Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, May 14, 1908, Image 1

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Best Tens?rial Artists [ fct the i, ft’ind-r Shaving Parlors Polite attention. Quick service. VOL. XVI. DEATH CLAIMS NOBLE WOMAN. - Wrs.Maa&i A. Ho <Jges-Stewart Pass ed Awey Monday Last. The subject of this sketch was burn December 20,188*5, and passed to her eternal home on May 11, 1008, being at the time of her death 74 years 4 months and 12 days <>]<]. She was married *o Mr. Thomas Hodges May 10, 1840 and to them were born twelve children, eight boys and four girls, all of whom lived to he grown and all became members of the Christian church. 'There are still nine of these children living, Messrs. D. Y. and Marion, of I; Loganville; Jodie, of Hancock county, Dr. Henry of Watki nsville, T H. and Dr. L. W. Hodges of Winder, • Mrs. Lucinda Hays of Athens, Mrs. Mattie Hays of Au gusta and Mrs. Yannie Lanier, of Hancock. Those are all honorable men and women. Besides these there are 3b grandchildren and 21 g rent- g rai uk-ln] and re n. Mrs. Hodges-Stewart united with the Christian church at Old Betha ny, in Jackson county, in 18(57 and was baptised by the lamented P. F. Lamar. In 1881 she moved 1" Winder and became a charter mem ber of the Winder Christian church. For oT* year she was a faithful Chris tian, n ver wavering in her faith in our common Lord. Some years ago Mrs. Hodges was R> l'SClvetd TH £• M Gtv E YOU Wr\ 3 H The BEJT V/ASrtA&LFSi I THE BETTFR Thz'r Z.OOK-J \ ItHE hUKC )'OU Wfcrtß Ih't I 5151 WASHABLE'S THE f A' - - a v / EE i ■ - K LAC .< ! Busier \ E— —— 1 f ' ■ - ■.' r '|O ; 'CA —E.T:t ; 5 A . / . • r. • a JgWITITRtDJ x - ' * |,Cf'VlfrHT ISO* BVTHI JoWCMROWN Cos CMHAtO MAP Y JANE VvA.rtE W £*'■' WHEN THERE IJ So MUCH DUJT FLYING IN THE AIR, ARE NOT WA,SH GOO'DS THE MoJT DEJIRA- E>LE MATERIALS FROM WHICH YOU CAN MAKE YOl/R .SUMMER TP.EJSES? YOU KNOW IT 1.5 A VERY COMFORTABLE FEEL IN a To SET INTO A FREEH, CRTS?, NEWLY IRONED DREJJ. IF YOU ARE FA.STIPIoUo ABOUT THE PATTERNS YOU v, W 1.5H —AND WHY SHOULD NOT ONE HAVE THE RISKT 70 CHOO.SE THE THINGS THAT PLEA-SE THEM—WHEN THEY MU.ST PAY FOR. THEM? WE BELIEVE THAT, HOWEVER, FA3riPiO'J.s YOU MAY BE, WE CAN PLEASE YOU. WE CANNOT WELL DESCRIBE THE PATTERNS WE CARRY. SUPPOSE YOU COME AMD SEE THEM. SELECT THE PAT TERNS FOR YOURSELF. j. I. Strange & Cos., Leaders in Style, Regulators and Controllers of Low Prices £ -|-: | married to Mr. Stewart. Her sec ond Indiana on lived a short time, hence her friends and mighbors Continued to call her by h r first husbands name, which she pre ferred. She was a remarkable w< man in many respects. She had a strong mind, groat will power and was cheeful at all times. She loved her friends, neighbors, cbildrt n and church and was always most loyal to tie in. Truly a good woman has passed away. The funeral services were con ducted from the Methodist church by Rev. Jno. H. Wood-assisted by Elder T. M. Foster. The floral offerings were beauti ful and appropriate- The remains were laid to rest in Rose Hill cemetery. The stricken family have the symprthy yf a host of friends. “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.” GOVERNOR HOKE SMITH TO SPEaK IN JEFFERSON. Nt-xt Thursday, May 21, Gover nor Hoke Smith will address the people of Jackson county in Jeffer son. N Governor Smith is a hand some specimen of manhood, an elo quent and attractive speaker, and is sure to entertain thus*- who hear him. The governor is no stranger in Jackson, having spoken in this county many times before. Ladies especially invited. WINDER. JACKSON COUNTY. GEORGIA. THURSDAY, MAY 141, 1908. THE HARLOW-DAMN MEETING At the Opera House Is Drawing Large Audiences Nightly. / Rev. W. E. Ilarlew, evangelist, and Prof. Fred (i. Dakin are now in the midst of it great revival at the opera house. The