Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, June 25, 1908, Image 4

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We want your business. We offer you every accommodation that your account and business standing will justify. Government supervision. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WINDER. If . -Capital Stock $50,000.22 WINDER WEEKLY NEWS Published Every Thursday Evening Robert O R<>ss, Editor. (J. 1). Ross, Associate. Entered it the Postoffiee at Wimler, Ga. as second class mail matter. SUISSCR I I*TION KAT MS One Year, ... .SI.OO Six Months, ... 50 Three Months, - - 25 Thursday, June 26, 1908. Now the paragraphers can turn their joke guns on the Georgia leg islature. James J. Klynt, of Gridin, was elected president of the Georgia senate without apposition, The first hale of new cotton sold at auction in New York for do cents per pound. It was si duped from Texas. Thos. W. Lawson has offered to raise a tnillion-dollur campaign fund for a national democratic ticket with Johnson and Bryan. The Nehraskian is not likely to play second tiddler. The tearful editorial published by The Journal of Tuesday' relative to the state convention reminded us of our school days, when some of the hoys refused to play because they were not chosen first in the paddle cat game. 1 Secretary Benj. Blackburn made -one of the most eloquent addresses delivered at the state convention. Me was an ardent supporter of lit tle Joe Brown, and his election as permanent secretary was an honor richly dest rved. 11 is selection will receive the approval of the rank •pnl file of Georgia democracy. This paragraph of Governor Hoke Smith’s message should receive a careful reading hy the mcndiers of the legislature: “1 urge the aboli tion of the present cnide plan of tax assessment and of giving to tin 1 state an intelligent system of tax equalization applicable to ALL THE riIOPEUTY IN GEORGIA subject to taxation.’’ There is food for thought in that sentence. Governor Smith, in his message to the general assembly, calls atten tion. to lack of funds for the main tenance of Georgia's agricultural schools. The state agricultural school at Athens and the eleven schools located in the different con gressional districts will not l>e able to open for the fall term unless the funds for them are provided at once. Governor Smith calls on the legislature for a sufficient ap propriation. OFFICERS: W. H. TOOLK, President W. I;. BLASLNGAME / J. P. Wi Id JAMS ) V ‘ Vu ' A ' W. L. JACKSON, Cashier. Over fifty new bills were sent to the speaker’s desk the first day the Georgia legislature convened for business. Grover Cleveland, the only dem ocratic president since the war, died at his home in Princeton, N. J., Wednesday morning. He was also the only living ex-president. After drinking from an old Exit tie which he found in the yard 18- months-old Victory Simpson, of Atlanta, suddenly became deathly sick and died at Grady hospital Wednesday. JandV S. Sherman, recently nom inated for vice president on the re publican ticket, is seriously ill in a hospital in Cleveland, Ohio. The physicians hope to prevent an op eration. The Confederate veterans of Jack son county will gather at Jefferson July Fourth. Jefferson will give them a hearty welcome and enter tain them royally. We sincerely hope that the movement to build a monument to the brave soldiers who represented this countv in the conflict between the states will be revived at this meeting and that the good ladies of the Daughters of the Confederacy will he called upon to take the initiative and see to it that a shaft is erected in their honor. NOTES ON THE NEWS. (Agusta ('hronicle,) Jere Poutul is for better teachers ancl hotter paid teachers, lie inti mates that lie may not In* aide to hold what teachers lie has at pre vailing prices. The Republican platform pledges faith in tlie courts of the country. It omitedto reaffirm the Declaration of Independence and approve the Stars and Stripes. William Howard Taft will he much hurt that the Charleston Post has declared that, though he is a very nice man, he can not*be Pres ident of the United States. The Republican party, for once, lias blundered. Even its partisan papers admit that. The anti-in junction plank is lyioted at by the laboring men and by capitalists. J. Ham Lewis is all right. But the praetital politicians say “no"; that we have Georgia solid anyhow, and help should be given the ticket, by a nomination from a doutful state. Kvciy man should take his county paper, Even if he has to supple ment .t with a big daily, it is bis duty to subserdv