Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, June 25, 1908, Image 8

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SOMETHING WORTH YOUR ATTENTION LISTEN! For some weeks to come we propose to do a good work for buyers in the way of cutting prices. The first cutting will be as follows: All Calicoes to go for 5 and 6 cents, was strictly 7c. 400 yds. short lengths, mainly in white goods to sell for Bc, formally 10 and 12c. 25c. white goods to be sold for 15c. 1000 yds. 50c. Dress Goods will be sold for 25c. All printed Wash Goods to be cut. A beautiful line of printed Wash Goods was 10 and 12c. now to go for Bc. per yard. All printed Wash Goods that was 12 to 18c. now to go for 10c. All Dress Goods that was 25c, in this line to go for 18c. All the colors in long Silk Gloves that was $1.75 and $2.00 to sell for 95c. This is just a beginning of our series of cut prices. • Watch this paper each week, we wiil cut prices and save you money. Also re member we give you great bargains at our Clothing Store No. 2. We snail be known as the great price cutters ot this town. 'Of course cut prices mean cash price. Kilgore & Kelly. WINDER, ' - " GEORGIA. News fresh and Sparkling IT(Mn Otter Towns end Localities Gathered by Rural News Linders. ROCKY RIDGE. We had a very hard rain and hail here Sunday, which did much damage to the crop*. Mrs. Hattie Hendrix and daugh ter,Mrs L. W. Leslie, of Bethlehem, were the guests of Mrs. Cullie Hosch Wednesday. Mr. T. N. Thompson, of Winder, visited his father, Mr. A. (E Thomp son, Sunday. Mrs. Callie lloseh and sons visit ed Winder Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, .John AfcElhannon spent Sunday with Mrs. Ahnon McElhannon. Mr. and Mrs. .1. H. Adams and family spent Sunday with Mr. .1. H. Clack’s family. Little Ruby Harrison spent Tut week with her grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. McDonald. Miss Ora Edgar spent Saturday night with Miss May Lester, at Bethlehem. Mr. W illie Hosch was on the sick i list last week. Mr.-and Mrs. Warren Partain were the guests of Mr. M. A. Gallo way and family Sundry. Pierce Smith,who lias been ill for some time, has many friends who will he glad to know he is improv ing some. CAMPTON. Mr. John Smith, of this place was in Winder Sunday. Mr. Lyle Evans has just returned from the bedside of his sick brother in Gwinnett. Crops are looking fine in this section. Messrs. Tl. F. and H. C. Hudgins were at Canipton Sunday. The Sunday school at this place is the pride of Campton. PENTECOST. Quite a large crowd attended preaching at this place last Sunday. Rev. McGarity preached a very en teresting sermon,his text being ‘ The Sin Against the Holy Ghost.” Miss Ada McDonald wa-* the guest of Miss Viola Hardigree last Sunday. Mr. 1. S. Bowman, of Florida, is visiting his father, Mr. Green Bow lncin, of this place. He will spend the summer in this section. i ■M.iaacg Cora Giles, belm Sunday. Miss Edna llardigree was the j guest of Miss Floy Elrod Sunday. Miss Lona Segars, of Winder, visited relatives in this section re cently. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Dunnahoo visited Mr. and Mrs. George Steed Sunday. The little baby of Mr. and Mrs. Brock is real sick at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Steed were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. It. W. Haynie Sunday. RUSSELL. We are having some very hot weather the past few days. Miss Minnie Belle is visiting rel atives and friends in Oconee county this week. An ice cream supper was given at the home of Mi. J. W. Moore last Tuesday night in honor of Miss Lila Moore. A large crowd attended. Miss Ruth Wyley, of Braselton, also Miss !na Stewart, of Iloschton, were among the many friends that were present. Mrs. Mamie Jennings visited her parents, <Mr. J. It. Cox, Saturday nights Mr. Joe C. Austin and family attended the funeral services of Mr. Dock Austin Friday. He was buried at Bethlehem. Mrs. W. H. Quarterman spent part of last week with Mrs. It. B. Russell. Mr. and Mrs. Blake made a short call at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. P Smith Friday. Mrs. J. R. Cox is on the sick list this week. Mr. Truman Fuller, of Athens, was in town Saturday afternoon. The cottage prayer services were held at Mr. Jones Sunday afternoon. Col. Lewis C. Russell spent Sun day with his brother, Judge It. B. Russell. Mrs. \V. P. Smith visited the sick near Bethlehem this week. Mrs, Parnell, of Athens, visited Mr. Carrington’s family Saturday night and Sunday. Mr. J. 1. J. Belle, of this place was (iff visiting a portion of last week. v ' We hear of a lot of damage done by the hail storm Sunday, but noth ing injured around Russell. Miss Mary Willie Russell has re turned home from an extended visit to Atlanta". Miss Ermine Stanton, of Winder, spent the week-end with Miss Ina Russell. week. Misses Mabelle and Mary Alice Smith is spending this week with their uncle, Mr. Green W. Smith at Bethlehem. Martin Bond, an old colored man breathed his last Sunday \ morning at eight o’clock. PARADISE. Rev. Foster preached to a large congregation here Sunday. Mrs. Emma Attaway and Mr. Clifford Clack spent Friday night at Statharn, the guests of Mr; Jt. M. Williams and family. Mr. John Harris, of Winder, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Willie Perkins Sunday. Misses Berta ard Vallie Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Patton