The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, November 10, 1921, Image 12

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THURSDAY, SOVEMRER 10. IP2I. ill 0,000,000 AID FOR VETERANS ! _______ Red Cross Provides Friendly Service of Many Kinds to Army of Disabled. BULK OF WORK BY CHAPTERS 2,397 if These Are Helping Ex- Service Men Obtain Bene j Its U. S. Provides. On* JUki t Rod Crass •wrrFce alon, that of Mtdstiag disabled veteran* of jtfc* World War, entail* expenditures .#4.000,000 greater than the *g*r*ifate j receipt* of the Annual Roll Call of ‘ ino. the AnerUan Red Cross an t toonn<-** In a statement urging a aide ; tgtread lncreaae In membership at the Annual Roll OaAA, November 11 to 24. At the present time National Head quarter* and the nation wide chain oT Chapter* of tt Red Cro*a Is apent)- lng approximately 510,000,000 Annual ly for the relief of disabled ex service men and their families, white the *g gregnte rej-elpfs from last year's Roll Call were approximately W,000,000. It Is In the 2,2W* of the 8,600 Red Cross Chapters which still are helping •olve the veteran’s problem of adjust ing lilmsclf to a normal civilian status that the greater part of the cost of this service is borne. Of the total sum spent for veterans’ relief last year. National Headquarters expended n to tal of more than $2,000,000, while the remaining disbursement of approxi mately $7,000,000 represents the con trlbuttnn of Chapter* In this country wide effort to assist the Government In providing the aid sorely needed by these men and their families. An Ever Expanding Problem That the problem of the disabled •ervice man lx ever-expanding and probably will not reach the peak be , fore 1926, is the assertion of well-in formed Government officials and that 2,.107 Red Cross Chapters regard It •a their most Important work is evi dence that the expansion Is In nowise eonflned to a particular section but Is, on the contrary, nation-wide. At the end of the fiscal year, June 30, 1921, there were 26,300 disabled service men In the 1,692 United States Public Health Service, Contract and Govern ment Hospitals and Soldiers Homes, and that number Is Increasing ut a rate of 1,000 a month. Thousands of these men receiving medical treatment, compensation and ■vocational training from the Govern ment today, started their efforts to obtain them through the Red Cross Chapter. The Chapter, aetlng as the disabled man's agent In claims against the Government, Informs the man as to the procedure necessary to gain for him that which is provided him by Federal statute. His applications for compensation, medical treatment anti training are properly filed with the aid of the Red Cross Chapter. Many Forma of Assistance If there Is delay before the man's Olaiin la acted upon, the Red Cross Chapter lends the man money to nietft |he Imperative needs of hhnsflf and tils dependents. Most vital to the man’s gaining full bwieflt from the Government's car* is fcoeplng hi* mind free from worry shoot We home Keeping the veteran's fam ily fgom hardship of every kind and Informing him of It* welfare Is an ether province of the Chapter Free from fear ee tWe wore, the man's re ev*ry and advancement morally la Wgpld. •very month dor tag the taet year, the AMheWmn Red Craex W glean mr*Um 1 n#e MM r * m average of MMlfi termer awtftc* team end their fnmlltee An httfleafio* gf <be as feat of the faith reposed Jh the Red Cram Chapter ta f* be found In the fart that there were ra gpteat* for friendly aid tn the eolation f personal problems. 44* Workers In Httapitata While the man prior to entering Government care deals largely with the Chapter, afterward he comes Into con tact with the Ber\lce provided by Na tional Headquarters. There are 448 Ited Cross workers In the United States Public Health Service and con tract hospitals ami other Institutions In which these men are being cared for, whose duty Is to,provide for his recreation, help him with Ids compen sation claims, keep him In touch with his family: in short, meeting.llls every need outside of thnt provided by the Government. While those are n few of the responsibilities of the National Organization, they are by no means all. Among other Red Cross accom plishments for the year are: It handled 70,732 allotment and al lowance claims. It delivered through Its Chapter or ganization 63,655 allotment cheeks to veterans who had moved from the ad dresses furnished to the liureau of War Risk Insurance. It provided a special fund of SIO,OOO for medical assistance to men under vocational training. It made 32,495 loans tofallng $450,000 to men faking vocational trulnlng, of Who h 85 per cent bus been repaid. Classified Ads. NOTIC E TO THE PITHJC. On account of the great demand on our space, there will be a charge of one-half cent per word for obituaries, memoriams, resolutions of respect, cards of thanks, etc. from this date. In sending in sudi communications count the words and send in amount, at one-half cent per word, to pay for tame. LI MBER FOR SALE. Have large quantities of Framing and Boards for **Fe at price* that will sell. —Apply to A. P. Ouffin. 21-tf Wanted to buy several cows fresh in milk. If you have a good cow that’s not fresh in milk for sale see me about her.—Winder Pure Milk I>airy, J. W. Saunders, Phone. 247. 26-4 t. ; i*> ■ t .