Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, April 16, 1908, Image 2

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Announcements. Solicitor. In making my formal announcement for Solicitor General in the .June pri mary, I invite the voters to give my record an investigation. My every act will bear the closest scrutiny. Having familiarized myself with every detail of the office 1 and with the people 1 am fitted to give better erviee in the sec ond term. 1 have dispatched the criminal busi ness with rapidity and thus saved the taxes of the people time means mom y ip the courts, i have treated all alike in a?) official way, trying in the pres sure and hustle of court buc ines to he kind and courteous, though firm and unfaltering in the discharge of duties of thi: important oliice. Though for nearly two years 1 have had an oppo nent for this office, yet during this time no man can that I have ever been Sought in my office or iff r.iy pos of daiv and not f< mini there. The grand juries have kindly assisted me in try ing to keep the office of Solicitor General during court out of political environ meats. No candidate for {Solicitor Gen eral or any other o'foe has any right to enter the grand jury room, seeking grand jury recommendation. The law give - rneacce; s Cos the grand jure room; therefore 1 have requested the grand juries not to recommend me for re electhm. MuH has In ei; said about the com pensation of thi; office. 1 was given the office on fee system, but if the peo ple see fit to give me the office on sal ary nothing would delight me more. Assuring you fhat 1 will appreciat< y<\ir support and a second term, I am respectfully, S. J. Tribhi.k. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Solicitor General of tln* Western < ir cuit, comprising the counties of Ouin liett, Walton, Jackson. Oconee, banks and Franklin, subject to the Democratic State Executive t ommitfee. 1 will deeply appreciate the support of Un people Of the L irciut. CLIFFORD WaLKKK, Monroe, Ga. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of solicitor general of the West ern Circuit, Cotn]Hjsed of the counties of Gwinnett Walton, Oconee, t larke, Jack son, Hanks and Franklin, oil the Macon Democratic platform and subject to the Democratic primary to he held in I9OS. I will appreciate the support of my fellow-citizens of the circuit. M D IRWIM Law renceville. Ga. tor Reprcscnldlive. With assurances of profound grati tude to the people of Jackson county for their past support, I most respect fully announce myself a candidate for re-election to the llouse of Representa tives, subject to the action of the Dem ocratic primary on July 31. John N. Holder. To the People of Jaakson County: You have honored me as your repre sentatvive heretofore, for which 1 ex press tu you my profound gratitude and assure you it has been highly ap preciated. It is one of the greatest pleasures of my life to serve the peo ple; really and indeed 1 want to be your servant and I therefore, announce my self a candidate for Representative from this county, subject to the demo cratic primary on July 31, and ask your most hearty support, and solicit any suggestions in the way of legislation for the interes of the county, that 1 may be able to carry out your wishes. 1 think our aim should be for the welfan and upbuilding of the county and if elected, will do my best to carry out your wishes. Respectfully, L. G. Hardman. Ordinary. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for Ordinary of Jacks. ll > entity, subject to the Democratic primary. Respect fully, James A. Wii.i.s. Jefferson. C.a, To the voters of jackson county: I hereby announce myself a camlidate for the office of Ordinary of Jacuson county, subject to the Democratic primary elec tion to be held July 31, 1908, atid will appreciate von support, i his March 12, 1998. James 1,. ii.i.iamson. for Clerk. " r o the voters of Jackson county: I most respectfully announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Clerk of tho Superior v ourt if Jackson county, subject to the Democratic pri mary to be held July U. loOM. thank ing you for your past suffrage, I earnest ly solicit your support. Respectfully, S. J. Nix. lor Sheriff. I most announce myself a caudsdate for re-election for the office of Sheriff of Jackson county, subject to the Democratic primary July 31. B. H. L 01.1.1KK, 1 hereby announce myself as a candi date for the office of sheriff of Jackson county, subject to the rules of the pri mary election to be held July 31, 1908, and earnestly solicit the support of all the qualified voters of the county and will appreciate the same. Respectful ‘y, J. P. Kelly, for Insurer. I respectfully nnounce myself a can didate for re-election to the office of Treasurer of Jackson county, subject to the Democratic primary of July 31st. Geo. W. Bailey. To the voters of Jackson county I re spectfully announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Tax Col lector of Jackson county, subject to the Democratic primary on July 31, l!F>s. W. T." Am by. For Tax Receiver I respectfully announce myself a can didate for re-election to th - office of Tax Receiver of Jackson County, sub ject to the Democratic primary on July 31, 1908. N. B. Lord. Chairman County Commissioner. