Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, June 25, 1908, Image 6

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II STORY OF HEROISM Showing How Brave Men Can Calmly Meet Death. WRECK OF THE BIRKENHEAD. The Way This British Vessel Went Down Off the Cape of Good Hope. Most of the Crew Were Lost and All the Women and Children Saved. Visitors to the hospital of the old pensioners at Chelsea will perhaps ha ve noticed In the colonnade a simple me morial tablet, placed there by order of the late Queen Victoria to record the heroic constancy and discipline of the officers and soldiers who lost their lives in the wreck of the transport Bir kenhead off the Cape of Good Hope on Feb. 2(i. 1852. On .Tan. 7 in that year, aft er embarking re-enforcements amount ing to fifteen officers and -170 men for the troops engaged in the Kaffir war. the Birkenhead left Ireland for the tape. On hoard were also 100 women and children, the wives and families of soldiers. All went well till the transport reached Simon's Town, where ten officers and eighteen men were landed. The ship continued her course on the evening of Feb. 25. But the captain in his anxiety for a quick pas sage unfortunately kept so close to the shore that during the, night the ship got among the rocks which line the coast A liout three miles off Danger point at 2 o’clock in the morning of the 20th, while all except those on watch were sleeping peacefully in their ham mock a, the ship struck with a violent shock. The bulk of the men on board were young soldiers. The rush of water on the Birkenhead striking was so great that most of the soldiers on the lower troop deck were drowned in their hammocks. The re mainder. with all the officers, appeared on deck, many only partly dressed, and fell in as orderly and as quietly as on the barrack square. Calling the officers round him. Lieutenant Colonel Seton of the Seventy-fourth highlanders, the senior officer on hoard. Impressed on them flic necessity for preserving ai der and .silence among the men. The ser<’Kes of the next senior. Captain Wright. Ninety-first highlanders, were placed at the disposal of the command er of the ship to carry out whatever orders he might consider essential. Sixty men were put on the chain pumps on the lower after deck and told off in three reliefs. Sixty more were put on to the tackles of the pad dle box boats, and the remainder were brought on to the poop to ease the fore part of the ship, as she was roll ing heavily. The commander next or dered the officers' chargers to he pitch ed out of the gangway. The plunging and terrified horses were get up and oast over, five of them managing to swim ashore. The cutter was then got ready for tlie women and children, who had been collected under the poop awning, and they were passed in one by one. There being room in the boat for one or two more, the order was given for any trumpeter or bugler boys to he taken. A young drummer standing near was told by an officer to get into the boat. but. drawing him self up. exclaimed that he drew man's pay and would stick by his comrades The cutter then shoved <>(T in charge of one of the ship's officers, and the women and children were safe. No sooner was she clear than the entire bow of the vessel broke off at the foremast, the bowsprit going up in the air toward the foretopmast. The funnel also went over the side, carry ing away the starboard paddle box and boat and crushing the men on the tackles. The paddle box boat capsized od lieing lowered, and the large boat In the center of the ship could not be got up. The men were then ordered on to the poop, where they stood calmly awaiting their fate. Within a few minutes tlie vessel broke in two. cross wise, just abaft the engine room, and the stern l>egan rapidly to fill. In this extremity the commander called out. "Those who can swim jump overboard and make for the boats!” but the of ficers begged the soldiers not to. as the boat with the women and children would l>e swamped. They wi re young men in the prime of life, with all lie fore them, yet no one moved, nor did any sign of terror or fear escaj** them. Lower and lower sank the vessel into the deadly sea. The old transport uhivered. gave a final plunge aud dis appeared. carrying with her the band of heroes on deck and those working below at the pumps. Men of all ages and ranks they were —the colonel and the drummer boy, of ficers of gentle birth and men from the workshop, the plow and the mine, but ail animated with the same heroic resolution, fortitude and chivalry—as cool as though they had been ou their parade ground, with as much courage as in action in the field. A few man aged to cling to the rigging of the mainmast, part of which remained out of w r ater, while others got hold of float ing pieces of wood and were eventually rescued, but of fourteen officers aud 468 men no fewer than nine officers - rurbt under Aunt Margarets - and 319 men perished, many Tailing prey to the attacks of the sharks, which surrounded the ship in shoals, waiting for their victims. Every wo man and child was saved. I’erhaps the greatest compliment ever paid to the memory of the lira ve was the order of the king of Prussia for the account of the wreck of the Birken head to lie read on three successive parades at the head of every regiment In his army, aud it was spoken of ill every school in Prussia und Germany. lxindon Globe. The Silent Winners. Examine our list of presidential can didates and see how few of them made stump speeches. George Washington made none. Thomas Jefferson made none. John Adams, John Quincy Adams, James Madison, James Monroe made none. Neither did Andrew Jackson, nor Martin Van Buren, nor General Harri son, nor James K. Folk, nor Franklin Pierce, nor James Buchanan.