Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, May 21, 1908, Image 1

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VOL. XVI. Personal Paragraphs. Short Items of Interest by Local Newsgatherers. ■ ' Mrs. A. L. Smith has been quite sick fur several days. Mrs. Pearl Oldham spent Mon day in Bethlehem. Miss Icie Smith is spending the week at home. Mrs. Ed Maxey is visiting Law renceville this week. Mr. J. M. Griffeth is confined to his room this week. Mrs. H. E. Patat has been quite ill for the pat week. Lee Oliver has been on the sick list for the past few days. Miss Lucy Johnson, of Xew Chap el, is visiting Miss Maye Kelly. Mrs. Arthur Ayers and Mrs. El der spent Saturday in Atlanta. Mrs. J. T. Walker will leave Sat urday for her home in Virginia. Mrs. W. H- Toole and children are visiting in Macon this week. * Mr. apd Mrs. Will Kesler, of Jefferson, spent Monday in Winder. |‘Miss Alvie Smith, of Athens, was jlme guest of Miss Ola Daniel Sun day. Dr. D. O. Quillian, son of Dr. H. P. Quillian, visited his parents last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Horton, of i ( Atlanta, visited the former's pa rents here Sunday. Mrs. 0. E. Turk is visiting Mr. 1 and Mrs. Lucien Roberts, in the country. Mrs. Malcolm, of Athens, is the Iguost of Miss Blanche Burnett this /eek. ™ Mrs. D. 0. Oliver, of Athens, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. ’Quillian. Pink Flannigan left Wednesday for Augusta to be gone for several days. Mr. J. F. Hawthorne, of Atlanta, visited Mr. A. A. Camp and fam ily this week. Mr. M. .Johnson, of Alma. Ga., was the guest this week of Mr. Z. F. "Jackson. L Mrs. F. W. Bondurant has re turned home after a week’s visit to Atlanta. Miss Susie Hancock was the guest of relatives in Winder the early part of the week- Mrs. Ware, who has been very sick for several weeks, is much im proved . • Miss Minnie Bettie, of Atlanta, will be the guest of Mrs. Clara Jones Sunday. * Mr. Taylor McClelland, of Mont gomery, Ala., was a visitor in Win der Sunday. Mrs. Spearman left Tuesday for Alabama, where she will visit her mother. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Wyley, of Monroe, will spend Sunday with the latter’s mother. Mrs. Daniel and children, of At lanta, spent the week-end with Mrs. PI. C. Horton. Mrs- G. E. Daniel spent the week •end at Carl with her mother, Mrs. Perry. A party consisting of Mrs. Can non, Mrs. Belle Johnson and Misses Sarah Cannon and Florrie Wood . spent Monday in Atlanta. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFUHttfter (UedUg wb* WINDER, JACKSON COUNTY. GEORGIA. THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1908. Mr. and Mrs. D. 1). ICsler spent Sunday in Gainesville. Mrs. Pat Hadaway, of Athens, is visiting friends and relatives in tin* city. , •Misses Palmer and Oliver, of Ath ens, spont the week-end with Mrs. T. C. Dunn. Mr. John Kilgore is attending commencement exercises at Brenau this week. Mrs. Meeks Jackson, of Califor nia, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Jackson. Mrs. Emory Merck left today for a ten days visit to relatives in Gainesville. Lost —A door key, with chain at tached, in front of 11. 1). Jackson s residence. George W. Bajley, county treas urer, was circulating among friends in this city Wednesday. The Baptist Ladies’ Missionary Society met with Mrs. X. J. Kelly Monday afternoon. Mrs. Higginbotham, of Atlanta, was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Coker Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil McElhanon, of Jefferson, visited the former s parents here Sunday. Mrs. Elder and Mrs Annie Loves Thornton, of Athens, are the guests of Mr-. T. C. Dunn this week- Mr. and Mrs. Will Henry, of Macon, will he guests of Mrs. J. M. Jackson for several weeks. Messrs. A. A- Camp, S. W. Ar nold and T. A. Robinson went do,-,!, t,. *;■ S.-.