The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, June 28, 1923, Image 1

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TRUST YOUR LIFE WITH YOUR DOCTOR AND YOUR PRESCRIP TION WITH US. WE DO NOT SUB STITUTE. Winder Drug Cos. Telephone 280 VOL XXX 2500 PEOPLE WITNESS PUBLIC OPEN-AIR CEREMONIES OF THE KU RLUX KLAN. NATURALIZATION CEREMONIES VERY IMPRESSIVE WITH .MOKE THAN 300 HOODED CLANSMEN PARTICIPATING. Twenty-five hundred to three thousand people. men, women and children, gathered at the Dali park Tuesday night to witness the public naturalization ceremonies of Knights of the Ivu Klux Klan. The public had Keen invited to these ceremonies thru the columns of this paper last week, and a majority of our citizens and many from adjoining territory availed them selves of this opportunity to witness t hist his impressive ceremony. This is the first meeting of this kind ever held in Harrow county and those who attended were very much interest ed and impressed by the seriousness and earnestness of the occasion. At six o'clock two klansmeu on hors es paraded the streets of Winder, and four klausinen took their places as guards at Valley Park. Klausinen and horses were completely robed in white which was a very attractive scene. At seven-thirty o’clock about twenty o’r more klansmeu reported at the park for picket duty and to help in the park ing of cars and caring for the people who were arriving in large numbers, even at this time. The main body of Klansmeu came m automobiles at eight-thirty o clock. There was said to be about one hundred automobiles in the procession bringing i„ the klansmeu. which numbered pos sible three hundred or more. Shortly after the arrival of these cars the Klansmeu took their places and nrooeeded with the opening ceremo ny. This was an impressive sight, as the grounds were lighted with the nrej cross and numbers of fuzies, which ra diated a soft reddish light, adding to the ghost-like appearance of the scene. Th<‘ klansmeu assembled on a so.uaie and sung a song, followed by prayer. Following this opening ceremony fort>- ~ne candidates who were in waiting, were brought forward and naturalized. The naturalization ceremony was fol lowed by the closing ceremony, after which everybody went home. This was the largest crowd ever seen in Valley Park, notwithstanding the fact that, we, in the days gone by and almost forgotten, we had a Million 1 <>; Inr base Dull team here, and that the Park bad been filled to overflowing on Xt\vithst'anding the fact that some of our Citizens are of the opinion that the klan is a lawless set. this wasi th quietest and the most orderly gatlii ng that we have ever had in our off • Manv of the onlookers gazed in awe wl e ‘hers were light-hearted and hi.,™* r-rb amusing to one who was ? a mixing with the crowds and bad ai. tM Any way, seemed to be full kiuxes and they can appeal oi disappear will, and it is said fluff Winder’s zens were unaccounted *>r . tors Tuesday evening. \\ here tin. were you may guess. IN damage suits filed *AGABSST SEABOARD RAILWAY. Damagt suits .totaling s‘*>o 000 against the Seaboard Air Line railroad were hied Tuesday in the Barrow superior court by Atlanta attorneys representing theltcv. and Mrs. L W. Shaw, for in iuvies thev are said to have received Sen the motor ear in which they were riding was struck May 24 by a pas senger train of the defendant corn er Shaw brings .suit for $50,000 for of the services of his w ife, ai - Shaw brings suit for $25,000 for per sonal injuries. nnrfnnl The law firm of Savage and Crawford of Atlanta represents the two plaii -4; The Rev and Mrs. Shaw live in Elberton. POISOMNC OF WHEy.I, oNT^Tt , Washington. D. June 2 L—Addi tional experiments in dusting cotton bv airplane to kill the boil weev 1 m the south will be made by the A ment of Agriculture this summer, it was announced Thursday. Tests also will be made in the use of sweetened poisons in co-operation wtih the South Carolina Experiment Station. DEATH OF MR. CHAS. H. ADAMS. Mr Ohns. H. Adams, who was reared near Carl, was killed by a county po liceman in Logan. W. Ya„ last week and the remains were brought here and interred in Cellar Creek cemetery last Friday. Mr. Adams married Miss Anglin who has manv relatives hero. The friends of the family sympathize with them in their los. Rev. \V. E. Moore conducted the funeral service. DEATH OF A BABE. On Tuesday afternoon. June 19th. the death angel visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Estes of White Plains, Ga., and took from them their son. Joe. He was sick days. No