crowds arc large and increasing nightly. Mr. Harlow is a strong gospel preacher, logical and forceful. At tim* s he becomes eloquent, and at all times lias the closest attention. He knows the Bible as few men know it, and he preaches straight to the people. Prof. Dakin isa finecherusleader and has few equals as a solo singer. He has organized a large c horus, to which all good singers arc invited. Everybody in country and city are invited to attend these services. There have been several additions to the church. GENERAL NEWS. The federal grand jury Monday, in Washington, D. 0., returned an indictment charging Representative Heflin, <4 Alabama, with assault. luv. J. M. Calloway, of La- Grange, died Monday. Pie was 77 years of age and had been a minis ter of the gospel the greater part of his life. Two Illinois towns were practi cally destroyed and hundreds of thousands of dollars’ damage done by a tornado sweeping over western 1 Illinois. T.ast Friday morning a Jitfle pet | dog in Montezuma, Ga., Ft nine I persons. It developed that the dog was mud, and the persons bitten were hurried to the Past in r Insti tute in Atlanta. A St. Louis justice, advertises that he will marry couples on the installment plan, and The Augusta Herald seems to think that better .than a trial marriage wh re tie whole fee is required in advance. An unknown white man was struck bv the employees’ special NV 12, an outgoing train, in the Inman yards of the Southern Rail way Company Tuesday morning at I 8:30 o'clock and died an hour later i at the Atlanta Hospital. For the second time within a wet k Atlanta has been the scene of a fire of more than ordinary proportions, and the members of the fire dt part ment have had their share of ex haustive labor in putting out the flames. TJge loss is estimated to he more than a million and a half dollars. At the crucial point of an opera tion on the lungs of Nuncio Chial, at St. Francis Hospital, Hartford, Conn., when it seemed certain that the tiny spark of life had flickered out, Dr. M. A. Sullivan reached through the incision to the heart and gently squeezed it once nr twice. The man’s respiration was restored and the cutting away of the deceased organs was contmued until Dr. Sul •% livan saw that Chi and was dying. Afcain he softly grasped the al most stilled heart and, with several well-aimed squeezes, started lib anew, this time long enough to com plete the operation. Chial will live, the attending surgeons declare. GOVERNOR mi SMITH Tc Speak at Athens. 6e., on Friday. May 22. • In response to an invitation ex tended by the Executive Committee of the Clarke County Hoke Smith Club, Gov. Hoke Smith will sjxak at Athens on Friday, May 22, at the Moss Warehouse. The speaking will begin promptly at 2 o’clock, cast) rn time. Arrangements have been made to accommodate a large crowd, and the citizens of the ad ajoining counties, as well us those ot Clarke, are cordially invited by the Clarke Countv Hoke Smith Club to attend. A special invitation is extended by the Club to ladies. The hour has been chosen so that those who wish to attend,.can go to Athens on the morning trains and leave on the afternoon trains. REVIVAL CLOSES AT BAPTIST. forty-four Accessions to the Church Luring the Meeting. The revival services at the Bap tist church came to a close last Monday night. During the preach ing of Evangelist Buchholz 41 per sons ioined the church, some by ! letter and and a gr* a’ many on pro fession of faith. IF v. Buchholz is a strong, force ful expounder of the gospel and his work here will no doubt be of last ing benefit. Robert t Davison. By virtue of hT experience on tire old pardon board before the prison commission Was established, B<d> Davison of the county of Or me, is w ii qualified to fill the i5.• ■he now seeks. Jle was tin aui ■ >r •if tlie bill creating the pris : c.mission of Georgia,' thus evi ct nG..g Ids abiding interest in the v.