The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, November 10, 1921, Image 2

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THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10. 1921- BETHEL NEWS. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Ridgeway were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Har rison Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Lillie Bolton was the guest of ter mother, Mrs. J. \V. Adams Friday afternoon. Mrs. J. K. Adams was the guest of Mrs. T. W. l’artee Friday afternoon. Messiiv., Lucius Mfjrris und Odell Starnes were the guests of Mr. Willie Partec recently. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Adams and Mr. Ira Adams visited their grandfather, Mr. Milt Adams, of Oldfield, Sunday. We are Rorry to report the illness of Mrs. O. W. Brown, and also Mrs. Joe Partin, who is spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. T. W. Partec, -very sick. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Edward* wen* the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. IV. Ad ams Sunday. Mrs. Vista Gaddis, of County Line, spent Saturday night with her sister, Mrs. G. W. Brown. The birthday dinner given by Miss Annie Brown Sunday In honor of her nineteehth birthday was enjoyed by Back In Winder I have moved my Blacksmith Shop from Auburn and will continue to do business in Winder in my usual way. My shop is located near Cook Bros store, close to my old stand. I will be glad to have my former customers call to see me when in need of anything in my line . Prices right and work guaranteed. H. E. Patat Winder, Ga. VALVE-IN-HEAD "J PD The Buick Frame is Built for Many Years’ Service The Buick frame—strong enough for the load, withstanding road strains, and yet flexible. The Buick frame is as carefully designed by Buick engi neers as any other part of the car. Buick Sixes Buick Fours 23-Sit-44 Throo Paao. Koadator $1493 32 Four-34 Two fua. RojAtw $933 }] Si>-45 Fm fui. Touring ■ 1335 ~ _ ~.. _ 21 Sit 44 ThrooFoot Coupo - 2135 31-Faar-33 Fir, Parr. Touring 973 23-Six-47 Fiva Pan. Sod an . - 2433 22-Four-3t ThrooFa*,. Coupo 1473 > 22- Four Fmoo. Coupo - - 2325 23 Four-37 Firo Faso. Sad an - US 0 . 23- Soron Faaa. Touring 1735 22-Sim-30 Savon Faaa: Sodan • 2435 All Fricoa F. O. B. Flint , Michigan Aak about lha C. M. A. C. Plan ' (C-14) Winder Mobile Company WHI N BETTER. AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT. BUICK WILL BUILD THEM the following: Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Ed wards and family, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Brown and family, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Wilburn, of County Line, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. llufT. Mrs. Mollie Cheek and children, Mr. and Mrs. John Wilburn, of Winder; Mrs. VUta Gaddis and daughter. Rubye, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Shore, Messrs. Clifford Pruitt, Willie l’artee, Reuben Brown. lister Huff, Coleman Brown, Misses Ara Partee, Mary Lou Huff, Mary Lee and Inu Ih-lle Edwards, Susie Brown, Mr. T. W. Brown and children. Miss Annie Brown and Mrs. W. C. Sh<|fe motored to Winder shopping Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim McDaniel, of Par adise. spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Partee and Miss Ara Partee motored to Winder Wed nesday shopping. Mrs. Jewell Edwards and Mrs. Lil lie Bolton were the guests of Mrs. C. A. Edwards recently. Don’t forget the Foot Ball game to morrow (Frday) at .'COO o’clock. Ad mission 50c. Tallassee Dots School opened at this place last Mon day morning under the management of Miss Gertrude Skelton of Lawrence ville. Misses Nellie Haynie and Gertrude Skelton were guests of Misses Bird and Prudie Sikes Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Maynard and children were the dinner guest* of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Sikes Sunday. Mrs. Ann Wallace was the guest of Mrs. R. L. Sikes Sunday night. Miss Cordelia Oofer, Grady Smith and Fred Thurmond were the guests of Misses Nellie and Bell Haynie Sat urday night. Mrs. Bud Wages and Mrs. Jessie Wa ges were the guests of Mrs. Robert Daniel Friday afternoon. Miss Mozelle Hartley and Miss Pru die Bell Sikes were ttv- guests of Miss Montinc Wallace Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. Festus Kinney und son, Erastus, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Sikes Sunday night. We are glad to report that little babe of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Daniel is better at this writing. Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Artis Grizzle on October 24th a daughter. Mrs. Nellie Jackson was the guest of Mrs. Homer Draper last week. i PARADISE i Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Clack were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Perkins Sunday. Mrs. W. H. DeLay and children visit ed Mrs. Jim DeLay of Winder Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Barber spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Thomson. Mr. ami Mrs. Hull Clack announce the birth of a fine daughter. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Parkins had as their guests Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Muller MeKlroy, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Jones spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. I). I). Jones. Miss Ethel Sailors was the week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. 1 red < lack of Bethlehem. Mr. and Mrs. V. P. Perkins spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Jones. Miss Lillie Jane Perkins spent Sat urday night and Sunday with Miss Lil lie Mae Sorrels. Atlanta Journal and Atlanta Con stitution local agency.—Herrin. THE WINDER NEWS BOX SUPPER, Everybody invited to a box supper at Dove Creek school house Thanks giving night. Music and entertain ment by the ‘Jolly Brothers.” Pro ceeds to go to the school. . FARM FOR SALE. 32% Acres of fine farm land; 24 icres in cultivation, balance in fine tim ber, good four room house and good out buildings; fine pasture and good well of water. Four miles east of Win •r. In one-half mile of church, and e mile of good schooL—Mrs. W. V. Segars, Winder, Ga. 3t-25-pd You can’t have good health with a disordered stomach. Correct your stomach disorders with Tanlac and Ik- strong.—G. W. DeLaPerricre & Sons. THAT BACK ACHE. Do you have a dull, steady ache in the small of the back—sharp, stabbing twinges when stooping or lifting—dis tressing urinary disorders? For bad back and weakened kidneys Winder residents recommend Doan’s Kidney Pills. Read this Winder statement. Mix. L. J. McElhannon, N. Rroad St., says: "1 had a severe attack of kidney trouble. The different remedies I used gave me no relief and when I finally heard of Doan's Kidney Pills and began taking them they took hold of the trouble at once and soon reliev ed me.” FOUR YEARS LATER Mrs. McEl hannon says: “I can’t speak too high ly of Doan’s Kidney Pills in confirm ing my former statement. Whenever 1 don’t feel just right, a few of Doan’s always bring uie prompt relief.” Price GOc at all dealers. Don’t sim ply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan's Kidney Pills —the same that Mrs. McElhannon had.—Foster-Mil burn Cos., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. Harvest Sale If you want your dollars to do their full duty, give them a chance at our HARVEST SALE Beginning: Friday, November 11th we will start our big Harvest Sale, when we will show you what your dollars will do here. Shrewd buyers visit our store, for they know from experience that we re ally sell good goods at an astonishingly low figure. And right now, when we are wanting to push all winter goods, in order to make room for Christmas displays, we have slashed the prices right and left, all the way down the line. No such reductions have been made be fore. Prices have now hit the bottom. Every coat in stock, regardless of former value at h price. Every hat in stock J price. We have some beauties, too. Ladies’ bleached union suits, best quality 69c Boys’ unbleached Union Suits, size 14 years 49c Girls’ unbleached Union Suits ; . a-i-x-x-a-a-i• i*l-i 49c Ladies’ Knit long drawers, good quality 49c A good stock of sweaters, all going cheap. Children’s hose, good quality 16c pr Men’s Socks ... IM . . - .j..•.•..•* • 16c Good grade chambray, all colors 10c yard Curtain Goods ~ . ... 10c yard Pretty striped ginghams, just the hing for children 15c Beautiful quality heavy blankets in pairs $3.25 the pair Ladies’ all wool stockings heather brown 75c pair. Men’s Wool socks, best grade i-wl. • • • 60c Baby’s stockings, white, pink or blue 10c pair Men’s gray cotton sweaters . . . ...._•:• $1.25 Good line laces - 5c the yard Popular books, fiction, your choice ~i-.-.- • • -10 c Best table oil cloth, white and colors 35cyd. 2A dozen clothes pins for -c-i- ••.• 10c Best 4-string brooms, a crackerjack value .. . ... ... 49c Good toilet soap 5c bar Ladies hand bags 49c Men’s purses 10c, 15c, and., -•- 25c Sale Runs from Nov. 11, until Supply is Exhausted. Winder 5 & 10c Store • ai Believe In Yourself i ) You must believe in yourself or you cannot expect others to believe in you. When you prepare for a good position you are quite certain to secure it. Trained workers are al ways in demand by bankers and business men. Our graduates are preferred when they can be obtained. See us now, arrange your enrollment and be in school next Monday- Athens Business College Athens, Georgia V Subscription Price: $1.50 P*r Year.