one knew the little one was sick. He was two years and seven months old. He was a bright baby and the deepest sympathy of a host of friends is extended to the berea red tie Winter Wetms. and THE BARROW TIMES HOME TOWN PRIDE t WE should lie interested in our town. Winder is one of th*> best in Georgia. Let's pull together for our own good. Trad ing at home shows that we love our town and want to see her grow. Patronize home industries This will keep your money at liomd. DR. EDWIN DEBARR TO SPEAR HERE ON JULY 4TH, AT 9 P. M. I)r. Deßarr is Vice President of the University of Oklahoma and One of the Foremost Scientists of the World. I)r. Edwin Deßarr. Vice President of the University of Oklahoma, and one of the foremost scientists of the world, will make an address at the court house on tlie evening of July 4th. at 9 o'clock. This address will be free and every body is cordially invited to hear this address on “Americanism.” Dr. Deßarr is a high class gentle man and is not only a fine speaker but is one of the leading educators of the United States. Dr. Deßarr desires to be known as a “Plain American, and is making 20 speeches throughout the states, and we are fortunate in having Winder includ ed in his itinerary. His Winder address will lie his opening speech. Dr. Deßarr's address promises to arouse interest among our best class of citizens. What An Old Man Has Done In Less Than Two Short Years Editor Winder News: Asa people we have been ashamed to engage in wliat we consider little things, feeling, also that there would not he enough in these smaller under takings to yield a living. The one idea in our minds here in .lie South lias been that cotton was the only money crop. The farmers and all other classes have for fifty years or more, believed that the success of all endeavor hinged solely on the production of cotton, and it is a difficult matter to get it out of minds. This communication is not advisory, or to tell others what they should or should not do, hut by giving one con crete example try and encourage our people to think and to see the many opportunities for overcoming the prob lems so seriously confronting us un der present conditions, and that there are other ways of making a living and having a bank account than depending altogether on cotton as a means of sup port. Ail old man: in his sixties came over here from Russia, a little less than two years ago with his wife and daughter, lb* had been a prosperous farmer since manhood in his native country and de sired to follow his calling here, but on account of his age. his lack of knowl edge of our lands and system of farm ing; t yc* further fact that tie had no money and could, not speak a word of our language he thought best not to undertake the cultivation of the soil until after living here a few years and familiarizing himself with our lauds, seasons and what best to grow. He had to do something for the maintenance of himself and family, however and proceeded to rent a small home, with an acre or more of land surrounding it, in a town out 35 miles from Atlanta in Gwinnett county. The old man was a stranger in a strange country to him, hut he did not give up, he did not sit down and wait for opportunity to knock at his door. He bought three milk cows and also begun purchasing butter and eggs from others in and around his town. With the sour cream from his three cows and the butter and eggs he buys, the old man goes to Atlanta five days every week supplying regular customers. He does not spend his money as tho it grew on trees, but lives well, having all the necessary comforts for himself and family. > You may wonder, perhaps, how he manages to make a living for his fami ly. pay his rent and railroad fare to Atlanta and hack, live days every week, with only three milk cows and tlie but ter and eggs bought from those around him. Would not most of us in the South he afraid of such an undertak ing and think it impossible to get out of it a meager support? Now. listen to the real story con cerning the old man and ponder it se riously. He has not only made a de cent support, hut in less than two years has accumulated a hank account of over fifteen hundred dollars. Every man cannot reap the same re_ suits by adopting the same plan pur sued by the above old man. but his ex ample 'should open up an avenue of thinking on the idea of economy and of engaging in some of the multiplic ity of wavs to meet the changed con ditions without relying on cotb'n as :> hasis for our future happiness and prosperity. Respest., , A. G. LAMAR. Winder, Barrow