The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, June 28, 1923, Image 8

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Thursday. June 28. uea Lesral Advertisements. TWELVE MONTHS SUPPORT GEORGIA — Barrow comity. The appraisers upon tin- application of Mrs. Avis N. l’revost. widow of Cbas H. Prevott, dedoased, for a twelve months support for herself ami three minor children out of the estate of the said Chas. H. Provost, deceased, hav ing made their return; all persona are hereby cited to show cause, if any they have, before the Court of Ordinary of said county on tin* first Monday in Ju ly ,ly. 1923. why said application should not le granted. This -tth day of June, 1923. C. W. PARKER, Ordinary. Application for Athninistration. GEORGIA—Barrow county. To all whom it may concern: Mrs. N. E. Evans has applied to me for permanent letters of administration on the estate of J. E. Evans, late of said county, and I will pass upon the said application on the first Monday In July, 1923. Witness my hand and seal, this 4th day of June, 1923. C. W. PARKER, Ordinary. Application for Administration. GEORGIA —Barrow county. To all whom it may concern: Mrs. Avis N. I’revost has applied to me for permanent letters of adunlnisoa tion on the estate of ('has. 11. Provost, late of said county, and I will pass up on said application on the first Monday in July, 1923. Witness my hand and official seal this the 4th day of June, 1923. C. W. PARKER, Ordinary. Application for l<ae to Sell Ivind and Personal Property. Georgia—Barrow county. To all whom it may concern: Marion It- Maynard, John H May nard and L. F. Sell, as executors of the Will of J. T. Mayuard. deceased, having applied to me by petition for leave to sell all the real estate and personal property of said deceased, Ihis is to notify the creditors and kin dred that said application will be passed upon at the July term, 1923, of Court of Ordinary of said county and unless cause is then shown to the con trary said leave will be granted. This June 4th. 1923. C. W. Parker, Ordinary. Application for l)i).mission from Guardianship. Georgia—Barrow county. job 1,, Hill, Guardian of Ohio Mor ris and Mosie Morris, has applied to me for a discharge from his Guardian ship of the said Obie Morris and Mosie Morris, this is. therefore, to notify all persons concerned, to file their objec tions, if any they have, on or before the first Monday in July, 1923, else Joh I, Hill will he discharged from Ids guardianship as applied for. W. PARKER, ordinary. CITATION Georgia—Harrow county. \V. T. Hinton having applied to tho Ordinary hy petition asking that Price Harper, ns Executor of (lit' will of \\ . A. Harper, deceased, lute of said coun ty. he required to make to him a deed to two certain tracts or parcels of land situated, lying and being in Oconee county, Georgia, and known as tracts No. Seven l7i and eight <K) of th<* W. A. Harper farm, as shown hy the map of said farm hy (!. L. Veal in Au gust, 1917, and recorded iu the office of the clerk of the Superior Court of Oconee county, llook L. Page oil, more particularly described, in copy of bond for title attached to petition on Hie in Ordinary's office, in pursuance of a bond for title made by W. A. Harper to the said W. T. Hinton, in his life time, the said \V. T. Hinton alleging that he has fully met Ids obligations in said bond. This is to notify Mildred Chambers, J. W. Harper, Mrs. Prudie Jackson, price Harper, Myrtle Harper and Su san Harper, heirs at law of the said W A Harper, dt*eeased. to Is l and ap pear at the July term, 1929, of Court of Ordinary, Harrow county, and show cause, if any they have or can, why the said executor should not be required to make said deed as prayed for by the said \V. T. Hinton, petitioner. C. W. PARKER, Ordinary. Notice to Debtors and Creditors All parties indebted to the estate of Weynian P. Harrison are hereby noti fied and requested to make pAyment of same at once to the undersigned and all parties holding claims against said estate art* notified and requested to render accounts of same to tin* under signed for settlement. This May 2d. 192!?. Mrs. \V. P. Harrison, Admr. of Estate of W. P. Harrison. W. II Qdarterman, Atty. SALE NOTICE. GEORGIA —Harrow county. Under and by virtue of a power of salt* contained in a certain warrantee deed executed and delivered bs \V. H. Maxwell to Wln-Vr NuMonal Hank said deed dated September 22. 15*20 and recorded in the Clerk's office Stt jm rior Court aaid'county in Records nfi Iteetls Hook “I>" l’ngo s*l. Winder Na j ttonal Bank will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash on the first Tresday in July. 15*23, between the legal hours of sale before the court house door in said county, the follow ing di scriced property to w it: All that tract or parcel of land ly ing and being in House s district city of ■Winder, said State and county, con taining thirteen 11 -1 * lots, numbers ti. 7 and K in Block I and numbers 7. S, f*. It*. 11. 12. 