Newspaper Page Text
DID you know that you can live longer
without something to eat, than you
can sleep? We have wonderful values
' ES.
MANY of the citizens of the city of.
Winder met at the court house
last Tuesday afternoon looking to meet- j
jug the conditions that would enable |
;the Winder Mfg. Cos. to double its plant
*n this city
■* Mr. J. W. McWhorter was elected
chairman of the meeting.
The committee on the organization
of a building and loan association made
report that progress was being made
looking to the organization of such an
association and asked that more time
be given it for perfecting the plans.
The committee to see how many
houses would be built by private citi
zens made report that 30 houses had
been promised by several citizens of
the city and that others who had not
been seen would also build houses. It
is thought that about 50 houses could
be built by different citizens of the city
who are interested in the growth of
Winder. Tills .committee was also con
tinued for further service.
A committee was appointed to confer
with the Winder Mfg. Cos. and get from
them a written, statement as to the
number of houses wanted, and that they
would guarantee to enlarge their plant
should these houses be built.
A committee consisting of Messrs.
,7. W. McWhorter and I. E. Jackson
was appointed to confer with the in
coming mayor and council about the
taxing of these new enterprises^
* Mr. tV. A. Bradley the secretary of
the meeting was appointed a commit
tee to arrange for a dinner to be given
at some suitable place in the city at
6.30 o’clock Thursday (this) after
noon, and also for Thursday afternoon
of next week.
Mr. J. W. McWhorter w as named as
chairman of the meeting for tonight
and Mr. Claud Mayne as chairman for
the meeting Thursday night of next
A fine spirit was manifested through
out the meeting.
The purpose of the meeting to-night
and next Thursday night is to get the
business men of Winder together and
talk over the interests of our city. A
groat time is expected to-night and
next Thursday night _
'The parent-teacher association meet
ing is called at the school auditorium
for Wednesday, Dec. 13 at 3:30 o clock.
All mothers, patrons and friends of the
educational work in our community
are urged to he present. We know you
are interested by being present. Be on
Chairman of Ex. Committee.
Tlie Ladies Aid Society of the Chris
tian church will hold their annual be
ear in the store room of the Winder
National Bank building on Friday, Dec
15 and Saturday, Dec. 16th. At the
same place an oyster supper will be
Served Friday', Dec. 15. from 6 to 8
P. M.
Three Afore of the Beautiful Silver
ware Sets That Smith Hardware Cos.,
Are Giving Away with Coupons for
Each Dollar hi Trade and each Dollar
Paid on account.
Mr. C. M. Ferguson held the lucky
coupon at the drawing held last Tues
day at 2 :30, his number being 12552.
This was the second number drawn.
The first number drawn was 10609 but
the holder was not present.
Spend your dollars there where you
get High grade merchandise and you
jnay he lucky. Be sure to have your
(coupons present.
The next drawings will be held on
Tuesday, I>er 12th, Tuesday, Dei. 19th.
and Saturday. Dec. 23. at 2:30 o’clock,
*The quarterly Sunday school rally of
the second district of the Mulberry As
sociation will be held with Belmont
church next Sunday afternoon, Dec.
10th, at 2:30 o’clock, eastern time. Cor
dial invitation to all to be present.
Lee Roberts, residemt.
Mrs. King Murphy, Sec.
WE are closing up our woik for
1922, and we have a few-sub
scrihers on our list that we will
lie compelled to cut off. We can
not carry you on without some
satisfactory arrangement about
your suhscriptpion. We have been
patient all through the year but
we must have payment now.
Those who have not paid any
attention to our requests' for
payment will be discontinued
and the amount.charged to tliery.
on our ledger. Before you can
subscribe again you will have
to pay lip all arrears. We hope
that those who have not paid
will do so at once. We don’t
want fo lose any of our subscrib
ers. The small amount you owe
us does not mean much to you
but all these small amounts
make a considerable sum for us.
and we’ll ail feel better.
Come in at once and pay up,
; / /
[ The Old lire house next to tbe'oflice
!of the Winder News has been torn
,down. It has been an eyesore for a
long tiiAe and has increased the lire in
surance on the News building and
| plant. There is rejoicing in our sec
tion of the* city on account of its remov
Division No. 1, Mrs. W. A. Bradley,
leader, met at the home of Mrs. li.vrd
Harris on Tuesday afternoon, Novem
ber 29tli. with Mesdames Harris and
Alice Dunn as’ hostesses. Twelve en
thusiastic members were present.