County, Georgia, Thursday, June 28,1923. WAS IT A HOME RUN OR A FOUL, ASRS MR. E. C. BAGGETT I)hl Mr. Thompson knock a home run or was it a foul 'i A foul, l should say, yes, just a foul. If he will lay down Ids pessimistic bat and try an optimis tic one he might do better. If he will take off his pessimistic eye-glasses be can see America as the greatest nation on earth, populated by the greatest people on earth, governed Ivy the great est government on earth. Under our constitution, we can vote and do vote for our best statesmen to make our laws. We choose our best men to execute the laws. Our tax seems high but not half so high as some other nations levy. Our road system seems rather extravayant but let us have good roads. Just ahead of us lies the greatest day in the history of our proud nation. The new system of agriculture that will be put on will make things hum. Instead of having nothing to haul over the roads as Mr. Thompson says, we will have stuff in abundance. Yes, we farmers who Mr. Thompson thinks are discrim inated against are going to get out of our stupidity and reach out for the great possibilities that surround us. We do not anticipate that awful sight that Mr Thompson pictures on the streets of Winder, men reeling in weak ness for want of food. Anyone who will overcome (that de mon) laziness and become filled with energy may have sufficient food and clothing, I am glad the affairs of our government are not in the hands of a bunch of thieves as Mr. Thompson seems to think. Mr. Thompson believes in. or is in sympathy with all secret orders that stand for law and order. So am I. but let us bewaie of that order which prop agates and cherishes anarchy. E. C. BAGGETT. Judge Russell Works Late, Is Trailed. Early Thursday morning as the sun blinked liis eyes in the east and shot a few reeonuoitering rays at his old enemy, darkness, a form emerged from the shadowy portal of the State Capitol and was seen to ease down the Capitol steps hi the direction of the city. A solitary policeman strolling in the neigliobrhood noticed the form and, be coming suspicious, followed. The person who came from the Cap itol carried a package of papers and in tin* semi-darkness moved down Hunter street to Pryor and turned northward to the Kimball Hotel. The policeman trailed behind and cogitated. What on earth could a person be doing at the Capitol at 4 o’clock in the morning'.' Why should lie slip out of ttie big build ing just Before dawn? Some person trying to rob the treasury? Or endeav oring to resurrect the Capitol removal bill? Or trying to repeal the prohibi tion laws surreptitiously? Or what? The policeman trailed the person to the Kimball. The stranger walked in. spoke cordially to the clerk, asked for a key and, boarding till* elevator, was whisked away to a room. The po liceman approached the clerk. “Who’s that guy?” “Why, that’s Judge Richard B. Rus sell, Chief Justice off the Supreme Court.” The clerk replied. The policeman was relieved but was curious. He made further inquiries and found that Judge Russell frequently works far into the night on difficult points of law involved in cases placed before him. A 'little later Judge Rus sell himself explained his actions. “When I get interested in a case I like to stay with it until I solve its problems to my own satisfaction, and last night I stayed up at the Capitol until nearly daylight. But I think 1 got the right slant on the case,” lie said. Life of Christ at School Auditorium Monday, 2 Through arrangements made by the Philathea class of the Methodist church the motion picture production. “The Life of Christ,” M ill lie presented at the school auditorium Monday. July 2, at 4:00 P. M. and again at 8:30 P. M. The picture is among the most cele brated that is appearing on tin* screen amd* has a very popular reception with the public. Property it is a version of the Passion Play, based on the famous Oberammergau rendition which has at tracted thousands of people across the Maters to Bavaria. The production portrays the lift- of Christ, beginning with the annuncia tion and taking tip His boyhood days. His works and miracles on earth, the last supper, the crucifixion, resurrec tion and ascension which are the most prominent incidents. It is upon the strength of the splendid endorsements from clergymen of va rious denominations that this picture lias tiecn engaged and those attending are assured of something of high class entertainment value and also impres sive. instructive anal in many ways beneficial. A nominal charge will he made for admission