Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, July 09, 1908, Image 1

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VOL. XVI. GATHER IN REUNION. Old Veterans March to Martial Music and Talk Over War Times. Good Program. Well, .sir, little old sleepy Jeffer son, the county site of Jackson county, at which we have been pok ing fun for 10, these many years, awoke on the glorious Fourth, stretched herself, yawned and be gan dispensing that old-time south ern hospitality she had known in her younger days. Welcome was written over every door in the grand old town and she slew the fatted calf and spread a glorious feast beneath the stately oaks surrounding Martin Institute in honor of the stranger within her gates. Jeffeerson had awoke! And a goodly crowd was there —the old soldier in his suit of gray, the young soldier with his steadier tread, the candidate with his happy smile, the sturdy farmer, the love-sick swain, the horse trader, the peanut man and the sodawater vender. Early in the morning ladies and gentlemen superbly costumed and mounted on dashing steeds could , be seen flitting about rounding up the paraders for the grand march. Soon the real soldiers, the heroes of the sixties, who learned to march to the music of shot and shell, in whose honor the affair was given J formed on Sycamore street, and at 11 o’clock Grand Marshal T. W. Webb gave the command to march and one of the largest parades in the history of Jackson county was put in motion. The line of march led to Martin Institute chapel,where, an excellent program was rendered. The music was in charge of Mrs. T. W. Webb, and was one of the most enjoyable features of the day’s entertainment. Judge J. A. B. Mahaffey was master of ceremonies and addresses were made by Judge H. W. Bell, Hon. J. N. Holder and J. N. Ross. “The Bonnie Blue Flag With a Single Star” was rendered by a chorus with telling effect, after which dinner was announced. And such a dinner! There was plenty for the 1,500 and more, and the candidates acted as waiters and saw to it that every fellow had a good time. The next time Jefferson has a hlow-out of the kind we’l! be there. KILLING AT MONROE. Saturday evening about 7:30 o’clock 0. M. Thompson shot and killed J. H. Bowen in Monroe. Both parties were men of fami lies and well connected, and the tragedy is greatly deplored by their many friends. The cause of the killing is still a mystery. Mr' Bowen was laid to rest Sun day afternoon. The commitment trial will be held Friday. CHURCH BUILDING LOR SALE. On Saturday morning, July 1 Ith, at 10 o’clock, old Chapel church building will lie sold to the highest bidder. Come and secure a bar gain . REGISTER NOW. Mr. L. A. House has been ap pointed registrar of this district by Tax Collector Appleby, and all those who failed to qualify in the recent election can now register for , the July primary. ? a farm of 287 miles from Win unty. Good land, its. Reasonable •uses and Lots in sections of the ig up. If you sell Real Estate No rmnn FARMERS TO GATHER In Grand Rally at Jefferson Wednes day, July !5. The Farmers’ Union will meet at th court house in Jefferson. .July 15, 1908, at 10:00 o’clock. Every body invited, non-union as well a.- union. Be sure and come. Do not forget the date, and remember to bring a well filled basket. One or two good speakers of the state union will be on hand and give us a talk. Lets have a good attendance. Respectf u lly, T. T. Cooper. Cos. Pres. T. F. and C. U. of A. Death of “AlSie” Lewis. Monroe and Walton county mourns the death of Mr. Geo- A. Lewis and in his going from among us we feel that we have sustained a heavy, personal loss. He was our friend. Mr. Lewis had sevred several terms on the hoard of council of the city of Monroe arid was an appre ciated member <f that body at the time of his death. He leaves an aged mother and father, two brothers and one sister, to all of whom the sympathies of friends are extended in these hours of unmeasured sorrow. The funeral was preached by Rev. G. M. Lakes.pastor of the Methodist church, and the interment was in the city cemetery. —Walton News. WINDER, JACKSON COUNTY, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1908 Broad Street, Winder, Ga„ Looking West. {ENJOYABLE HOUSE PARTY {Judge and Mrs. R. 6. Russell En* ! tertaln Younger Set at Their Beautiful Suburban Home. [ Scarcely has a jollier crowd been vseen than the young folks who are Hhe guests this week of Miss Ina i Russell at her house party. The Always hospitable Russell home has been turned over to them for what ever mode of entertainment they c may choose, from “playing circus” lup to classical music and poetry, J'and the cottage next door, where the boys of the party enjoy the lux nuries, without the hardship of camp £life, has also been fitted up for their The popular “Russell Express” stays always in readiness, making a several trips to Winder each day [and taking each time some of our younger people to spend the day, night or several days and always by numerous bundles such articles as chew ing gum (there are no regulations vprohihiting such), candy and in variably an old suit which comes into service at the bathing pool in the branch. All rules of formal and “grown up” society go unobserved, formal ity is a thing of the past and free dom is unrestrained, while the young life finds expression in un restricted jollity during this week at the home of Judge Russell. The delights of the house party are aptly illustrated by a toast proposed one evening by Mr. William Riviere: Something we were all glad to join, From which we will hate to sever; Many, many happy memories of it Remain with each of us forever. Those in attendance are: Misses Annelle Dillard, of Ellierton; Mary Coiner, of Comer; Marie Riviere, of Mobile, Ala.; Frances West, of Athens; Mary Alice Strange, Er mine Stanton, Robbie Blasingame, of Winder; Messrs. William Riviere, f Mobil >, Ala.; Andrew and Henry West, of Athens; William Henry Quarterman, Jr., and Woodson Wood, of Winder. On Saturday the young folks were delightfully entertained by William Henry Quarterman, Jr., at a most charming spend-the-day party. On Tuesday Mrs. Russell and Mrs. West, who has come over from Athens to spend the week as Mrs. Russell's guest, tendered them a “cobweb party” at the Russell home. Miss Robbie Blasingame enter tained in their honor Wednesday morning. MEETS IN MERHODIST CHURCH. Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society of Gainesville District Will Be Here July 15th. The Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society of the Gainesville district will convene in the Methodist church in Winder, Wednesday eve ning, July loth. The Wednesday evening program will consist of welcome addresses by Rev. A. W. Quillian, pastor; Mrs. J . T. Strange, in behalf of the Home Mission Society; Mrs. H. P. Quillian from the Foreign Mission ary Society; Mrs. R. D. DeWeese from the Baptist Missionary Society, Mrs. R. O. Ross from the Presbpte nan Missi<jpary Society, and Mrs. W. O- Perry from the Christian church. Two responses from the visiting ladies will be given. The program will be interspersed with music especially prepared for the evening. M rs. H. P. Quillian, Pres. HANGOGK-McCLELLAND, e On Monday, in Jefferson, Rev. Stone officiating, Mr. Taylor McClelland, of Montgomery, Ala bama, and Miss Susie Hancock, second daughter of Mr. J. B. Han cock, and a sister of Miss Ada Han cock, of this city, were united in marriage. The young couple reached Winder Monday afternoon and left on the 4:00 o’clock train for their future home in Montgomery. tee Missionary Society Meets The Home Missionary Society met in regular session Monday of last week with Mrs. W. L. Blasin game. After the transaction of reg ular routine business, a linen show* er was given for the benefit of the In dustrial School for Girls, located in Thomasville, Ga. This school is known as the Vashti Home. Quite a nice box was sent the home con taining many useful articles. Sev eral new names were added to the roll of the society. At the close of the meeting a delicious salad course was served. Prof. J. T. Walker has returned from Jefferson, where he has been engaged in conducting a teachers' institute.* Prof. Walker is meeting with great success in this line of work and is being praised on all sides. Rev. Jordine, a missionary sta tioned in Korea, will arrive in Win der next week and will le present at the meeting of the Women’s For eign Missionary Society of the Gainesville district, which convenes here July 1 5. WINDER VS. JEFFERSON. Baseball on Local Diamond Friday and Saturday—Good Games Anticipated. There will be ball games at Valley park Friday and Saturday which every citizen in Winder who is at all interested in sports should wit ness. Jefferson and Winder will be the opposing teams, and as they are'evenly matched and there is much rivalry between the towns in a baseball way, good games are, anticipated. , These teams have played six games recently, and honors were evenly divided until Wednesday, when a remnant of the team went over to Curry’s creek and got kicked all over the lot for two consecutive days. When the local boys land the contests Friday and Saturday they will even matters. When Henry Pledger sends his regular team on the diamond they are hard to crowd, and here’s hop ing thfy will hand Jefferson a lemon similar to the one presented to the muchly touted Beck & Gregg team of Atlanta. Somehow our sympa thies are always with the under dog, and it is really too cruel to mention that terrible slaughter. However, the score was 11 to 1, and Winder's base hits reached somewhere in the twenties with a home run or two thrown in for good measure. Don’t fail to see Frank Collier in action Friday and Saturday. You know. z Mrs. Lula Hardy spent Saturday and Sunday in Athens. Miss Mamie Tenant, of Atlanta, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Bennett this week. The work on the new Christian church is progressing nicely. The corner stone was laid Monday aft ernoon. During the absence of the soldier boys, the transfer business of Mini kin and Jackson will be in the charge of Mr. C. C. Gregory. All Winderites who contemplate visiting Chickamauga during the encampment of company H, are cordially invited to mess with the Winder Guards. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Bondurant entertained Tuesday evening in honor of Col. E. E. Pomeroy, of Atlanta, and Major Sanford, of Athens. Miss Ethel Jackson entertained the Jokers club delightfully Wed nesdry afternoon in honor of Miss Marion Jackson. u Forty-two, trail and other interesting games were played, after which delicious ices were served. It is reported that citizens living near the corner of Candler and Church streets are taking up sub scriptions for the purchase of a ferry boat. This is a timely move and the city council should tender them a snug donation. Dr. Walker Lewis, who has been conducting a revival at the Metho dist church here for the past two weeks, has been called to Sparta. 11 is sister, Mrs. Frank G. Thomas, was so badly burned Tucskay that she died from the effects Dr. Lewis has a host of friends here who will deeply sympathize with him in his bereavement. The protracted meet ing at the church closes today. NO. 14