spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cassie Lan caster. Miss Bertha Cruce spent Sunday af ternoon with Miss Ermine Simpson. Mtsses Dell and Fannie Sims, of Ooufcty Line, spent Sunday with Misses Eva and Laura Lancaster. The box supper at Sharon church Saturday night was fine and every body enjoyed the supper. Mr. Hoyt Cruce spent Sunday after noon with Mr. Hubert Little. Keep Extra Supply. A reserve supply of little things nec essary around the house will save many an annoying moment. With this t}Ct In mind, don’t buy Just one paper of pins, a package of hairpins a hair net, five stamps, a small supply of let ter j paper. Lay in a regular stock of these things and of all such little ar ticles, the lark of which causes so orach lost time Salmon Worth Taking. The biggest salmon ever taken In tho fresh waters of New Hampshire re cently was caught In Lake Sunapee. Its weight was 27 pounds. The larg est previous salmon caught In Sunape# weighed about 15 pounds Ufa an Buick Six Touring Car Wil or *IOOO Cash How Many Objects in This Picture Begin With the Letter “C” The above picture contains a number of objects beginning with the letter “C.” Just take a good look at the picture—there are all sorts of things that begin with the letter “C”—like cow, calf, H cap, etc. Nothing is hidden; you don’t have to turn the picture upside down. Make a list of all the 0 objects in the picture, the names of which begin with the letter “C.” Have the whole family join H in—see who can find the most. Don’t miss any. Fifteen cash prizes will be awarded for the fifteen I best lists of words submitted. The answer havin g the largest and nearest correct list of visible fa objects shown in this picture starting with the letter “C” will be awarded first prize; second b#st, B second prize, etc. L Young and Old, Join in The Fun IP P §fj I IK !§ The Atlanta Constitution/announces today a f A <0 game in which all can Participate—from the I Winning answers will receive nrizes no fnllnws* 9 tiniest child to grandfather and great-grandma. L " K luiswers.wiu receives prizes as follows. No object is so small but that the poorest eye- Prlmglvinlf PHrss givon if I Prizsj if I varl, ■ sight can see it. It is a test of skill. Your fXI KO subsolutlut *"°-•“ l, “or 2—6 o>. b- 9 ability to find "C-Words” determines the prize S an sent tioll " ,ent _ nptlom_are •*•' 9 ltight after supper this evening, f| cf ■ gather all the members of your family together; ISt * r “®* • JJWO.OU , ■\S|S3O.OU Sjl,Out*.4lol 9 give each of them a pencil and a sheet of paper 2nd 44 *.. 35,00) *350.00 I 1^,000.00 —and see who can find the most "C-Words." 3rd - 44 .. 35.00/ 350.00 V LOOO.OQi 1 You 11 be surprised to find how large a list of ( O' ■( i words you can get after a few minutes’ study. ' 4th ** r .. '20.00 1150.00 300.00 Sit down NOW and try it—theft, send in your fN -,*}, i I mnnn <>o ( , mi list and try for the big prizes. „ . . lo.UO 100.00 200.00 rs Oth 44 .. 10.00, \75.00 150.00 vt v * - _ 7th 14 *. 7.50 40.00 30.00 You Can Win SI,OOO £s2“\ t: 5:55 25:55 55:52 lOth “ . . 2.00 15.00 30.00 OR BUICK SIX TOURING CAR . | ■>£ “;; |;™ ; {• “; ’die “C-Word” Picture Puzzle Game is a campaign to 13th 4 * * • 2.00, 15.00 1 ;30.00 increase the popularity of The Atlanta Constitution. It /\ 14 th “ .. 2.00 15.00 130.00 costs nothing to take part, and you do not have to send I V ~-, * ~ o ,w, lz nn in a single subscription to win a prize. V 15th * . 