The Winder news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 1909-1921, December 23, 1909, Image 8

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A Merry Christmas A LASTING REMEMBRANCE FROM THE RECIPIENT BY GETTING PRESENTS HERE The National Comfort Chair, No. 100, Reduced to only Id.oo. The National Comfort Chair, No. 105, Reduced to only £9.00. The National Comfort Chair, No. 110, Reduced to only 812.00. The National Comfort Chair, No. 100, Reduced to only £9.d(), (Rocker.) The National Comfort Chair, No. 111, Reduced to only SIO.OO, (Rocker, leather.) Three piece Mahogany Parlor Suit, Reduced to only 825.00. Gate End Davenport, Reduced to only $25.00. CARTER HILL. Mr. Albert Wages has returned home from Pine Ridge Sanitoruun, mar Atlanta. We are sorry to say he. has not improved any. Misses Susie McDaniel and Pollje <1 meson wcrb tlnv guests of Miss Kuby Fuller Tuesday afternoon. •' Mr. S. T-Maughon and most cx .(•client Tardily'fiave moved to Win der. Air. .fames’ Austin 'ivcßv' Wcll pies the house vacated by Mr.’ Maughon. Miss C'ammie Sims and. cousin. Miss Annie Wages, were tlx* guests of Mrs.,,,'Frank Wagds last Thursday night. 'Mrs. Josie Landrum has returned home after a week spent very pleas antly with the families of Messrs. ,(}. W. Fuller and C- .V. Edwards. The Sunday school gave a box supper here Wednesday night. The boxes sold for something over six t en dollars, which goes to buy Christmas presents for the small children of the Sunday school. Messrs. Henry Manders and At • ’ t. . tieus Kireus, of Gwinnett county, passed through our villc Saturday, en, route to Bethleheiiju -Mr.-Will (ireesomhas moved his family to the farm previously owned by Mr. S. FT Sharpton, of Wonder. Miss Sarah Harrison, of Bethle hem, has been the guest of her sis ter, Mrs. G. W-. Fuller, for the past Week. Mrs. A. J. Sim* has had as hut guests for the past week three grand children, who live mar Auburn. Mr*. S. T. Maughon, of Wind r, was the guest of the 1. 0. O. F. hoys Saturday night. The F. E. and U. of A. "have elect- and new officers for the ensuing year. .Several of our best speakers have 1 een selected to deliver addresses at the Xmas tree here. Just look at some of the extremely low prices in order that your friends may be remembered by you in years to come. Clothes will wear out, watches and rings ma\ get lost, diamonds we cannot afford. So just make some one happy by giving them a RtiAL NICE BEDRoOH SUII . Yous to serve, and believe me, DIVIDE PROFITS. Wishing Everybody a Happy and Merry Christmas, and Prosperous New Year, W. T. ROBINSON. A great many of us put our light under a bushel, or never allow it to shine outside our own doors. Not 1 so with our former citizen, Mr. S. T. Maughon. Dtiiir.g the short time he has resided here he lias been president of the Farmers Cnion, noble grand of the < )dd Fellows and - held the oHice of Sunday school superintendent for over a year. By his kind disposition, he has won many friends at Carter Hill, who wish him well, and are glad he did not move any farther , away than Winder. COUNTY LINE. The year 1009 is almost gone, and while many of us have had our ups land downs, sorrows and pleasures, we ought,to begird that we have lived to she the close of another year. While many have liven the mistakes |wo have made in the year past and ! gone, let us try to improve and learn in the great school of economy. Many are changing their places of abode in this section, and we are losing some mighty good neighbors, lint we hope those who lill their i places will prove equally as good. I Say, Mr. Editor, we have been listening for you to ring out an in j vitatinn to your eorVespondents to | join you in a banquet to be held in jour honor when that new house is painted white and striped in green. How ainuit it, old hoy? (Pear Sager: You have guessed our secret. We had hoped to have you all join us in an old-fashioned turkey dinner and house warming one day during the holidays, j hut the contractor will he unable to turn over to us our house ‘"painted white and striped in green," hence , the pleasure of meeting you all amifnd the banquet board in one i common family must he delayed. , But the invitations are coming, and we shall insist upon a unanimous j acceptance, or a mighty good ex Lounges from £IO.OO to 811.50. The latest thing in Dev. Olounge, (makes a good bed) $1 i .50. Eight different assortment Side Boards, from £12.00 to 860.00. Seven different assortment Hall Racks, from £B.OO to $65 00. Chiffoniers as low as —just think only 812.00. The most useful present for men only, but the whole family uses it —it