Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, September 17, 1908, Image 5

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.# FLANIGAN BROS. gg Have just received their Fall and Winter Line n(fx '/A I |§L of Glothing. The Largest fine of Fine Clothing JV I A ever shown in Winder. lf : ’ : j Wm §f Wl:y go to Whitehall Street to buy your suit, when you can buy | the same line hrre at home from $5 to $lO less money. f| There is much in the make up and in the fit of a suit, and in the Fecheirrer- / fMf¥4 || ' Fishel hand made clothes and the Griffon brand, you get the best the market J?|? r 1 affords. ’Tis true it costs more to start with, but the satisfaction comes after- |// f? | We are making a specialty of Fine Clothes, and when you see our suits || II || fc!| at S I S 00 > s*B s°* 3 ,22 -s°i $ 2 5.00 and up to $35.00 you can readily see this is the ni , W \ fcM first real showing of Fine Clothes in our town. Fp 17 if I'g Fecheimer-Fishel goods cost more, but they are better values than an}- * Mp 4 fflj jail thing we know of. form sixteen . 1 wl Thanking you for a look, we are, FEcHH ™ E , R „™^ c a w vrYours to serve, fFMFF FLANIGAN BROTHERS, Clothiers. * WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR Buggies! We have on hand a line of the best Bug gies for the money ever brought to this .market. We handle the RockfHill, Columbia, Taylor- Canady, Tyson & Jones, Columbus, Summers, Durham, Piedmont and Anchor. Give us a call and let S. C. Potts or W. H. Sikes tell you howto roll through life with ease. Cannon & Flanigan,| Winder, Ga. HtTAL SHlh(iLESlfi£r. 'Sm HHSiBnl The BEST Fire Insurance that any country building can have is a Cortright Metal Shingle Roof It cannot burn. It cannot leak. It never needs repairs, and makes th-e handsomest long lived roof on the market. Insurance Companies recognize its advantages and are glad to quote lower prices where it is uc2d. Drop in and see them. LEATHERS & EAVENSON, Winder. Ga „ * Winder Train Schedules 4rrival and Departure of Trains Eastern Time. Taking effect Sunday Jan. 5, Os. Eastern Time is 88 minutes fas ter than Sun Time. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. EASTWARD. No. 52, - - 10:03 a m No. 82, - - 2:sopm No. 88, - - 10:85 pm Westward. No. 41, - - 5:29am No. 88, 8:50 p m No. 58, 7:48 p m Above schedules are shown as infor mation, and are not guaranteed.” Gainesville Midland Railway SOUTH BOUND No. 11 —Lv 8:10 a. m. No. 18 —Lv. 1:15 p. ni No. 15—Lv. 10:85 am; Sunday only. NORTH BOU.ND I No. 12— At. 12:00 m. j No. 14 —At, :505 pm. No. 10—A.. 5:28 p m: Sun. on]v. No, 12 will mu to Winder re gard less of No. 18, Yard limits at Winder are ex tended “south” to Sealxmrd Air Line junction- All trains going through Winder yard must be under full control. A LETTER FROM NORTH CAROLINA Warrenton, N. C.—l was nearly dead with kidney affection for six months, growing worse all the time. My case was hopeless —was unable to get about but little. I had tried everything with little benefit. 1 took three bottles of Stuart’s Buehu and Juniper and was perfectly cured. Am now well and all right. I owe my life to Stuart’s Buehu and Juniper. —H. T. Macon. If you suffer with backache, dull head ache," swollen feet, stiff joints, and have no energy and see imaginary specks in tiie air, you have symptoms of kidney trouble. Stuart’s Buehu and Juniper will relieve you. All druggists, SI.OO. Write for free sample. We will send enough to prove its wonderful merits. Stuart Drug Manufacturing Cos. ATLANTA. GA. GEORGIA RUST PROOF OATS FOR SAFE. From one to fifty bushels of Georgia Rust Prof Oats for sale at SI.OO per bushel. J. P. HARDIGRLL, muiTF n MIST BELIEVE IT When Well-Known Winder people Tell It So Plainly. When public endorsement is made by a representative citizen of Wiftder the proof is positive. You must believe it. Read this testimony. Every backache suf ferer, every man. woman, or child with anv kidney trouble will find profit in the reading. W. A Minders, Factory Hill, Winder, Ga., says: “For some time 1 had kidney trouble and rheumatism. The pains in the small of my back were like knife thrusts and if I did manage to stoop, it was only with tee great est difficulty that 1 could straight en arain. My kidneys were slug gish, the secretions filled with sediment and they were often at tended with pain during passage, I tried various remedies, but with out the desired results until 1 Vised Doan’s Kidney Pills procur ed at Turner’s Pharma-y. J im proved from the (irst and when ] (finished the' contents of four boxes, my kidneys were again acting in a proper manner and the pain and lameness had disap peared from my back.” For sale by a’l dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Cos., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name—Doan’s —and take no other OAK GROVE. t Mr. Will Wallace and family and Mr. U. H. Jones and family visited .Mr. Jack Jones .Sunday. Rev. J. C. Patrick spent one day last week with J. It. Johnson at Johnson’s Academy. Mr. Ace Porter was a visitor to 15 11 Vic\v Sunday. Messrs. Sam, Herman and George Teal arc spending a few days in Atlanta. Mr. Bill Perry and son, of Pen dergrass, spent Monday night with Mr. and Mrs. N. 11. Hutchins and family. Miss Nona. Mahaffy has returned to her home in Athens after visit ing her parents near this place. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Bud 'Peal, a girl. Miss Eunice Prickett is visiting relatives and friends near Mays-.. ant visit to relatives and friends in this section, returned to her home in Winder this week. Mrs. Woodie Wallace, of Winder, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Hutchins, Sunday. Mr. Herman Teal returned homo Sunday after a week's visit in Gainesville. Mr. Calvin Hill, of Union Acad emy, was lu re Tues lay. The “hello” line is about com pleted. J. B, M. ROCKY RIDGE. The people in this section are wry busy this week trying to save their fodder. Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Thompson, of Winder, and Mr, Hull Harrison and family visited the home of F. IM. McDonald last Saturday night I and Sunday. * Mr. C. L. Sims and family spent j last Wednesday with Mrs. Cal lie 1 Hosch and family. . , f Mr. and Mrs. John Clack, of Paradise, spent Monday night with Mr. J. H. Clack and family. Mrs. Tfattie Hendrix and Mrs; Martha Holloway and daughters, Mrs. L. \\ . Leslie and Mrs. Lillie Autry, of Bethlehem, spirit Tues* day with Mrs. Callie Hosch. Miss Zella Mathews, of Bethle hem, gave Miss Eva McDonald a call Sunday. Mr. ( leorge Holloway and family, of Paradise, spent Sunday with the former’s mother, Mrs. Did Hol loway. Mrs. Margaret Gunter and niece, Mbs Daisy Whitehead, of Eastvilie, spent Monday night with Mr. aid. Mrs. Bob Whitehead. Mr. and Mrs. Harvie DeLay, of Paradise, spent Sunday with Mr. M. A. Holloway and family. Mr. and Mrs. John MeElhannon spent Sunday with Mr. J. H. Clack and family. v Several of our young people at tended the singing at Chapel Sun day afternoon. Suits Him. She 1 see where a fellow married a girl on his death bed, just so she could have his millions when lie was gone. Could you love a girl like that? -