2.00) 15.00 30.00 '< f“f lt of ”C-Words” la awarded FIDRT, SECOND or Vw* 1 ’ ■ i-nfit-A. n *i,f.TTa;in, for THIRD prize by the iudros von win win iik* hut if vm* 1 Alii OjPUIjILJ'j r 111-K AS u. SP6CUU priM 10” would like to y win more than *35 we the lhe ,jesl etfort shown ill the game, we will allow following special offer whereby you can win bigger oaah tile participant having the best list of •C-WordS,’ prizes by sending in ONE or TWO subscriptions to The of the first three prize winners (jf fully qualified), Atlanta Constitution. the choice of 41.009 cash or a Hew 1922 BUICK TTKRR'R HOW- tf tk „„ „ ... , bIX TOURING CAR. value *1.715 f.o.b. Atlanta. Puzzle Wins Klß.ST T °SE<?vSTi* r <>r # o*Hini ; W< i rd r '“' ,,lr * <’■ bis eur la now on display at the John Smith l-uziie wins nasi, BXXAJSfD or THIKD prize and you *■..r *l\ago v C.arSl... ■* Atlanta hare sent in ONE slzmonth subscription to The Atlanta Snfeo ttm.uis. mss. IBn tv. l raiAtree r„ Atlanta. u. Constitution st *B.OO, you will recelrs *3il inslesd of *35; amsns—• fourth prize, *160: fifth prize, *IOO, eta (See second c\WCr-ntIP x*f ICCP rzi vi Pc column of figures in prize list.) OBSERVE THESE RULES 08. if your tnzwer wins FIBST. SECOND or THIRD prize }• *■ “”• <*““. “If* or . bcor Us- eta Nntn.*a style, or hands*- snfl you have sent in TWO alx month ailbarriptlona to The h>z In Ooorilz or sny sdjolni.iz date log hs.o no bearing upon deriding Atlanta (institution at *5.00, or ONE subscription u-u.'VmLmtmn^or”.‘m lX,r V w,,,n '"' • to The Constitution st *8.50, you win receive *1 000 iu in rautmrert'ftuaiiz T - <! lPisrs mar eo-opersl. In place of *3B; fourth prir-, *300; fifth prize. *3OO, etc. f, nothlne mtw "f w * rl “ ’*■ P“l but only one (*• th,rt rolomn 0f “ Wl-e Ift.) l“ A *;r:n r ..e I rlri D £i h n*.d t Id l, i '*o,l-1 *S How Is that for a liberal offer? But, LOOK, there are t > °a ’lh!*,l_ awarded to more then one of any three *I,OOO priaes. Therefore, if you .tend FIBST, ono ,ide of thl SECOND er THIRD and have seat in TWO sii-month wild, numbonri ooiiSiUre?! 1 L ‘T* or m ‘"' l l “" bßru •'"king to eubscriptiong at *8 00 er on. yearly aub.cription at *9.60. " X wme and * ,U " r ' y° u win SI,OOO. NOW, FURTHER, u a SPECIAL a<ltlnM on etch p*fe iu tlu uii>er ®- wcnt of a tl® for an? OFFER, w will allow the participant having tha bft list right-hand comer. If you detlre prlz * offjrad ih full amount of of “C-Wordi” of the Firt Three Prise Winners (if fully to write anything else, use a sep- BUC * pri<a wlll *• c*> fi qualified), the choice of SI,OOO in cash or anew 1022 Buick aratd sheet. participant. Six Touring Car, value 91y71S f. o. b. Atlanta. Only words found in the Knc- 9. All answers will receiee the R .... . .—, .. . , A . lUh dlctlonsry will be counted. Do same consldrratlcn. regardless of Pfl It takes put TwO six-month subscriptions at $5.00 or one not use hyphenated, compound or whether er not s subscription for I yearly subscription at 10.50 (m?w or renewal) to qualify obsolete words. Use cither the The Atlanta Constitution is sent lu. fcj for the big SI,OOO rewards. Absolutely, that is the inaxl- singular or plural, but where the \o There will be three Indep-ntf- k mum. Y r ou can do this with very little effort. Your own plural Is used, tbo singular can ent jutlam having no connection P subscription cam count. We can also take subscriptions to not counted and vice versa. wit h The ’constitution, who will M start at nny future date. Just mark on your order when 5. Words of the sums spelling etn jurixe tl*e siiAwers submitted and U you wnnt the paper started, and we will not commence be only once, eren tliough award the prizes at the end of the ■ delivery until you ay. used to designate different object*. puzzle game and participants agree M The same object can be named only to accept th3 division of the H once; however, any part of the ob- juc'g * as final sod conclusive. SubacriDtion Ratna Pavahlv* in Advanrw majr ft,so 06 ■*. H. Tbe judges will most right aft- ■ juDicnp.ion ivaics rayanic in /\a\ance 6 The answer having the largest r the dose, and tire announce- B <ily Illnll, Carrier, or Agent,) *nd nearest correct list of named of tuent t*f the prize winners snd cor- ■ _ w _ visible objects shown in tha pic- rert list of words will bo published H DAILY AND SUNDAY I DAILY AND SUNDAY tur* that begin with the letter in Thj Constitution just as quick- ■ Six Months $6.00 | One Year $9.50 **C," will be awarded first prize. ly thereafter as possible. *3 “—————————EXTRA PUZZLE PICTURES FREE ON REQUEST | RIIRAI RHI ITF Th! * off< ‘ r applies to rural route patrons as well as subscribers living In citle* fl nuivtunwit. ftn( j towns. If you are already receiving The Constitution, your subscription ■ SURSCRIRFRS wU: b ® f TO ' n lt present expiration Send in a yearly zubacrlptlon at | juuvJV.iviut.rGJ *9.50, or two six-month subscriptions, at *6.00, and qualify for the big prizes. 