The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, June 28, 1923, Image 9

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THI'RSrAT, JVSE 28, 1923. NEW PENTECOST Myrtle Finch had as her week end guests Misses Pearl Cook and Fan nie Sims of Statham. Mr. and Mrs. John Steed and chil dren attended preaching at Ebenezer Sunday a#.l were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Fulcher. Little Miss Marguerite Howington is spending eseveral days with her aunt, yirs. A. I>. Wall, of Winder. Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Lyle and children spent Sunday with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lyle of near Win der. Mi;, and Mrs. Clinton Wall. Pauline. Reha. Guy and Preston Wall spent Sunday with friends near Buford. Rev. Askew will All his regular ap pointment here Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Harrison Elrod of Winder spent Monday afternoon with Mrs. Emma Wall. CARTER HILL Master Julian Oouzts of Winder spent Thursday afternoon with his grandpar ents while his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Ouzts went to Monroe. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Richardson and children of Mountain Creek communi ty, Walton county, were recent guests of Mr. W. J. Page and family. Mrs. Charlie McDonald of Atlanta spent Saturday night and Sunday with relatives here. Mias Lois Page spent last week in Winder. Misses Rachel and Martha Robertson and their friend of Monroe motored to this community Sunday. •Little Miss Bettie McDaniel has been very sick hut is much improved now. Several young people O njoyed an ice cream supper at Miss Lucile Chancey’s Saturday night. Several from Winder attended the Christian Endeavor meeting here Sun day night. Mrs. Johnny Anthony and children of Bethlehem visited relatives' here Tuesday. Many from this section attended the K. K. K. meeting at Winder Tuesday, ■night. < Mrs. Willie Clarke and daughter of Betlilehem spent Saturday night and Sunday with the former’s mother, Mrs. Kilgore. Misses Johnnie and Mary Lou Mc- Daniel and Willie Mae and Mollie Ful ler were guests of Misses Willie Mae and Mary Queen Saturday afternoon. Misses Clyde Page and Ida Ruth Harrison visited Miss Willie Langford at Rocky Ridge farm Saturday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Page spent Sunday with relatives in Winder. Miss Eunice Dillard, who was to have! had chrage of the Christian En deavor Sunday afternoon was absent and the president. Miss Lucile Chan cey. presided. After the roll call by Mrs. 11. T. Fuller, the following took part in the program: Messrs. Carson and John Wages, Claude McDaniel, H. M. Rutledge and Robert Carswell, Mrs. Mabel Anthony and Misses Prudie, Gladys and Annie Mae McDaniel. Pau line Dillard and Montine Austin. Miss Willie Page will be leader next Sunday. PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING. First-class piano tuning and repair ing. I guarantee my work. Phone or write Lewis Chick, Monroe. Ga. ltpd Over 300 Satisfied Owners in Barrow County alone There's one to fit your car and the price is no more v Auto Sales Cos. D. L. Nowell. J. W. Carrington, Jr. Garage & Service Static a, Candler St, UNION LOCALS Several from here attended the sing ing at Ebenezer Sunday afternoon. Mr. land Mrrf. Mercer , Brookshire were visitors in Statham Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hammond an nounce the birth of.a girl Saturday, June 2.’L Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Foster had as their guests Sunday Misses Willie and Jewel Page and Messrs, Green Page and Faris Harbin. Mr. Bud Wood and family spent last Sunday in Jefferson with relatives. Connie amd Lois Bradberr.v spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Law rence Wall. Mr. and Mrs. George Sims and chil dren spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Harbin. Mr. Bob Fowler from near Talnio spent awhile Sunday with his sister, Mrs. tV. A. Maddox. Misses Fannie Lou and Ruth Foster spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Foster. Misses Alice and Corine McElhannon spent Saturday afternoon with Misses Izzie and Ruth Harbin. Mr. Hubert Maddox spent Friday night with liomefolks. PARISH LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Little