-.m Miss Pauline Camp has been out of school fur the past few days on account of sickness. With regret we chronicle the se rious illness of the little child of Mr. and Mrs. O. S. .Hayes. Mrs. Pink A. Flannigan hashed! called to Atlanta to the bedside of a niece operated upon for appendi citis. Mrs. E. A. Bishop and children, of Athens, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Daniel, the parents of Mrs Bishop. Mr. Ike Jackson, who is in the business school in Athens, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. .J. M. Jackson. Miss Mamie Hollis lias withdrawn her application for a position in the public schools here, and will accept a position elsewhere. , Miss Ora Lee Camp, of Wesleyan College, Macon, will arrive in Win der Friday to spend her vacation with home folks. Miss Annie McElreath, of Mari etta, who has been the guest of Miss Birdie Smith for several weeks, re turned home Wednesday. Married, Sunday at the residence of H. D. Jackson,Rev. Jno. H. Wood officiating, . Miss Josie Green and Mr. Will Robertson, of Athens. For Sale —New Cable Nelson ma hogany finish Piano. Will sell at wholesale price on easy terms. Hodges & Cooper. Mr. J. C. Whitehead brings us a bundle of oats which is five feet two inches tall, gathered on the farm of Mr. H. I’. Hardigree. These oats were grown on upland, and Mr. Hardigree expects an average yield of 75 to 80 bushels per acre from a large field along the roadside. .J. C. Pentecost, of Pretoria, in a private letter states that while we are boasting of little dwarf corn tas sels, he is enjoying sweet green corn in bounteous plenty. Lost —Wednesday while driving on the streets of Winder, nr be tween there and Bethlehem, a set of curtains out of an automobile. Finder will please leave at this of fice. Miss Pearl Saunders, who Den an extended visit to friends and rela tives in Alabama, is improving from a recent attack of malarial fever. Her friends will he glad to learn that she will soofi return home. Owing to the commencement ser mon at the school Auditorium there will Im* no services at the Baptist church Sunday morning. Baptiz ing takes place at J o'clock, and services will follow in the church at 4 o’clock. Everybody cordially in vited. There will be 1 no services at night. Mr. John P. Patman, who once owned the land bn which the town of Winder was built, is the guest of Dr. W. If. Bush and family. Mr Patman is 82 years of age. but is hale and hearty and doesn’t look to he more than (>(). He has many friends here who are pleased to see him again. Special Notice. This is to notify my patrons and friends that 1 expect to attend the coming session of the Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows which convene- in M aeon,..Ga., on Wednesday, May 27th, and will lie away from my work from Tuesday, the 20th, to Friday, the 20th, inclusive. Very truly yours, Rout. P. Adams, M. Q. Bethlehem, (hi. g/JOJ Rtf SOLVED ‘ 'OVeU NEED NOR Go BARD HEADED, VET HAVE So MANY straw, mrs. A M AN 15 FIRST JUDGED NOT BY QHAT IS IN HIT HDAD'BUT^WHATJS ~ VTftAW MAT TIME go DOE.S NOT YOI IK HEJ# FEEL HOT IN THE OLD HAT YOU ARE WEARING? WHY NOT PUT ON A CLEAN, COOL, .SWELL SRAW HAT? THE HEAD 1.5 THE CENTER OF ALL FEELING AND \JHLTSS YOl R HEAD FEEL J GOOD YOU CANNOT FEEL GOOD. U E CAN MAKE THE HEAD.S OF MEN, saYo° AND CHIL DREN FEEL COMFORTABLE. WE HAVE NICE COOL CLOTHE J AL.SO, BOTH FOR MEN AND LITTLE MEN, WHICH WILL Go WELL WITH A .STRAW HAT. J. T. Strange & Cos., Leaders in Style, Regulators and Controllers of Low Price! COMMENCEMENT, Sunday May 21 —Baccalaureate Sermon bv Rev. W. L. Troutman. Monday Mav 25 —(’lass Day Ex orcises at 11 a. m. Monday May 25 —Senior exercises in schools of music and expression at 8:30 p. m. Tuesday May 20 —Junior exer cises in music and elocution at 11 a. ni- Tuesday, May 20—The “Gypsy Queen” at Opera house for benefit of the library at S:3op. m. Wednesday May 