Newspaper Page Text
Thin Frail People
Should Take Tanlac
Hundreds ef Men and Women in Winder Ap
pear to be Physical Wrecks Simply Because
Their Systems Are Starving for Nourish
‘ ment.
TUeire are hundreds of thin, run
down, nervous Men and women right
hero in Winder who should lie strong,
sturdy and vigorous, with rich red
Idood tingling through their veins and
finding hrimful of life and energy, if
they would only profit hy tiie experl
one * of others all over the United
States and Canada, and assist nature
to digest tli" food they eat. by simply
taking Tanlac.
Millions of people have not only been
relieved of the most obstinate forms
of dyspepsia and indigestion by Tanlac
after other remedies have failed, but
large numbers of them have re|K>rted
a remarkable and rapid increase in
weight and a return to normal health
and strength by its use
In fact, so phenomenal have been the
gains in weight by thin, frail people
through the use of Tanlac that this re
markable preparation is now being pro
olalined everywhere as the World’s
(ireatest Tonic
The food people eat does them abso
lutely no good unless they digest it
ju'oiierly. When you suffer from indi
gestion and other forms of stomach
trouble, the food does you harm instead
of good, been use food which is not di
gested stays in the stomach and fer
ments, causing pains, swelling, gass on
"Say, wouldn't Mr. Spider be use
ful to tie up bundles during the
Christmas rush?
Crawford —Does your wife beg you
for Christmas money?
Crobsbnw —I wouldn’t put It exactly
thut way. She Issues an ultimatum. —
Shark by No Means Valueless.
From the tilde of a 500-pound shark
It Is possible to obtain ten square feet
Of leather, and the stomach furnishes
a raw material which can be made
Into leather with the appearance and
texture of gl >zed khl according to the
New 1 ork Evening Post. The liver
wMI yield anywhere from 10 to ip
gallons of nil and the dorsal fin, when
dried, will bring about $2 50 among
Taking Desperate Chances.
It is true that many contract .severe
colds and recover from them without
taking any precaution or treatment,
and a knowledge of tills fact leads oth
#eis to take their chasces lost, ad of
giving their colds the needed attention.
It should be borne in mind that every
■cold weak ns the lungs, lowers the vi
tality, makes the system less able to
withstand each succeeding attack and
paves the way for the more serious dis
eases. Can you afford to take such
desperate chances when Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy, famous for its cures of
had colds may be had for a trifle?
Phone 82
S. F. MAUGHON, Manager.
stomach, shortness of breath, bad
taste in the mouth, dizziness and many
other disagreeable symptoms. If this
rendition is permitted to run on for ;.n
indefinite period the entire system he
roin's saturated with poisons, the pa
tient becomes thin and pale and in
time various enmplicatiaiis are apt to
Tanlac L- a powerful reconstructive
tonic and quickly overcomes this con
dition by aiding Nature to < liminate
the impurities from the system in a
natural way and enable the vital or
gatis to properly perform their func
tions. That is why it is called Nature's
In fact, there is riot a singl" portion
of the body that is not benefited by
the helpful action of Tanlac, which be
gins its work by stimulating the diges
tive an assimilative organs, thereby
enriching the blood and invigorating
the entire system. Next, it enables the
weak, worn-out stomach to thoroughly
digest its final and convert the nourish
ing elements into bot.e, blood and mus
cle. The result is you feel strong,
sturdy and well witli tin* propel
amount of flesh, as Nature intended.
Tanlac is sold in Winder by l>r. G.
\V DeLaPerriere & Sons and hy one
good drnggicst in each town.
Miss La Rue Davis, of Chattanooga.
Tenn., only weighed 7(> pounds. After
taking three bottles of Tanlac. she now
weighs over BM> pounds and is enjoy
ing the best of health. —G. IV. DcLa-
Perriere & Sons.
h Pump
a jiffy/
mThe Dunn Pen cleans
itself while you are
filling it.
4A t to rot, crack, and leak
* * —nothing to break or
J J to get out of order.
, t It holds Severn l times
S as much ink as any
'2 . other self-filler.
' 'Tfie maneJdua' _. a
% A # Tko Fountain Ftn with tks
_ * As Littla Rtd Fumfi-tiandU
lt’s the final
fountain pen
sold under an ab
olute guarantee. I
Gomp in and get your
l>unnPen today.
4 Standard
4 Popular
Pen- Points
Christmas Spirit. Peace and Good
Will Should Prevail.
