Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, September 17, 1908, Image 4

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WINDER WEEKLY NEWS Published Every Thurnday Evening Hoas Bros. Editors and Proprietors ■ 1 1 ■" 1 - E iii ...c l’ostoffice at Winder, Ga. r S'* 1.1 c -.?s mail matter. SUMSCUMITION KATIOK One Year, - - $1 .00 Six MontliH, ... ;7> Three MontliH. - - Thursday, September 17,1908. The Ellierton Star suggests a time limit for extra session^. The college boys are returning to their respective football teams. The extra session has cost the state over thirty thousand dollars, (ice whizz! Re-fawn comes high. The analysis of Atlanta's near beer brought out the fact that the fifth drink of the concoction will j make a doctor sing. The prison commission of Geor gia worked harmoniously for many years. Is harmony always the best p *licv for a community? Never had any idea there were so many people who . knew exactly how a neswspaper should lx- run until we engaged in the business. There is a late breach 'ill the Ital ian royal family over the marriage of the I hike of Ahruzzi to M iss Katharine' Elkins. So we are to have the whole thing over soon — marriage, divorce, etc. Anew temperance drink con cocted in Thomasville is called “shoemaker’s ginger.'’ Sorely that’s the last. —Augusta Herald. Thomasville. has the sole agency tor this particular brand, but it is not aid. Mr. ,1. T. brewer, the popular mail carrier on Monroe route 1, has quite a. curiosity at his home in the shape of a cat with six feet and thirty-four toes. The feet and toes are perfectly formed and the cat walks wi h all of them. I’he cat is about half grown. —Walton Trib une. When eatterpillars begin to look like eats better cut it out, Camp. Hon dos. M. brown says: “1 am glad to encourage others to vote as i shall vote*- —for the nominees of the national democratic ticket —Bryan .tnd Kern. No democrat in Geor gia can afford to vote .otherwise.” Air. Brown has treated The Allanta forehead with its own famous k ‘siient contempt” and makes the above statement voluntarily when accepting an invitation to attend a Bryan rally at Savannah. Tlj#.' Butts County Progress given a half column apology for typo graphical errors appearing in a pre vious issue. That’s a dangerous thing to do, for printer's error? are like scandal —the move you stir them the larger they get . We be lieve it was Henry Grady who on one occasion wrote the expression, “battle scarred veterans.” It ap~ pi ared in print “battle scared vet erans.” In the next issue of The Constitution Mr* Grady attempted an apology and was horrified when he picked up his morning paperand found the correction read “kittle scarred veterans.” Thereupon Mr. Grady wrote one of his greatest tributes to the Southern Confed eracy, concluding with the state ment that if the old soldiers would call at his office he would explain himself. “\URieTTA CEliBRiriES.” Marietta must now be recognized as the town of celebrities —Nap j Rucker, Jim Bagwell and Joe Brown —Winder News. Brother Ross evidently thinks the new editor is a cross betwt en the great card writer and the fine ball twister, but it isn't so. We never knocked a home run nor struck ’em out nor killed a govern or nor caused a panic nor stopped i one nor made cotton go up nor 1 m.nh it go down. True, we rooted for Lawrenecville, I but Winder won, and why is it that Brother Ross has us mixed up with 'this celebrity business is the mys j tery. Marietta Celebrities! Marietta lias two judges who are celebrities of the first water —George (iober, the retiring judge, and Newt Mor ris, the new judge. They have stirred the people of the Blue Ridge circuit and of all Georgia as have no other judges in the-state. And, if Senator St< ve Clay isn't a celebrity, we would like to know what it takes to make a celebrity. Think about how easily be captured a seat in the I'nitcd States senate ami bow easily he keeps it- Kor twenty-one years Georgia has hon ored him with every position of t rust Ik has asked for or would ac cept, and today he is the peer of any man in the commonwealth. Brother Ross, if you’ll come up to Atlanta some of these hot days, get <>ii one of the big Marietta street, ears, pull off your bat and enjoy the line breezes while you fly i through the hill country to Mariet-j ta, spend a few hours in our beau-j tiful Park, you’ll go back wishing to live here whether you ever do or; not. Try it! Marietta needs a red-headed newspaper man to cap the elima as a city of celebrities. — ! Marietta Courier. Why, since Jim Bagwell left Law renW-ville the through train from Atlanta does not stop until it reaches Winder. We termed him a celebrity because we believe he will prove as live a wire as ever found connection at Marietta. Had beard of Clay, but •don’t get The Congressional Record in exchange, therefore lie bad slipped our mem ory for the time. YES. FIS fUNNY. “Patronize home institutions,” cries the country editor from week to week. “That's right, " says the merchant, “give it to those who go to some other town to buy