Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, July 16, 1908, Image 2

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SPECIAL SALE OP THE PERFECT FITTING CORSET _ I er direct influence over a won t personal appearance than any other article in her wardrobe, we have endeavored to^hiid for our customers a line of corsets wherein style would be combined with comfort and en durance, at popular/prices. J We feel confident that we have at last found a brand of corset wherein these cardinal ) points are successfully combined. We have placed in stock a line of J. C. C. Cornets- a brand rec .gnized throughout the United States as being the very acme of style and .W endurance. ' _ If you have a “difficult” figure, and are tired of hours of experimenting with styles T that never seem just right, you should know the J. C. C Corsets have so careful*}* p. aimed •~\v\v/ Wr the styles for various figure types, and so skillfully graded the measurements of every part of each corset, that a satisfactory fit for every woman is assured. /f/i? 4$M Every demand you make on a corset is answered in J. C. C. \on ask coinfo.t- -it it there in the fullest degree. \ oil want graceful, slender lines nothing equals tuc J. C. C nrfLjf for grace giving. You want long service you will find the J. C. C. as strong in wearing . qua! it ies as it is in beauty qualities, and your price limit-- well, we think the J. C. C. -yrgs? " - meets that requirement quite satisfactorily —50c to $2 00. Call and' let us tell yoji more about them. " HODGES <Sc CXX)PER. g iJoyIgS. World’s Colton Production, The cotton production of the world, an shown by compilations hy the census bureau from cotton mill statistics, shows that there is no danger of the. south’s supremacy in this line being wrested from her in tin* near future. Of the total production of cotton throughout thi' world last year, ex pressed in ol) (-pound bales, tin south produced H),BS2,2>S* of tin 1 10,512, IS.* halts grown. British India was our next nearest com petitor, producing 2, I 11,800 hales. Ugypt came next with one million and a quarter hales. Other countries produced cotton as follow; Bussia, 020,000 hales; China, 12,5,000 Brazil, 070,000; Mexico, So,000; Turkey, SO, 000; Peru, 55,000, and Persia, 51,000, Other count rics combined produced a total of 200,000 hales. - Despite the low level which the price of cotton reached the past sea son, the statistics gathered hy the government show that the total pro duction war three and one-half mil lion hales less than for Hie previous year. The total in 11)0(5 was 10,- 012,000 bales and for 1001 it was 15,,50.’,,0)0, The production last year was greater than in 1005, when only 15,747,000 bales were grown, according to statistics of mill con sumption. • It is probable that muiccurate .sta tistics of cotton production in China have ever been obtained. The territory is so vast, the population /to cnorm urs and tlu* number of Cotton nulls in the empire increasing at so great a rate that the world at large has no idea of the extent to which John Chinaman is growing and manufacturing his own shirts. The same is true of Asiatic Russia, lit ha and South Aiueaiea. Of the production of cotton in this country Texas, usually tht Ign iter cotton growing state, showed a production last year of only 2.20, ,- 2d.”* bales, as compared to 4,0dd,472 for the previous year, This was a decrease of 11per cent, and the total production of the stale exceed ed that of Georgia by only 50 I.OSP bales. Georgia produced 1 ,'>* >!,•><> bales. It Can’t Be Beat. The best of all teachers is ex perience. M. Harden, of Silver Citv, North Carolina, says: “1 find Electric Bitters does all that's planted for it. For Stomach, Inver and Kidney troubles it can’t be beat./ I have tried it and iim] it a most excellent, medicine." Mr. Harden is right; it's the pest of all medicines also for weak ness' lame back, and all rundown conditions. Best too for chills and malaria. Sold under guar antee at G. W. DeLaperriere’a drug store. 50c. It Was You Who Invited Me Here. When I enter that, beautiful city, Far removed from earth’s sorrow and fear, I want to hear somebody saying: “It was you who invited me here. When, to welcome me over the river, The loved ones of earth shall draw near, 1 waM to hoar s miehody whisper: “It was you who invited me here.” When at home, in those mansions eternal, The saved of the nations appear. I want to have somebody tell me: “It was you who invited me here.’ ‘ When the glad harps of heaven are ringing With musie so tender and clear, 1 want to hear somebody singing: “It was you who invited me here.” “It was you who invited me here: It was you who invited me here. To this happy home I might not have come Had you not invited me here.” —Mus. A. B. Wade. Reflections 4bout Women. (Max O'Roll.) Women is an instrument given to man for bis happiness and his de light. If tiie instrument gets neg lect'd. out of tune and broken, men should blame himself alone. Ninety nine times out of a hundred the instrument is right enough; it only wants to lie in good and careful keeping. In matrimony, to retain happiness and make, it last to the is not a question for a woman to remain beautiful, it is a question for her to remain interesting. Not the slight est detail should he beneath her notice in order to keep alive the attention of her husband. Love feeds on illusions, lives on trifles. If a man hives his wife, a rose on her head, her hair parted the other way, a newly trimmed bonnet, may revive in him the in terest he felt the first time he met her; nay. the emotion lie felt the first time lie held her in his arms. The very host dishes may become insipid if served with the eternally same sauce. A woman should not lavish herself on a man and overwhelm him with ear. She should always leave something to he desired, if a wo man saturates a mail with her love lie will get tired of her- The woman who has never sue eumbed to temptation, often be cause temptation has never lieen in her way, is inexorable for the weak nesses of her sex. flora McNimsey. “She is always complaining