for the home pub lication, and to support it in every possible way. Glory! (!lory! cries the Houston Post. John Sharp Williams lias re signed the Democratic minority j leadership and now there isn’t going to L any more Democratic minority to lead. Summer engagements seldom sur vive the frosts of winter. WH.L NOT RIN FOR MAYOR. Editor News: In ns much as your editorial reference last week as to my friends mentioning my name in connection with the race for mayor has been accepted by some as tnv announcement for the office, I will ask you to please publish this statement. The idea of becoming a candidate for mavor of Winder has never in tered my mind. 1 shall in no way seek this office at the hands of tin voters. The-best interest of Win der just now, demands that the office seek the man, and not the man the office. Some good, level-headed, con servative, businessman should make the sacrifice to serve as Winder's mayor for the two years following Mayor Strange's administration. He says he will not serve longer and I don’t think he should !>e called upon to make any father sacrifice along this line. A mayor is prac tically helpless without the unani mous co-operation of the other city and school officials. I do believe that those citizens who have Winder's interest at heart should get together and agree on a man who will see, witli the aid of tin* proper council, that Winder’s interest is closely inspected and guarded along the following lines: A direct equalization of city taxes, an equal distribution of street work ing, and the exclusive elimination of denominationalism from the public schools of Winder. In other words, I Ixdeieve that the man with a hundred thousand of taxable prop erty is far more able to pay on} his hundred, than is the man with a thousand to pay on his single thou sand. Regarding street working, this question needs no explanation, it being well understood even by the children of Winder. Regarding dcnominationalism in our schools, 1 think it a shame and disgrace to our community that citizens Svill sit idly by and allow a few men, blinded by denominational preju dice, inject so hurtful a iliing in so great an institution. Now, gentlemen, name the man for mayor, and men for council who will and can by their past affiliations support, these measures and they will get my vote and sup port, regardless of how small it may he, and no doubt, the vote and support of the d7 men who have approached me on this subject during the past week. W. O. Pbrhy. June 2d, 1908. A woman in Houston, Texas, has announced that she would not marry the best man living. Well, if she dosen’t want him, she is a mean, selfish thing if she doesn't tell some of those who might l>e interested where he can be found. —Golden Age. \% ” Read the republicon platform if you doubt that Chicago is not really the Windy City.—Columbus En quirer Sun. S. W. ARNOLD W. T. ROBINSON W. L. BLASINGAME A. H. O’NEAL S. T. ROSS DIRECTORS: Announcements. For Representative. With assurances of profound grati tude to the people of Jackson county for their past support. I most respect fully announce myself a candidate for re-election to the Rouse of Representa tives, subject to the action of the Dem ocratic primary on Julv 31. John N. Holder. To the People of Jackson County: You have honored me as your repre sentatvive heretofore, for which I ex press to you my profound gratitude and assure you it has been highly ap preciated. lt_is one of the greatest pleasures of my life to serve the peo ple; really and indeed I want to be your servant and I therefore, announce my self a candidate for Representative from this county, subject to the demo cratic primary on July 31, and ask your most hearty support, and solicit any suggestions in the way of legislation for the in teres of the county, that 1 may be able to carry out your wishes. I think our aim should be for the welfare and upbuilding of the county and if elected, will do my best to carry out your wishes. Respectfully. L. G. Hardman. Ordinary. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Ordinary of Jackson C ounty, subject to the Democratic primary. Respect fully, James A. Wills. Jefferson. Ga. To the voters of. jack son county: I herebv announce myself a candidate for the office of Ordinary of Jackson county, subject to the Democratic primary elec tion to be held July 31, 1903, and will appreciate your support. J his March 12, 1908. James L. Williamson. To the voters of Jackson county: I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Ordinary of Jackson county, subject to the action of the primary to be held July 31, 1908. Your support is earnestly solicited. P. W. Quattlebaum. For Clerk. To the voters of Jackson county: I most respectfully announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of clerk of tho Superior Court of Jackson county, subject to the Democratic pri mary to be held July 31, I9OS. 1 hank ing you for your past suffrage, I earnest ly solicit your support. Respectfully, S. J. Nix. For Tax Receiver I respectfully announce myself a can didate for re-election to the office of Tax Receiver of Jackson County, sub ject to the Democratic primary on July 31, 1908. N. B. Lord. We are authorized to announce the name of W. I*. Boggs as a suitable candidate for Tax Receiver of Jackson County, subject to the Democratic pri mary election July 31, 1908. HOSCHTON. Dr. and Mrs. DeLaperriere and family visited Athens last week. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. DeLaperriere and G-. H. DeLaperriere, Jr., were in Athens last week. Misses Vesta Lillie Birkle and Lula Blalock visited the teachers institute in Jefferson last week. The latter will visit several days in Gainesville before returning. Mrs. Emma Bean, of Oxford, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Anderson, this week. Mr. Scott Sell, of the University, is taking vacation at home. Mr. Brannon Sell, who has been superintending an oil mill at Dal las, Ga., is at home. Mr. Herman DeLaperriere, of the University, is spending vaca tion at home. The death angel passed through here Tuesday morning at 1:05 o’clock and took little Annis, L. F. SELL L. 0. BENTON J, B. WILLIAMS T. C. FLANIGAN w. h. tooij:. for Sheriff. I most respectfully announce myself a candsdate for re-election for the office of Sheriff of Jackson county, subject to the Democratic primary July 31. B. H. t OLLIER. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the office of sheriff of Jackson county, subject to the rules of the pri mary election to be held July 31, 1908, and earnestly solicit the support of all the qualified voters of the county and will appreciate the same. Respectful 'v, J. P. Kelly. for ireasurer. I respectfully announce myself a can didate for re-election to the office of treasurer of Jackson county, subject to the Democratic primary of July 31st. Geo. W. Bailey. fax Collector. To the voters of Jackson county I re spectfully announce myself a candidate for ro-election to the office of Tax Col lector of Jackson county, subject to the Democratic primary on July 31, 1908. W. T. Appleby. Chairman County Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Chairman of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of Jackson county subject to Democratic primary July 31. W. A. Carter I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the chairmanship of the board of commissioners of roads and revenues of Jackson county, subject to the Demo cratic primary election of July 31, 1908. If elected I shall give my time strictly jto county affairs. L. M. Dadlsman. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Chairman of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of Jackson county, ! subject to Democratic primary. H. C. Barnett. ! I respectfully announce myself a can didate for the Chairmanship of Board of Commissioners of Roads and Reve nues of Jackson county, subject to the action of the primary on July 31. If elected I will devote my entire time to the duties of the office*' A. R. Braselton. To the voters of Jackson county: 1? hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of ChairmVi of the Board of Commissioners of Roads and Reve nues of Jackson county, subject to the primary election of July 31, 1908. j. M. Haynie. I hereby announce my candidacy for re-election to the office of Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of Roads and Reveues of Jackson county at the approaching Democratic primary, to be held July 31, 1908. F. L. Pendergrass. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Story. Mr. O. J. Adams, of Monroe, was up to see home-folks Sunday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Gree son, a son. Mr. Earnest Titshaw returned from South Carolina last week. Mr. C. M. Hudgins is in Atlanta this week on business. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Niblack were in town Tuesday. A few biscuits cooked brown would come in fine now. R. T. W. Governor Hughes simply could not break up the race gambling and political slates both in one year. —Columbus Ledger. Mr. Bryan is evidently pleased with the republican'platform, it con tains so much that is open to crit- r icism. —Savannah News.