13, and 14. Block E and Nos. 3 and 4. in Block "D" all in Wood lawn Heights as shown by a plat of Woodlhwn Heights and subdivision sold by Winder Realty Company and recorded in tin* office of the clerk of the Superior Court. Jackson county. Georgia, in Book “III! Page 4->0 to which reference is made for the meas urements and further description ex cept t**tt tvpter ‘feet does not show on said plat, together with dwelling and all improvements thereon. Mum j SHERIFFS SALE GEORGIA —Barrow county. Will Is* sold on the first Tuesday in July, next, at public outcry, at the courthouse in said county, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bid der for cash, certain property of which the following is a full and complete description: “All that property generally known as Winder Compress Company, togeth er with all of the improvements there on including the building, known gen erally as Winder Compress, and all of tin* machinery, fixtures and furniture therein, and all of the accessories us ed in operating the said compress, in cluding trucks, engines, boilers, com presses, all located in the .ai<l compress building, which said real estate con sists of approximately 5 acres of land in tho city of Winder whereon the said Compress stands and has been oper ated for several years, bounded on the north by lands of Barrow County Cotton Mills, on the east by lands of S. C. Brown, on the south and west hy Midland Avenue and lands of J. B. Lay. Said property levied on as the prop erty of Winder Compress Company to satisfy an execution Issued from the Superior Court of Barrow county Iu favor of Winder National Bank and agaihst Winder Compress Company, said property being in the possession of Winder Compress Company. Written notice given to defendant and tenant in possession as required by law. Property pointed out l>y de fendant. This the 4fh day of June, 1923. H. O. CAMP, Sheriff, SHERIFFS SALE. G EORGIA—Ita rrow county. Will lie sold before the court house door in Winder, Ga., on the first Tues day ill July, 1923, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described prop erty, to-wlt : A certain tract of land and the im provements thereon, situated in the town of Statham Dst, bounded on tlie east by Bell street, south by J. B Treadwell, west by J. L. Harris, on the north by Coshy and Chambers, known as the B. Lankford plaee, containing 21 acres, more or less. Said property levied on as the prop erty of G. R. <’. Lanier under tax ti fa issued by M. H. Lowe, for State and County taxes for 1921, 1922 and trans ferred to the Farmers Bank of Winder, Ga., said property sold to satisfy said fl fa,. This fitli day of June, 1923. H. O. CAMP, Sheriff. REAL ESTATE SALE GEORGIA Harrow county. Whereas, on the 2.'!rd day of July, 1921, J. M. Campbell of Walton coun ty, Georgia, made and executed unto J. M. Nowell his promissory note, dat ed as above stated, and due November 1, 1921, for the principal sum of $(507.50 with interest thereon from maturity at the. rate of 8 per cent per annum, on which note there i$ a credit of $50.00 on January 4, 1922. That said note is secured hy a deed, made ahd executed by J. M. Campbell dated July 22. 1921, conveying to J. M. Nowell the following deserilied prop erty to wit: All that tract or parcel of land and improvements thereon, sit uated, lying and being in the Town of Statham, Barrow county, Georgia, and ‘desorlbetV as follows: Beginning at a stake on North side of Broad street, running thence along line of R. G. Sims N. 44 14 East, eight hundred and one (SOI) feet to E. H. Rylee corner on line of the said R G. Sims; thence along line of E. 11. Rylee N 4.'5 1-2 W. two hundred 1 200 i feet to a stake cor ner; thence S 44 1 4 W. seven hundred and seventy-five (775) feet to an iron pin stake on Broad street; thence along Broad treet S 42 1-2 E two hundred (200) feet to the beginning corner on Broad street. Said tract of land con taining four town acres more or less, and known as the Dora Allen Tract of land. That said deed Is recorded in Deed Book I>, page 207, Clerk’s office, Har row Superior Court, and the deed con tains among other tilings that if the aforesaid debt or note is not prompt ly pa hi at maturity, according to the tenor of said note or if the interest in stnllments are not promptly paid as they mature, then the said J. M. Now ell. his agent or legal representative is authorised to sell said property, after advertising the saniJh iu accordance with the terms in said deed. And whereas, the said J. M. Camp bell has defaulted in the payment of said note that fell due on the first day of November, 1921, the said J M. Now ell. who is the owner and holder of said note, will, on the First Tuesday in July, 1929. during the legal hours of sale, before the court house door at Winder in said county of Barrow, sell at public'entcry to the highest bidder for cash said described property, and make title to the purchaser under the .lowers conferred in said deed. This sth day of June, 1922. J. M. NOWELL. J. C. KNOX. His Attorney at Law. Notice of lawal Legislation. Notiee is hereby given, that after publication and advertisement in ac cordance with law. at the next session of tht> (icneraj Assembly of Georgia an Aet will be introduced of which the folloding is the enption : •*AX ACT to re|K-al an Aet tit create a county court in each county of the State of Georgia, except certain coun ties therein mentioned, approved Jan nary lbth, D72. and all Acts amenda tory thereof, so far as tho some applies to the county of Harrow, aud for otlie purposes." .