Newspaper Page Text
Money Saved Is Money Made
0 ' \ §
We are keeping; in close touch with ali the new styles and
shapes in millinery. We can give you a nice new hat trimmed
by a first=class trimmer as cheap as the cheapest.
No fake, but a real bona
fide cut price sale on certain
kinds of merchandise. There
is a reason for every cut
price sale. We do not claim
to be cutting the price on
every article in the house,
and we are not going to
mark anything up and then
cut the price just to what
it should be sold for and
call it a cut price sale. Our
reputation bears us out in
the statement that we al
ways sell just what we ad
We are overstocked on
certain kinds of goods that
we can not afford to carry
Our Sundry school is progr< s>ing
nkviy now. Everyone should at
Little May 1 ><.*) 1 Elrod is quite*
sick at this writing.
Miss Fannie* hoc Stood, of S vial
Circle, is visiting her grand-mother
at this place.
Ralph Pontooost is .visiting his
brother, Mr- .1. 0. Pentecost, of
Pretoria, (la., this week.
Mr. Solden Hunter and Miss
Blanche Grift-th, of mar Statlmm,
attended Sural, y .school hero Sun
day .
Mr. and Mrs. \V. .1. Haynie vis
ited the former's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. .1. M. Haynie, Saturday and
Mr. Zed Finch and Miss America
’Wall were married last Sunday,
Judge Tucker officiating.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. G. \Y.
Steed, a girl.
Mrs. Wills, of Jefferson, was the
guest of her daughter, Mrs. K. H.
Wall, last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Marshal Howing
ton visited the latter’s mother, Mrs.
Wall, Sunday.
Miss Maud Duncan was the guest
of Miss Viola llardigree Tuesday
Mr. John McDonald visited his
daughter, Mrs. (’lack, of Winder,
Saturday. M. H.
B. F. Wilson was in • Atlanta
Monday on business.
Mr.’and Mrs. G. H. 3>Laptr
Line, was in town last Monday.
Hr. L. (’. Allen was in Winder
Mrs. L. ('. Allen is visitii g her
daughter, Maudio, at Brenau this
w< ok.
M;ss Lena Thompson, of Brenau,
is with homo folks this week.
Miss Julia, Pial, of Oxford, is
visiting Miss Vida (Tonic.
Mr. and Mrs.VKuss Smith, of
Gainesville, were visiting Mr. and
Mrs. W. M. Smith Sunday.
Several from here went to the
celebration at Bethlehem last Sat
Mr. Scott Sell, of Athens, was
visiting home folks this week.
Brown! Brown! Brown!
lloke! Hoke! Hoke!
Who was turned down by his kin
Brown! Brown! Brown!
Hoke! Hoke! Hoke!
Mho can stand him if his kinfolks
Bn>wn ! 1 Town! Brown !
Hoke! Hoke! Hoke!
If you vote for Brown you will lose
your vote?
(It is plain to be seen that our
o despondent has been wooing the
muses, and the answer came in
scrambled form. —Ed.)
The County Line correspondent
hasn't seen any blues. Wait um 1
after June 4; all Brown men wi 1
‘be blue.
Mrs. Sudie Gregory, of Jeff -rsoi ,
was in town Tuesday.
Alec Mehaffey says the brown
>ugs are on ins potato vines. They
will fall off after June 4th.
T '
_warv. Ws.urut
V&ft. * *
Sunday school here is on a boom.
Everybody cordially invited to at
Mrs. Bessie McCune, of Winder,
was the guest of .Mrs. Luther Steed
Saturday u ght.
The all day services here Satur
day Avi re line. A good dinner was
Miss Mercie Wall and Mr. Zed
Tiheli were married Sunday. The
couple have the lest wishes
of a hurt .■ I friends in this commu
The Pleasant Hill singing class
will sing at Union church Sunday.
Everybody cordially invited.
Several of Statham’s citizens at
tended preaching here Sunday-
Mr. and Mrs. Hill Hardigree
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Hamp Mobley Sunday.
