Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, September 17, 1908, Image 6

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We, like almost everyone else, predicted up till a short while ago that there would be one of the largest crops made this season in many years. And up till a short while back everything indicated that cotton would bring a good price. Consequently We bought one of the largest and most select lines of Shoes, Clothing, Dry Goods, Notions and flillinery ever shown here. We have bought one of the most complete and up-to-date lines of MILLINERY we have ever shown. Our stock of winter SHOES is complete. Our line of Men’s and Boys’ Clothing is the best ever shown in this territory. Our whole stock is at your mercy. We solicit your trade, HODGES & COOPER, Winder, Georgia. CORINTH. Several from this place attended preaching at Bethlehem Sunday. Mr. John Hinesley visited Mr. Emory Wright Sunday. Miss Mamie Odum and Mr. Charles Morrow visited Misses Pearl and Emily Morrow, of New Chapel, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Tharon Hinesley visited the latter's parents,Mr. and Mrs. Billy Smith, Saturday night and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Fuller visited the latter's grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. Odum, ot Bethlehem, Sunday. Mrs. Emma Harrison and child ren, Ruhv and Carl, visited Mrs. J. T. Him-sley Monday afternoon. The prayer meeting was held at the home of Mr. Arvil Smith Sun day aften. )on, and was led l.v Mrs. Lee Morris. There is prayer meeting at Corinth church every lhursday nignt. Messrs. Hardy Bedingfbdd am 1 George Thomas leads the meeting next Thursday night. Everybody invited t<> come. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Smith, ol Winder, visited the former's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. David Smith, Saturday night and Sunday. Miss Lola Thompson, of Bethle hem, spent latter part of last week with her cousin, Mrs. J. M. huller. Messrs. Job Chandler and Paul Morris are attending meeting at Greensboro, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith vis ited at Winder Sunday. M essrs. I)imp and Truman Ful ler, of Winder, are painting the new residence of Mr. David Smith. Mr. W. M. Fuller went to Mans field, Ga., Tuesday visiting his YOUR ATTENTION. Brother, Mr. F. J. Fuller. ' Mr. and Mrs. Sam Chandler and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Aust n visited Mr. and Mrs. Rubin Smith Sun day. Messrs. Herschel and Ed Herring ton visited Mr. and Mrs. iharon Hinesley Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. hardy Beding fidd visited at Bethlehem Sunday. AUBURN. The Farmers’ Uniop is building a large brick wa renouse at this place. We are going to have one of the biggert bar Ih*cues next Friday tnat lias ever been had in this part of the country. The editor and Iws full force are especially invited. Come. Mr. W. L. Jackson and Mr. W. W. Norman, ir on Winder, were in t i\vn one d.iy ibis wick. Mr. C. M. Hudgins, of pissed through here one day this week on his way to Atlanta. Mr. J. G- Wood made a business trip to Atlanta Tuesday. Mr. Oflie Flanigan, of Winder, was in town Sunday, Fret'. Baldwin and son, of Law reneeyille, were in town Monday helping the band boys to select some tine music for the educational rally to be held here Friday. Mr. T. C. Flanigan, one of the leading merchants of North Eat Georgia, is in New York this week iniying Ins fa. 11 and winter stock pi dry goods and clothing. S. 0. NOTICE. On and after Oct. sth we intend k ■ ping on hand a good supply of tine Tennessee hogs and will price them reasonably. Gall on us when in need. SHEATS & PATMAN. A Sure Tip on Seven Small Ifs and a Big' Cinch. * ! v 1U&5&5 l If you’re a Merchant you favor Home Trade. .If you favor Home Trade you’ll fight for it. If you Fight For It Right you’ll get it. If you get it you’ll be Helping Yourself. If you help yourself you’ll hurt the Mail Order Trade. If you hurt the Mail Order Trade you’ll be wise. If you are wise You Will Advertise. If You Will Advertise in your Home Taper you’ll get Home Trade. No “IF” about this last one—it’s a CINCH. NOTICE. All persons are hereby warned not to hire or harbor my son, Ed Waldrop, a minor. Any informa tion as to his whereabouts will be thankfully received- Mrs. Elizabeth Waldrop, Hoschton, Ca. One ram can eat all the votes Yain-t y Carter will get for governor tnis year. —Nashivlle Herald. Since the drop in cotton and the damages the crops have sustained in the past few weeks, we realize we have bought too heav ily. Nevertheless, we will be compelled to dispose of our enormous stock regardless of low prices and short crops. And to our friends and patrons, we wish to state we are going to meet you half way. We are going to sell our entire stock at the very closest margin of profit. At The LYRIC THEATRE, Winder The Demorest Comedy Cos. > A Company of Sterling Merit Presents Thursday night “The Parish Priest Friday night “The Ku-Klux-Klan.” Saturday night “A Kentucky Gal.” PRICES, 15c., 25c. and 35c. Adminstrator's Sale, Georgia, Walton County. —By virtue of an order cf the Court of Ordinai’y of said county, will be sold at public out cry, on the first Tuesday in October, 1908, upon the premises in the city of Winder, in the county of Jackson, between the usual cf r- le, the following real c.. \ ■' ;n Jackson county, to-wit: he ir 12and 13 in Block TO BE O BE LIBERAL O BE PROMPT To serve its depositors well and truly, holding their interests identical with its own; to grant as generous terms as are consistent with sound hanking; to wel come the small account as cordially as the large one; to be satisfied with small margins of profit in its bus iness transactions, and to give its customers a fair measure of its success, is the policy of THE WINDER BANKING CO. WINDER , GEORGIA. D, Lot 7,8, 10, and 14 in Block B, of Appleby’s survey of Woodlawn Heights, of record in office of clerk of superior court of Jockson county. The sale will continue from day to day, between the same hours, until all said property is sold. Terms, cash. Sold to pay purchase money and distribution and payments of debts. This the sth day of September, 1908. H. D. Jackson, Adminstratcr of M. W. Jackson.