‘it. property will he sold as the property of W. H. Maxwell to satisfy a certain promissory note of Six Thousand Six Hundred Seventy-Two Dollars and Fif ty Cents is(K!72.sot principal. This sjilo will be made for the pur lins** of paying said note principal and interest and the eost of this sale. A balance, if any. will he paid to the said W. H. Maxwell This the tfth day of June. 1 JfJ.'i. WINDER NATIONAL BANK K. JI. KIMBALL, Atty Double Branch Locals Miss Lucile Rooks spent awhile on Saturday afternoon with Miss Alma Thrasher. Miss Lillie Moore spent Sunday af ternoon with Miss Vera Mae Maynard. Miss Azalea Pentecost had as her guest Tuesday and Wednesday Miss Henrietta McDonald of Cedar Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Boh Pentecost had as their dinner gu*sts Sunday Mr. and Mrs. L. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sigman spent Sunday with Prof, ami Mrs. A. B. Sims. Miss Onie Teal spent Sunday after noon with Miss Lucile Rooks. Messrs. Robert Rooks and Ernest Thrasher and Misses Alma Thrasher and Lucile Rooks attended the ice cream supper given by Misses Onie and Della Teal Saturday night and report ed a grand time. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Rooks had as their guests Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rooks of near Winder. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Carlyle of Ce dar Hill spent Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs, Boh Pentecost. Miss BesSie Abner spent Friday night with Misses Essie and Alma Thrasher. Miss Azaleet Pentecost spent part of last week with her aunt. Mrs. Marlon Carlyle of near Cedar Hill. Miss Essie Thrasher spent awhile Sunday afternoon with Miss Bessie Ab ner. Mrs. Jewel House and little daugh ter, Mary Opal, and sister. Ruth Ha.v nie, spent Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Rooks and family. Mr. Horace Maynard of Winder spent Saturday night with homefolks. Mr. Erwin Rainey of Lawrenceville passed through our burg Sunday af ternoon. Master Ha Win Doster spent Sunday with Master John L. Rooks. Miss Lucile Sigmnn and Mr. Ben Joe Hagans spent Saturday night with Essie and HuD*rf Wright of Parish. Mrs. J. W. Maynard spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. It. S. Rooks. Mr. and Mrs. Itus Elliott spent last Sunday with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Elliott. Misses Lucile and Emma Mae Rooks visited Misses Essie and Alma Thrash er last Monday. Down Town Locals Mr. Joe C. Austin of Atlanta spent the week end at home. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Harrison spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Freeman. Messrs. E. H. Odum, Bolt Thomas, Howard Odum spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. anti Mrs. Tom Day. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Austin siient last Saturday with Miss Roena Duncan. Misses Belle and Addie Clark spent Sunday afternoon with Misses Allene and Ludie Mae Austin. Mrs. Tom Day spent Sunday after noon with Mrs. Freeman. Mr. Ernest Freeman spent awhile Sunday morning with his sister. Miss Sybil Odum spent Saturday night and Sunday with her sister, Mrs. J. T. Day. Miss Viola Finch spent Sunday with Miss Sudie Mae Hodges. Mr. and Mrs. Herscliel Herndon spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Hinesley. THRU PULLMAN TO COLUMBUS Leave Winder 252 P. M Arrive Colum lhis 8:55 P. M. Aug 1 SEABOARD £ Needless Advice. To tell a boy to practice economy In the use of soap Is wasting words.— Chicago Dally Never. CATARRHAL DEAFNESS is often caused by an inflamed condition of i he mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing. Unless the inflammation can be reduced, your hearing may be de stroyed forever. HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE will do what we claim for It—rid your system of Catarrh or Deafness caused by Catarrh. HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE has been successful in the treatment of Catarrh for over Forty Years. Sold by all druggists. P. J. Cheney & Cos., Toledo, O. ■■Br.vlnßi 7T takbs hold. It grips hard. Its high, thick, sharp edged blocks put up a wedge-like re sistance to skidding. It is the maximum safety, traction and long wear you can put under your car —the reinforced, beveled All-Weather Tread cf the new Goodyear Cord Tire. *4* Cocu \ear Sen tee Station Dealers iff sell and recom mend th * neu.' Good .ear Cords with the beveled All- Weather Tread and back the rn up with standard Goodyear Serr .Tire Service Station. Winder. Georgia G O OS*YE AR THE WINDER NEWS B. E. PATRICK Watches and Jewelry Fine Watch Repairing. WINDER, GA. THE WIFE OF DR. L. C. ALLEN LS DEAD. • • We regret to learn that Mrs. Allen, wife of Dr. L. C. Allen, of Hoschton, passed away Sunday evening about*B o’clock. She had been practically an in valid for