* Loans made on farms and city prop erty. Lowest ratdh of * interest/ and commissions.—W. H. Qudrterman, At torney. •Taste the Delicious Red Star Cooked Food Ome and see for yourself just bow wonderfully the Red Htar bakes and nast> bolt* and fHes. Beery day during the sale we will bare an a4*tnal dawouijtration of Red Star cooking, The Famous Red Star Burner Hums gas which it makes itself from gasoline or kerosene. It has two riugs of flame instead of one. And it has tin* intense added heat of the red-hot metal burned, which weighs -V-j lbs. There are no wicks or wick sub stitutes on the Red Star. One gallon of fuel gives Iff hours of perfect cook ing- The saving in fuel h* fully 25 per cet. SEED CORN. , Nunn’s Yellow Dent corn, 3 weeks earlier than the average varieties of white corn; good yields, good variety for either forward or late planting. Plant from March till 15th of July for roasting ears it is unexcelled. Peek lots $1.50; half bushel lots $2.50; f. o. b. Lawreneeville. —W'm. NUNN, Ijtwrenceville, Ga., Route 5. 2tpd. • - ——• Civil Service examination for Novem ber. Positions from SI4OO to 1600. Age, 18 upward. Experience unnecessa ry. For free particulars, instruction, write J. Leonard (former Civil Service pxaminer) 595 Equitable Bldg. Wash ington, D. C. 2t Protection for Antarctic Flunk It to likely that the Australia* aommoowealth will, at the Instigation af Sir Douglas Mawson, the an taro ie explorer, preserve Macquarie laland and the neighboring Islets as a sanc tuary for the oubantarctlc fauna. The aland, which haa an area of nearly 400 Jegrees 8, 000 miles from Tasmania and nearly the same distance from Antarctica. It Is the home and breed* tag ground of many millions of pen guins of different species, including the low rare king penguins and of vast lost* of aea-elepbanU and seala To This Great $1 Down Sale! The Parker Furniture Company WINDER, GEORGIA THE WINDER NEWS Remember for the next few days is your only opportunity to buy a genuine Red Star on the special terms offered hero. And remember, a limited number of women will be able to get a Red Star on this $t Down Plat* When the Red Stars allotted to by the factory for this great sale are gone, the special offer most be witbdrown. Think what wonderful convenience these women will know I Think what K will ■ub to then to he forever rid of the dirt and muss of wood or coal raagfls the lneffl- of lie other makeshift stores? Yod can have this same wonderfTjl frpedotn—lhi ate ttarvaloua cooking comfort IT YOU ACT PROMPTLY, pou t delay. Come NOW. Detroit r > Vapor OIL STOWE 0 0 Did you know that you could hake biscuits, roast a •t 1 v lb. chicken or a 5-lb roast in the Red Star oven in the same time as required by city gas? These are but a few instances of the Rod Star's cooking efficiency. See it in operation this week in our store. Once you know how mltrvelous a range it is. you will never willingly bo without it. Don’t Miss This Opportunity DIPHTHERIA ON INCREASE. Dlphtherig la increasing at an alarm ing rate in Georgia, as the following figures show: Cost of Diphtheria—Antitoxin Distributed 1920 1921 Increase ToJuly3l $ 987.54 $1,660.38 $ 672.84 August _ 896.50 2,299.15 1,402.65 Totals $1,884.04 $3,969.63 $2,075.49 Fund* for this life saving remedy and laboratory technician are about exhausted, owing to more than 100% Increase in the disease. Schools have just opened with po tential possibilities of greater speed of the disease. The situation is in deed alarming and the State Board of Health baa Issued warnings to the people. Do not neglect to call a phy sician in all cases of sore throat, a* % few hours’ delay may mean the death of a child. The Veter's Puzzle. Isn’t tt passing strange that when ever two bnmana aspire to one office the public mind becomes Impressed with the fact that one of them Is a iang-up patriot and the other Is a loleful dolt and a voracious throg* odyte, the only difference of opinion >eing as to which Is which?—Houston Zbronlrle. HOGS M NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC I have now at my bam Tennessee com fed shoats for sale at right prices, ranging from four dollars up. Large sizes ready to 4 butcher now. Call and see them. I will ex change some for peas. Listen, if you owe me a note on your hogs I warn you not to kill same until note is set tled in full. Please take warning and avoid trouble. W. H. SHEATS \ Subscription Price: $1.50 Per Year. $1 Down Puts It in Your Home Think of it! For only 1.00 down yoo <£• have this wonderful RED BTA.iI to your Ton ran begin at once to enjoy its peat convenience—to do your cooking more easily and more eijccesefully than ■ * ' yon have ever done it before. And while you are having all the a# this marvelously efficient range, yon can pay for it in email amounts that you will never feel. Come before the offer is withdrawn. Wonderful New Feat ures Greatly Reduced Prices The newest styles of Rod Star Oil Stoves have splendid new improvements which odd greatly to their simplicity (tf operation, their efficiency, cleanliness and beauty. Yet Red Star prices have been radically reduced. At their pres ent very low figure. Red Star Oil Stoves are by far the greatest values we have ever known. You will never have a better opportunity of owning one of these perfected Red Stars than this great $1 Down Sale offers.