Splendid reports were given from etaeh
member as to their reading and visits.
After the close of the business session
a delicious salad course was served.
The December meeting will Ik> held at
the home of Mrs. G. A. Johns with
Mesdames Johns and B. A Julian hos
Division No. 2. Mrs. Vella Mae Smith
leader, met on Tuesday, November 29,
at the home of Mrs. Annie Jackson,
with Mesdames Jackson, H. O. Camp
and Raymond Sharpton as hostesses.
Quite an interesting meeting was held
with eleven members present. This di
vision is noted for getting more new
members than any other of the circles.
Three new members the past month.
The hostess assisted* by Miss Helen
Jackson served delightful refreshments'
The Deemeber meeting will be held at
the home of Mrs. J. B. Cooper with
Mesdames Cooper and James Hill hos
Division No. 3, J. C. Itay, lead
er, met on Tuesday a'fternoon, Novem
ber 29th. with Mrs. Norfbn Hill and
Mrs. Hamilton at their home on Cen
ter street. Am unusually interesting
meeting was held with twelve members
present and two visitors. One of our
former members was present, Mrs. W.
O. McMullan, nee Miss Sadie Harris,
of Elberton. One of the members of
the Division had read six missionary
books since the October meeting. Af
ter the devotional and business, de
lightful refreshments were served. The
December meeting to be with Mesdames
J. M. Jackson and Rhett Nowell.
Division No. 4, Mrs. Mark Sims,
entertainied her division on
Tuesday, November 29th, together with
her sister, Miss Utha Shields, at their
home on Hamilton Ave Twelve mem
bers were present and several visitors.
Tins being one of the best meetings this
Division had enjoyed. Some splendid
reports were given and a pleasant so
cial hour. The December meeting to
be with Mrs. Green Graham at her
■ home on Broad street.
On Tuesday, December 12, the regu
lar monthly meeting of the Missionary
society where the four divisions meet
together will be held in the church at
3 o’clock and the president, Mrs. I. E.
Jackson will preside over the business
meeting and Division No. 3 will have
j charge of the program. All the mem
bers are urged to be present.
TAN-NO-MORE for sale by Mrs. J.
H. Wheeler, Candler street. Phone 119.
Winder, Barrow County, Georgia, Thursday, 'December 7, 1922.
Mr. and Mrs. Herrin
In Auto Collission
While Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Herrin
were returning last Thursday from
Milledgeville this side, of Monroe the
car in which they were riding collided
with a car belonging to W. C. Jett.
Both cars were badly damaged and Mr.
and Mrs. Herrin were badly bruised.
Both are however doing well.
■ There were also in the car with Mr.
and Mrs. Herrin, Miss Blank and Wel
don Herrin.
Elections were held in several of the
districts in the county last Saturday
for constables and an election was also
held in the 243rd (Houses) district for
Justice of the Peace. The result of
these elections were as follows:
For J. I’. —IV. C. Baggett 207; A. 1.
Lyle 256. Judge Lyle was elected.
For Cons tabu's —B. B. Bradberry,
231; W. M. Marlow, 10S; .1. W. Sims.
209: C L. Tucker, 295; Messrs. Brad
erry and Tucker were elected.’
Statham District—For Constate —
W. I*. Harris 97; W. S. Hunter 83; W.
M. Stinchcomb 74. Harris and Hunter
were elected.
Cains District—For Constable —H. B.
Feagans 12; It. E. Manus 12. Botli of
them were elected.
Bethlehem District—For Constable-
Warren Thompson IS; W. M Hinesley
10; C. M. Treadwell 1. Messrs Thomp
son and Hinesley were elected.
Traverse Jurors. Dec.
Term Court ,1922.
Monday, December 16th, 1922.
I. R. O. Harrison
2. T. H. Maxey.
3. D. T. Hammond
4. H. V. Kilgore
5. Ralph Smith
0. W. L. Greeson
7. E. L. Beddingfield
8. L. C. Thomas
9. Sam Rutledge
10. A. S. Morgan ,
11. Guy P. Jackson
12. W. H. Thomas
13. G. IV. Malcomb
14. Preston Williams
15. B. W. Maffett.
10. Clem Royal
17. J. H. Lyle
18. J. B. Parham
19. J. S. Ethridge
20. Rob Moore !
21. V. B. Allen
22. F. T. Hardigree
23. R. O. Ross
24. J. E. Stewart
25. W. F. Bell
20. W. H. Hunt
27. W. L. Thomas
28. R. L. CaTithers
29. J. F. Healau
30. J. T. Perry
31. D. L. Nowell
32. B. C. Hill
33. G. W. Dillard
34. W. C. McElhamion
35. R. L. O’Kelley
36. J. V. Harris
Wednesday, December 20, 1922.
