The Winder news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 1909-1921, February 24, 1921, Image 1

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THE STRAND THEAIFK PROGRAM THURSDAY, FEB. 24.—Bessie Bar- i scale, in “LIFE’S TWIST.” FRIDAY, FEB. 25.—Douglas McLean 'and Doris May, in “Mary’c Ankle.” SATURDAY, FEB. 26.—Bride 13. Wm. Duncan, and Comedy. VOL. XXVII. THE WINDER NEWS AND BARROW TIMES CONSOLIDATED, EFFECTIVE AT ONCE Winder’s Two Newspapers Are Merged Inti) One And Better Service Will Be Given the Public. Mr. A. G. Lamar, representing the Barrow Times Publishing Cos., has sold the Barrow Times, with its good will, subscription list and equipment to The Winder News and the two papers will be consolidated. This means that this city and county will have better ser vice in the future from a newspaper standpoint than heretofore. Instead of a division of efforts in getting out two papers, all interests will be concen trated in one paper and in this way the public will get better service, and the advertising interests of this city and section will be enabled to reach the people,at a less cost than heretofore. All subscribers to the Barrow Times will be taken care of in the consolida tion. Those who have paid their sub scriptions in advance will receive the consolidated paper, and those who are due the Times on subscription will pay same at the Winder News office. The publishers of the consolidated papers propose to leave no stone un turned to serve the people of this city and section acceptably. The subscrip tion fate will remain the same, and a determined effort will be made to give Winder and Barrow county a newsy, up-to-date paper. The paper should go into every home in the county and strenuous efforts will be put forth to make it a welcome visitor to all our people. Next week the Winder News will go to all the subscribers of the Barrow Times who are not subscribers to The News and full announcement will be made in that issue so that all sub scribers to the Times will fully under stand their status with the paper. Next week's paper will be widely read by everybody in this section and all advertisers will have a splendid opportunity to reach the public through its columns. Warning to Automobile Owners-Get a License March Ist is positively the last day you can operate your car without a 1 1021 state automobile license. Those > not having license will please not op erate their car untl they can secure li- ’ censes, as I will have to arrest anyone violating this law. —H. O. Camp, Sher iff. TEACHERS TRAINING CLASS' IN MEETING. -*■ The Teachers Training class met on Monday night at the Methodist par sonage with 21 members present in spite of the stormy weather. The fol lowing additionad officers were elect ed. Assistant secretary, Miss Ida Kil gore. Those taking part <in the discussion were Mr. M. C. Wiley, Mr. John Kil gore, Miss Charlotte McCants, Miss Maud Henson, Miss Sara Frances Se gars.-Miss Blasingame, Mrs. Paul Rob erts and Mrs. M. C. Wiley. The entire class is showing an inter est and enthusiasm in the work which is a prophecy of real success in the fu ure. If the “Battle ground of the fu ture is in the field of education, and in the realm of ideals, this ‘training camp’ will go a long way toward victory for the forces of Christ and the church. A MEMBER. KLIM AX OVERALL CO. ON FULL TIME Another one of Winder’s enterprises that is making full time now in spite of the depression in all lines of bus iness is the Klimax Overall Cos., of this city. They are receiving daily splendid orders and are working on full time filling these orders. Messrs. J. V. Henson, the general manager, and Mr. Judson L. Gordon, the super intendent of the plant, are about us busy men as you will find anywhere. They are taking care of their exten sive trade in fine style and are reach ing out for a big business for 1921. MASONIC NOTICE. A regular meeting of Winder Chap ter, Itoyal Arch Masons will be held on Friday night, February 2(sth. A full attendance desired. All visiting com panions invited to meet with us. W. A. BRADLEY, H. P. L. A. COOK, Secretary. THE WINDER DRY GOODS STORE. The Winder Dry Goods Store has an important announcement in their large ad in this issue of the News. If you are Interested in bargains it will pay visit tlier store during the sale. ©lie tUiukc Wows. G. M. RAILWAY IN ‘RECEIVERS HANDS The Income of Road Must Be Increased ad Expenses Reduced if the Road Continues. Effective February 15th, Gordon C. Carson and W. B. Veazey, Receivers, (Mr. Veazey in active charge) appoint ed by the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of Georgia* took possession of all the prop erty and assets of the Gainesville Mid land Railway. At present the old of ficers and employees of the Railway retain their positions under the Re ceivers. In discussing the