Time to Be Happy and to Aid Others
in the Enjoyment of the
Season's Cheer.
On earth, peace, sood will. —Luke 2:14
SURELY there is a mystic tie be
tween spirit and nature, between
leuven and earth, between God and
man. Not strange is tt, then, that on
tlie night of the most wondrous birth
time has seen, tli" age sealed skies
-hould part and song of angels en
trance the watctiers on Bethlehem's
Wiiat is the secret of tlie unwonted
charm brought by this brightest day in
time’s calendar? Why is the season
charged with such gladness? Why do
men and women feel that they can lay
down their vexing burdens and their
faces smile again with the faith and
jo.v of childhood’s care free days?
It is the rapt influence of the an
gelic song on the natal night, “Peace
on Earth.” To a humanity distract
ed, troubled by doubts and fears,
wounded by sin and smitten by con
science, God sends a message: “Fear
not, lam your l ather. I give you a
Savior from sin and misery. You are
my children. My heavenly peace I
breathe upon you.” And In this sweet
pledge of divine remembrance and
Fatherly love —of God at peace with
tnen —a wave of tranquil joy floods the
But, again, it is an evangel to man
of peace with himself. Every man
tinds discord in his own being. His in
nermost personality is the sent of an
lagonisms. He is an Instrument out
of tune. The primal harmony of his
spirit is broken. He is at war with
himself. His baser strives with his
higher nature. Soul and body war
against each other. But “on earth
peace,” chants the seraphic choir. Re
gard the image of God stumped upon
you. Put down the low and base. Let
the spirit rule and the body serve.
Finally, the Christmustide should
breathe the spirit of peace in our busi
ness nnd in ail the relations of life.
Especially in our homes we can culti
vate the Christmas spirit, displacing
their frequent discontents, fault find
ings and contentions with peace and
good will.
For this glad time, nt least, let us
all be better men and women; less
selfish, more kindly, easier to live with.
And how much happier will we be If
this Christmas spirit—its cheery glow
and kindly warmth —stay with us all
through the year! —Junius B. Remen
Season Proves That Men and
Women Ate Friendly Beings.
Desire to Make Presents and to Be
Cheerful Shows People Wish
to Be Congenial.
ONE of the finest things about
Christinas Is its trueness, (lie
joyous reality of it. At Christmas
time no exhortation is necessary to
make it go; Christinas never has to
be made a “success,” as a purade or
a pageant.
Christmas is in a certain sense an
institution; it conies at a certain date
each year; it always has its Christmas
tree, its stocking, its poultry dinner
colored with cranberries. But it is
one of those institutions that has nev
er been institutionized; it exists in
the.nature of man.
Christmas proves to us that men,
women and children are at heart
friendly beings. The spontaneity of
Christinas giving and Christmas cheer
proves what people really want to be —
good friends.
Wars go on at other times; men
and women quarrel among themselves
over property or over other men and
women; artificial requirements are im
posed that Incite to greed, dishonesty
and bitterness. But at Christmas time
there comes over tlie broad surface of
our western civilization, which is pret
ty much like other civilizations, a
great reversion to type. Man wants
most to be happy, he wants to dance
and sing and to make other persons
happy. At other times than Christ
mas something seems to be wrong, and
man reasons that someone else is to
At Christmas time there is a gen
eral forgetting of everything but be
ing natural. Christmas Is the great
annual armistice of that portion of
humanity that has come to he segre
gated under the name of Christendom.
Chi (sunns Is the finest thing that
has come out of Christianity, because
it Is the friendliest thing. Men and
women are not naturally and health
ily meddlers; the best part of their
lives and the most of their happiness
does not come from the tyranny they
exercise or the repressions they set
up or the reformatory cruelties they
Inflict on others.
At Christmas time men and women
forget to be anything but children
Perhaps some day there will be n
sort of Christmas every day of the
year. Perhaps men and women will
be able to forget more often and more
completely, and thereby live more
completely, the elimination of bitter
ness and artificial antagonisms being
both the cause and the effect of this
happy state.
Perhaps one of the lessons of Chris'
>ns is thnt we 'nve more to forge
nn to • nit Vetvs
Baw It In Different Light.
