Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, July 16, 1908, Image 6

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■v?ruy National Bank Between Atlanta and Athens." We want your business. We offer you every accommodation that your account and business* standing will justify. Government supervision. ' THE. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WINDER. 50,0 OFFICERS: • 1 DIRECTORS: W 11. TOOLE, President S. W. ARNOLD L. F. SKI.*. W. 1,. IiI.AHISGAME ( ROBINBON L. 0. BENTON , V Frosts W. L. BLASINGAME J. B. WILLIAMS * i. B.;VIUJAMS S • ' A. H. O’NEAL T. C. FLANIGAN W. L. JACKSON, Cashier. , s. T. ROSS \V r . If. TOOLE. JURORS. Grand and Traverse Jurors, Drawn to Serve at 11/* August Term, 1908, of Jackson Su perior Court. .Jackson Superior Court. Grand and traverse jurors, drawn for Au gust term, 11)08, by his honor, Clias H. Brand, judge of said court, on 10th day of Feb., 19^8: ORAM) JURORS. II w Bell, Sr Arthur 0 Pittman W. Ellis White .fames W. Darny Geo 'l' Hawks Enoch II Anderson Tim T Stapler Angel T Speulman Burwell W Hancock W H Williamson 'l' .1 Bennett Tandy E Key Robt L Curithers C O Pittman C W G Maddox John N Holder W C Wills Russ A Hoseh Thos T Cooper IMeasant J Roberta Elisha B Martin Robt 1) Johnson Win 11 Shoals Junius 11 Jackson Arthur D Durham Howard W Jarrett \V A L Bluckstock Thos A Henry Win M Smith Green W Bart>er TRAVERSE JURORS FIRST WEEK. .Jas T Quillian Marion !) Bluckstock ( has 11 Thompson \V r m A Curithers J 1' Barnett FL t row Jno \\ Lyle W Ed O’Neal James M. Chandler P P Jennings J Win Holland (’ M Burnett Bird A Boyd W in P Boggs Glenn Potts Newt 11 Hutchens Jno C Sc 1 man Nathan T Elder Geo T Rice T L H Isbell E L Durham Jno \V Mi Heaps L W Mauldin Jasper W Shirley Calvin Holliday L I) Niekelson Jno P Mill I) E Cronic Carl M Hudgins M C Arthur IA VERSE JURORS SECOND WEEK 'An T Lord Sr i , P Frost W Griffin 'fflk Martin A Parkf r Watkins Rir hi,r<i !! \\ ail J M ilcndcrsuh Thos E Atkins Thos () Pendergrass Rol.f E Johnson J Luther Lanier Clarence W Wilhite .Jno A Sugars \V A Barnett Claud M outgo inery G E Waddell 1) Ben Martin Sam M Potts Thos C Hardman J J Pettyjohn J P Benton Jas W Stockton F 11 Arierhoid A A Frost Jas R Freeman Robert T Cramer N Ed Dailey Jas W Casper Micajah C Guest IN LOVING MEMORY. Of little Ralph Helton, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Helton, who departed this life June 16. 1908, age one year, three months and one v!i*.y. Little Ralph was a sweet child and loved by all who knew him. The remains were laid to rest in the Chapel cemetery. We extend to the liereaieJ ones our heartfelt sy rnpathy: There was an angel band in heaven, That was not quite complete; So God took darling Ralph To fill the vacant seat. The little crib is empty now, The little clothes laid by; A mother’s hope, a father's joy ln death’s cold arm doth lie. Go, little pilgrim to thy home On yonder blissful shore; We miss thee here, but soon will come Where thou hast gone before. Precious darling, he has left us, Left us, yes, forevermore; But we hope to meet our loved one, On that bright and happy shore. Lonely the house, and sad the hours Since our dear one has gone; But Oh, a brighter home than ours, In Heaven is now his own. Those little lips so sweet to kiss Are closed forever now. Those spark ling eyes that shone so bright Beneath that pearly brew. That little heart that beauKo high, Free from all care and gloom. Are hidden now from those he loved, Beneath the silent tomb. Thy gentle voice now is hushed. Thy warm true heart is still, And on thy young and innocent brow Is resting death’s cold chill. Thy hands are elapsed upon thy breast, We have kissed thy lovely brow And in our aching hearts we know, We have no darling now. best The World Affords. “It gives me unbounded pleasure to recommend Buckien’s Arnica Salve,” says J \V Jenkins, of Chapel Hill, N. C ‘‘l am con vinced it’s the best salve the world a fiords It cured a felon on inv thumb, and it never fails to heal every sore, burn or wound to which it is applied. 25c. at G- W. DeCa per riere's drug store HAPPY RESULTS Mave Made Many Winder Residents [ntbusiastsc. No wonder scores of Winber cit izens grow Enthusiastic. It is enough to make, anyone happy to find relief aft; r years of suffering. Public statements like the follow ing are but truthful representa lion of the daily work done in Winder by Dana Kidney Rills A. P. Copeland, Ala-shall, Winder, Ga., says: •’T am glad to indorse Doan’s Kidnev Pills, as I used them with the best results I con hi get no relief. Having Doan’sKidney Piils brought to my attention, I procured a supply at Turner’s Pharmacy and soon af ter I commenced using them, my condition began to improve. In a short time I was rid of every sign of kidney trouble and have not been bothered by it since.” For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mil burn Cos., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for + he United States. Remember the name—Doan’s —and take no other. The Remedy That Does. “Dr. King’s New Discovery is the remedy that does the healing others promise but fail to per form,’’says Mrs E- K. Pierson, of Auburn Centre, Pa. “It is curing me of threat and lung trouble of long standing, that other treatments relieved only temporarily. New Discovery is doing me so much good that I feel confident its contained use for a resonable lengt h of time will re store me to my perfect health.” This renowned comb and cold remedy and t hroat and lung heal er issokl at G. W. DeLaperriere’s drug store. 