-- of tie Elate and the .fair tr atm; at ■ i !;• r c -nvicts. . II bus had :• e;<p< rience as a rnmiber >f t.he i -glGatureand ren*. line ;(ate v..i uabre serviee \v4lile a :if mb' r of that bad v. Returns Thanks. F r ourselves and family, we de s re to lender through The News, our sincere thanks to our friends, neghbors and physicians, fur kind and "Pf!siderate attention during the sickness and death of our be loved mother. It is sweet to know that our lot has been cast among such noble, Christian men and wo men. Dr. and Mas. L. W. Honors;. Tornado Visits Nebraska. Twf nty persons are known to have been killed and twenty injured by a tornado which swept over the northern part of Sarpy county Nebraska, at f> o’clock Wednesday | afternoon. The storm, which gamed velocity on its way south, started in ; Omaha about 4:HD o’clock. At Bellevue the college buildings were damaged to the ext* nt of probably SSO,ODD and several persons were m ured. The storm than moved " * on to Louisville, Richfield and Sprii gfidd, where the principal u-aiage and lose of life occur!ed. Bob Davison is the man for Prison Commissioner. Vote ; for him on June 4th. WiNDER REGISTRAR APPOINTED. Lucius A. House Authorized to Reg ister Voters of Jackson. For the convenience of the voters of House’s district, Mr. W. T. Ap pleby has sworn in Mr. L. A. House, cashier of the Smith A <'a rithers hank, as;- registrar, and all who wish to register for the ap proaching primary can do so by calling on him and Complying with the law governing registration. Mr. House’s operations are not confined to this district alone, hut any Jackson county citizen who can comply with the law may have his name placed on the list. Negro Killed. In a shooting affray in Clarkshoro district, Jackson county, this week, one negro shot and instantly killed another. It is said that both ne groes were drinking. We havcjieen unable to obtain the particulars. Local Overflow. The little child of Mr. and Mrs. Green Graham is among this week’s sick. - Mrs. L. Y. Brad be fry, .who has been seriously ill for some time, is reported some better. Mr. J. J. Maddox, of Winder, has corn in the tassel. Several of the stalks were brought to The News office for inspection. Dr. J. ('. Daniel, wife and little daughter, of Statham, visited the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Y. A. Daniel, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. McElhanon, f.’ -rson. vi : it; - former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. L, J. McElhanon, Sunday. Mr. Grady Gannon, of the Fni vvrslty, was the gm-st of his parents last week. Grady has been iff and came home to recuperate. \ Mi-.-' s Ethel and Audry Wills, who have been attending school at Young Harris, are visiting their sis ter, M;ss Nora Wilis, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Lyle. G'-v. Hoke Smith has appointed our fellow townsman, W, B. Met'ants as one of the comittemon to examine the Georgia Institution for the Blind. Mayor Strange moved his office from Jackson to Gwinnett, last Wednesday, long enough to try three eases against negroes for rob bing slot machines at the depot. t Master Reuben N. Jackson, of Athens, is spending several days in Winder. He is presiding over one of the Piano.? during the revival service? being conducted by Rev. \V. E. Harlow. W think the remarks of Rev. \V. E. Ilarlew in rebuking a few late comers on Wednesday night were unf ruinate, We well know that it is trying to have%Lo train of ones thought broken m the midst of a di- airse, but possibly if the rever end gentleman had known that the young men had driven many miles, after a hard day’s work, to hear his Sermon, he would not have been so Subscription sl. Legal Blanks, Carbon Paper, Job Printing of Every Description. NO. 6.