The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, November 10, 1921, Image 7

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THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1921. Legal Advertisements. CITATION. CEORfilA—Barrow county. To B. B. Jackson: Mrs. lonia Elizabeth Jackson having applied as executrix for probate in sol emn form of the last will and testa ment of Z. F. Jackson, of said county, you as an heir at law, non-resident of the state, are hereby required to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary of the said county on the first Monday in December, 1921, when said application for probate will be heard, t and show cause, if any, why the prayers of the petition should not be had and allowed This the 7th day of November, 1921. C. W. PARKER, Ordinary. CITATION. GEORGIA—Barrow county. H. G. Hill, as administrator of estate of Mack Moore, colored, deceased, hav ing made application in due form for lea ye to sell lands belonging to said es tate, all parties at interest, creditors and kin are hereby notified that I will pass upon this application at the court of Ordinary of Barrow county at the December Term, 1921, and if any cause /exists why the application should not be granted it will be heard then. This the Bth day of November, 1921. C. W. PARKER, Ordinary. CITATION. GEORGIA —Barrow county. Mrs. Leonora Camp, as administra trix of estate of C. W. Camp, deceased, having made application in duo form for leave to sell lands belonging to ,kaid estate, all parties at interest, cred itors and kin are hereby notified that I will pass upon this application at the Cotkt of Ordinary of Barrow county at December Term, 1921, and if any cause exists why the application should not be granted it will be heard then. ► ' This the Bth day of November, 1921. (\ W. PARKER, Ordinary. Notice of Twelve Months Support. G E()RG lA Ita rrow county. The appraisers duly appointed to set apart a year’s support to the widow of W. T. Watson, colored, out of the estate of W. T. Watson, colored, late of said county, deceased, having made their return setting apart said year’s support, this is to cite the next of kin and the creditors of said W. T. Watson, colored, that I will pass on the said SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY Good quality Dress Voile at 9c Per yard Limited 36-inch SEA ISLAND 10 yards for 75c Limited Mens Heavy 1 36-inch heavy sheet- 150 yards J& I* Men's large Hand- LACK Curtain ....1 rjnderwear J ing Coats Thread a. kerchiefs „ “ CHAMBKAY 2.30 Denim Him- Chtombray 49c ! 9c yard 5c 5c 5c 10 c 10c 'ti'nn'' ' vo ' k .£' h< “ . ——. L_ , „ ~ rl . ... YARD Jpl.vU 49C Ladies hpavy Tn Ladies and men's One lot of Indies Dresses, the prettiest Men's Dress Shirts Men’s Hats and Cans ’ derwear at Hosiery— styles, colors and materials cq qq Mens and Boys Suits at a very 49c 9c t $995 and Up , 98c low vhi( k ™ B ~ n r , r and up and up. ,rr .. nr ~ ... .. „ „ \. . „ , „ „ , , „ „ . WHOLE FAMILY at Boys’ union suits - 7 inch Clannelette Ladies and misses Coat Suits, Coats. J Ladies Waists j and Phl,,l,Pns | Biank.ds and Comforts, woolen and 49c and up . Q Q c, n . n • bS,c 98c 1 A Low Price I $995 and U P 1 and up j,,; amPup j $1.98 and U P Look for our big Sign. Manufacturers and Jobbers Unload ing Sale return at December Term, 1921, of the Court of Ordinary of Barrow county, and all parties concerned are required to show cause at this time why the said returns shall not be made a judg ment of the Court of Ordinary. This 7th day of Nov., 1921. 4t pd C. W. PARKER, Ordinary. CITATION. GEORG IA —Barrow county. Whereas, Muller McElroy, adminis trator of R. 11. F. McElroy, represents to the Court in his petition, duly filed and entered on record that he has fully administered R. H. F. McElroy’s es tate. This is therefore to cite all per sons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not be dis charged from his administration, and receive letters of dismission, ou the first Monday in December, 1921. This Nov. 7th, 1921. C. W. PARKER, Ordinary. NOTICE: Twelve Months Support. GEORGIA —Barrow county. The appraisers duly appointed to set apart a year’s support to the widow of Mack Moor, colored, out of the estate of Mack Moor, colored, late of said county, deceased, having made their return setting apart said year's sup port. this is to cite the next of kin and the creditors of said Mack Moor, col ored, that I will pass on the said re turn at December Term, 1921, of the Court of Ordinary of Barrow county, and all parties concerned are required to show cause at this time why the said returns shall not be made a judg ment of the Court of Ordinary. This Nov. 7th, 192 L C. W. PARKER. Ordinary. