Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, July 23, 1908, Image 2

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— r Only National Bank Between Atlanta and Athens. We want your business. We offer you every accommodation that your account and business standing will justify. Government supervision. \ THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WINDER. Capital iStodk o^s©>©©©,22 A long Lived family. A 'Miine museum manager, having heard of a man 128 y> ars of age journeyed to bis home to try to secure him for exhibition purjioses. “Well, my friend, said the mu seum manager,“the proofs of your age seem to be all right . Now, bow would you like to come to my place just, do nothing hut sit on a plat form amulet people look at you, and 1 will pay you $1(X) a week? “I’d like it all right,” answered the aged man. Hut I couldn tgo of course, unless 1 had my fath er’s consent. “•'our father!" gasped the man ager. “Do you mean to say your father is alive?" “Yes indeed," replied the man. “Well, where is your father? Home here?” asked the manager. “()h, yes!” was the answer. He’s upstairs, putting grandfather to hed.” The Remedy That Does. “Dr. King’s New Discovery is the remedy that does the healing others prom is.i hut fail to per form, “ says Mrs lv R. Pierson, of Auburn Centre, Pa. “It is curing me of throat and lung trouble of long standing, that other treatments relieved only temporarily. New Discovery is doing me so much good t hat 1 feel confident its continued use for a resonuble length of time will re store me to my perfect health." This renowned cough and cold remedy and t hroat and lung heal er issohl at G. W. DeLaperriere’s drug store. 50c. and SI.OO. Trial bottle free. JONES REUNION, <t>n lust Saturday tin* descendant* <>f 15. S. .Jones, known ss Uncle Bobbie, leathered oil tlie bunks of the Oconee river in a family re- I •union . Uncle Bobbie lias 111 living des cendants as follows: Five sons, and one daughter, 55 grandchildren and 50 great-grandchildren. A large majority of these were present on this oeeuion and every me stunned to enjoy the day. Then 1 were games for the children, talks JW the grown tips, and a tempting| and wholesome dinner for all. Rev. R. S. Mcdarity gave a splen did talk in the afternoon. It would be wonderful if so many of the defendants should ever meet at one time on earth again, hut we hope to have a reunion over on that other shore with not one missing j when we gather around the great White throne where there will be no: parting, no good by s hut forever praising Clod. There was a praise and song ser vice Saturday night and Sunday at the home of W. .1. Jones, and din ner in the grove Sunday. A Gk.\N IH'HILD* In Chicago, where a prominent man died just after the operation had l>een decided upon and More the kit of cutting tools had been unpacked, the headliner says “passed away.” Why not hur lied tway?” OFFICERS: \\ v H. TOOLE, President W. L. LEASING AM E } J.B.WILLLVMS V * l>rCStS W. L. JACKSON, Cashier. FHE PERFECT WAY Scores of Winder Ciii/ens Have learned It. II you suffer from backache, r | , her-‘ is only one way to cure it. The perfect way is to cure the Kidneys. A had hack means sick Kidneys. Neglect it, urinary troubles follow. I).Min’s Kidney Pills are made for kidneys only. A re endorsed by W inder people. Mrs. J. L. Sword, Factory Hill, Winder, Ga., says: “My husband was afflicted with lame hack h r a longtime, his coddition udb n being such that lie could hardly stoop to put on his shoes. He also luo'l trouble with the kidney secretions, they being very irregu lar in action and often containing a sediment. After trying several remedies unsuccessfully he heard about Doan s Kidney Pills and bought a box at Turner’s Phar macy. In a short time he began to feel better and when he had taken the contents of two boxes his trouble had entirely disap pea rod. For sale hv a'l deal-rs. