Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, April 16, 1908, Image 7

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Only National Bank Between Atlanta and Athens. We want your business. We offer you every accommodation that your account and business standing will justify. Government supervision. THL FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WINDER. ill jii riji'rißTT 31 mt j 1 1 What never leak? Exactly; never leak, never needs repairs of any kind, and last as long as the building itself. Neither melting snow, nor the worst driving rain can possibly reach the interior of the building that's covered with Cortright Metal Shingles. Pretty good recommen dation isn’t it? In addition we might add they're fire-proof and light ning proof too. Think of it! and they are not as expensive as other T forms of roofing. Step in and we’ll show them to you. . 4 Send for a 56-page booklet, "Rightly Roofed Buildings,” free. LEATHERS & EAVENSON, Winder, Ga. Are You in the Market for a BUGGY? l We can fit your pocket book, please you in style and give you the best value for your money For a short time we are offering some special bargains in Buggies. We have a complete line of Steel and Rubber Tired Buggies and Surreys, and a fine lot of Harness. We have the genuine HYDE CULTIVATORS, the best on the market. We have sold more than 300 of them. Be sure to look for the name A. B. HYDH CO. ' .on the beam of every one. You can buy the imitation at al most any old price, but you will regret it if 3*oll buy.ail imi tation. Come to see us when you need any kind of farm im plements — Cane Mills, Planters, Distributors, Harrows, Etc. A full line of the Best Paints, and any kind of HARDWARE. < Yours to please, WOODRUFF HARDWARE & MANUFACTURING CO. WANTED One thousand pairs of sec d.,,. F Hofmktstvp OFFICERS: W. H. TOOLE, President \V. L. BIASING AM E } J. B. WILLIAMS \V \V. Iff JACKSON, Cashier. WEAK, WEARY WOMEN. Learn the Cause of Daily Woes aaJ End Them. When the back aches and throbs. When housework is torture. When night brings no rest nor sleep. When urinary disorders set in. Women’s lot is a weary one. There is a way to escape these woes. Doan’s Kidney Pills cure such ills. Have cured women here in Win der. This is one Winder woman’s tes timony : Mrs. J. E. Elliott, Factory Hill, Winder, Ga., says: “I used Doan’s Kidney Pills and 1 am pleased to say that they did me a world of 1 good. I felt weak and tired, had 1 pains across my back and was both ered by headaches and dizzy spells. ! Accompanying these trouble* was a j too frequent action of the kidney secretions, often obliging me to rise ! during the night. I used various remedies, but it was not until I Iregan taking Doan’s Kidney Pills, procured from Turner’s Pharmacy, that I obtained permau'-nt relied'. The use of the first box helped me iso much that 1 continued taking them and when I had taken the contents <*f three boxes [ was with out a sign of my old trouble I gladly eft dorse such an effective • remedy.’ ’ For sale by all deal-rs. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mi!burn Cos.. Buffalo, Nmv York, sole agents for the United* s. Remember the name —Doan’s —and take no other Our Clubbing Offer Watson's Weekly Jeffersonian and Winder Weekly News, one year, $1.50 Atlanta Georgian and Winder Week ly News, one year, $4.50 Atlanta Tri-Weekly Constitution and Winder Weekly New*, one year, $1.50 Atlanta Semi-Weekly Journal and Winder Weekly News, one year, $1.25 Watson’s Magazine and Winder Weekly News, one year, 2.00 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the firm of L. W. Mathews, W. W. Edwards and E. W. Bond, trading, under the name and style of Farm ers’ Supply Company is this day dissolved and the business will con tinue under the same name and style by the new firm composed of E. W. Bond and W. W. Edwards. The new firm will a-sume the lia bilities of the old firm and all notes ankl accounts due the old firm will be Wyable to the new firm at the S. W. ARNOLD W. T. ROBINSON W. L. BLASINGAME A. H. O'NEAL S. T. BOSS DIRECTORS: Memorial of W. G. Steed. Sanctified afflictions are good; they ungrasp our hold upop the world and lift the eye to God. 