27 —Literary ad dress, 11 a. in., by Hon. Jere M. Pound, state school commissioner. Wednesday May 27 —Graduating exorcises at S:3op. m. All exercises at school auditorium except “Gypsy Queen,” which will be at opera house. An admission fee on Monday night and Wednes day night of 15c hr each person — men, women and children. Tues d iy night admission fee for “Gypsy Queen” will be 25c for seats. Re served seats 35c. INSTALLATION Of PASTOR. Monday afternoon fit 5 o'clock, in the Presbyterian church, Rev. Fritz Rauschenburg, who lias been called to this pastorate, will he in stalled. Revs. Reed, of Columbia, S. C\; Williams, of Atlanta, and Evangelist Hunt will conduct the services. A cordial invitation is ex tended to all to be present, and the members are urged to l>e on hand Brown Club at Johnson’s Academy. A Joe Brown club was recently ; organized here with ten members It now numbers fifty-five, and each meeting it increases .n number am enthusiasm. J. If. Bhown, President. Wattkk Morris, Secretary. THE HARLOWDAKIN MEETING • At the Opera House Continues with Much Interest. Large crowds are attending the services being held at the opera house under the auspices of the Christian church. Mr. Harlow has given the Bible much study, is a good talker and commands the strict attention of his hearers. The music conducted by Prof. Dakin is ft feature of much interest. There have'been about fifty addi tions to this church to date. Services begin promptly at 8:30 p. m. COL Rl'SSEll HONORED. At the annual meeting of the Georgia Peach Growers Association in Atlanta last week, (Ml. L. Russell of this city was appointed chairman <>f the committee to select and recommend commission houses for the handling of the peach crop of this season. Georgia's peach crop is < stimated at five million dol lars and consequently the selection of proper parties to handle the crop in the largest cities is one of great importance to the growers. Each year the list of reliable commission houses is revised and those whose dealings have not been satisfactory to the members of the association striken from the list. In this way the growers are protected from dis honest or incapable men. Several houses were stricken from the list hv the committee and Col. Russell has received many letters and telegrams from houses and association who were dropped from the'Jist. WITHDRAWS FROM RACE? Col. R. L. J. Smith publishes a card in The Commerce News this week withdrawing from the race for -olicitor"gencral of the Western cir cuit, In part he says: “Several months ago! annoiificed my candidacy for the office of so icitor general of the Westesn circuit. My announcemeot w,.s made'in the * utmost good faith and upon the earnest solicitotion of many friends in different parts of the circuit. It. was then n\y purpose, to make a thorough house tn house canvass f the circuit, to meet the voters face to face and present my claims to them for their suffrage and sup port. ' i “Since then, however, I have been providentially prevented from canvassing thejdistrict and meeting the people, as I had hoped and ex pected to do at the time of making my announcement, and since it is now entirely too late for me to do so, I deem it best to retire from the race, leaving my friends free to give their support to the candidate of their choic- Personally we have a high opinion of Col. Smith’s ability as a lawyer, and hailing, as he does, from the county of our birth, we regret that lie was prevented from making an aggressive and winning campaign. Jo!!y Jokers. The Jolly Jokers v. ere delightfully entertained by Miss Lucy Jackson, Wednesday afternoon, at a call meeting. Three new members were admitted. Miss Bush will be the next hostess on Wednesday 27, and on Thursday there will be a picnic at Whitehead’s pasture from 4 to 6 o’clock, in honor of the teachers that are members of the club. NO. 7.