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Cos., ButValo, New York, sole agents fertile Fnited States. Ileiieniher the name —Doan's —and take no other, Just Exactly Right. “] have used Dr. King's New Rife Bills for several years, and find | them just exactly riglß/’says Mr. !A. A Kelt-on, of Harrisville, N. A”. New Life Pills relieve without the least discomfort-. Best remedy for constipation, biliousness and malaria. 25c. at CL W . DeLa perriere’s drug store. It WAS Good <il the Start.’ 1 • The Long Island railroad has a wide reputation for the opposite of speedy trains. Not long ago a wo man on one of the trains handed the conductor a full-fare and a half fare ticket. “Who is the half ticket ‘ for?” asked the conductor. “For my hoy,' answered the wo man, jxiinting t<> a man sitting next to her. “But he isimt a boy under 12; he's a J&to, ' persisted the conduc tor. “I know it, said the woman with a gracious smile. , He s a man now. But whi nwe started he was a boy." Best The World Affords. ‘Tt gives me unbounded pleasure to recomnifinl Bucklen’s Arnica Salve.” says J W Jenkins, of i Chapel Hill, N. 0 “I am con vinced it’s the best salve the-'world ■affords It cured a felon on my thumb, and it never fails to heal every sore, burn or wound to which it is applied. 25c. at CL W. DeLa perriere’s drug store. LNCLE REMUS. (By Grant land Bice, The Nashville Tennessee an.) There’s a shadow on t!it- cotton patch; the blue has left the sky; The moiirnin’ meadows echo with the soutliwind’s saddened sigh; And the gold of all the sunshine in Dixie’s turned to gray — But the roses and the violets shall hide his face away. “The Little Boy" is lonesome and his eyes are dim with tears; Beyond the mists he only sees the shadows of the years; The light all lies behind him with his best friend gone away — But softest winds of Dixie at his heart will knci l to pray. The people of the woodland —the fur and feathered elan — The hear —the fox —the rabbit —will mourn him more than man; But the rose that sways above him in his blossom-tented tomb Shall turn its crimson lips of love to kiss away the gloom. The shadow’s on the cotton-patch; the light has left the sky; A world shall how in sorrow at his message of good-bye; ; And the gold of all the sunshine in Dixie s turned to gray; But the sweetest flowers of the south shall hide his face away. lie was a man among men and a ! “greater than man "among children. The grey hair and the wrinkled brow were not for him. His rule was in ! the realm of childhood and youth. The snow of winter may have begun to settle on his head, but he kept the sunlight of spring in his heart. His footsteps may have led him on toward the twilight, but his fac< was ever turned to the lanes of the morning. It Can’t Be Beat. The best of all teachers is ex perience. 0. M. Harden, of Silver City, North Carolina, says: “I find E'ectric Bitters does all that's •lamed for it. For Stomach, Liver and Kidney trouhies it can't be heat. 1 have tried it and find t a most excellent medicine. Mr. Harden is right: it's the pest of all medicines also for weak ness" lame back, and all rundown conditions. Best too for chills and malaria. Sold under guar antee at G. \V. DeLaperriere's drug store. 50c. The New Barber Shop, Elrod & Barron, WINDER, GA. We h ave withdrawn from the Granite Hotel and opened up a first-class barber shpp in the Can non building on JACKSON STREET First class material and best ot service. Your patronage solicited. ELROD <A BARRON, Proprietors. S. \V. ARNOLD \V. T. ROBINSON W. L. BLASINGAME A. H. O’NEAL S. T. ROSS DIRECTORS:- Application for Charter. GEORGIA, Jackson County— To the Superior Court of said County: The petition of Dr. J. T. Wages, O. C. Wages, S. B. E. House, John M. Williams and A. S. Morgan, all of said state, re spectful 1 v shows: t. That they desire for them sel es, their associates, successors and assigns, to become incorpora ted under the name and style of WINDER COTTON COMPANY 2. The term for which petition-, i rs ask to he incorporated is twen ty years, with the privi ege of re newal at the end of that