situation with Mr. Veazey, he stated that two things had to take place right away, or the road could not continue operation—one was a reduction in expenses, and the other an increase in revenue. Every effort is being made to bring about both, so that it will be possible to keep going. He does not feel that the people serv ed by the Gainesville Midland Railway really appreciate the seriousness of the situation, and the grave possibilities of its not being able to continue. The public is more or less inclined to ac cept the situation as a matter of course and feeling it will be worked out some way. and are not inclined to concern itself much about it. Mr. Veazey states that his forces are making a vigorous effort to secure ev ery pound of freight to be had. and that the people invariably express them selves as being perfectly willing that the road have the business, but as a matter of fact, the road is not getting it, and cannot get it without very act ive co-operation of the people, who must insist on their routing re spected in every case, as there is ab olutcly nothing that the Railway ca t do in case their routing instructions are not complied with. The road serves >nly a small territory, and in order to make it prosperous, it must necessarily secure the traffic in that territory. Mr. Veazey feels that all the employees are willing to do their part in working out | the situation, and states that he is i much gratified to note the interest be ■ ing manifested along the line in the road’s welfare at this time, and con fidently believes that if this interest is developed into active co-operation, and everybody will help, the Receivers will be able to bring the property out of its troubles. On the other hand, if theses things do not take place, there is no hope of continued operation of the road, and it must ultimately, and pos sibly in a very short while, be disman tled, in whole or in part. It is the purpose of the Receivers to leave nothing undone that will tend to improve the situation, and over come the present difficulties, giving the patrons of the road the very best pos sible service under trying conditions. Mr. Veazey is exceedingly anxious for the full support and co-operation of every patron of the road, and cer tainly should, and we are confident will have that support. The Young Peoples’ Missionary Society The Young People's Missionary So ciety of; the Methodist church will meet Thursday night of this week with Misses Gladys and Willie Mae Eaven son. All are urged to attend. WASHINGTON’S BIRTHDAY. Last Tuesday was Washington’s birthday and the occasion was observ ed in Winder by the closing of the banks and the postoffice and a half holiday on the part of the schools, JOHN M. POOL One of the best loved and most high ly respected citizens of Winder is Mr John M. Poole, who was 82 years of age last Monday. Many of his friends, and he has hosts of them, called to see him on his birthday, and presented him tokens of their esteem and regard. He has the best wishes of all his friends in this city and throughout this sec tion for his continued health and well being. J. T. STRANGE CO. This large dry goods firm has a page ad in this issue of the News. Read the splendid values they are offering the people of this section. Mr. .T. E. Callahan returned this morning from Union Point where he went to attend the funeral of his ueice, Mrs. Lela O’Neal Newsome. Winder, Barrow County, Georgia, Thursday, February 24, 1921. THE WINDER NEWS WANTS TO SERVE THE PEOPLE. The News assures the people of Winder and Barrow county that it desires to be of service to every religious, educational, so cial and business enterprise in the city and county. We want all to feel that they have a friend and well-wisher in tins paper. Use the paper in making your an nouncements about meetings, gatherings, etc. We propose to do our best to publish a newsy, paper and to serve every inter est of our county and city ac ceptably. EFFORTS TO SAVE WINDER CONCERN Negotiations Are In Progress Now to Put the Bell Overall Plant in Operation Again. The Bell Manufacturing factory, one of the important enterprises of Winder, will probably soon be in operation again. It has been idle for some time caused by the deflation in the price of all commodities and on account of the stringency of the money market. We understand that negotiations are in progress now looking to the settle ment of the difficulties surrounding the institution and if successful it will resume work. This will lie welcomed by all our people for the Bell factory has done much to help on the growth and prosperity of Winder. The News sincerely hopes that in just a short time it will be enabled to announce that the wheels will again begin to turn and that this important enter prise will again begin to do business. Mrs. H. J. Parham Died In An Atlanta