The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, June 28, 1923, Image 3

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THURSDAY. JUNE 28, 1923. Social and Personal News MILLSAPS-RISSELL WEDDING OF WIDE INTEREST. Of state-wide interest was the wed ding of Miss Sybil Nannette Millsaps and Mr. Robert Lee Russell of Atlanta, which was solemnized Wednesday, June 27th at nine o'clock ii the evening at the Christian church. The Rev. John H. Wood, of Rome, officiated., the im_ pressive ring ceremony being used. The church was most attractive in elaborate decorations of pink roses, smilax, ferns and handsome palms. In the center, immediately in the rear of chancel was formed an altar of smilax interspersed with pink roses, on either side of this equisite floral arrangement was a wicker floor basket tilled with pink roses. The whole being softly radiaut from the light of many pink tapers which lent magnificent grand eur to the scene. Wedding Music. While the guests were assembling. Mrs. J. W. Griffeth rendered a beauti ful musical program. Preceding the approach of the Ifridal party Miss Mar garet Russell sweetly sang, “I Love You Truly,” and “When Song Is Sweet,’ with'soft instrumental accompaniments by Mrs. Griffeth. The after strains euphoniously melodizing into the sweet strains of Lohengrin’s wedding march, to which the hridal party entered. Dur ing the ceremony “To a Wild Rose” was rendered. Mendelsshon* s wedding march was used as a recessional. Mrs. Griffeth was charming in a most at tractive costume of brocaded gold cloth. And Miss Russell was lovely wearing a handsome gown of silver cloth elab orately trimmed with rhinestones. Bridai Attendants. First to enter were the bridesmaids and croomsmen who were Miss Kath leen Wilson, wearing a beautiful gown of green chiffon with gold trimmings, and Mr. Jack Kearslev. of Roanoke, Va. . and Miss Montine Robinson wear ing a lovely gown of pink Georgette with silver trimmings and elaborately beaded, and Mr. Joe Quillian. Then Miss Mary Louise Johns who was quite attractive wearing a lovely model fashioned of orchid chiffon with orchid lace trimmings and silver ribbons, and Mr. G. W. Millsaps. Then Miss Pauline Thompson, of Hawkinsville, who was radiantly gown ed in yellow georgette with trimmings of silver lace, and Mr. Keith Quarter man. The bridesmaids carried the beautiful Shepherdess crooks. Next entered Miss Carolyn Russell, sister of the groom, who was the little flower girl, she wore a dainty little frock of peach organdy and carried a basket of beautiful garden flowers. Master Geo. Watson Smith, as ring hearer, wore a beautiful suit of white satin and car ried the ring on a white satn pllow. Next came Miss Patience Russell, sister of the groom, as maid of honor, wearing a beautiful gown of orchid chiffon, exquisitely trimmed with sil ver lace, and carred pink roses. The bride entered with her father, Mr. Green S. Millsaps. who gave her away in marriage, and was met at the altar tyv the groom and his best man, Mr. R. R. Russell. Jr., and the Rev. John H. Wood, of Rome, the officiating minister, the impressive ring ceremo ny was performed. Lovely Bride. The bride was beautiful in her gown of white satin back crepe. An ornn ment beaded of pearls marked the waist line, and crystal and pearls outlined the cascade draperies on the side. Her long court train of the same material was also bordered with crystal beads and heavily embroidered with pearls and crystal. Her veil wa3 becomingly caught to her lovely hair with a wreath of orange blossoms, and she car ried a Ifridal hououet of white roses, showered with valley lillies. Elegant Reception. Immediately after the ceremony, a brilliant reception was held at the home of. the bride’s parents. This home which is well adapted to the en tertainment of a large assemblage of guests such as were present on this oc casion. presented a scene of lovliness. a profusion of ferns and garden flow ers in shades of pink being used, the color motif of pink and white was car ried out in every appointment. The receiving line was composed of Mr. and Mrs. Greene S. Millsaps. Chief Justice and Mrs. Richard B. Russell. Mr. and Mrs. Roliiert Lee Russell, and Mrs. Gordon Greene. Capt. and