time. 3. The capital stock of the corporation is to he five thousand dollars, divided into shares of one huMdred dollars each. Petition ers, however, ask the privilege of increasing said capital stock from time to time not exceeding m the aggregate Fifty Thousand ( ($50,- OOtfj dollurs -4 The whole <ff said capital stock of five thousand dollars has already been actually ; aid in. 5. The object of the proposed corporation is pecuniary profit and gain to its stockholders. Pe titioners propost* to carry on a cotton business and to buy and sell cotton in any manner they deem fit ; to buy either from wa gons or other dealers or both ; to sell either to domestic trade ami to other dialers or to se'l for ex r ort or bot h : to do all things usu ally done in lliH buying and sell ing of cotton ; to operate a stor age warehouse for the handling of cotton or other articles usually stored in warehouses; to weigh cotton or other articles and to re ceive compensation therefor; to handle fertilizers and the prod ucts composing same, either at wholesale or retail: to manufac ture fertilizers for sale; to buy and sell coal, wood and ice; to carry on a general mercantile es tablishment, either at wholesale or retail, or both, and to do all things usually incident t> the business of that character: to buy and sell real estate necessary in the operation of the business of said proposed corporation: to make such contracts as are neces sary for the promotion of the bus iness of said corporation and to exercise the usual powers and to do all the usual, necessary and proper acts which pertain to or may lie connected with the sever al tines of business above men tioned- b. The principal otice and place of business of the proposed corporation will b ( < in the City o*' Winder, said State and Countyt Wherefore petitioners pray to he made a body corporate under the name and style aforesaid, en titled to t he rights, privileges and immunities and subject lo the liabilities fixed by law. This July Sth, A. D., 1908 ‘ G. A. Johns. Attorney for Petitioners. Georgia. .Jackson County — I, S. J. Nix. Clerk of the Sunerior Court of said county, do hereby certify teat the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of applica tion for charter this day tiled in my office. July 8. 1908 S. J. Nix. C. S. C. J. C. Georgia. L. F. SEL*. L. O. BENTON J. B. WILLIAMS T. C. FLANIGAN W. 11. TOOLE. Winder Train Schedules Arrival and Departure of Trains Eastern Time. Taking effect Sunday Jan. 5, 08. Eastern Time is 88 minutes fas ter than Sun Time. SEABOARD AIR LINE t RAILWAY. EASTWARD. No. 52, - - 10:08 a m No. 82, - - 2'50 p m No 38, - - 10:8.5 p m Westward. No. 41, - - 5:20 a m No. 88, - - 8:50 pm No. 58, 7:48 p m Above schedules are shown as infor mation, and are not guaranteed.” Gainesville Midland Railway SOUTH BOUND No. ll —Lv 8:40 a. m. No. 18 —Lv. 1:15 p. m No. 15 —Lv. 10:35 am: Sunday only. NORTH BOUND No. 12— At. 12:00 m. No. 14 —Ai. :505 pm. No. 10 — A*. 5:23 p m; Sun.onlv. No. 12 will run to Winder re gardless of No. 13. Yard limits at Winder are ex tended “south” to Seaboard Air Line junction. All trains going through Winder yard must he under full control. PROFESSIONAL CARDS , y .). F. HOLMES, ATTOKNKY-AT-LAW, Bt-atham, Ga. Criminal and Commercial Law a Specialty SPURGEON WILLIAMS DENTIST, WINDER - GeOKUIA oßices over Smith & Carithers bank. All work done satisfac torily, W. H. QUARTER MAN ATTORNEY AT LAW Winder, Ga. Practice in all the courts Commercial law a specialty. W. L. DkLaPERRIERE DENTAL SURGERY. Winder - - Georgia Fillings, Bridge and Plate-work done in most scientific and satis factory way- Offices on Broad St. AI.LEX’S ART STUDIO / All kinds of Photographs made by latest methods. All work done promptly. Office on Candler St., Winder Ga Our Clubbing Offer Watson s Weekly Jeffersonian and Winder Weekly News, one year, $1.50 Atlanta Georgian and Winder Week ly News, one year, $4.50 Atlanta Tri-Weekly Constitution and Winder Weekly New.-, one year, $1.50 '■