Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, July 16, 1908, Image 4

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JUST A FEW MORE DAYS AND THAT WHOLESALE STOCK SALE AT J. L. SAUL’S WILL SOON BE OVER. Notwithstanding the fact that last Saturday was the first day the fanners had any chance to do any work for some time. Our store has Ivcn packed and jammed with country people as well as city people all day Saturday and has been well rushed all this week. In a word, our sales have been a great success, far beyond our expectation. We feel grateful to our cm tenters and friends for the confidence in us and our special sale as well. Although hundreds of bargains have left this store for the past few days during our sale. \Yc Still have hundreds of bargains 911 hand tor which it will pay you to come fifty miles after. C„me and you will say that a half lias never been yet told. This may be your only chance in life to dress yourself and family at such astonishing prices. Yours for business, J. L. SA UL, Broad Street WINDER, GA. WINDER WEEKLY NEWS Published Every Thursday Evening Romurr O. Pm-s, Editor. (1. 1). Iv l >ss, A.-^ociatc. Entered at the Postoffice at Winder, C.a. as second class mail matter. suiisciv i ptiox uatks Oik* Year, - - ■ SLOD Six Months, - - - '>o Three Months, - - -’n Thursday, July 16, 1908. Last week we stated that- one of tin* candidates for road commis sioner lived in MinisVs district when we should have said Newtown. Everybody knows T. T. Staple) lives in Newtown. If you don't believe this section produces tlie prettiest Elhertus on tin 1 market, just take a trip to the orchard of our old college chum J. \V. Shields, about a half mile from Winder. The sight will cure the blues. Seeing is believing and tasting is knowing. Here's to you J ohn. The Foster service pensions bill was defeated in the house of repre sentatives Monday afternoon for lack of constitutional majority after a morning of heated debate and an extension of t ime for its linal dispo sition. The vote for the bill was lld ,-jud the vote against it 24. the neces sary two-third vote being 122. BOGGS WITHDRAWS. Owing to conditions over which I had no control, it will he impos sible for me to see the voters ol Jackson county before the day of election, and I hereby withdraw from the race for tax receiver. Ite spectfuliy, M . IV bonus. Will Sint] dl Jefferson. There will be an all-day singing in the court house at Jefferson oil the fourth Sunday in July. Dinner will be served on tie* grounds. The Gainesville Midland Railway will sell round trip tickets for fare. Train leaves Monroe at 7:30 a'in. Returning it will leave Jefferson at 5:40 p. rn. HOSCHTON HAS PROSPERITY CLUB Already prosperous, HoscTiton is forging to the front. 011 July Rh a rrosperity (Tul) was t rganizml, several hundred enrolling, and each member \va- pr< sented with a lmnd somi hutti'H, on which is printed the end>lem of the State of (TeOrgia, and around the edge of the hut ton the words, ‘‘Prosperity Chib ot 1 Inschton.’ ‘ Harmonious organized effect means great things for a town, and we hope this latest move of our sis ter city may firing forth abundant fruit. We suggest that one of the first things the club undertakes will be to join us in kicking for a sched ule on the Gainesville Midland that will enable us to come up and see her grow without having to spend a week before returning. The follow ing excellent program was rendered •>n the Ith: Flag March Music. Prayer —Rev. J. 1.. Hall. Welcome Address —Prof- J. IT. i Iheedlove. j Music 1 leelamation —Carter Hulsey. Recitation —Miss Montine Wil liam?' Recitation —Miss Zellu Pirkle. Music. , Song —“The Good Old l-. S. A.' Address —Hon. H. 11. Perry. Dinner. Music. Recitation —Miss Mariell Harnett. Oration —“The Worth of a Man' j—ll. I*. DeLaperriero. Address —Hon. Geo. 0. T homas. The hall game was called otT before it was finished on account of rain, the score being '2 to l in favor of i I inschton. HU CAT WAS SATE. We were tolling a party of "town farmers" the other day about tin' fellow- who had corn so tall and thick that lie stopped plowing at live o'clock in afternoon, think ing the sun was down, when Lucie Mae Camp banned us this: '"Speakingof tall corn, 1 had some corn once that beat anything 1 ever heard of. Boh Carithers told me* that he was out one night coon hunting when his dogs struck a cat. The dogs chased the eat to my corn patch and treed him up a cornstalk- The cat was sitting safely on an ear of corn, w hile the hounds howled beneath. Boh, who is six feet two, says he could not reach the cat with an ax handle. We give it up. But we know a fellow who has corn -o tall that he has to chop down the stalks to get roasting ears. STATHAM GEORGIA, The Growing City of Thrift and Hustle. Tie - Indio of the baptist church will have an ice cream supper on the school hoii.