Mrs. W. H. Quarterman. Mr. and Mrs. .Tames Bowden, Mr. and Mrs. John Millsaps. Among those assisting in receiving and entertaining were Dr. and Mrs. C. B. Almond. Col. and Mrs. J. C. Pratt, Judge and Mrs. W. H. Quarterman, Mr. and Mrs. IV. M. Holsenbeck, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Flanigan. Mrs. Herschel Smith. Mrs. John H. Smith. Mrs. Claud Hancock. Mrs. Henry Pledger, Mrs. Os car Summerour, Mrs. G. C. Moseley, Mrs. .1. A. Huff, Misses Elise Starr. Desma Elder. Mabel Jackson, Margaret McWhorter, Flossie HensoD, Josephine House, Beulah Ferguson. The bride’s hook was in charge of Miss Harriett Russell. Prominent Families. These young people are very promi nent and popular, representing as they do two of the oldest and most influen_ tial families of Georgia.. The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Greene S. Millsaps and is one of Winder’s most charming and most beloved young ladies. The groom is the second son of Chief Justice Rich ard B. Russell and Mrs. Russell and is a rising young attorney of Atlanta. During the evening Mr. and Mrs. Russell left on a motor trip to Ashe ville and other points of interest. On their return they will be at home at their apartment at 833 W. Peachtree, Atlanta. The bride’s traveling suit was a smart three-piece model of dark blue poiret twill, with which she wore a lovely summer fur of sand color: her hat and other accessories were also of sar.d. Among the out-of-town guests were Captain and Mrs. Gordon Greene, of Richmond, Va., Misses Harriet and Ina BY MRS. J. B. PARHAM, MRS. H. T. FLANIGAN ENTERTAINS AT MATINEE PARTY. Quite an enjoyable event last week was the matinee party on Friday after noon given Wv Mrs. H. T. Flanigan, honoring Miss Sybil Millsaps and sev eral visitors in the city. After a most delightful time spent at the Strand Theater the guests were served dainty refreshments at the drug store. Misses Margaret Russell and Kathleen Wilson served. The guests were Miss Millsaps, Mrs. G. S. Millsaps, Mrs. W. A. Brooks, Mrs. Hubert Eberhart, Mrs. R. L. Rogers, Mrs. E. R. Ellerbe, of Latta, S. C., Mrs. B. B. Jackson of Charlotte, N. C., Mrs. Oliver, Mrs. Burdette, Mrs. J. P. Eb erhart. Mrs. Joe Estes, Mrs. W. H. Quarterman, Sr., Mrs .R. B. Russell, Mrs. W. H. Quarterman, Jr., Mrs. Jim Bowden of Atlanta and Miss Patience Russell. AN ENJOYABLE OCCASION. Last Thursday afternoon, the Rara ca class of the Methodist church gave a delightful barbecue at the fair grounds in honor of the Philathea class of the same church. In a contest be tween the two classes, the Philatheas won, and the Baracas paid the forfeit by giving the barbecue. The latter took their defeat good-naturedly and did their best in paying the forfeit. Several interesting games were play ed before dinner was announced, among them dropping the handkerchief and base. Messrs. M. J. Griffeth and Guy Kilgore seemed to be the most popular young men in the crowd. After the games were over the crowd was invited over to the barbecue, and it was all that could have been desired. Every body enjoyed the occasion to the ful lest. MR. AND MRS. W. J. BURCH ENTERTAIN FOR COUSIN. Mr. and Mrs. Burch gave a bridge party last Thursday evening in honor of Mr. J. H. Blackwell, who was spend ing a few days with them. After several interesting games of bridge delicious cream and cake were served. Those invited were Mr. and Mrs. R. 11. Kimball, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Moseley, Dr. and Mrs. W. L. DeLaPerriere and Mrs. Joseph Broome. MISS NETTIE BAGYVELL HOSTESS. Miss Nettie. Bagwell delightfully en tertained at her home MondaV night in honor of her houseguest, Miss Lillian Johnson, of Charlotte. N. C. The lawn was decorated with Japanese lantens under which many rustic benches were placed. Music and proms were the features of the evening. Misses Anita Bagwell and Caroline Alkin presided over the punch bowl. Miss Bagwell was assisted in entertaining by her moth er and Mrs. J. M. Aikin. Those enjoying Miss Bagwell’s hos pitality were Misses Lillian Johnson, Sara Joe Roberts, Alice Dunn, Mary Quarterman, Essie Lee Williams, Lou ise Williams, Gladys Eavenson, Fan nielu Tucker, Margaret and Nell Wal ker, Helen McWhorter, Tempy