visited Mr. Wiley Patton’s family Saturday and Sunday. Miss Jodie Wood was the guest of Miss Sudie Smith Saturday. Mrs. Mattie House and children, of New Chapel, visited Mr. and. Mrs. Hull Clack Saturday and Sun day. Mr. Jim Sims made a business trip to Athens Friday. Mr. Maultie Miller, an aged and respected citizen who lived in this community, died at his home Fri day night. He leaves his wife and six hoys and two girls to mourn his death. Mr. Miller was a Christian man and was loved by all who knew him- The reimfins were laid to rest in the Chapel cemetery. We extend to the bereaved ones our heartfelt sympathy. Mr. J. L. Waters and family, of C&mpton, visited in our burg from Saturday till Monday. Mr. Otis Camp and family, anJ Mr. and Mrs. Omer Cosby were the guests of Mr- Mardie Cosby and family Sunday, The Misses House and Mr. Jim Halliefield, of New Chapel visited Mr. D. D. Jones and family Satur day and Sunayd. Mr. and Mrs. Will Williams spent Sunday at New Chapel. J. FI. Clack, A. P. Perry. L. L ' Rogers, H. O. Camp went to Win der Saturday on business. Mr. Herschel Clack and wife and Mrs. T. A. Smith visited Mr. and M rs. Willie Barber Sunday evening. The rain and hail Sunday evening have enjurod the crops very badly. Mrs. Ida Clack visited Mrs. J. H. Clack Sunday. j Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hardy spent Monday in Oconee county with Mr. Henry Hardy’s family. here Sunday,the guests of Mr. John Edger and family. Mr. and Mrs. R E. Clack and son, Paul, spent Tuesday in our community. LEBANON. Mrs. J. G. Elder and children, of Jefferson, spent a part of last week in our midst. Our young folks enjoyed an ice cream festival at the home of Mr. and Mrs. WA P. Frost Saturday night. , Mr. C. C Fulcher is on the sick list. Prof. C. T. Clegg, of Hall county, was here Saturday on business. Rev. Stone, will till bis regular ap pointment here next Saturday and Sunday. Dr. J. C. Holliday, of Athens, spent last Sunday here with home folks. Mr. J. FT. Guest has returned home after spending a few days with his son in Elbert county. Miss Bessie Whitehead is still very low with a long spell of sick-' ness. C. D. Holliday made a trip to Guest Station last Sundav morning. Cleveland Holliday spent last Sunday near Crooked Creek with W. M. Spencer. B. B. E NEW CHAPEL The rain and hail last Sunday did not do much damage in our vicinity. Fish frys will soon be thg sport of the day. Miss Corinne Avery is spending this week near Monroe with her grand-mother, Mrs. Darby. M iss Jodie Wood was the charm ing guest of Miss Sudie Smith Satur day night and Sunday. Mr FT H. Odum and family, and Mr. Williams and son, from Win der, spent Sunday with J. T. Mor row and family. Mr. John H. Bedingfield, of Beth lehem. passed through our burg Monday. M, and Mrs. E. C. Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Williams and Mr. Harvil and wife spent Sunday with Mr. Travis Flarvil and lamily. The little fifteen months old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Flelton was buried at Chapel last Wednesday. It had been sick only a short time and its death was quite a shockto our community. The parents and relatives have .our deepest sym pathy. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Austin, " • w 1 ! '-I .. na.iil f I*o^ My Motfofr. In a graveyard far away Sleeps my own dear mother today. I was the pride of her heart and soul, Yet Jesus Christ from me he stole That tender grace and loving care, With just one breath and just one snare. . Her breath was short, her heart 1 beat fast; Her voice was weak, still sobs she cast, Then closed her eyes and went to sleep, And laid her soul at Jesus’ feet. And now she is singing in the sky, In sunny lands so very high. a • I nope that I shall meet her there, Upon that sunny golden stair; Then father’ll come and join the band Of angels at Jesus’ right hand, And on that high, eternal shore, We shall live together evermore. —Ruth Hale. Tallulah falls. The first annual Tallu 1 >h Fails party will leave Monroe, Ga., Sun daymorning, June 28th, arriving at the falls for dinner. Tickets will be good to return any time from Monday till Friday following. Round t rip from Monroe to Falls, $8.20. Flotel accommodations can lie had from SI.OO to $2.00 per day. Train leaves Monroe at 6:80 a. m., central time. This is your chance to see the grandest moun tain scenery at very little cost. Round trip from Winder $2-81. Attention Veterans, The annual reunion of the 43rd Regment of Confederate Veterans will meet at Jefferson July 4th with the Jackson County Veterans re union. All members of this com mand are requested to be present. There will be reduced rates on all railroads on that day. E. M. Moulder, Secretary. SET HERE, GET REDAY. If you wish to join my party of 30 to Wrightsville Beach, for which I have secured a special car from Winder without change, let me know by sending me check for your ticket, not later than Monday. July (>th. The first thirty names reciev-: ed with checks for tickets will com plete the party. Our car will be booked on to No. 32, passing Winder. Ga-, at 3:50 p. m., eastern time, Friday, July 10th, returning leave Wilmington follow ing Wednesday at 3 p. in. Fare for round trip from Winder to the Beach, $8.50. Tarry Moore Hotel, the best in all the land, rates $2.50 per day, but cheaper can be had. % nni if Aentl. wffl T** 1 -