-t lawn Thun "day evening, July ‘2Trd, next. This is a worthy cause and should he pat ronized by all our people. There will be plenty of nice things to eat and a nice time will be given all who will attend. All are invited to conic and enjoy the evening. Dr. S. A. Boland was in Atlanta Wednesday on professional business. Mrs. Hayden Moore, of Monroe, is with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ross, Jr. while Mr. Moore is at Wrightsville Reach. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hodges, of Rogart, are here attending the meetings at the Christian church. Misses Cam mi r and Susie White head, of Birmingham, Ala., were the guests of their cousin, Mrs. W. J . Ross, Jr., Sunday. Hon. J. L. Williamson, of Jeffer son, candidate for ordinary, was here Monday shaking hands with his many friends. Miss Huie Durden, of Monroe, is spending this week with Miss Zona Ross. W. D. Bolton and wife, and Miss Jewell McDonald, were in Atlanta, Sunday with relatives. Yes, and t iyde was along too. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Robertson, a girl. Mrs. J. K. Choc ley, of Bogart, was with her sister, Mrs. Holmes, Sunday. Miss Mvrt Arnold was at home Sunday from Atlanta, where she is in school. Little Miss Almond Taylor, of Chester, S. C. is spending a week with Miss Ruth Arnold. Miss Tay lor has received many attentions at the hands of the younger set. The protracted serveses at the Christian church are being well attended, and much interest is t>eing manifested. Mr. McDonold, the pastor, is doing some plain and forceful preaching. Mrs. B. H. McDonald will leave Saturday for Maysville to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David. Mr. Golden Norris, of Atlanta, was here Sunday, to the delight of his friends. All who are interested and wish to join the party to Greene county w ill Ih.‘ at the Lanier Hotel Monday morning early. Dr. Lanier will con duct the party and w ill show you a nice trip to inspect the lands of that county. Cards are out announcing the marraige of Miss Ruby Lester, of this city, to Mr. Golden Norris, of Atlanta, the wedding to he at the home of the brides father, Mr. Tolbert Lester, Sunday, July the 20th. They will leave immediately for their home in Atlanta,. The New and Up-to-Date Foundry and Machine Works That runs every day in the year, and does first-class repair work, and builds new and up-to-date machinery. DRAG SAW IRON FRAME - SftINCIFMILL . ' In every line, WOODRUFF MACHINERY is in a class by itself, embodying 1 every improvement known in mechanics which makes one machine supe rior to another in durability, convenience, economy and speed of operation. Write us for prices on the Best Machinery on earth. Don’t consider any other makes until you investigate ours. SAW MILLS, SHINGLE MILLS, LATH MILLS, DRAG SAWS, HAY PRESSES, STALK CUTTERS. WOODRUFF HARDWARE & MANUFACTURING CO., Winder, Ga. mm/u l sw^mi WOODRUFF HARDWARE & MANUFACTURING CO.- Winder, Ga. We may have had our differences before, hut now’we Lire all tor Bryan and Brown, Bread and Beef, Bis cuit and Butter. Come on, hoys, let's hold hands and sing. Editor Pendleton, please hi st the tune — Alpharetta Free Press. The Savannah Press heads an editorial “Put I p the Bars." We thought the sentiment down there was in favor of opening the bars. — liincoln Journal. Taft does not believein the divin ity ot .Christ, but often attends wor ship at the Episcopal church. Fun ny, that. —Dublin Courier-Dispatch. Miss June Howland married Mr. Thomas Bugg in North Carolina the other day. And now they will call her June Bugg the whole year round. —Anderson Daily Mail. A man's good reputation may her duo to the fact that people are not on to his curves. *