Hospital Mrs. H. J. Parham, of 1185 Prince avenue, this city, died at the Piedmont sanitarium in Atlanta Saturday at 10 o'clock. She had been in ill headth for several months. Mrs. Parham is survived by her hus band, Mr. H. J. Parham, well-known grocery broker; a daughter, Miss Gar trude Parham, of Brenau college; of Gainesville, and a sou, Alfred I’arnam, a student at the Athens High school. Also three sisters, Mrs. George Mitch ell, of Chattanooga : Mrs. J. M. Cochran of Birmingham, and Mrs. J. M. Allen, of Bogart, and two brothers, Paul Campbell, of I>a Fayette, and Walter Campbell, of Summerville. The remains will be brought to Ath ens for funeral and interment, de tails of which will be announced later. —Athens Bunner. Mr. H. ,T. Parham is a cousin of Mr. J, B. Parham, of The Winder News, Death Claims Mrs. Lela O’Neal Newsome Mrs Lela O’Neal Newsome, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. O Neal of Union Point, died at her home Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Newsome was a for mer resident of Winder where she had many friends who regret to hear of her death. The sympathy of a host of friends is extended to the bereaved family. Send Us News Items The Winder News is anxious to car ry all the news items possible every week and we hope all our readers will either send in these items or phone them to us. We will appreciate these favors. Don’t think you will create the impression that you do this to get your name in the paper. It is a ser vice to the paper that will be appre ciated by us. Send us all the news. Miss Redman Resumes Duties With Strange Cos. Miss Ola Redman has resumed her duties as millinery with the popular dry goods linn of J. T. Strange Cos. This is Miss Redman’s third season with this firm and her many pat rons in this city and section are glad to know T that she will he on hand again, to serve them. Miss Redinun is one of the best and most tasteful milliners in the state and the ladies of this section can rest assured that they will have service in this line second to none in the state. PARENT-TEACHER ASSOCIATION. The Parent-Teacher Association will hold its regular meeting in the school auditorium Friday, March 4th. at 8 o’clock. All are cordially invited to be present.—Christine Clayton, See. PERSONAL NOTES OF MOVING VAN Buy a home-made chicken salad sandwich at the City Pharmacy Fri day and Saturday. * • Mrs. Joe Estes, of Atlanta, is spend ing some time here with her parents. * • Mr. W. T. Robinson was a visitor to Atlanta Wednesday. * * Miss Thelma Greene, of Commerce, was the week-end guest of Miss An nie Hayuio. • • Miss Annie Haynie, of Athens Bus iness College, spent the week-end here with her mother. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Henson and ba by, of Athens, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Henson. * • Dr. R. P. Adams, a prominent citi zen of Bethlehem, was a visitor to the city Tuesday. • • Miss Mary Lou Segars, of I.awrence vilte, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Ada Segars. * • The many friends of Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Mathews are congratulating them on the birth of a daughter lust Sunday. • • Mr. T. K. Willbanks, one of the prom inent citizens of the county, was in the city on business Tuesday. • * Miss Evelyn Radford is expected home this week from a delightful visit to relatives in Charleston, S. C. * * Mrs. Georgia Harris had as her din ner guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hardigree, Ralph Hardigree, Mrs. John H. Wood and Crozier Wood. Miss Rowenu Shedd has accepted a position as stenographer and bookkeep er with J. W. Summerour, the dry goods merchant on Broad street. * • Mr. J. W. Summerour was a visitor to Atlanta Wednesday, going up to vll some goods for his great sale that is now going on. * • I)r. and Mrs. G. W. DeLaPerriere are expected to arrive this week from a two months’ trip through Florida and Cuba. * * Mrs. Mac Potts has as her guests her mother, Mrs. Furlow, of Jackson, ami sister-in-law, Mrs. Warren Fur low, and baby of Ohio. • • Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Henson had as their guests for dinner last Sunday, Mr and Mrs. William Summerour, of this city. • * Mr. Pike Hutchins, a prominent bus iness man of Statham, was a visitor to Winder Wednesday, and while in the city gave our office a pleasant call. Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Henson had as their guests for dinner last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Henson, Mr. and Mrs. John Carrington and Mr. and Mrs. T. C Fullbright • * Mr. G. W. Smith spent several days last week on his farm down near Mont ezuma. He reports fanners in that section well up witli their preparation for another crop. * * Mr. John H. Hill, who is running the large farm owned by himself and Mr. G. W. Smith, of this city, was in Win der the first of the week visiting his friends. * * Miss Ruby Woodruff of Shorter col lege spent a few days of this week with her parents in Winder and had as her guests while here Miss Caroline Parker of Mcßae and Miss Helen Free of Bramlett, S. they are also stu dents at Shorter College. We regret to know that Mr. Oscar Ross has had another operation per formed in Atlanta. This last opera tion was for appendicitis. Both lie and his wife are in Atlanta. We hope Os car will soon be alright again. * * The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Reid and daughter, Miss Mary Julia, regret very much that they will leave next week for Orlando, Fla., where they will make their home in the future. • * Mr. Harold Herrin went to Atlanta last week to have an operation per formed on his eye. We are glad to know that he is getting along nicely and has returned to his home in this city. • * Messrs. .Toh. N. Smith and Wesley Bell, of this county, went down to Vi dalia last week to attend the burial of Mrs. Pat T. Darby who dic'd in that city Friday morning* Mrs. Darby was the sister of Mr. Smith and the aunt of Mr. Bell. Mr. A. D. McCurry Is Back From Market. Mr. A. D. McCurry, of the popular firm of J. T. Strange & Cos., of this city, returned the first of the week from New York, where he purchased a splen did line of new spring and summer suits and millinery and other furnish ings for their trade. Mr. McCurry talks Interestingly of the conditions as he found them in the great commercial emporium of the na tion. He says that flic business men of New York are optimistic as to the" future and that no one should become discouraged. The sim still shines, people must continue to live, buy goods, and that trade along all lines must continue to go on. Rainy days must come, now and then, to make us ap preciate the bright days, hut there is no need of gloom or pessimism. Winder and Barrow county are in no worse shape than any other sec tion, and Mr. McCurry’s idea is that everybody should get in a good humor, begin to hustle, and make this year one of the most prosperous in the his tory of our county and city. The News thinks he is right. By the wny the News reporter saw some of the new coats, suits, dress goods and millinery goods that are now being received by this popular firm and they are beauties, and the price is much under what we expected they would be. All ladies who delight in pretty things will enjoy a visit to the ready-to-wear and millinery departments of J. T. Strange Cos. ’ Their polite and affable clerks make it a pleasure to visit their store. BLOW THAT FELLED BRITISH CHAMPION HAS BEEN FILMED GEORGES CARPENTER SHOWS FA MOUS PUNCH IN ‘WONDER MAN” AT STRAND ON MONDAY Georges Carpenter, idol of France and heavyweight champion of Europe and contender far Jack Dempsey’s licit, will lie shown in a great Special fea ture picture, “The Wonder Man” at The Strand Monday, in which will he seen the famous punch to ihe jaw that made him king of Europe. Interwoven in the picture is a beau tiful picture, with hundreds of beau tiful girls and everything. Carpenter is a great boxer. Proba bly his most effective blows are short stalls that carry u tremendous kick. This style recalls memories of Rob Fitzsimmons, who easily knocked out Corbett and other opponents with punches that hardly went six inches. CONSERVATION RE SULTS IN WINDER On last Thursday afternoon the Young Matrons’ Federated club of Winder, held their regular monthly business meeting at the home of Mrs. W. O. Perry on Stephens street. At the Januury meeting the members of the club were asked by the conserva tion committee, Mrs. W. A. Bradley as chairman, to conserve in some way by bringing to this meeting made-over gar ments, which had been discarded in years gone by when we were not think ing so keenly about conservation us we now are. Much to the surprise of each one, we all had useful and some really beautiful articles to show for our efforts. I will only mention a few of the many things, dresses, hats, sheets, skirts, children’s dresses, aprons made from discarded shirts and blankets made into comflorts. Each member was an inspiration to the other and many new ideas were conveyed on this occasion, showing in just how many ways we could conserve. There were four beautiful dresses, one made over with a very small cost by Mrs. Clyde Williamson, one made by Mrs. Alice* Dunn from a coat-suit, which had been used for several sea sons and another by Mrs. C. B. Almond which she had planned and made for a small sum. Mrs. G. A. Johns had made a child’s dress from another dress. Mrs. Bessie Edwards, Mrs. Frances Haroldson and Mrs. K. P. Carpenter were very effi cient and satisfactory judges on tlds occasion. The first prize was awarded to Mrs. 11. E. -Millikln, second prize to Mrs. Alice Dunn. Much business of importance was transacted at this time. Late in the afternoon the hostess invited the guests into the dining room and delightful re freshments were served. The club members were enthusiastic in their praise and appreciation of the profitable and enjoyable entertainment given them by the conservation com mittee.