9 ; This Is an easy way to win *I.OOO or a Buick Touring Car. J^ c r THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION | Weight Of 0a nop* Diamond. Jei a Batiste Tavernier came into possession of the Hope diamond tn 1642, stolen from the sacred golds* statue of Rama, to the Temple of Rama and Hita, Burmah. India. It weighed 112*4 carats and was sotd by Tavernier to Louis XIV for half a tali lion dollars und a baronetcy. Auto Repairing and Welding We repair all makes of automobiles and do all kind of welding. Quick service and reasonable charges. Starter and Generator work a specialty. We are ready to respond to calls at any time, day or night. We can please you. Try us. LANTHIER & CHURCH Day Phone 110 Night Phone 188 Athens Street Winder, Ga. Disagreeable Duties. The easiest time to do a disagree able duty Is when we first deckle It ta a duty. Evasion and delay double the unpleasantness, and hours of fore taste and distaste are added to dis comfort the decisive action tha. must come at last. Dodging the disagree able Is a losing game. THE WINDER NEWS Reading When Drowsy. To read or study when tired or drowsy is to strain the eye to a dan gerous degree, writes W. M. Oarbart In Public Health. Avoid eveniug study whenever possible. If you are using your eyes by artificial light ne sure the light does not shine directly Into the eyes, and try to have It come from be hind and to the left side so as to avoid the harmful glare. How About It. A flippant correspondent Inquires: “if politics makes one tired, can one rest up on its buuk?” —Boston Eve ning Transcript. THE UNIVERSAL. CAR G;E N U I N E > ' pi l FORD PARTS PROPERLY INSTALLED IN YOUR FORD WILL PROVE TO BE CHEAPEST IN THE LONG RUN. . WE HANDLE ONLY GENUINE FORD PARTS & OUR MECHANICS KNOW HOW TO DO FORD WORK. LEAVE THE “SPURIOUS” PARTS ALONE FOR AWHILE AND USE GENUINE FORD MADE PARTS AND SEE IF YOUR CAR UPKEEP EXPENSES WILL NOT DECREASE ABOUT 50 PER CENT. WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK. WE CAN GIVE YOU A VERY CLOSE ESTIMATE OF COST ON ALL JOBS. .. i KING MOTOR CO. Fords oiv 801 l Weevil G ■■k >■ . ) _ s FIGHT HIM, KILL HIM, BURY HIM. We have the very best boll weevil destroyer in the world. Now is the time. SE US AT ONCE. We guarantee satisfactory results. KING MOTOR COMPANY C. B. MOTT, Manager Authorized Ford and Fordson Dealers Educational. Dancing plays a very Important part in the education of boys and girls tn Japan, in the better class families tha dancing teacher comes every other day, .regular practice Is an affair of routine, Pnd private entertainments, where the children perform are arranged by friendly families.—Omaha Bee. A “Good Sport* Here’s a seasonable definition by Oli ver Wendell Holmes: "To brag little, to show well; to crow gently. If tn luck; to pay up; to own up; to shut up—if beaten. That Is the highest type of sportsmanship.” Boston Transcript Subscription Price: |1.50 Per Year, Impertinent Petitions. When wo are invited to a banquet we take what Is set before os; and were one to call upon his host to set fish upon the table or sweet things, he would be deemed absurd. Yet, In a word, we ask the gods for what they do not give; and that, although they have glveD ns so many things I— From “Th* Golden Sayings of Epictetus." Foot-Rule for Matrimony. The trouble with most marriages ta that a man always makes the mistake of marrying the woman who carrlee him off his feet—lnstead of trying to find one who keeps him on them. — I-os Angeles Express.