that she dosn't get enough to wear." “I guess it's so, Jit least it looked so when I saw her on the beach at, Galveston. ARE YOU SATISFIED TO FACE THE FUTURE © with its uncertainties without endeavoring to provide protection for those who have been entrusted to your care? SAFETY AND SURETY CAN BE HAD by giving them the benefits of your effortsby taking out life insurance NOW. THE STATE LIFE INSURANCE CO., OF INDIANAPOLIS, IND , offers the best protection, doubly secured by the “COM PULSORY RESERVE DEPOSIT LAW’’ and has been the means of making thousands independent when the independent ones needed it most. F. W. BONDURANT GENERAL AGENCY, Office over Sith & Carithers Bank, Corner Broad and Candler Streets, WINDER, GEORGIA. A SERPENT STORY. Terrifying Experience With a Deadly Lancehead. The Paris Eclair tolls a blood cur tiling serpent story, the scene of which was the islaud of Martinique and the dramatis personae Sergeant Legraud and Private Durand and the snake a deadly lancehead. The soldier had been punished with a night in the cells for some trivial of fense, but as the night was very hot the sergeant had left the door open. In the morning at 5 o’clock Legrand went to wake his prisoner and, to his horror, beheld a lancehead snake coiled up and fast asleep on the man’s breast. The sergeant (Hdjnot ! 2 se his presence of mind. He stole noiselessly away, ran to the guard room and. followed by nil the men on duty, returned to the cell with a bowl of milk and a tin whis tle. Placing the bowl of milk at the entrauce to the cell, the sergeant began to play the “Blue Danube.’’ It is need less to remark that the weakness of the lancehead is milk and music. The serpent, which was a six foot speci men. awoke, glided from the soldier’s l*ody toward the bowl, but it had no sooner buried its head in its beloved drink than ten cudgels descended on it with terrific force, killing it outright. The soldier Durand, who was in a swoon, was taken to hospital, where be lay for many days on the verge of madness. He fiually recovered and re lated his horrible experience—how he had awoke in the middle of the night as the serpent was coiling itself on his bore breast and how he had lain there in an agony for hours, not daring to move a muscle. Durand was sent back to France as soon as he had sufficiently recovered. The only trace of his terrible experi ence, adds the Eclair, is that his hair i3 now snow white. His Excuse. “Look here,” thuuderal the captain of the suburban hose company, “why don't you turn out? Brown’s barn is on fire.” “I—l can't,” responded the dude fire man. '“And why not?” “Because J have just discovered that a rod shirt does uot suit my complex ion, sir.”—Chicago News. He Was the Parent. Little Bertram had always longed for a live pet, but as he lived in an apartment, building, he had to be satisfied with toy animals. Later his parents moved to the country and Bertram became the happy possessor of a kitten. He hugged it close and remarked,“At last, I am the parent of a living creature." —The August Delineator. Every summer you read of somebody’s barn being struck by lightning, no insurance—total loss. Here is the remedy—Cortright Shingles are not only lightning-proof and storm-proof, but they are also easy to put on, never needs repairs, and last as long as the building. Drop and see samples, or send for 56-page book, ‘‘Rightly Roofed Buildings.” LEATHERS & EAVENSON, Winder, Ga. MEXICAN POLITENESS. In the State of Michoacan Chivalry li Compulsory. “If any man opines that the days of chivalry and the true knight errant spirit have gone forever, let him start forthwith on a far southward journey, not halt his steps until he brings up in the town of Morelia, which is the capital of the Mexican state of Michoacan,’’ remarked a traveling man. “Having arrived in Morelia, he will at once see that tbe chivalrous spirit still survives. I was down there not long ago, and the gallantry of the men and their extreme readiness to extend courtesies to the fair sex pleased and surprised me. When I noticed the alacrity with which the native males jumped up on the crowded street car to offer their seats to tbe first senorita that entered, I thought to myself how much more gentlemanly are these Mexicans than many of my own coun trymen. They do not wait to see if some other man is going to get up. but each tries to beat the other in cour teously proffering his seat to the lady. “I spoke about the matter to the pro prietor of the hotel and immediately he began to laugh. “ ‘You must understand, senor,’ said the innkeeper, ‘that the governor of our state issued a decree that if any man keep his seat in a street car, thereby compelling a wqgprn to staud, he is liable to arrest fine. The police have been instructed to execute this order severely, and I think this has much to do with the prompt polite ness of which you speak, since none of our population wishes to become in volved with the police and to be pub licly branded as lacking in gentility.’ ” —Baltimore American. Invited. A Chicago woman, engaged in soliciting subscriptions for a char itable institution, was not long ago pleading persistently wtih a board of trade man for his aid, but with out success, says Harper's Maga zine. Finally the broker said, with a smile: “Now, Mrs. Dash, J will give you §SO for this charity if you will promise not to come into my office again until I ask you to do so.” “Certainly, 1 agree to that,” said the lady, promptly, and walked out smilling with a cheek. Some wet ks flu reaftcr the broker heard a knock at the door. “Conic in!" ho railed, and in walked the> ladj who had lieen working for the charitable institution. .She had her little subscription book under In r arm. “Good morning, Mr. Blank,” said she. “I want you to help me with a little matter —" “Come now, Mrs. Dash,” inter rupted the victim. “When 1 gave you that lasts 50, wasn’t it on the express condition that you wouldn’t come into my office again until I invited you?” “Why, yet, that was the under standing,” smiled the lady. “But didn’t you say ‘Come in’ just now when I knocked?”