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for Chairman of Commissioners of Roads and Revenu s of Jackson county, subject to Democratic primary Jui’c r.l. W. A. Cal', i-::'. I hereby announce lyyself as a 1 ndi date for the chairmanship of thi board of cmnllii.ssiotter.-i of roads and revenues of Jacks >n county, subject l> the ; emo i ratio primary election of July u l-JiN. If elected I shall give ill) time strictly to county affairs. L. M. Dams.uan. 1 hereby announce n . ; H a candidate for Chairman of Cowmiissioin-j yi Roads and Revenue -of Jackson county, subject to Democratic primary. H. C. Barnktt. WALTON COUNTY. ’ I)r. Smith For Representative. 1 am a candidate to represent the people of Walton county in the next general assembly, subject to the action the Democratic primary. 1 will ap preciate any support given me. If elected 1 will consider myseif only a servant of the people and pledge an honest effort to accomplish anyting the people of Walton county wish that is in harmony with free government and does not conflict with the constitution of Georgia. J. W. Smith. Monroe, Ga. For Clerk Superior Courts I hereby announce myselt as a candi date for - k-rk of Walton Superior Court, subject to the action of the Democratic Executive Committee. If the voters of dear old Walton think me worthy of the charity, the honor, the confidence, the sacred trust, I propose to render such service that it would not be lavishly spent, but in keeping with the dignity of its donators. It I have the re quired qualifications of mind and heart to give the people of Walton county prompt, reliable and efficient service, it would be a satisfaction of mind to have just such an opportunity for rendering just such a service The key for openining this door is in the hands of the voters Now, it you w ill open this door for me, I w ill go in feel ing grateful and honored J H Shki.nutt For Clerk Superior Court. lama candidate to succeed myself as lerk of Walton Superior court, and respectfully solicit the votes and influ ence of all. I am grateful for the loyal support of the people in the past, and promise them a faithful and conscientious service if they choose to honor me with another term. 1 have always endeavored to show my appreciation of the office by extend ing to all every accommodation, favor and courtesy within my power and will continue to do so, if re elected. My work in the office is an open book and speaks for iself. Very respectfully, J no. T. Robertson. GWINNETT COUNTY. FOR ORDINARY. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Ordinary' of Gwinnett county, sub ject to the Democratic primary on June 4th. I promise to faithfully discharge the duties of the office, if elected. In addition to my claims, which I shall try to present to the people face to face, 1 ’ll ask the county to consider the claims of my home town, Winder, which has never had a county officer, although she has borne her just part of taxation. George G. Robinson. R. P. WILLIANS’ SCRAPE SETTER, Invent ed and tested by him. vSets Scrapes PERFECTLY. Fcr Sai.e By R. P. Williams and Smith Hardware Cos., Winder, Georeia. VtHAT THE KIDNEYS DO. Their Unceasing Work Keens Is Strong and Healthy. All tlw blood in the body passim through th* kidioys once every three minute-. The kidneys filter the blood. Th**y work night and day. \Yhen hea.thy they remove about otK.) grains of impure mat* [ter daily, when unhealthy some part of this impure matter is left ;in the blood. This brings on many diseases and sympten — pain in the back, headache, ner vousn - S-, hot, dry skin, rheuma tism, gout, gravel, disorders of the eyesight and hearing, dizzi ness, irregular heart. * debility, drowsiness, dropsy, deposits in the urine, etc. 15ut if you keep the filter- right you will have no trouble with your kidneys. J. C. Seagram.