tickets, 30c for adults and 26c for children. Mr. Harold Starr left Monday for Atlanta where lu* will spend several weeks doing clerical work at the eapi- HON. R. B. RUSSELL, ELECTED SPEARER PRO TEM OF HOUSE The general assembly of the state met in Atlanta last Wednesday morn ing. Cecil Neill, of Columbus, was elect ed speaker of the house, and “Dick” Russell, Jr., Barrow's able representa tive, was elected speaker, pro tern. This is a deserved compliment to this young Georgian, and we congratulate him upon this recognition of his splen did ability. Young “Dick” Russell will make good anywhere you put him. The New? wishes him the greatest success in life. Hon. George Carswell, of Wilkinson county was elected president of the senate, Hon. IV. W. Mundy, of Uedar lown, having withdrawn from the race. The inauguration of Governor Wal ker will occur Saturday and the legis lature will then get down to business. This is one of tlie most important ses sions of tlie legislature that has met in Georgia in many years and the peo ple will watch its acts with interest. THE WINDER NEWS WILL STOP If you have received a statement of your subscription account to tlie Win der News recently and have not remit ted, this is the last issue you will get. We cannot send the News to away subscriiUrs without cash in advance. We have sent statements to all who live at a distance. Some have sent in their renewals, others have paid no atten tion to our request for payment. If you do not want to miss a copy you had better renew by return mail. You will be cut off July Ist. DEATH OF MISS MODINE THOMPSON Miss Modem* Thompson, about lb years of age, a beautiful and lovable Voting lady, the daughter of our effi cient coroner. Wm. P. Thompson, died Tuesday at her home near Bethlehem at about 11:30 A. M. She was strick en ftl*out three weeks ago with typhoid fever and despite all that doctors, nurs es and loved ones could do, passed away. The funeral service was conducted Wednesday at Bethlehem by Rev. J. L. Harrison and- Rev. Mr. Chandler, and interment was in the Bethlehem cemetery. The sympathy of a large cir_ cle of friends is extended to the bereav ed ones. REV. W. H. FAUST HEADS BAPTIST MINISTERS IN ATLANTA At the regular weekly meeting of the Baptist Ministers’ conference Monday of last w<*ek. in Atlanta, Rev. W. H. Faust, former pastor of the First Bap tist church of Winder, was elected j president of that Body. This was a de served honor and his Winder friends „re glad to know that he is succeeding so well in his work in the capital city of the state HILL GREESON SAYS: “I want to say a word too our Law Makers a Bout Pistoles It ought to Bea Felony for any man to Cairry a Pistole Excep a Sheriff, constable or Policeman. And he ought to lie made to cair ry it where Every Buddy can see it. If you Giv Licens to cairry Pistoles Giv them to sell Whis key and Play Cards. If you cant do something to Protect the Lives of our People, cancil about Half of the Laws you Hav got made; rent out the State capital to Ace Candler to make Coco in and Go Home.” Bill made the above statement in one breath, and the tone of his vi ice and the look upon his face clearly Indicated that they were made Only after due deliberation, aforethought and premeditation. After Bill sucked dn several cub ic yards of air—wmVli is the only thing he claims is free nowadays, —he contnued: “You might say too. that I have a fine young hull pi p for sale cheap; will eat any thing—fond of children.” FOR SALE —One dozen pure bred Ancona roosters 11 weeks old. $1.0.• each.—Lee S. Radford. THE “COLORED BROTHER” OR “THE CREATOR'S MASTERPIECE” I The negro can lie down beneath the loorching rays of a noonday sun and ■deep tin* sleep of the 7 sleepers with- Kuit suffering any evil effects from it (whatever; or he can weather the fierc (est winter gale, clad only in a pair of (cotton overalls and n blue jumper. He [can also wear an overcoat to a Fourth |of July celebration, or a pair of linen ■ pants and an alpaca coat to a Uhrist |mas tree and lie perfectly comfortable. |And strange as it may seem, anybody’s [clothes will fit him and look nice on [him. There is nothing else like him [under tin* sun. He sees all things, [bears all tilings, believes all things and has implicit faith in everything he sees or hears, and stands ready at all times [to step aboard of anything that comes [along, from a young mule to a flying machine. * Wireless telegraphy is nothing new to him; he has used it for ages; every negro's mouth is a transmitter and ev ery car a receiver. If anything of im