1. M. R. Maynard
2. R. J. Wheeler
3. W. E. Poole
4. C. R. Day
, 5. Leslie A. Wood
0. it. D. McDonald
7. G. W. Jones
8. J. C. Day
9. J. W. Hill
10. Bert Year wood
11. W. G. Elder
12. J. S. Smith
13. Nick Vanderford
14. P. A. Flanigan
15. W. D. Hill
10. L. W. Leslie
17. E. L. Clack
18. 11. E. Blakey
19. J. V. Attaway
20. J. F. Waldron
21. G. W. Woodruff
22. Henry M. Hill
23. J. A. Spinee
24. J. F. Burson. Sr.
The court calendar will probably he
ready for publication next week.
If you would like to huve a gift for
your friends come to the bazar on Fri
day and Saturday, Dec. 15 and 10. You
will find aprons, tea doilies, breakfast
sets, center pieces, towels and many
other useful presents.
The splendid Studebaker nfr of Mr.
W. A. Bradley was badly damaged in
a wreck which occurred near Daniels
ville last Wednesday nigh*.
Mr. Bradley was driving the car and
with him were Misses Margaret Wal-
Walker, Alice Dunn, and Helen Mc-
Whorter. Henry Bradley, Harold Starr
F. Moore. The night was dark and at a
quick turn in the road the car skidded
in such a way as to run into a ditch on
the side of the highway. Margaret Wal
ker and Helen McWhorter were cut
about the face and ears, while Alice
Dunn was badly shaken hut escaped
without bruises. Frank Moore suffer
ed a bruise on the head. The others
esqpped without injury. The car was
brought to Athens that night on a
truck for repair. It was badly, dam
aged. •
Winder is to haw an upsan
itarium. Doctors E. It. H*rt;jS. W. T.
Randolph ami W. L. Mathews have
leased the Garrison building cornier
anti will convert it into a hospital. This
lias been a great need in this city for
some time, and we are glad that these
gentlemen have arranged to establish
such an institution in this city. Work
lias already been begum on the building
and it is expected that everything will
he in readiness for the opening of the
sanitarium by the first of January.
There are no finer physicians in the
state than these three gentlemen wiio
are at the head of this institution and
we are sure that it will not lie long lie
fore they will have to have larger
quarters They will move their offices
t.o the building.
r On aeciunt of the great importance
of the recently discovered “Improved
Method” for controlling the cotton boll
weevil, made by the State Plant Bowrd
|of Florida, the Seaboard Air Line, thru
its Development Department, feels that
it would be doing a great injustice in
full information was withheld from all
those farmers growing coTtun along its
tributary territory in the States of
Alabama. Georgia, South Carolina.
North Carolina and Virginia .
The fact that it has been found prac
tical to bring cotton back into Florida
is very important to the other states
named, because in Florida the milder
winters do not kill as many boll weevil,
and the heavy rainfall during the lon
ger summer greatly favors the pest.
This method of control shows con
clusively that any farmer, white or
black, heeds have no fear in growing
cotton under boll weevil conditions.
This “Improved Method” is a radical
departure from those control methods
that have been advocated for the past
twenty years. The ordinary calcium
arsenate method of treating boll wee
vil has proven successful to some ex
tent in the area served by the Seaboard
Air lane. However, it has not been
found adaptable except on land that
will produce at least a half bal“ of
cotton per acre. Therefore, the Hovel
opment Department of the Seaboard
Air Line Railway feels that it should
present to the farmers it da illy serves
this cheap, and by far the most efficient
method for controlling the boll weevil
that has yet been discovered, that these
farmers may be better able to support
prosperous homes.
While this method of control has not
been worked out, or tried, in any other
states than Florida, there nt present
appears no theoretical reason why it
should not be applicable to the other
States. In the light of the information
which is nt present available, the “Im
proved Method’” adapted to the farms
in the counties through which the Sea
board Air Line passes, is briefly this:
Remove all squares, whether punct
ured or unpunctured, from the cotton
plants just before the first bloom ap
pears in the field.
Follow this at once, or within a day
or two, or before the squares start
growing back, with a thorough dusting
Our Honor Roll
WE. are glad that many of our
subscribers are remember
ing us by paying their subscrip
tions. We want them to know
that we appreciate them. We
are deeply grateful to every one
who has paid. Below are the
names of those who have paid
since our last issue.