50c. u n d SI.OO. Trial bottle free . KILL ti* COUCH I MB CURE the LUWCa I Or. King’s New Discovery! m CBif£P ijhUft. AMD ALL THROAT AMP LUNGTKO!‘BLED J rwvTf iiwimuriTTi nr -MmTwrrnrmnr iit vtia- GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY! OR MONEY REFUNDED. The New Barber Shop, Elrod $• Barron, WINDER, GA. We have withdrawn from the Granite Hotel and opened up a first-class barber shop in the Can non building on JACKSON STREET First class material and best ot service. Your patronage solicited. ELROD & BARRON. Proprietors. Application for Charter. GEORGIA, Jackson County— To the Su: erior Court of said County: The petition of Dr. J. T. Wages, 0. C. Wages, S. B. E. House, John M. yYilliams and A. S. Morgan, ah of said state, re spectfully shows: 1. That they desire for them sel es, their associates, successors and assigns, to become incorpora ted under the name and style of WINDER COTTON COMPANY. 2 The term for which petitioi - ersask to be incorporated is twen ty years, with the privi.ege of re newal at the end of that time. 3. The capital stock of the corporation is to be five thousand dollars, divided into shares of one hundred dollars each. Petition ers, however, ask the priv lege of increasing said capital stock from time to time not exceeding in the aggregate Fifty Thousand ($50,- 000,) dollars -4 The whole said capital stock of five thousand dollars has already been actually paid in. 5. The object of the proposed corporation is pecuniary profit and gain to its stockholders. Pe titioners propose to carry on a cotton business and to buy and sell cotton in any manner they deem fit; to buy either from wa gons or other dealers or both ; to sell either to domestic trade ami to other dialers or to se’l for ex t ort or 1 oth : to do all things usu ally don'e in the buying and sell ing of cotton; to operate a stor age warehouse for the handin g of cotton <>r other articles usually stored in warehouses: to weigh cotton or other’articles and to re ceive compensation therefor; to handle fertilizers and the prod ucts composing same, either at wholesale or retail; to manufac ture fertilizers for sale; to buy aud-sell coal, wood and ice; to carry on a general mercantile es tablishment. either at wholesale or retail, nr both, and to do all | things usually incident !• the | business of that character: to buy and sell real estate necessary in the o -oration of the business of said proposed corporation; to make such contracts as are neces sar> for the promotion of the bus iness if said corporation and to exercise the usual powers and to co all the usual, necessary and proper acts which pertain u> or may lie connected with the sever al lines of business above men t ioned (>. The principal ofiee and place of business of The proposed corporat ion will lie in the City o*' Winder, said State and County! Wherefore petitioners pray to be made a body corporate under the name and style aforesaid, en titled to the rights, privileges and immunities and subject to the liabilities fixed by law. This July Bth, A. D., 1908* G. A. Johns. Attorney for Petitioners. Georgia. Jackson County —I, S. J. Nix. Clerk of the Sunerior Court of said county, do hereby certify teat the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of applica tion for charter this day filed in my office. July 8, 1908 v S. J. Nrx. C. S. C. J. C. Georgia. Hinder Train Schedules Arrival and Departure of Trains Eastern Time. Taking effect Sunday Jan. 5, 08. Eastern Time is 88 minutes fas ter than Sun Time. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. EASTWARD. No. 52, - - 10:03 a m No. 82, - - 2-50 p m No 88, - - 10:85 p m Westward. No. 41, - - 5:29 a m No. 88, - - 8:50 p m No. 58, 7:48 p m Above schedules are shown as infor mation, and are not guaranteed.” Gainesville Midland Railway SOUTH BOUND No. 11 —Lv 8:40 a. m. No. 18 —Lv. 1:15 p. m No. 15 —Lv. 10:35 am; Sunday only. NORTH BOUND No. 12 — Vt. 1-2:00 m. No. 14 — At. :505 p m. No. 16—A.. 5:23 p m: Sun.onlv. No. 12 will run to Winder iv gardhes of No. 13. Yard limits at Winder are ex tended “south” to Seaboard Air Line junction- All trains going through Winder yard must be under full control. PROFESSIONAL CAROS J. F. HOLMES, A TTOR N E Y - AT- LA\V, Statham, Ga. Criminal and Commercial Law a Specialty SPURGEON WILLIAMS DENTIST, Winder - - - Georgia Offices over Smith A” Carithers bank. All work done satisfac torily, W. H. QUARTER MAN ATTORNEY AT LAW Winder. Ga. Practice in all the courts Commercial law a specialty. W. L. DeLaPERRIERE DENTAL SURGERY. Winder - - Georgia Fillings, Bridge and Plate-work done in most scientific and satis factory way. Offices on Broad St. ALLEN’S ART STUDIO. All kinds of Photographs made by latest methods. All work done promptly. Office on Candler St., Winder Ga Our Clubbing Offer Watson s Weekly Jeffersonian and Wirtder Weekly News, one year, $1.50 Atlanta Georgian and Winder Week ly News, one year, . ' $4.50 Atlanta Tri-Weekly Constitution and Winder Weekly News, one year, $1 .50