portance 1 appeiis on a plantation to night. c\eiy negro for 40 miles around will know it by morning. Saturday is his special day by eus-| tom and common consent, and if you have any business to attend to in a delta town on Saturday, attend to it early and get off the streets before you, get hurt. A negro canpot see yos Sat urday unless you owe him some money, and if you get in his way he is liable | to step on you, sit down on you, or j hack you up against a brick wall and smother you to death. He does not us ually do these things, or any of them, through any evil design, as many some times suppose, t*ut lie simply cannot help it if yob get in his way, for he is busy and cannot look out for you. Sat urday is his “rashions” and news ex change day, and in addition to having nil those tilings on his mind, lie has tc shake hands with every other negro in town and bug every negro woman he meets You had better take out an accident policy or get off the streets Saturday. The standard “rashions” fur a negro is a peck of cornuieal, 2 pounds or su gar, one pound of coffee, three pounds of salt meat and one gallon ot black molasses a week, but lie can consume all at one sitting if necessary, or it fie is working for you and boarding him ieli lie cat. live a week on tlrve soda crackers, u box of sardines tin! five cents worth of cheese. In other wrds, his s' oim;cli is built on the same gener al of an ol i fashioned nco. liai, rind either contracts or expands ar e-id ing to the pressure brought to bear upon it. 1 . . He is also immune to nearly all kinds of poison, and can swallow the most deadly drugs with impunity 1 remem ber having a negro working for me one time who was having chills and was suffering with severe backaches. 1 got him a bottle of chill tonic to take and a bottle of liniment to rub ids back with Tlie liniment was labeled in box- car letters: “Poison; for External use Only,” and I cautioned him about it when 1 gave it to him, but for three days and nights, before I found it out, he had been rubbing his back with the chill tonic and taking a tablespoonful of the liniment three times a day be fore each meal, with excellent results. On another occasion I was sick and had a negro to wait upon me, and the doctor opened a can of antiphlogistine to make a plaster for my side, and left the can on the kitchen table, and when my negro went into get his supper lie mistook it for a can of peanut butter ■and ate the whole of it without evei discovering his mistake. lie is likewise a gpeat admirer of art, and in nearly every negro’s home, lx* it ever so humble, there bangs a life-size crayon portrait of himself on the wall right opposite the door, where you will lx* sure to sec it as you conic in the door. The rest of his surplus money he usually spends for entertain- ment,* preferably an excursion, but any thing else in motion will do. 1 have frequently stoixl ou tin* #trect corner on a cold, cloudy winter day and watched as many as fifty negroes, who would not average 50 cents each, and none of whom had on clothes enough to flag a tlat car. clinging to a merry go-round as It went round and round, grinding out that well-known and much beloved melody “Oh, Bill Bailey, Wont You Please Come Home?” and their front teeth shining like the keys on a baby grand piano, while hundreds of others, Mho did not have the price of u ride, were standing in half-frozen mud shoe mouth deep, cheering them as they came round. All things are pleasing to him. A circus or a funeral is equally enjoya-i ble. but a protracted meeting follow- 1 ed by a big baptizing, or a term of circuit court followed by a public hang ing. is his chiefest delight. Whenever a negro tires of the coun try life tie moves to town, acquires a charcoal bucket and a tailor’s goose, forms an alliance with some white man’s cook, and with his living thus assured, opens a cleaning and pressing establishment. He then goes out Mon day morning and gathers in the Hun- j day clothes of the white clerks in town, and after wearing them himself every night during the week, he gets up Sat urday morning and treats them to a gasoline hath, flattens them out with a red-hot Iron and rushes them home to tlieir owners, so that they may wear | them Sunday; collects $1.50 for his services in tlieir behalf and goes on! his way rejoicing. But should then 1 he any sirs lal occasion in town on Sat urday night which he to attend ' he holds hack the best suit that he hap- OUR KODAK DEPARTMENT 18 SEC OND TO NONE IN DEVELOPING. LEAVE YOUR FILMS WITH US. Winder Drug Cos. Telephone 280 