Newspaper Page Text
Remember that Kilgore'S Kelly run two big Stores in Winder. On East side Broad street
at their old stand you will find the genuine in Millinery, Dress Goods and Dry Goods, Ladies’
ready-to-wear goods, and Dry Goods of all fabrics. Their stock is equaled by few and surpassed
bv none.
We are please to note the fact that ladiesi all over this country have found it out. Our volumn of business in this store
would show to you trie truth of this assertion in our Millinery Department. We have had to secure extra ne!p this season more
than ever. No slow moving vehicle could have been able to to deliver Hats as fast as they have been turned out. Our good cus
tomers in the country have taken them as fast as we could get them made, besides two extra porters to deliver in and around
If you wish to see the most sparkling styles in Millinery ever shown in Winder, take a look in our Millinery Department. There
could be no photograph that would do them justice.
Our Ladies* and Children’s Shoes in this store are of the best and most stylish type, and we are selling them at very reasonable prices.
WOMEN AND CHILDREN’S OXFORDS — We have a very fine line. Don’t forget to look at our beautiful line of ladies’ Shirt Waists,
Keep in inirtd that we carry the largest line in Clothing and Gents’ Furnishings at our
Store No. 2, West side Broad street, next to H. S. Segars & Son, that is carried in the city.
Also largest line of Men’s and Boys’ Hats and Shoes.
We can and will sell you cheaper than any one in same quality of goods.
Yours anxious to please,
Mr. John Rudiseal, of Atlanta,
visited home folks Sunday.
Mrs. Cheek, of Auburn, is spend
ing a few weeks with her son, Mr.
J. B. Cheek.
We are sorry to note the contin
ued illness of Mrs. Lowe Nicholson.
Mr. Sam Elder, of (iallilcc, was
visiting friends hero Sunday.
Mrs. Aily Edgar is spending this
week with her ion at Paradise.
Mr- and Mrs. R. S. Lockhardt
spent a few days last week with rel
atives at Canton, < hi.
Rev. and Mrs. \\ . J>. McDonald
spent Sunday at Bogart.
Misses Nora and Cora Edgar, of
Athens, spent the week-end with
their uncle, Mr. \V. H. Edgar.
Mrs. J. E. Cheeky, of Bogart,
‘spent a few days with relatives here
this week.
(V,l. J. F. Holmnes is in Athens,
this week on legal business.
Order ice from Pentecost Ware-I
house. Bob (iriffeth will see to its
prompt delivery.
Club Entertained.
The Jolly Jokers were charmingly
entertained last Friday evening by
Misses Tavia Mathews and Johnnie
.Loll Smith at the home of Miss
Mathews on Candler street.!
The home was beautifully deco
rated in tail, graceful stands of pink
roses and snow balls. Pink dia
monds on ribbon, fastened to the
chandeliers, extended to different
parts of the room. Pink lillics were
used on the lights and from the
chandeliers hung immense bunches
of snow halls.
“Merry Widow” punch was serv
ed throughout the evening." Miss
Emma Cooper presided over tlu
punch howl. Progressive diamonds
was the garni played.
Professor Williams has a nice
prograpi for the closing of his school.
This school is doing good work,
those having finished have taught
in adjoining counties and arc hav
ing success.
Rev. A. W. Quillian will address
the school Monday night. Subject,
“The kind of education needed.”
Thursday night special accommo
dations will he made for the white
p< 'ople.
Williams is a hard working teach
er and business-like in every way
and is worthy of the place he hold?..
The exercises will he held at White
Oak Spring Baptist Church, on
Thursday night, April 80. The fol
lowing program will he given hv
the graduating class:
Motto: —“If there is anything
that ought to be said, say it; if
there is anything that ought to be
done, do it.”
Song —“The (dory of (hid.
Invocation —C. 11. Robinson.
Song —“0 (iod, Have Mercy.
Refutation —“Mother's Responsi-
hility.” Adcll Horton.
Recitation —“The College and not
the Man.” Thomas J. Britton.
Solo —“I'll Nevi r Forsake You
Dear.” M. Pearl Britton.
Recitation —“Sin,vice and crime”
Willie May Bacon.
Song —“Fly Away Binding."
Essay —“Womans Sphere.” Ma
mie Le. Vr N
Essay —“Industrial Education of
the Negro.” M. Pearl Britton.
Solo —“From You I'll Never
Part.” Maymie Lester.
Aildress and presentation of (.'.er
adicates by Sup’t. .1. T. Walker, A.
M. (r. of Ya.)
Song —“One Sweetly Solemn
Thought.” 0
. 1
(Jo to Pentecost Warehouse for
ice. Delivered at 10c pel 100 IDs.
For ice call ’phone No. 80.
.. ’ i
Mrs. Broughton, of Lyons, was a
visitor to Winder this week. She
was a guest of Mu. and Mrs. A. A.
Copyright 19*7,by Outcault Advertising Cos , Cbgs
April 23, 1908.
Dear Friend:
Do you love radishes
and asparagus and cel
ery and all kinds of
vegetables? I do. At
the grocery you can
get new Bean3, Toma
toes, Irish Potatoes,
Strawberries, etc.
Ycur friend,
P. S. You can always
get the freshest vege
tables at
The Gem Grocery Cos.
For nearly a week a petition has
been circulated for signatures, the
purpose being the organization of a
Smith club.
We were unable to see the list,
therefore cannot state definitely as
i to the number.
W. E. YOUNG, The Shingle Man
Dealer In
Lumber, Lime, Shingles, Brick, Hardware, Cabinet
Mantels . Doors, Sash, etc. Agent for the Celebrated
Rubberette Roofing. Warehouse on Candlel St.
Are You in the Market for a
We can fit your pocket book, please you in style aitd
give you the best value for your money* For _a short time
we are offering some special bargains in Buggies. " Jt i
We have a complete line of Steel and Rubber Tired
Buggies and Surreys, and a fine lot of Harness. We have
the genuine
the best on the market. We have sold more than 300 of
them. Be sure to look for the name A. B. HYDE & CO.
on the beam of every one. You can buy the imitation at al
most any old price, but you will regret it if you buy an imi
Come to see us when you need any kind of farm im
plements — '
Cane Mills, Planters, Distributors,
Harrows, Etc.
' I
A full line of the Best Paints, and any
kind of
Yours to please,