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE GEORG lA—Ba rrow county. Pursuant to an order and leave to sell granted at October term. 1921, Bar row Court of Ordinary, will l>e sold on he first Tuesday in December, 1921, within the legal hours of sale, before the courthouse door in said county, at blic outcry to the highest bidder, the following lands of Mi-s. C. J. Hill, tte of said county, deceased. All that tract of land generally known as the old home place of the said O. J. Hill, deceased, returned in the inventory and appraisement by said estate at 336 acres, marc or less, and bound on the north by lands of Millsaps and Marbury creek; bound ou MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS UNLOADING SALE We are glad to say that our first opening days were very successful with our great sale, and the people of Barrow and adjoining counties certainly appreciate the qualities and prices of our merchandise. We are re ceiving shipments daily of new goods and better values than ever before. Do not miss your opportunity. THE NEW STORE Broad St. next to Winder Hotel Winder, H. Silverstein Georgia the east by lands of Millsaps and Mon roe and Winder Highway; bound on south by lands of Russell, Page and J. L. Hill and bound on the west by lands of Wages, Fuller and Me Moore lands. Said lands has been sub-divided into three smaller parcels and will be sold by the said three smaller parcels, de scribed as foows: LOT NO 1. Bound on the north by Marbury creek and Milisaps lands; on ea<t by tracts Nos. 2 and 3; on south b.v the. lands of J. L. Hill and Will Page; on west by lands of Wages, Fuller aud Me Moore estate, said tract being the tract with the home house ou it and con taining 193.13 acres, more or less. LOT NO, 2. Bound on the north by Marbury creek and Lot No. 1; on east by G. 8. Millsaps and Monroe and Winder Highway; on south by public road und on west by G. S. Millsaps and lot No. 3. Said lot being generally known as the Martha Smith lands, containing 34.5 acres, more or less. LOT NO. 3. Bound on north by liOts Nos. 1 and 2; on cast by G. S. Millsaps; on south by lands of Russell and Page; on west by Lot No. 1, said lot containing 87.79 acres more or less. The above lands are in one of the best locations of Barrow county, be ing only three miles south of Winder and within one mile of Carter Hill church and school house. The land of each tract lies well and is of extra :od quality of soil. Each tract above 'scribed has desirable settlements on them and will make desirable homes for any one interested in buying a home. Any one wishing to purchase a home could not find land more con veniently situated than the above de scribed lots as it Is only a ten minutes drive, in a car to the county site, and s on the best highway in the county. Terms of sale: One third cash on lay of sale and remainder to be paid in three equal payments payable De cember Ist, 1922, December Ist, 1923, and December Ist, 1924. Possession of land to be had ou January Ist, 1922. Any one may pay the entire amount of purchase price on day of sale if they so desire. Said property sold under laws gov erning administrator’s sale. This October 31st, 1921. * V. A. SIMS, As Administrator of Mrs. C. J. Hill, deceased. 