Harris, and Kathleen Wilson; Messrs. Truett Brookshire, Jack Melton, Charles Mc- Whorter, Julian Wilson, Charles Sheats, Henry Bradley, Hope and Bur Camp, Kinch Carpenter, Harold Mc- Donald. Frank Bondurant, John Rob inson. Julius Beddingleld, Perry Hill. Sam Autry, Harold Starr, Hearst Bag well and Ralph Hardigree. Miss Lillian Johnson of Charlotte, N. C., is the charming house guest of Miss Nettie Bagwell. • • • Mrs. H. N. Rainey, Miss Mattie Lou ise Rainey and Mr. Nixon Rainey of Atlanta were visitors in Winder this week and were among the out-of-town guests at the Millsaps-Russell wedding. * * * Mr. Cagle and daughter. Miss Cagle and Mrs. Boston of Texas were visitors in Winder this week. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Hundley and little sons, of Post, Tex as, are visiting relatives in Minder. They formerly lived in Winder and have many friends here. • • * Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brooksher an nounce the birth of a daughter, the 27th inst. • • • Dr. R. P. Adams, of Bethlehem, pass ed through Winder Tuesday on his way to Atlanta. He goes up with Jim Do zier, who will act as page in the legis lature for the next two weeks. .Tim Dozier is a Ninth Grade W inder Hi Boy and we know he will do his part well. • • • Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Walker, of Wash ington, D. C. and Mr. W. L. W alker, of Beaumont, Texas, have returned to their home after a visit to their moth er, Mrs. TV. R. Walker and sisters, Mrs. I). I). Kesler and Mrs. I>. S. Thomas. Mr. TV. M. Chastain, one of our best citizens, who has been operating a bar ber shop in tin* Winder National Bunk building, has gone to Gainesville where he is engaged in a like ISisiness. TT e regret that we have to give up this valuable citizen. Russell of Washington, I). C., Mr. Jack Kearsley, of Roanoke. Va., Miss Ruth McCulloch of Marietta, Capt. and Mrs. TV. H. Quarterman of San Antonio, Texas, Mr. and Mrs. John Millsaps, Dr. Joseph Jacobs, Mr. Walter Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Lodowick Hill, Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. James Bowden, of Atlanta, Miss Pauline Thompson of Hawkinsville, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hancock, Mr. and Sirs. John H. Turner, Mr, Morris Bry ant, Mrs. Southworth, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Nix, and Mrs. W. J. Wills of JefTerson, and Col. Lewis C. Russell, of Washington, D. C. TELEFHONNE 144 Mrs. H. T. Flanigan and Mrs. G. A. Johns spent Monday in Atlanta. • • Mr. A. T. Harrison and son, Joe, spent Sunday in Atlanta. * • • Mr. J. L. Saul was the guest of rel atives in Lawrenceville las. Sunday. m m m Lagree Jacobs was the guest of Ralph Hardigree a few days last week. * * • Mrs. Guy Kilgore will have as her guest for a few days Miss Daisy Rum seur of Atlanta. • • • Mrs. W. A. Bradley spent the past week end in Atlanta with Mrs. Jewell Saxon. • • • Miss Edna Perry of Menlo, Ga.. spent the past week end here as the guest of Mrs. J. C. Pratt. • • • Miss Sara Mae McWhorter left Mon day to enter the summer school of the State University. • • • Mr. R. L. Carit.hers and Mrs. H. T. Flanigan were visitors to Athens last week. • * • Mr. and Mrs. Harold Herrin and young son of Athens were visitors in Winder the past week end. • 9 9 Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Walker and fam ily, of Gainesville, spent Sunday with their mother. Mrs. W. R. Walker. • • • Mrs. A. T. Harrison has returned hoe after a few days visit with friends and relatives in Atlanta. * * * Mss Sara Barber of Atlanta is spend ing a few days here with Miss Blanche Smith and other friends. a • Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kilpatrick of Atlanta spent tin* past week end in Winder with relatives. a a • Miss Luicle Daniel, who has been visiting friends in Lawrenceville, has returned to her home in this city. a a a Mr. Charles W. Jackson of Atlanta was the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Judson Jackson on Sunday. a a a Mrs. Brunelle Smith, Misses Rachel Saunders and Helen Jackson and Mr Charlie Smith spent Sunday in Gaines ville. • a a Mr. James H. Blackwell of Portland, Oregon, has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Burch for a few days. Mr. Black well is a cousin of Mr. Burch. • • • Col. and Mrs. J. C. Pratt and their guest. Miss Eilba Perry, of Menlo, spent last Sunday with relatives in Lawrenceville. * * The many friends of Mr. Harry Mil likin will regret to learn that he is ill at the Piedmont Sanitarium in Atlan ta. a a a The many friends of Mrs. George Fortson will regret to learn she is quite sick at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jackson. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Clair Harris announce the birth of a daughter, the 23rd, lust., she has been given the name of Lucy Caroline. ■ ft * Jack Millikin of Thomson was in the city a short while Saturday after noon en route to see his father in At lanta. a a a Miss Nellie Sununerour and Miss Katherine Wiley have returned to their home in Decatur after a visit to Miss Blanche Smith and others. * * * Mrs. Vella Mae Smith and Mrs. Bru nelle Smith have returned from a visit of several days to Mrs. John McDor man in Abbeville. S. C. a a a Miss Lila Mae Stanton, of Social Circle, is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Lee DeLaPerriere on Can dler street. a a a Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Sims and little son, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stewart and Mias Nelda Stewart spent last Sunday in Bogart with Mr. and Mrs. Malcom. a a a Misses Olivia and Elizabeth Kesler tlie little daughters of Mr. and Mrs ,f 11. Kesler of Jackson county, are spending several days with their aunt, Mrs. C. H. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Stewart of Post, Texas, are visiting relatives in Winder for the present. Their many friends are glad to welcome them and to know they are doing well in their far wes tern home. • • • The many friends of Mr. J. TV. Eav enson of Bowman will be glad to learn that he Ims improved from his recent illness. Mrs. TV. C. Horton recently spent a few days in Bowman with her father, Mr. Eavenson. * * * Editor Dake of the Douglasville Sen tinel, and Mr. and Mrs. Selman, of the same city, were visitors in Winder a short time J Monday. They were on their way home from Athens. * • * Mrs. Rottert Camp is spending this week in Winder during the absence of Mr. Camp, who is attending a confer ence at the Autocar Truck Factory in Philadelphia. While in the East Mr. Camp will also visit New York and At lantic City. • * * Mrs. Fannie Stanton, who has been spending several days here and at Jef ferson with relatives and friends, re turned to her home at Social Circle last Friday morning, on the following morning she fell and broke her right arm* near the shoulder. Her many friends here will regret to learn of this misfortune. THE WINDER NEWS An Extraordinary Production “ The Life of Christ” A vivid portrayal in beautiful motion pictures, includ ing His Birth, His Boyhood Days, His Works and Mira cles. The Crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension. COMING TO Winder School Auditorium (ONE DAY ONLY) Mon., July 2, at 4 and 8:30 P. M. Under Auspices Philathea Class Methodist Church of Winder Accompanied by Appropriate and Impressive Music. Adults 50c, Children 25c At 4 P. M. and 8:30 P. M. 1899 1923 Dependable Service Are DOLLARS deposited in an Interest Ac count in this bank. They are “on the job” night and day, 365 days in the year. They take no vacations and observe no holidays. They grow in value constantly by interest which is paid and added to them by us at reg ular periods. Now is the time to start and we cordially invite your interest bearing account. Winder National Bank ’ y , ? % Thompson Bros. For the past three years we have been selling the very best petroleum products marketed in this immediate section. We have rendered the public courteous and ef ficient service. Our marketing facilities are a credit to our city and county. We have a host of satisfied customers who believe they get MORE MILES FOR THEIR DOLLAR from our gasoline and motor oils. They say that they do not know whether it is in the gasoline or whether it is in the measure, but they do know that they get more out of it. Thompson Brothers D. F. THOMPSON GEORGE THOMPSON reserve^- Subscription Price: $1.50 Per Year.