—Mrs. W. O. Perry, Press Re porter, in Atlanta Constitution. Mr. W. E. Stephens, of T.awrence j vilh*, was a visitor in the city lust week-end. THE STRAND THEATER UROGRAM MONDAY. FEB. 28. GEORGES CAR PENTER in ’“The Wonder Man.’ TUESDAY, MARCH I—Dorothy Gish. Broadway Bab. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2.—THEA TER CLOSED. NEWS ITEMS FROM OUR NEIGHBORS Items of Interest To Our Many Gathered From Our Exchanges From Adjoining Counties ai (Gwinnett County) (News-Herald) I Mr. Dan Childers and Miss Lizziei Beck Moseley were married Saturday afternoon by Judge G. C. Robinson. Mr. Herbert Everett and Miss Ma mie McMillan plighted their troth on Sunday, February 13th, in the pres ence of Rev. J. It. Burel. On tli<> same day Mr. Burel was like wise the officiating minister the nup tials of Mr. Hermus Itooks and Miss Ida Hall. (Journal.) Mr. W. E. Stevens spent Tuesday in Winder. Dr. Spurgeon Williams, of Winder, was the Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Claud Craig. A school mass meeting was held at the court house Monday night. Mayor F. Q. Satnmon called the meeting and presided over the same. This outlined the financial condition of tin, town and the need of funds to keep the* school going. Ex-Mayor O. A. Nix, Col | M. D. Erwin, City Attorney Fred Kel-| ley, Superintendent Jordon, J. 11. Mc-| Gee and others made good talks. All agreed that it was necessary to keep the school up to the present high stand ard and with the co-operation of the people this can lie done. The present corps of able teachers will stay ou without any cut in salary. Jackson County.) (Herald.) The committee in charge of the pro gram for Alumni Day at tiie approach ing Martin Institute commencement, has selected Hon. W. M. Howard as the orator. Mr. Howard is a distinguished alumnus of the school. He represented the Eighth Congressional district in congress Mr several terms, and was rat ed as one of the brainiest men in con gress. I’reMldwit Tuft said of Mr. Howard: “He i* the brainiest man who has served in congress from the South in my generation.” On the re cent Georgia Tech Tour of the East, there was much speaking on the part of leading citizens of the several cit ies visited, and the public men in Geor gia remembered best was A. O. Bacon and Wm. M. Howard. He is a broth ed of our fellow townsmun, Mr. It. S. Howard. Mrs. Itascsi Martin has returned from a visit to lier sister, Mrs. Dalton, near Winder. Mr. and Mrs. Norton Hill, of Winder, spent Sunday here, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tenie Baird.—Hoschton Cor. Miss Ethel Hill, who is attending school in Winder, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hill.—Hoschton Cor. Mrs. Vallie Arnold of Winder is spending a few days with Mrs. 11. C. DeLaPerriere. —Hoschton Cor. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Camp, of Win der, transacted business here on Mon day.—Hoschton Cor. Walton County. (Tribune.) Mr. Gunaway C. Durden died at Ruse Hospital 48. near Camp Gordon, Wednesday afternoon shortly before 5 o’clock as the result of burns sustain ed when a kerosene can exploded at a local garage on February 2nd. A death that removed one of Wal ton county's esteemed citizens, was that of Mr. Henry C. Jones at his home at Between last Wednesday night He had been declining in health for several months hut on Wednesday morning became worse and died in a few hours. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Aikin, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Higgins, of Winder, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Landers Sunday. Col. Duke Ross and wife, of Winder, spent the week end here, guests of the latter’s sister, Mrs. J. C. Greer. Col. Ross Is an old newspaper man but Is now actively engaged in the pructice of law, He Is a fine fellow and has many friends among Monroe people. Mrs. James L. Allgood died at hf home at Walnut Grove last Sund' night as the result of a stroke of oplexy which she received while se at the supper table a few hours In Mrs. Margaret Watkins spent .week with Mrs. Vallie Arnold ir der. 1 Mr. ,T. R. Perry, of Winder, • visitor to the city this week an The Tribune an appreciated call Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Patat, < der, were the guests of Mr. a G. J. Hearn last week. TO THE FARMER^ Those interested in fer meet in the Ordinary’s old c nesday, March 2nd, at 2 County . Misses Icey Smith and Q& son, who are teaching in visiting relatives and city last week-end. No.