is a Chifforobe, §25 to 827.50 Don’t let the little one fall in the lire. Just simply get one of those Spark Guards, only SI.OO. Book Cases all the wav from 88.00 to 817.50. cust —else A brilliant cor. from us in gone, A pen we loved is still; A place is vacant in the club Which the president must fill. Bob- ) As we are hooked as auctioneer at 10 o’clock today, we shall have to close, so with these few remarks we hid you all adieu for this year. May heaven's richest blessings rest upon News, its force, its* readers, and all who contributed to its columns, iI, Tor one, will promise that after Xmas is over, we will sharpen our pencil, slide up to our table.,, put on the cap of thought ami* wisdom and contribute more to our paper than I we have hitherto done, j Wishing, ope and all a merry Xuias, ghod'-TisV. . - ? V I.f * GONE 10 RIS!. ’ Mts, ‘Thopias Phillips died Dee. 8, and was laid to r s‘t’in the~lluster cemetery on the 9th of Dec. She wassome where near' seventy-six years old. Stic was a consecrated Christian lady, and was loved hv all who knew her. Mrs. Phillips leaves U huSpaju]’ luul. t wo'.jjhildren —mu'jjoq and.oile i^ughfoi —Mr. and 'Mrs. lin ><>ks — ; i wriiC (- fsi i r viyin gore'll it i ves and fm-fifts, to^iionm tie;death. Dear hfisti.sTid and children, prepare to roeht your loving mot,her owd com- Pillion in a brighter and sweeter , world . ahoyej where there is no j more sad parting, hut all is j >y and peace and happiness. sad to part from the dear <niqssPßiS was so hv’lv. loved. Aunt (ufMTD&t come * v '%■ !>y<‘k to qs, hilt, oh! W to htr '' . . ,o" .“.Cpme unto me. ‘ are Cf'icV wop Is jthatj Jesus so kinly spoke to the rare'ivppn-wdr • hth, go to Him’, all ye heavily ladened* and let Him | give you Ids peace and rest. A Friend, Mkllik Dosteu. Art Squares, 9x12, from $5.00 to $22 50. Rugs from 75c to 84 00. Well when it comes to Parlor Rocking Chairs, “we’s sho got ’em” all the way from 81.25 to 810. And lest you forget, we have some of the very latest designs in Toilet Sets, 12 pieces. You ought to see them Dutch Patterns for Holiday presents reduced to only SB.OO. Bed Room Suits. Well they arc sure here to please any one ranging from 20, 25, 35, 45, 55, 65, 75 and 885. Well they are worth more but we want to move some of them, and you cannot give a better present. TUC I VPIIP ONE NIGHT ONLY 1 iiili ** I Hlv? Monday, Dec. 27. THE BEAUTIFIIL WESTERN DRAMA IN FOUR ACTS, WITH CLARA BELCHER M-MUg BEAUTIFUL SCENERY AND ELEGANT WESTERN COSTUMES . ~ . PRICES: 25c, 35cSd 50c. In Memory of Guy Thompson. * # Whereas, in the death of Huy Thompson, our dearly beloved member of Bethlehem Sunday school, we have sustained an irre parable loss. } lie was not only a member of the Sunday school, hut a faithful mem ber of the Methodist church from early childhood• Added to a noble, consecrated Christian life, he pos sessed a deep affection for his fond parents and was ever dutiful to them. He was handsome, fine specimen of young manhood called above at the tender age of IS. Buoyant with health, until a short time before he died. He was a lover of fun, win ing friends wherever he went. And where lie was known in life there is deep sorrow today in his death. Be it Resolved, That we" extend our loving sympathy to his parents in the passing away of their beloved son and our dear young, friend, and we pray that our dear Father will love, comfort and sustain them’' in their deep sorrow. Resolved further, That a copy of these resolutions lx> published in The Walton News and The Winder News, and that they he sent to the family, and be inscribed in the minutes of this Sunday school. Miss Gknoma Miller, J. M. Drake, Mrs. ]. 11. Gunter, H. 0. BAO (.KIT, Committee. Schedule Seaboard Air Line EASTWARD. No. 52—For local stations,Mon- ■ roe and Columbia... 9:43 a m No. 32 —For Norfolk, Washing ton and New York... 2:63 jS m No. 58 —For loeal stations to Athens 6:55 p m No. 38—For local stations north ....• ' of Athens,Richmond ' *and East 11:35 p m WESTWARD.' No. 41—For Atlanta, Birming ham tand west 5:34 a m No. 57 —for local stations and Atlanta 7:52 a m No. 33 —For Atlanta, Birming ham, Memphis and West 3:10 p m No. 53—For Atlanta and west 6:55 p m These arrivals and departures are given as inYormution and are not guar anteed. ' * A Theory. if N ' • .4- .. City Man —L wonder if Adam had any'regrets when he left the Garden of Eden? G V -V; UrßanitC' —It’s safe that he (li.dn t, if he tried .to raise his own .vegeta bles. ____________ ’ . ‘ The price of sealskin coats has been reduced to soso. It would he interesting to know what the origi nal price.—Rome Tribune-Herald.