'Temptations not too heavy are good; they make us flee to Christ and cling closer to his hand. God pfucks from us our friends, that wo may look upon Him as He is—our best friend. As great as is our trials, so great is our reward. The sailor amid the ocean in time of night and storm, longs for tin break of day. The storm-tossed Christian, too, sometimes feels that his night is long, dark and weari some Be faithful, for by it you are better, riper and richer in this hour of bereavement. Our friend and brother, W. G. Steed, was horn Sept. 25, 1833; de p'parted this life March 18, DOS. He was horn - in Jacks-on county, of i humble, hut noble and true paront- I age. The father, Hill Steed, a na tive of Noith Carolina, moved to Jackson county, Ga , when quite young. The mother, Phoebe Pen tecost Steed, was a native of Jack son county. To them was born two sons, Ezekiel and George, and six girls,Malissa, Carolina, Jane, Mary, Elizabeth and Adiline. The death of brother W. G. Steed left only one of his family living, Mrs. Adiline Bowman- Brother Steed enlisted in the ser vice of his country under Captain Thompson, Company G, 16th Ga., '.July 20, 1861; was color hearer. He was presented with a nicely and \v dl made flag by Mis Nanny W or sham. Tin* Company received the flag for him. He arose from one degree of honor to another, until he 'was Ist Lieut* nant. ID- served through the entire four years, and suffered only two slight wounds. He surrendered Cobb’s Legion and paroled the men under him. He. came home from the war with the love and esteem of his comrades. A few of those in the war with YV. G. Steed yet living, are C. W. Finch, Frank Bailey, Milton and William Thompson, R. B. and John M. Ar cher, Capt. T. L. Ross and Hiram J. Cox. He came home on a furlow and was married to Miss Nanny Wor sham, daughter of the late Win Worsham, on .July 17, 1864. There was born to bless this union two girls, Mrs. Carrie Steed Hewitt and Mrs. Ethel Steed Dunahoo and six boys, living, W. M. L., H. W., G. W., Luther, John and Dave Steed. A noble set of boys, speaking well for the departed father and the liv ing mother. Brother Steed joined the Presby terian church when quite young, at Pleasant Hill, now known as Prot estant Methodist church, near Sta tlmm. Several years after he had married he and his wife joined the Methodist church at Pentecost. He was among the most faithful in '-UP EwU-foßavG WftrwJ ’ 1.. F. SELL L, G. BENTON J, B. WILLIAMS T. C. FLANIGAN W. H. TOOLE raised by that honorable patron of Masonry, Father Robert White. He came as a charter member to Davidson Lodge, No. 103, and there lived a consistent member until the Father saw lit to take him from us and seat him in that Grand Lodge above, where all good Masons hope to gain. Brother .Steed filled any position in the Lodge with credit to himself and edification to the brethren. For my information concerning Mason ry, a young brother need only ask; it was given freely, cheerfully and correctly. He was true to the brethren, true to his family, true to his khurch anil true to his country. This speaks in thundering tones of his true merit, and shows what has been lost in the death of Broth er W. G. Steed. He is not de id; the one of our affection. But Kone unto that s.'hool. Where he no longer needs our poor protection. Ar.d Christ himself doth rule. Resolved. That in the death of Brother W. G. Steed, the lodge, the community and society has sustain ed a great loss. Resolved, That the family lx; fur nished a copy of this memorial and resolutions. Resolved, That The Winder News and Jefferson paper he requested to publish same. LJ. Johnson / I). 1. Jlardioiiki: Committee. R. B. Am;mat ) Valued Same as Gold. B G. Stewart, a merchftt of O'dar View, Miss., says; ‘‘l tele my cus.tonmrs whmi they buy a box of Dr. King's New Life Pills they get the worth of that much go and in weight, if afflicted with constipation, malaria or bilious ness.” Fold under guarantee at G. W. DeLapernere’s drug store, 25c. And She Kept on Smoking. “Aunt Chloe, do you think you are a Christian?’’ asked a preacher of an old negro woman who was smoking a pipe. “Yes, bruddt-r, I ’spects I is.” “Doyou believe in the Bible?” “Yes, brudder.” “Do you know there is a passage in the Scripture that declares that nothing unclean shall inherit the kingdom <>f Heaven?” “Yes. I’se heard of it.” “Well, you smoke, and there is nothing so unclean as the breath of a smoker. Si* what do you say to til Lit ? J 5 Ytj, “W'Jl, when T go dere, I ’spects to leave my breff bebin me.” A Californian’s Luck. ‘.'The luckiest day of my life fi when I bought a box of Bucklen’s Arnica Salve,” writes Charles PL Budahn. of Tracy, California. “Two 25c. boxes cured me of an annoying case of nvy, ■ -•-V- \'ia LiOliS wun Hit* or ! J ---■* * r r-* .