goods.” Then with his heart filled with kindness to the loyal editor, lie sends his job work to Kalamazoo, or utilizes a piece of wrapping pa per to write an order on for goods or send a statement to a customer. Funny isn't it? —Walton Tribune, Yes, tis funny. And when the editor receives literature printed by the national government at cut throat prices in competition to bis business, used by a local merchant to solicit the patronage of the edi tor and his force, when bo is per fectly aware of the yearly deficiency in the government printing depart ment, it's hilarous. Such a condi tion is a great incentive for the little old weekly paper to give the mail order chap hallelujah- The Independence League has a Hearst, a Graves, a Sutler, a Ilas l>een, a Carter and a few other po litical nondescripts. —Dublin Cou rier-Dispatch. Namely. Tremble, Cole, Stiff, Coffin,The .Journal. The great wizard, Kdison, claims that sleep D not a necessity hut a habit. Humanity has a fearful habit of long standing, then. —Tallapoosa Journal. Humanity does not sleep stand ing. The “fearful habit” is indulged in while ‘ lying ” I'he petty lliugs of The Atlanta Sorehead but proves the petty char acter of the Uinger. —Nashville Her ald. Don’t, Sweat. The big chair lie occupies by force of circumstances is being rapidly trimmed to the dinger’s size, and all is not well with him. Romance of 2k T&blespoon and Its Moral. They’re going to be married very soon, And that is why they need a table spoon, But when they’re wedded they will need a set, And many other things they’ll have to get. They'll buy their spoons and likewise forks and knives From stores that ADVERTISE to please young wives. If there is any place on earth where bay fever does not thrive, it ought to advertise itself. —Elber- t-on Star. That settle-! it. The bright par agrapher of The Elberton Star is a woman. “A Paris woman wants a divorce from her husband because his hair does not harmonize with her parlor furniture,’" says the Washington Herald. She ought to get it. A man who refuses to dye for the woman he loves deserves to lose her. —Augusta Chronicle. Yes, but a man should be permit ted select the color. It may have been old gold. Town To Be Readied And New Maps Made. Fpon the acceptance of the new waterworks system by the city authorities, which will be very likely immediately on completion, the Southeastern Tariff Association will issue' new maps and re-rate the entire business sections, and the more congested dwelling districts. Mr. K. W. Bondurant, of the F. W. Bondurant General Agency, and who is Secretary of the local board, was in Atlanta Tuesday in confer ence with the association regarding this matter, and it will in all pro bility Im* done at a very early date. This will be of very great im portance to the property owners, and of special interest to large in surers. TWIN BROTHERS ILL BOTH IN SAME WAY. Gainesville, Ga. —News has km received in Gainesville of a remark able coincidence of illness of twin brothers who wore former residents of this place. Messrs. Henry Camp, of Maysville and Dave Camp, of Lumberton, Miss. The last named was for years a resident alsoof Mil lodgevillc. The two brothers were recently taken ill with acute rheumatism; both wore seized the same day. one in Maysville and the other in Lum berton, lx>th were affected in the same place, the left leg and ankle, and each wrote to the other of his illness the same afternoon. —Atlanta Journal. The sheath skirt is the Mother Hubbard sailing close hauled under tight reefs. —Newk\sy Post Herald. TO BE .STR-ONC o BE LIBERAL O BE PROMPT To serve its depositors well and truly, bolding their’ interests identical with its own: to grant as generous terms as are consistent with sound banking: to wel come the small account an cordially as the.large one; to be satisfied with small margins of profit in its bus iness transact ions, and t~ give its customers a fair measure of its s recess, is the policy of THE WINDER BANKING CO. WINDER , GEORGIA. The new and up-to-date FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP that does good work and makes good machinery. Owned and ‘operated by Woodruff Bros. '’•. - < . DRAG SAW IRON FRAME SmCIEMIU , . . tiAlr ■ ■ ' ' ' '' ’ y'i*', ■ In every line, WOODRUFF MACHINERY is in a class by itself, embodying every improvement known in mechanics which makes one machine supe rior to another in durability, convenience, economy and speed of operation. Write us for prices on the Best Machinery on earth. Don’t consider any other makes until you investigate ours. SAW MILLS, SHINGLE MILLS, LATH MILLS, DRAG SAWS, HAY PRESSES, STALK CUTTERS. WOODRUFF HARDWARE & MANUFACTURING CO., Winder, Ga. lj|p| jpff LATH MILL SH/NCIiM/LL SAWMILL WOODRUFF HARDWARE & MANUFACTURING CO., Winder, Oa. Removal! Elrod & Barron ! Have Moved Their Barber Shop To rooms formerly occupied by the Candy Kitchen on Can dler street, under Allen’s Studio. An up-to-date Pressing Club has been added. First class work for both men and women. Work is guaranteed. Yours for satisfaction, ELROD & BARRON.