Newspaper Page Text
* * /
Are Headquarters For
High Grade Merchandise
\\V are prepared to supply it —from Hat to Shew s in the
best taste and at a right prices. What will inter- st you par
ticularly in Men's wear, is our line of SPEED—MICHAEL clothes.
Style, Quality and Fit , all arc such as you will appneiato.
If you would have your outfit a perfect sue- ss, your footwear
should receive a certain amount of consult return we have for
your inspection some smart things in Slaws and Oxfords in fact
all the really good Styles of the season arc represented.
Our new Spring Hats arc here in rich profusion and forms
an attractive feature at this store. We offer a choice s< lection of
the latest things to be had.
% . x
Since our Opening we have sold, several hundred hats far
beyond our expectations and we arc proud of this fact and with
the help of the good ladies, we expect- to make this our banner
year in Our Millinsry Department.
It will pay you to drive miles to this Big Store and save money.
<n\ cuaH
\ Xo
|ouuJ\ OUC^UA^,
Mi'S Sudie Smith and Mrs. Ada
Smith spent Tuesday in Atlanta.
Rev. J. H. Wood, tilled his r-g
--i Jar appointment t ('Jir.stii’.n
el Sunday. A large crowd attended.
Misses Bplle and Corine Avery,
and Sudie Smith, wore in Bethle
hem, Saturday. They must have
given a Leap \ ear c 11.
])r. and Mrs. Adams, from Beth
lehem, spent Sum lay with Mrs.
Mr. Bud Hardigree is very sick
wth rheumatism. We hope he
soon recover.
The little four year old son of
Mr. and Mrs. John House has been
sick for about four months. We
hope that it may be restored to per
fect health again soon.
Mis- Jessie Gordon spent Sunday
afternoon with Mrs. Jim Williams.
Miss Estelle Williams was the
guest f Miss Ruth Tr ad well Satur
day night.
Pray r meeting at Mr. T. J.
Austin’s home Sunday, was w\dl
Mi-- D.-ra Wilhit--spent Saturday
night in Winder.
We had a fine rain at this place
and vegetables are plentiful.
Some farmers have planted cot
designed by
Spew, Michael &Sw
We Have Started to Selling.
The prices we are getting are
not entirely satisfactory, but we
will sell some more
You will never buy them as cheap again.
Come to see us.
Real Estate.
ton seed and upland corn is up and
looking fine.
Messrs. H. F. Iludgins, Harri
son Hudgins, J. T. M< E: r < ath and
Lyle Evans', of this place, visited ;
Monroe Saturday.
Many farmers of this section went
to Monroe Saturday to attend the
of the Farnvrs l mon.
They report- an instructive and <n
thysiastic session,
i \
>irs. Elias Braswell spent Satur
day \jfternoon with Mrs. H. F.
Hudgins. I
Mr. George Williams, uf this
1 place, was in Monroe Sate |\y.
An Elegant Display
New Spring Dress Goods.
Prices as pleasing as the styles
themselves. We are bending all
our energies toward making this
store better and better—all through
the lines will be found items of un
usual interest.
We urge you to make a visit to our
STORE early
our stock is com-
The farmers of this section are
v- ry busy with their crops.
Mr. am 1 Mrs. W. I). Sims, of
Oklahoma, who has been spending!
some time'here with relatives and
friends left recently iof Kansas.
Mrs. J. 11. Clack, who has been
sick f<>r some time, is improving.
The many friends of Mr. Perce
Smith, who has been dangerously
ill tor some time,-will be sorry to
learn he is no heater.
Some of our people attended
preachingjat Chapel Sunday,
* / * ‘ • . - V-—*
Letter to Kikjore & Kelly,
Win I t, <hi
!) ir Sirs: There are two sorts o*
p.iint, one to sell and make, moneys
the other to paint and save, mom y .
Who gets the money? The maker,
the seller, the painter-.
Where does it co'tne from? The
owner, of course; lie pays the
painter for doing the work, and the
dealer for gallons of paint; and fie
pay ■> the paint-manufacturer,gallons
again: more gallons, more money
all around: for the owner to pay to
the painter dealer and paint-marwi
fact u re r’.
What's the paint that saves'
money? (ialiens again; less gallons,
less money for paint, less money
for wages; a gallon of paint is So
for wages and paint. Less gallons,
less money to pay, So a gallon.
Two sorts of paint: less gallons
and more: less money and more:
?o a gallon difference: two to one
in gallons and money.
It costs twice as much to paint
the average more-gallons paint as
to paint Devoe. When the people
find out it might not he quite so
easy to sell extravagant paint by
calling it “cheap.”
Yours truly
ol F W DeVok & Cos
P. S. —Smith Hardware Cos sells
our paint.
Death Was On His Heels.
Jesse P. Morris, of Skippers, Va.,
had a close call in the spring of
lßO’.i. He says: "An attack of
pneumonia left in-- so weak and
with such a fearful cough that', my
friends declared that consumption
L. and me and death v.u ■ on my heels.
Then I was persuaded to try Dr,
King’s New Discovery. It belied
me immediately, and after taking
two and a half 'nettles 1 was a well
man again. I found out that Nev
Discovery is the best remedy f
coughs and lung disease in all/
.v< rid.” Sold under guarantee
G. W. DeLaptrriere;s drug J
Att-Smh *1 00. Jrial