MRS. ELIZA HOUSE DIED MONDAY; 81 Mrs. Eliza House, one of the oldest women of Barrow county, died at her near Rockwell church Monday. She was eighty-one years old nt the time of her death and had lived in this section all of her life. She was the # widow of Mr. John House, a prominent planter of Jackson county, before a section of that county was cut off in Barrow county. Since his death she had lived at the old country home with two of her children. She was a Miss Collins be fore her marriage, a sister of the late Mr. Joel H. Collins, of Winder. Mrs. House was the mother of eight children, seven of whom survive her, as follows; L. A. House, and J. H. House, of Winder; Thomas House of Oglethorpe county; Miss Una Honso and Miss Ara House, Mrs. W. F. Dun nnhoo and Mrs. Miles C. Patrick of Barrow county, Mrs. Stewart, of Texas. A number of grandchildren and great grand children survive also. Mrs. House was a lifelong m-mber of ttie Rockwell Univeraalist church and took a great interest in its work. The funeral services weie conducted Tuesday afternoon at Rockwell church. Rev. A. G. Strain, of Atlanta, the pas tor, being in charge, assisted by Dr. John 11. Wood, of Rome, witli interment in the family burial ground near her home. J. L. SAUL’S BIG SALE BEGINS TOMORROW, In this issue of the News appears a two-page spread advertisement from J I. Saul, who is astounding the pub lic with some unheard of bargains. You will miss the opportunity ot your life if you fail to rend every line of this ad. and take advantage of Mis chance to get what you want for the summer. Mi. Saul is overstocked with goo i*, the boring was not as heavy as was an ticipated and lie is forced to throw this stock on tlx* market at a sacrifice in order to raise cash. - * # PROMINENT GEORGIANS ' V Athens has as her guest this evening two of Georgia’s most prominent ciri izens and officials. Chief Justice Rich ard B. Russell will attend a meeting of tlx* Williams Imdge I. O. O. F. a’ liiehi time tie Mill tie presented witii a veter ans’ jewel of membership, this tiring*- his fortieth anniversary as a member of tlie Odd Fellows. Hon. George M. Napier, attorney Gen eral, Mill attend the Masonic exercis es, celebrating St. John’s Day, being the orator of the occasion. Mrs. Phil W. Davis, prominent in ed ucational work in the state and past: grand worthy matron of the Eastern Star will also deliver an address. She is a highly cultured* Indy and she ha* been prominently identified in secret order activities for a number of years. —Monday’s Athens Banner. Mr. J. H. Blackwell, of Portland. Ore. spent several days the imst week with his cousin, Mr. W. J. Burch, in this city. Mr. Blackwell is head* of tlx* Ford agency in the city of roses, and says that conditions are fine in that section. pens to have on hand and M*ears it to that, and carries it home Sunday morn ing, if lie wakes up in time; otherwise its owner can lie in bed over Sunday and he Mill bring it hack some time the following Monday. If by chance his fancy does not run to cleaning clothes, he gets him-*elf a* gasoline stove, and other paraphernal ia wherewith to defeat the vagrant statute, and sets up a lunch counter, where he serves all such as care to come his way, irrespective of race, eol with hamburgers, hot cat-fish and beef sausage, and some times sweet spirits ,of fermentl on the side. But should neither of the vocations appeal to him, he usually opens a colored barber shop with a poolroom and crap table in the rear. As soon as the city authorities be come obnoxious to him, however, he again get's back to the quiet country life, usually after t\ie Christmas holi days, and joins himself to a cotton ylanter, anti by his certain written con tract, duly executed in duplicate, ob ligates and binds himself to cultivate and gather a crop of cotton on th land therein inscribed, tin id on th strength thereof proceeds to eat from $5 to S:M) worth of grub while he is waiting for the ground to get in shape to plow, and it very frequently hap pens that when the trees begin to bud and when the birds begin to whistle* and the grass hopper logins to sing, Mr. Negro is seized with wanderlust* and suddenly disappears, and the peo ple who once knew him know him no more forever. Every delta town also has its full quota of negro women, I who, like the lilly, toil not, neither do | they spin, yet the Queen of Sheba in all her glory was never clad like unto one of them. Surely the negro is fearfully aud wonderfully made, and his ways am past finding out—B. F. Davis in Com . mercial Appeal. No. 10