Joint B. Williams
K. W. Haynie
S. (’. Boss
W. T. Hall
D. Chambers
J. A. Man-
J. N. Morrison
J. G. Smith
S. N T . Chandler
J. O. Ilardigree
J. C. Stickney
Mrs. Fannie Couch
M ill Thomas
L. C. Russell
Gibson Duncan
A. Sim Hill
S. I). Fagan
It. E. Lord
J. M. Page
Grace Morton
Paul C. Hill
T. A. Deaton
W. E. Elder
V. L. Guilin
J. W. Hinesley
W. VV. Hosch
E. E. DeLaPerriere
M\ J. Ross
J. S. Baird
E. I). Smith
L. I*. Eley
W. I’. Evans
Pauline Sauls
Mrs. J. H. M’ymn
Mrs. Z. F. Jackson
It. F. Whaley
W. M. Henderson
F. Hofmeister
Mrd. Hugh Brady
J. M. M’ilson
H. M. Oakley
W. A. Brooks
E. C. Baggett.
News From Wesleyan College, Macon.
Miss Rennet te Benton, the young
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Benton
of Winder had as her guest for Thanks
giving her sister. Miss Bessie Benton.
Miss Reunette Benton wrote the
toast for the Freshman clnss for their
Thanksgiving banquet Miss Benton
is making a fine record in all her stud
ies. hut most especially in her expres
HSnwH| ’ v*
of each plant with either calcium arse
mate or powdered arsenate of lead.
This poison should he applied by means
of a hand dust gun, which forces the
poison into the top buds of the cotton
plant where the boll weevil feeds when
there are no squares.
Representatives of the Seaboard's
Development have carefully followed
and studied this method in the fields
as it was being tested out, ami have
personally.talked with the farm owners
and tenants, white and black, who
have made three to twelve times more
cotton-in those fields where they used
this “Improved Method” over where
they did not follow it. In some fields
THE DeLuxe bed spring is the highest
est development of spring making,
in short, when you sleep on the DeLuxe
your body fits into it. You are in a
natural, healthful and supremely com
fortable position.
Mr. J. T. Pittman, of Fitzgerald, tho
new county agent for Barrow county,
has arrived in the city preparatory to
taking up ids work in the county. He
will have his office in the court house
We want all our people to co-operate
with Mr. Pittman, that the farming in
terests of the county may be vastly
Our farmers need to especially to have
all the help possible concerning tne
growing of cotton under boll weevil
conditions next year. Barrow county
needs a good cotton crop next year and
we can grow’ it if we go at it right. The
Winder News wants to be of all tho
service possible to the farmers of this
| section. M’e are going to dissiminate
I all the information that we think will
be helpful in growing cotton and other
crops for next year.
L. W. Rogers Store.
L. W. Rogers, the famous grocery
merchant of Atlanta, has opened up a
grocery store in Winder at the old C.
G. Land stand on Broad street, near
the New Winder Hotel. This firm has
a page advertisement in this inssue of
The Winder News. We welcome this
splendid firm to Winder and trust they
will tie successful. Mr. Henderson wilt
have charge of the store in this city,
and he is a most affable and pleasing
gentleman. He will be a valuable ad
dition to the business men of our city.
We call attention to their large ad in
this issue. 4
Miss Sara Joe Roberts, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. P. Nfl. Roberts, of this
city, was one of many students giving
toasts at the six o’clock dinner in the
college dining hall in' LaGrange. Miss
Roberts represented the freshmen elass
when she toasted her sister class, the
junior class. The dining hall was ef
fectively decorated in college colors,
red nisi black, with the tables arrang
ed hi the shape of a large capital ”T”
standing for Thanksgiving, Thursday
and Thompson.
The crowd was large and the inter
est intense at the joint debate between
Cedar Creek and County Line Schools
last Friday night. These two rivals will
pull off another one about Christmas
vacation. XYZ
there was only a small number of wee
vils, hut in other fields there were as
many as 1,500 per acre. This “Improv
ed Method” proved equally effective un
der both conditions.
The Development Department of the
Seaboard Air Line Railway, at Nor
folk, Va., is publishing a circular en
titled “An Improved Method of Con
trolling 801 l Weevil,” giving full de
tails regarding “Improved Method” aim
the results obtained. A copy of this
crcular wll be gladly sent to any ono
requesting it.
General Development Agt.
Seaboard Air Line Railway Oo;
Norfolk, Ya.
No. 33