— Jeffer sonian. A Fortunate Man. One day a young matron to the market place did go. where she bought an oyster plant, then set it out to grow Said she. “Next winter we’ll have oys ters, fresh oysters every day, and wbat a saving it will be. with not a cent to pay. Oh. but hubby should lie thank ful it was his lot in life to get such a saving woman for bis own little wife.” —Chicago News. Fixing His Status. A waiter spilled some soup on the clothing of a portly, choleric old gentle man dining with bis wife in an up town lobster palace the other night, whereupon the old gentleman jumped to his feet and, calling the manager, burst into a tirade which ended with the somewhat nuticlimatic charge that the waiter was "no gentleman.” “This man is not supposed to be a gentleman,” said the manager coldly. “He Is merely a waiter.”—New York Press. MOTE SHERIFF ms REGRETS. A piano agent, convicted <>f simple larceny in Screven county, escaped jail last week, leaving tlie following letter to the sheriff, savs tlie Svlva k ilia Herald: “To The Sheriff of|7Screven I County —My Dear Sir: —lt grieves me no little to do resort to what I lam about to do, but place yourself !in my fix and no one but what would do the same. I had made up my mind to take rnv medicine like a man and settle up all my in debtedness before coming out and then walk out like a man, but Mr. Thompson), after losing all of get ting in some camp where 1 could be treated at least as a white man, 1 got wind * f the factjthey were going to put me here on the road among negroes and in irons. My God, I can't stand that, coming Irom the family 1 did. 1 feel that self destruction is more honorable than a life of shell shame, lam not the running kind, but here the people would not help me, but would laugh at my shame and crush me, so I am t tying one ortwo things — liberty or death. If lam overtaken 1 shall send my soul into eternity, but if you will not bother me 1 will settle every dollar I owe and Ih> a man, so for God’s sake do'fgiVe me a chance. No one whatever assisted me in this escape. No one brought me anything. I user lithe knife that was brouht with a meal sent from the Lane Housefand von toldjme I could keep it and to cat with, so I hacked the edge of the knife on a pair of scissors and a piece of glass till Ijmade a file of it. This work hasjbeen done ten days ago and had I been sent to a camp for whites I would never have done so, but do not blame or censure anyone. My best friend does not know it. 1 most humbly thank you and Clint for your kind ness to me and also Mrs. Wood and tfaimly. so now remember, if 1 am overtaken 1 will, by my own hands, by 11 that - good and holy, send my soul into eternity. This 1 mean. Again thanking you furjyour kind ness, I am most respectfully, “,L W. 11l vruu.'' t Anyway, a. man isn’t in a posit/ to get stuck up over the taffy in' obituary. v l Keeps inc Hiving I-* * WHEN FOOD WAS SCARCE. Prices That Ruled In Paris During the Siege of 1370. Tlie following interesting statement of the prices that were paid for food dyring the siege of 1870 is taken ver bally out of the journal of a French officer stationed In Paris at the time: “Toward the middle of October we had to make up our mind to sacrifice the animals of the zoological garden. The elephants and many other Leasts j were bought by M. Debos, the owner of tiie English meat shop in Av. Friendland. The meat of the elephants was sold from $lO to sl2 a kilogram (two pounds), the trunk commanding the highest price, $lO a kilogram. The , trunk and feet were both declared de licious by all gormands. In the same i shop a pair of young wolves were sold for $2.50 per pound. The meat was soft and without taste. The biggest price was paid for a young live lamb i that bad been swiped by a ‘franc-tireur’ from the enemy. One hundred dollars was paid for it. “Here is an exact price list of some victuals toward the end of the siege: Two pounds of horseflesh $5.00 One ham IG.OO A whole cat 3.00 A rabbit 10.00 One turkey 30.00 One egg 1.00 A rat 50 A pigeon 3.00 One pound of butter C.OO A pound of beans 1.50 A peck of carrots 2.00 One cabbage head ... 3.00 One stick of celery 50 Wood to burn (100 pounds) 2.00 “Even the rich had to live on the 1 meagerest diet and to take into their menu things that till then only the trapper in the virgin forests was sup posed to eat. I leave it to you to im agine what kin(j of meals were served j in tlie small restaurants and boarding houses. “Moreover, everybody had to submit |to the strictest orders. People stood in file before the butcher and linker shops to wait for their turns. Each household was furnished with a card from the municipality authorizing the bearer to buy a certain amount of meat and bread. The cook the housewife, tlie young girl, the liitle child (men never go shopping in France), were posted for hours before the shops in rain and snow, with wet feet, shivering with cold. The unfortunate ones endured without a murmur these hardships. Women throughout the time of the siege were setting an example of cour age and self abnegation not always fol lowed by men. “It was a sad and touching spectacle, these long files of women, nearly