Mr Billos (greatly bored by tb
Bay“ Marla that fellow t positive
ly the worst stick I ever saw on th*
•tage. He makes love to that pretty
dttle countess like a hlpiiojiotflmuf
crying to court an angel." Mrs Btllus
(much interested) “He does. John
V does. But now vividly It seems tc
•ecatl the days of our courtship,
lo'tn f
Two teaspoonsful of Tanlac in a
little water taken three times a day
just before meals will make you eat
better, feel better, sleep hotter and
work better.—G W. DeLaPerriere &
Classified Ads.
Anew barber shop has opened in
Winder, located in Winder National
Bank building, fourth floor. Shave 15c.
Hair cut 25c. Shampoo 25c. Massage
25c. Tonic 15c. Bond 11a Massage 45c.
On account of the great demand
on our space, there will be a charge of
one-half cent per word for obituaries,
memoriams, resolutions of respect,
cards of thanks, etc. from this date.
In sending in siuti communications
count the words and send in amount,
at one-half cent per word, to pay for
Loans made on farms and city prop
erty. Lowest rates of interest and
commissions.—W. H. Quarterman, At
• •
Watch next week’s News for an im
portant annonucejnent from Watson-
Glover and Cos.
Watson-Glover and Cos. will have an
important announcement in aiext week’s
issue of the Winder News. Watch
for it.
Watch next week’s News for an im
portant announcement from Watson-
Glover & Cos.
Watson-Glover & Cos., will have an announcement in next week’s
issue of the Winder News. Watch for
On our Georgia and Carolina coast
farms we have millions for immediate
shipment. Early Jersey, Charleston
Wakefield, Flat Dutch. Prepaid mail
200. .C.O: 400, $1.00; 1000, $2.00. Ex
press 2000, $.‘5.00; 5000. $6.25. Bun
combe Collards, Big Boston Lettuce
same price. PARKER FARMS, At
lanta, Ga. 4t.
“1 have taken eight bottles of Tan
lac and have actually gained 40 pounds
in weight and feel better and stronger
than 1 have felt before in twenty-five
years,” says O. H. Maliaffey. of Nash
ville, Tenn. G. W. DeLaPerriere &
Tanlac is appetizing and invigorat
ing. Try it today.—G. W. DeLaPer
riere & Sons.
S. A. L. Schedule
In Effect May Ist, 1921.
South Bound.
No. 11 arrives 6:18 A.M.
No. 17 arrives 8 :42 a. m.
No. 5 arrives 3:00
No. 20 arrives 7 :00 P.M.
North Bound
No. 30 arrives 9:15 a.m
No. 0 arrives 2 :35 p.m.
No. 18 arrives 7 :0Q p.m.
No. 12 arrives 10:41 P.M.
SCHEDULE—Effective July 24, 1921.
No. 8 daily for Gainesville lea. 1:33 pm
No. 14 leaves Winder 5:45 A.M. Dai
No. 14 daily except Sunday for Gaines
ville, leives 8:45 PM
No. 5 adily except Sunday leaves 11:30
A. M.
No. 13 daily except Sunday from
Gainesville leaves 3:15 P. M.
Money to Lend on
Lowest rates of interest. Prompt action
Hubert M. Rvlee
Law offices, 405 Holman Bldg
Athens, Ga.
CURED In 30 Minute* with
60c from druggist* or 66c mailed
Mfr„ DR. L J. SHARP & CO., Cemmerct, Si.
Take no substitute. Sold by
Good paying Fruit Stand on Broad Street
in Winder, across street from Strand Thea
ter. Reason for selling, have other business.
Bargain, if sold this week.
When Abraham Lincoln was a young man
T he ran for the legislature in Illinois, and
was overwhelmingly defeated.
He next entered business, failed, and spent
seventeen years of his life paying up the
debts of a worthless partner.
He was in love with a beautiful young wom
an to whom he became engaged-then she
Later he married a woman who was a con
stant burden to him.
He then tried to get an apointment to the
U. S. Land Office, but failed.
Entering politics again, he ran for the U. S.
Senate and was badly defeated.
In 1856 he became a candidate for the vice
presidency and was again defeated.
In 1858 he was defeated by Douglas.
One failure after another-bad failures
great setbacks. In the face of all this he
eventually became one of the country’s
greatest men, if not THE greatest.
When you think of a series of setbacks like
this doesn’t it make you feel small to become
discouraged, just because you think you are
having a hard time in life?
We do not claim to make a president out
of you, but we CAN double and treble your
earning capacity-write us.
Athens Business College
Athens, Georgia
Phone 65
Phone 65
The City Coal Cos.
Geo. Thompson W. C. Harris
Subscription Price: $1.50 Per Year.