4t. THE WINDER NEWS NOTICE. G EORGIA —Bti rrq w eou nt y. All creditors of the estate of Mack Moore, colored, will render in their de mands to the undersigned, duly proven according to law, and all parties owing and indebted to the said Mack Moore ill at once make payment to the under signed. H. G. HILL, Administrator of the Estate of Mack Moore. tit NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. State of Georgia vs County of Barrow- No. 497, Barrow Superior Court, De cember Term, 1921, Petition to confirm and validate bonds. Notice is hereby given that on the lltli day of November, 1921, at t>:3o o’clock, P. M., on said date, the above cause, being a petition filed by W. O. Dean, Solicitor General of the Wes tern Circuit, in the name of the State of Georgia, against the County of Bar row to validate and confirm *30,000.00 of bonds, the proceeds of which are to to be applied only to the completing, finishing and equipping the Court House in and for suid county, will be heard and determined in the room for merly used as the court room of the Superior Court of said county, in Win ter. Ga., and any citizen of the State of Georgia, or any other person, wherever resident, who lias the right > object, may become a party to these proceedings. This 31st day of October, 1921. A. T. HARRISON, Clerk, 2t Superior Court Barrow Cos. Ga. STOMACH TROUBLE? Weakness ? Distress ? Ashland, Ky.—“ Many years ago my mother used Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery for her stomach. She had tak en treatment from physicians and had never obtained good results. After com mencing to take this remedy she noticed an improvement and 1 can say it surely helped her wonderfully. lam pleased to write this to let others know how this medicine helped our family. Any one will benefit by the ‘Discovery’ if they will try it.’’—Mrs. M. A. Brown, 642 E. Carter Ave. Obtain the Discovery in tablets or liq uid at your nearest drug store, or send 10c for trial package to Dr. Pierce’s In valids’ Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y. and write lor free medical advice. Don't l'orgct the Foot Ball game to morrow (Krday) at 3:00 o’clock. Ad mission 50c. People who have been helped by Tanlac are always anxious and wil ling to tell others about it.—Dr. G. W. DeLaPerrlere & Sons, King Had Faith In Women. The famous Emperor Charles V, who was accounted one of the ablest rulers of his time, had such confi dence In the ability of women to gov ern that he appointed three sncces jlvely as regents of the Netherlands. ITCH CURED In 30 Minute* with Par-a-sit-i-cide 50c from drugglsta or 55c mailed Mfr„ DR. L. J. SHARP & Cfl., Cimnirci, Ga. Take no substitute. Sold by G. W. DeLaPerriere & Sons. FARM LOANS! I make loans on lands in amounts from $500.00 to $100,000.00, for live years’ time in Harrow, Walton, Jackson and Gwinnett counties. I am in Winder on Fridays of earh week; my office is on the second floor of the Winder National Bank Building. Write to me or rome to see me if you need money. S. G. BROWN, Banker Private Bank—Not Incorporated. 6 mos. —VS LA WHENCE VILLE, GA. EVER FORWARD- A South Georgian writes: “It seems you run the Capital City, not to make money, but to ■un ns. make customers.” That’s right. We try to dry SEND US: clean or dye each order so perfect!) that you Overcoats will never forget us, and never let your friends Evening Gowns forget us. The result is that gradually ALL Kvening Wraps THE SOUTH HAS MADE A BEATEN PATH- Curtafns WAY TO OUR DOOR. Blankets "Parcel Pott Your Packaot Draperies —Look To Ut For BeeulW” Gloves Capital City Dry Cleaning & Dye Wks. Ru 7s et ‘ ATLANTA, GEORGIA There are many thous and bargains in our store which will be sold re gardless of price. Subscription Price; $1.50 Per Year. S. A. L. Schedule r In Effect May Ist, 1921. South Boaud. No. 11 arrives 6:32 a.m. No. 17 arrives 8:42 a. m. No. 5 arrives 3 :00 p.m. No. 29 arrives 7:27 p.m. North Bound No. 30 arrives 9:15 a.m. No. 6 arrives 2:35 p.m. No. 18 arrives 7:00 p.m. No. 12 arrives 11:07 p.m. GAINESVILLE MIDLAND RAILWAY SCHEDULE —Effective July 24, 1921. No. 8 daily for Gainesville lea. 1:33 pm. No. 14 leaves Winder 8:45 A.M. Dak No. 14 daily except Sunday for Gaines ville, leives 8:45 PM No. 5 adily except Sunday leaves 11:30 A. M. No. 13 daily except Sunday from Gainesville leaves 3:15 P. M. SPECIALS FOR MONDAY NOV. 14th. One lot Skirts, all sizes and colors: 79c One lot Amoskeg Ging hams at 12£c yard Limited