and family were the guests of their daughter. Mrs. A. J. Hayes Sunday. Misses Lucile Siginan and Carmen Elder spent Saturday night with Miss Essie Wright. Mr. Luster Simpson who is at work at Buford spent Saturday night with home folks. Miss Bessie Simpson spent Saturday 'night with Miss Jewell Elliott. Mr. Ben Joe Hogan was the guest of Messrs. Hubert, Ernest and Lefus Wright Saturday night. Miss Nellie and Ruth Allen were the i guests of Miss Carmen Elder Thurs | day afternoon. Mr. Mead and family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. it. Page Sunday. ! Mrs. Julia Watson was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Tilda Elliott Sunday. | Mr. and Mrs. Ed Healan spent Sat urday night with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Allen. Misses Grade and Alice Watson spent Saturday night with Miss Jewell El liott. Miss Pearl Marr of Auburn was the guest of Mr. ami Mrs. Luther Allen Sunday. Miss Beulah Little is spending a few days with her sister. Mrs. Eula Hays. | Miss Lillie Fleeman of Buford spent Sunday with home folks. | Master Chester Elliott was the guesi of Master Kester Marr Sunday. Little Beatrice and Glenn Healan of Winder are spending the week end with little Mauerva and Clyde Marr. | Miss Christine AttaWajy was the i guest of her sister. Mrs. Florence Flan igan Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Marr of Auburn : were visiting relatives in this burg ( Sunday. i Miss Sabra Farr was the guest of Miss Thelma Allen Sunday. Several from here attended the sing ing at Bethabra Sunday afternoon. ! Mr. Freeman Hayes spent the week end with home folks. I am sorry that some got disappoint ed in the time set for Sunday schoo Sunday morning. Little A. J. Hayes is stiil right back but hope he will soon be better. COUNTY LINE. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Pool are visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hardy. Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Murphy had as l.ieir guests Sunday, Mr. Rescue Cas tleixerry and Miss Lucile Murphy. Miss Melina Hardy is visiting her sister. Mrs. Robert Kelly of Jefferson. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Waddell were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. B. House Sunday. Miss Ruth Harris of Buford is vis iting her sister. Mrs. Eunice House. Mrs. E. D. Murphy and Mrs. C. T. Skelton were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hardy Sunday. Mr. E. W. Maxey spent the weekend with home folks. Mr. Dewey Bailey and Mr. Ralph Maxey were in our burg Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Harrison spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Murphy. Miss Mae Reynolds spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Doster. Miss Ollie Murphy spent Monday night with Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Mur phy. OAK GROVE ’ Miss Eudine Jones returned home Saturday after a week's visit with rel atives at Buford. She was accompanied home by Mr. and Mrs. Roy Patrick. Miss Edna Crook spent Sunday with Miss Madie McElhannon. Masters J. W. and Rogers Patrick and sister, Ruth, spent Saturday night and Sunday with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Wilbanks. Little Louise Reynolds of near Hosch ton is visiting her aunt, Mrs. C. M. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Harwell and Mr. Fonnie Harwell of near Winder visit ed Mr: and Mrs. Lester Harwell Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Wash McCain spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Lyle. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Esco visited relatives here Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Mollie Sellers was the dinner guest of Mrs. Ethel Jones Sunday. Mrs. Edna Roberts of Statham spent several days recently in this burg vis iting relatives and friends. Mrs. Norma Callahan returned to Atlanta Sunday after a short visit to her mother. Mrs. J. Booth. Mr. and Mrs. Adolphus Hudson and daughter, Hattie, were visiting Mrs. J. C. Payne last Thursday. Miss Edna Crook and O’Neil Fulcher spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Job Haynie. Several from this attended the sing ing at Ebenezer Sunday and reported some line singing. CEDAR HILL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Hill Boyd and children of Atlanta spent the week end with home folks. Mrs. Robert Settle and Mrs. Victor Settle spent several days last week with their sister. Mrs. John Maxey. Mr. and Mrs. Emory House were vis it ing Mr. and Mrs. Walter Parker on Saturday night. A large crowd from here attended the singing at BetlmUara Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Williams and daughter, Christine, of Union, spent Saturday with Mri and, Mrs. Myrt House. Mr. and Mrs. John Maxey had as their week end guest Miss Edna Apple by of Winder. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Elliott spent awhile Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Ituss Elliott. liev. J. M. Tuinlin . pastor of the Methodist church at Winder will preach at Nazareth Sunday afternoon at 3:80 o’clock. Come out and hear him. M isses Leila Mae and Grace Maxey spent Saturday with Misses Lorena and' Agnes Elliott. Rev. Rogers tilled his regular ap pointment at Nazareth Saturday anti Sunday. Mr. Joe Abner and children and Mrs. Mede Price were the dinner gue-ds of Mrs. Pearl Simpson of Parish Sunday. Mr. Albert Parker, Misses Lillian and Lois Parker and Miss Mattie Lou Elliott were visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Maxev awhile Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Parker spent awhile Sunday night with Mrs. Eliza House who is seriously ill tit this writ ing- . ... . . Mr. J. R. Attaway was visiting his daughter, Mrs. Dora Elliott last Thurs day. SUL P H - ARSPHEN AMINE SIMPLIFIED REMEDY FOR SYPHILIS. Any Physician Can Use It. Syphilis, the greatest killing disease and one of the most prevalent of al the infectious and communicable dis eases, has in the past been lookec upon as incurable; or at least thre< years has been the accepted time nec essary for treatment. The discoverj of 606 some years ago has changec this picture, and now comes the an nouncement of Prof. Carl Voegtlin, ol the U. S. Hygiene Laboratory. Wash ington, giving us an improved 606 thai so simplifies the treatment that H amounts almost to a revolution. The old 606 had to be given in f vein in a large quantity of water The method of preparing and admin istering it was complex, and an ex pert, a specialist, was a necessity. Th< new remedy is given with a hypodermi< syringe, under the skin, in only a few drops of water. It has passed tb* laboratory stage, and is now on tria. for its practical use. The physician can obtain the new drug from the different manufacturer? of Arsphenapl ne - The State Boarc of Health can furnish literature to pljyoictaa £fco*t K ——* ® THE WINDER NEWS BETHLEHEM NEWS Mr. C. 1.. Sims of Eatonton spent a few days here last week. Mrs. Fannie Moore had as her guest Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sturdivant and Mrs. Josie Braswell. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Hendrix visited Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Thompson Sunday. Mr. Billie Lowe of Arkansas was a visitor hen* Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. I). Ridgeway visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Roy Grecsou Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Perkins spent Tuesday with Mrs. I'my Mae Harrison. One of tin* most enjoyable events of the season was the party given at Mrs. Bert Year-wood's Saturday evening. The porch was beautifully decorated where the guests assembled. After many games anil contests an ice course was served on the lawn. Those present were Misses Doris Whitehead. Lois Deane, and Belle Hol loway, Maryelle Harrison, Clara Sail ors. Lynette and Lourimo Moore, Mes srs. Lee and Guy Harrison, John Ad ams. Richard McElhannon. Leon Rog ers. Herbert and Duel Ridgeway, Glen Sailors and Glenn Whitehead. Mrs. We.vman Harrison and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hendrix. Mrs. Alice Perry of Winder spent tl" week end with Mr. and Mrs. C. I’. Jennings. Miss Mayrelle Harrison spent Satur day might with Misses Lois Deane and Belle Holloway. Rev. .1. W. McWhorter filled his ap pointment here Sunday. Mrs. Sailors and children spent Sat urday night with Mrs. W. F. Clack. STATHAM NEWS The Womans Missionary Federation met at the Methodist church Wednesday afternoon