all dressed in black, grouped before the doors of the dealers, watched by the national guard, \ ‘th whom they at first were laughing and chatting, till the sufferings from the cold had silenced the laugh and sometimes brought forth the tears. “But in spite of all precautions the stores one by one were exhausted, the provisions, put in too late before the siege, were used up, and. while the ba bies, deprived of milk, died in great numbers or, fed ou sweet wine and bread, pined slowly away, the big peo ple tried to find new resources to pro long their lives.” Generous Mrs. Crewe. A gambling story is told of Charles James Fox that rather reflects on his honor. lie was one of the ardent ad mirers of Mrs. Crewe, a noted beauty of her day, and it is related that a gen tleman lost a considerable sum to this lady at play and. being obliged to leave town suddenly, gave Mr. Fox the money to pay her, begging him to apol ogize to her for his not having paid the debt of honor in person. Fox lost every shilling of it before morning. Mrs. Crewe often met the supposed debtor afterward and, surprised that he never noticed the circumstances, at length delicately hinted the matter to him. "Bless me!" said he. "I paid the mouey to Mr. Fox three months ago.” “Oh, did you. sir?” said Mi's. Crewe good naturedly. “Then probably he paid me, and I forgot it.” Risky Revenge. Gaganini, the wonderful violinist, had a narrow escape at Ferrara from a violent death. Enraged by some hissing from the pit he resolved to avenge the Insult, and at the close of his pro gramme informed the audience that he would imitate the language of various animals. After having rendered the notes of different birds, the mewing of a cat, and the barking of a dog, he ad vanced to the footlights, and, saying, "This is for those who hissed!” imitat ed the braying of an ass. At this the occupants of the pit rose, rushed on to the stage and would probably have killed their calumlnator had he not hastily retreated. Tommy Spoke. Minister—lf any one present can show cause w hy this couple should not become man and wife, let him speak now or forever hold his peace. Tommy —1 kia. mister. He thinks aunty’s only twenty-five, and she’s forty. Economy may be the road to wealth, but nine-tenths of those who are com pelled to travel it never reach the goal —Chicago News. . v. We have for sale a farm of 287 acres, about four miles from Win der, in Jackson county. Good land. Good Improvements. Reasonable Price. Terms. We have a special bargain in a Mercantile Store in Winder, well located. Terms. We have good Houses’and Lots in many different sections of the city. Things are opening up. If you want to buy or sell Real Estate see us. (juarterman, Toole & Norman, First National Bank Building, Winder, Ga. Winder Lumber Company. We build anything. Sell every thing. Does this interest you? Phone 47. That’s all. Facts From France. The Paris prefect of police has decid ed that in future no more licenses to play barrel organs in that city will be granted. Twelve couples have just celebrated their golden weddings at Abrest, a small town near Vichy, France. Three hundred descendants were present at church. A project is being considered for the transference of the Jardin des Plantes to a site three miles outside Paris, where it is intended to create a “zoo logical oasis" iu which the animals can have comparative liberty. Fith and Point. No one expects that his grave will be neglected. Too many men honor women and abuse their wives. None of the things described as "heavenly” is to be found in neaven. A great many people who require “references" should give them instead. Few men are ruined by great of fenses, but most men are sufferers from the effects of petty folly. Every man who takes a part in your procession expects that some day you will blow a horn in his procession.— Atchison Globe. A man who has no sympathy for others is not a man. HUMAN MACHINERY. The marvelous mechanical inventions of today are hut mere toys compared to human body. This is one machine that must be given constant and intelli gent care. Once permitted to run toe far without skillful repair, the wreck r. jijst ahead. STUART’S BUCHU AND JUNIPER luis repaired more human ills, relieved tile strain on weak parts and completely checked the cause thin any other invigo rating cordial. It relieves kidney' dis eases, catarrh of the bladder, diabetes djropsr, gravel, headache, dyspepsia, pan itfi the back and side, loss of appetite general debility, neuralgia, sleeplessness rheumatism and nervousness. .STUART’S lIUCHU AND JUNIPER positively re lieves these diseases. At all stores, sl.o' pier bottle. Write for free sampde. Stuart Drug Manufacturing Cos., Atlanta, Ga. Pigs for Sale! Fine Durok and Victo ria Pigs! Six weeks old. Price $2.50 each. A. B. HARWELL, Raute 23 Winder, Ga. The New Barber Shop, Elrod & Barron, WINDER, GA. We have withdrawn from the. Granite Hotel and opened up a first-class barber shop in the Can non building on JACKSON STREET First class material and best of service. Your patronage solicited. ELROD BARRON. Proprietors. Bcuklen’s Arnica Salve Wins. Tom Moor- of Rural Route 1, Cochran, Ga., writes: "I had a bad sore come ou the instep of my foot and could find nothing that would heal it until I applied Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Less than half of a 25 cent box won the day for me by affecting a per fect cure.’’ Sold under guarantee at G. W. DeLaperriere’s drug 8b /.