-, Factory Hill, Winder, (da., say?: “For any irr •ciilarity of the kidneys or pains in the back, i do not be lieve there is a remedy that can equal DoaiFs Kidney Fills. J was troubli-d with my kidneys for two or three years and at times my bac k was so lame and sore that I could not turn over in bed. Oc casionally 1 had dizzy spells when everything before me would be come dark. 1 used imv number of remedies, but nothing helped me in the least until 1 took Doan’s Kidney Fills, procured at Turners Fliarmacy. They went at once to the root of my trouble and it was not long before they com pletely cured me. J gladly rec ommend Doan’s Kidney Fills to any one afflicted as ] was. For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-M i I burn Cos., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Rem- mber the name —Doan’s —and take no other. Spanish Superstitions. You must not count the stars lest you come to have as many wrinkles of face as the number of stars in the firmament. If 011 c rocks an empty cradle the next baby that lies in it will die be fore it learns to talk. Just as often as you mention the devil in life just so often will he ap pear to you at the hour of death. It will bring evil to one to dance alone, casting one’s shadow on the wall, for by so doing one is danc ing with the devil. If you would not be haunted by your dead, kiss the shoes they are to wear at Imrial. Letter to R. L. Carithers. W inder, (hi. Dear Sir: A bank messenger lost a smallcoin. He sot his bag down and looked for it. Found it, but soniebody-olso had run off with ! his hag. A man who is going to paint had | letter look-out for his gallons. I)e --; voe is the least gallons paint. It's gallon's that cost; it isn't j the price of a gallon. With one paint, I(>gallons is plenty; another, 11 or 12 or 1 •*> and so on to 22 gal lons; and every gallon has to be paid for and painted —82 to si ;1 day for painting paint stuffed-out I with some sort of whitewash. The I less the price of a gallon, the more 1 the gallons. Rank messengers better look-out for their hags and not stop to hunt for small coin; and property-own ers Utter look-out for the gallons that make the expense, and not for the price which has nothing to do with it. Yours truly. f>o F \V Devok Y Cos P. S. Smith Hardware Cos. sells (ur paint. Prince Noir 2494. Dr. Curry 45487 ! STALLION ANNOUNCEMENT * The breeding season is about here. \Ye desire to an nounce to the public that we shall keep for public service two very fine stallions. We are sole owners of PRINCE NO!R, French HD C f IDr>V Standard Bred Kj . Stai o vUE\(\ I , lion. Both arc Registered The fee is reduced to $15.00,, either horse. Every farm er in Jackson, Walton and Gwinnett who has a good brood mare should take advantage of this rare opportunity. We shall try the $15.00 fee one season. Should it induce more peo ple to take an interest in stock raising possibly we shall con tinue at same -f. Doth horses will he kept the entire sea son at our sale stable. We cannot afford to carry them around since reducing the fee. SHEATS k PATMAN, Winder, Ga. NOW IS THE TIME ~ THAT MONEY TALKS! You have the Money, we have the Goods. You need the Goods, we need the Money. . Come and Let's Make a Change. We have a carload of Barb Wire and Nails. We heve Wove Wire Fence from 25 cents to 60 cents per rod. Build you a fence to last a life time. Poultry- Netting to 2%c per foot. Turn Plows and Middle Busters "at $7.50 each. 1 Regular Plows, any stye and shape. Stoves and all kinds of hardware. Anew carload of Stndebaker Wagons. We sell more Wagons than any firm in this section of Georgia. It is because we sell the BEST and the BEST is none too good. The STIiDFBAKER WAGON IS THE BEST WAGON made,/and evey man who uses one likes it. Come and get one and JOIN the HAPPY BAND of STU DEBAKER WAGON Drivers. Nothing like having the best. Machinery made aud repaired promptly. We arejjjalways glad to see you. Yours truly, WOODRUFF HARDWARE & MANUFACTURING CO. KlLLthe COUCH AND CURE THE lungs wi ™Dr. King’s New Discovery FOR CBi!Ss HS AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED. He Got What he Needed. “Nine vears ago it looked as if my time had come,” says Mr. C. Farthing, of Mill Creek, Iml. Ter. “I was so run down that life hung on a very slender thread. It was thtm my druggist recommended Fleetrie Bitters. I bought a bottle and got what I needed —strength. I had one foot in the grave, but Electric Bitters put it back on the turf again, and j ve Ixien well ever since." Sold under guarantee at (I. W. Debarerrierc's drug store. 50. No. 9051. TKEASCRY DEPARTMENT, ()f --tiet' of Comptroller of flit' Curren cy, Washington, 1). ('., March :’, 190S. Whereas, By satisfactory evi dence presented to the undersigned, it has lieen made to appear that “The First National Bank of Win der,” in the City of Winder, in the County of Jackson, and State of Georgia, has complied with all the provisions of the Statutes of the Cnited States, required to he com plied with before an association shall he authorized to commence the business of Banking; Now, therefore 1, William B. Ridgely, Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that “The First Na tional Bank of Winder,” in the City of Winder, in the County of Jacknn, and State of Georgia, is authorized to commence the busi ness of Banking as provided in Sec tion Fifty one hundred and sixty nine of the Revised Statutes of the Cnited States. In testimony whereof witness my hand apd Seal of this office this third dav of March, 190S. Wm. B. Ridgely, Comptroller of the Currency.