Mrs. Jane Arnold, of Shit ham,
was the guest of Mrs. J. L. Owens
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Owens visited
Mr- and Mrs. Lorenzo Wall last
sSeveral of the young people of
preaching here
Vm* were glad to have Mr. and
Mrs. Bell, of Winder, with us Sat
urday and Sunday. •
Miss Nellie Davis, of Winder, was
the gu*s. of Mr. Bud Mobley s fam
ily Saturday.
Several of- ur young people at
tended preaching at Bear Creek
Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Candler Mobhy
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.,
: /
= - •
over and as an inducement
to our customers we are go
ing to offer for the next few
days 50 per cent off on our
entire stock of straw hats.
Everything new and of this
season’s style.
Rugs! Rugs! Rugs!
We have them, but we are not going to
keep them if offering them at a close mar
gin of'profit is any inducement. We have the
Eight Wire I . M. Rug that we are going
to offer for the next few days at a very lib
eral discount. We have them in two sizes
and we positively will not carry them over
another season.
For Dress Goods, Notions, Belts, ,etc.,
come to the old reliable firm of
Bud Mobley Saturday night was en
joyed very highly.
Rev. 11. S- McGarity filled his
regular appointment at this place
Sunday. A good s nnon was heard
by a very large crowd.
Messrs. Charlie and Fayette Mc-
Donald spent Sunday in Atlanta.
jMiss Sunk* Wall was the guest of
Mrs. George McDonald Sunday af
Miss Mattie Jones visited Miss
Lunie Jones Sunday.
Mrs. Lou Owens and Mrs. Fannie
Hamilton were the guests of Mrs.
Cora Mobley Sunday.
Rev. R. S- McGarity spent Sun
day night with Mr. and Mrs. Lu
ther Steed. M. O.
Only two more weeks ’till com
Messrs. Willingham, Wofford and
Dr. Boland have returned from
Ball Ground, Ga., where they went
to inspect the system of modern oil
mill machinery. It is very likely
that we will install a like system
Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Whitehead
are in Athens with their daughter,
Mrs. Bert Betts, who is very ill with
typhoid fever.
Miss Mamie Pendergrass spent
the week with home folks in Jeffer
Quite a number of our young
people attended the annual celebra
tion at Bethlehem Saturday.
Miss Annie May Perkins has re
turned home after a week’s visit to
relatives in Monroe.
Mr. Patman Lester is quite ill at
his home on Broad street.
will build a beautiful home on Third
avenue and will soon becomea citi
zen of our town.
Mr. Chas. Grim wood is very sick
' at his home near here.
Mr. W. P. Whitman has return
ed home after spending a month in
South Georgia on business.
Mr. Clarence Booth, who has
bee n attending college, is at home
Avitn his parents to spend his vaca
tion .
1 he buildings are about ready for
the installation of the machinery for
the sash, door and blind factory.
( 01. and Mrs. J. F. fßdmes vis
ited relatives in Bogart bundav.
Misses Norma and Eula Booth
spent the week-end in the country.
K. S. Lockhart has returned from
a business trip to South Carolina.
M illie Cooper has returned home
after a two week's business trip in
North Georgia.
Mr. Custer Ross was a visitor to
Winder Saaturday. H. F.
Most of the farmers are through
planting their crops.
A singing at Chapel last’ Sunday
afternoon was well attended and en
Misses Nancy and Ellen Mart
•were the guests of Misses Pearl and
Emily Morrow Sunday afternoon. *
Misses Belle and Corinne Avery
visited Miss Jessie Gordon Sunday.
Mrf. T. .J. Austin and little
daughter, Hattie, are the guests of
Mrs. Georgia Austin this week.
Lev. Wood will till his regular
appointment at Chapel next Sun
day. A large crowd is expected to
Mr. E. PI. Odum and family
-rpent Sunday with Mr. John Mor
row and family.
, Mr. and Mrs. J.‘ M. Austin of
Eastville, spent Saturday and Sun
day with T. J. Austin.
Mr. Sam Clack is quite' sick at
this writing.
Mr. Palmore happened }o a very
pamful accident last week/by cut-