several years, having under gone a serious surgical operation about five years ago. Some temporary relief was afforded by this; she, however, never fuily regained her health, and for'several months has been a constant though pi tient sufferer. Mrs. Alien was raised in Augusta, and was living there when she became the v/lft* of Dr. Allen. She was 59 years of age: has two children dead, and thre* liv'ng, viz. Dr. Myron 8., Mrs. Stewart and Miss Myitis. She was a devoted and useful member of the Hoschton Methodist church, and a lead er in social and civic matters when her health permitted. The funeral services were held in the Hoschton Methodist church Monday afternoon at four o'clock, by her for mer pastor. Rev. Willis Jones, assisted by the present minister, Rev. Rogers. Beautiful floral gifts were evidenced of the sorrow of surviving friends. Sev eral brother physicians were present to share the grief of husband and son. We mourn with those who mourn.— Jackson Herald. POSTOAK LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Holloway spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Bush Edgar Sat urday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Everett Edgar. cluftlatW Mr. and Mrs. u. P. Holloway spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. C. I). Bailey. Misses Lillie Mae and NoWe Hollo way were the guests of Miss Abie Grif fetii Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Smith and Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Day were guests of Mrs. Ed Evans and Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Austin Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Herndon spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Austin. Mr. Henry Hoseh of Atlanta spent Tuesday might with Mr. W. W. Hoseh. Misses Lillie Mae and Nobie Hollo way and Abie Griffeth were guests of Miss /ora Henry Sunday afternoon. Master R. P. Austin spent the week end with Master Ernest Lee Austin. Mrs. Ed Evattis and son, Janies, spent Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Casey. Mrs. W. M. Holloway and son, Clyde, made a business trii> Saturday after noon to Winder. THERE BABY ifCi'vJrL IN * ) YOUR i Y / HOME? \? / BABY EASE A Safe Liquid Treatment For Sick Fretful Babies and Children Bowel and Teething Troubles No Opiates -No Dope Sold bij Drvi^^ists FARM LOANS Low Interest Rate and Reasonable Commission Charges. Prompt and Efficient Service. J. C. PRATT Bush Building - . Winder, Ga. SWIMMING POOL One and one-half miles east of Winder and easily accessible from all points. Now ready for the public, and will be open from 7:00 a. m. to 10:00 p. m. every day except Sunday. A smaller branch of clearer water has been utilized to supply, the pool, of sufficient vol ume to insure an everchanging water supply. An expert swimmer has been secured to look after the ladies and children and to give instructions in swim ming and diving free of charge to those wanting it. Nice pine grove surrounding the pool, with tables and benches for picnic parties. Ideal place for kodaking. . No drunkenness or disorderly conduct will be allow ed. Your patronage solicited. W. T. APPLEBY, Proprietor FARM LOANS are prepared to handle an unlimited amount of farm loan business at 6*4 per cent per annum with a reasonable commission. We can loan for 5, 7 or 10 years’ time, in amounts ranging from £I,OOO to $40,000, on 50 acres and up. If you are in the market for a loan on your farm, let us submit you our proposition. “QUICK SERVICE’’ is our Motto. Call or write— W. H. QUARTERMAN Correspondent for STATE & CITY BANK & TRUST CO. (Formerly Old Dominion Trust Cos.) Richmond, Virginia. insurance Your neighbor’s home burned only a few days or months ago and a cyclone is likely to strike this section at any time, so INSURE with US and lie down at night with a clear conscience and a peaceful mind. Don’t DELAY. It may mean the loss of your home. Any man can build a home once. A WISE man Insures his property in a reliable insurance company so that when calamity comes he can build again. He owes the protection that it gives, to his peace of mind and the care of his lovedones. Kilgore, Radford & Smith Farm Loans and Winder City Loans. I make loans in Barrow, Gwinnett Walton, Jackson, Oconee and Morgan Counties in amounts from $509.00 to $100,000.00. I also make loans on Winder City Property. I solicit applications di rect from the farmers and from Bankers and Attorneys whose cus tomers and clients need money. Write to me and your business will have my prompt attention. S. G. BROWN, Banker Private Bank—Not Incorporated. 6mospd.3-l-23. Lawrenceville, Georgia. FIRE, TORNADO & AUTOMOBILE InSUFRIICC Oldest and strongest companies in the Insurance Line. w Will Appreciate your Business C. C. GREGORY CO. 305 Winder National Bank Building Cleaning and Pressing 0 We give the best service in town. Our prices are right. Single Suits Presseand . 5 Suits, per month, Pressed .... . . Suits Cleaned ... • • Ladies Work according to material. Prices on application Yours for Service, Citizens Pressing Club Phone 186 W. B. Wilson, Prop. Subscription Price: sl-50 Per Tear.