with a good attendance. Mrs. W. M. Stinclicomb presided in her very efficient way having charge of the meeting. A splendid program was carried out. Miss Grace Grimwood hav ing charge of it. After which deli cious refreshments were served. The Womans Mssi.unary Society met with Mrs. W. M. Fite Monday after noon. The program being carried out. in full Hy the president. Mrs. Fite, af ter whch a salad course was enjoyed. Mrs. I). L. Hale entertained as her week end guest Mrs. Emmett Hale and Eula Hale of Athens. Little Miss Dorothy Baugh and Don ald Baugh from Americas are spend ing awhile here with ther grandmoth er. Mrs. Harriet Lowe. Mrs. Ellen Dooly. Robert Dooly, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. McDonald accompanied hy Mr. and. Mrs. Florence Bell of Win der, Mr. and Mrs. At Coker of Athens, spent Sunday with relatives at High Shoals. They had a family gathering of the Dooly relatives. Mrs. J. W. Williams returned home Saturday. Her sister, Miss Ruth Hern don returned with her for a few days’ visit. Mrs. W. H. Hardigree and her daugh ter, Frances of Athens, are spending 'this week with Mrs. J. P. Arnold. Mrs. Carl D.val and two children of Athens were tiie week end guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Mal eomb. Misses Ruth and Erael Hale of .Ath ens spent the week end here with Mrs. Johnnie Treadwell at the home of her mother, Mrs. A. M. Hale. Mrs. Etheridge of Atlanta was the guest of her mother. Mrs. T. N. Lancas ter. for a few days. Misses. Linnette and Laurine Moore and Curt Moore of Bethlehem are the guests of their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ross this week. Miss Avery Beddingfield entertain ed a few of her friends at a spend the night party Saturday night. Quite a jolly good time they had. Those to en joy this occasion were Misses Sara Lowe. Susie B. Perkins, Velma Cody and Rose Ross. Chamdos Haynie left Sunday for Mansfield where he lias accepted a po sition as bookkeeper. Miss Zara Hammond and Faintiie Lee Wood spent a few days at Carith ers Mill with Mrs. Bob Haynie. While there a bunch from here joined them Saturday and they had a picnic out at the pond. A pleasant time was re ported. Misses Ruth Arnold and Laura Mac Ware, Messrs. Ham Sims and Mell Camp motored to Stone Mountain last Sunday and spent a pleasant time. SAY: Did you know that to Vulcanize a tube or tire prop erly, requires some knowledge of manufacture of tires. A man may get a wrench and call himself a me chanic; but it takes more than a mechanic to Vulcanize. “Established Service Convinces” Tire Service Station VULCANIZING Phone 303 Winder, Ga. Robt. A. Camp Eugene Jones A Standard Garage We have established a reputation for good workmanship and moderate prices. Our gar age is equipped to do all kind of repair work on all make of cars. Our workmen know their business. Remember we repair and recharge all makes of batteries. Our guarantee is behind our work. LANTHIER& CHURCH Athens St. Garage Phone 210 Soßt-fM PROOUCING J Jt MORE MILK AT Lett COST. CPCMV • t...., mm. : Cut tiie Cost of Production Profit in dairying depends to a great extent on reducing the cost per gallon of producing milk. Cows on pasture slip down in milk flow. Experienced dairymen have found they can pro duce more milk at less cost per gallon, by feeding a little concentrate. With Cow Chow you can cut the cost of pro duction per gallon, you can put your cows in better condition and get a longer milking period. % Hundreds of dairymen are using Cow Chow to lower fr***-^) milk costs. Cow Chow contains p ' V mrg , iust the right proteins to balance 3 grass and to make it produce more milk. Cow Chow will make your DS JStt. . C milk checks bigger and lower the jfcj aQ cost of producing the milk per LB- J-WfcllJy- Tl ' sauon. JkCoWOgg[ Order Today WATSON GLOVER & COMPANY Dealers In High class Groceries and Fresh and Cured Meats. All kinds of Feedstuffs. Our custo mers are always satisfied cusetmers. We strive to please. We save you money. We sell for less. You get the best groceries and meats from us at the lowest prices. We will buy your country produce. Come and let us trade with one another and we will both do well. Watson-Glover & Cos. Phone 180 Winder* Georgia Subscription Price: >1.50 PeT YeaT.