Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, September 17, 1908, Image 7

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Jn ■M jQH • Does not wish to hurry you buying your fall suit, as we know it is somewhat early yet. Although we have sold a good many al= ready our stock of clothing this season is too great for us to hurry you by telling you “The best patterns wiil >oon be gone.” Yet why not you be first to wear one of our handsome fall suits and be in the lead. <rc cr*- Brown stripes incline to lead this season and we have a tremendous stock of c; 7-^— them made by the best tailors of the country. They are cut in the latest styles and (T i% _ > W lAftflTE* are absolutely guaranteed to be all wool and to hold their shape as long as they last. <; A i { In fact, we can hardly give our fall suits justice by describing them here. You will jL ' m J / if HOUSE have to see them to appreciate their full value. And yet, as for price, they will cost : \ A ■ i SHOES vou only a trifle more than cheap clothes wall cost you elsewhere. Our $12.90 and jr~l \ IP3 for Men $15.00 suits are the talk of the town today. They are worth double the money. \Hi We still carry the old reliable ‘‘Brown Shoe” for men, women and children and wH| TO*- liflr in specialties. We still carry the famous “Saif-ti” shoe for men and “Harrisburger fm' v iKM Shoe” for ladies. If you have never worn a pair of them, ask your neighbor about /R IIP' them and he will tell you “that when you wear them you will never wear another kind. fjlH Remember we carry everything. Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Trunks, Ladies’ Cloaks W and a large line of Dry Goods at rock bottom prices. 1 WF AI So command bring your family with you. Should this be too early for you to buy, we will be glad to | : IW" \\ show you through our line of Clothing and Dry Goods, and we assure you your time will be well spent. Iff fj 1 We will have hundreds of bargains worth coming for, thrown on our counters every day all through the 1J \ \ fall. Keep your eye on this page in this paper, and come to see us when in Winder. We will post you on prices. VI \ Yours for business, „ SyjjL J. L. SAUL, The Clothier WINDER, GEORGIA. Announcements. tor Mayor. Actuated by the petition of a large number of friends, 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for Mayor ot the city of Winder, Ga., subject to the primary of Nov. 4, 1908. R. L. G'rithers. for Councilman. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for Councilman from the Second ward, subject to primary of Nov. 4th 1908. W. E. Autry. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Councilman from the Fourth ward, subject to primary of Nov. 4, 1908. Claud Mayne. ,1 hereby announce myself a candidate / fCouncilman at large, subject to primary of Nov. 4, 1908. J. H. Turner. PERSONAL MENTION. Mrs. Ed Bishop is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mr. Y. A. Daniel. Mrs. Duggan, of Atlanta, was visiting Mrs. W. 0. Perry last week. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Arnold are attending the Baptist association at Bust wick, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Camp and son, Robert, spent a day of la<-t week iir Roekmart. Mr. Z. F. Jackson is with J. L.! Saul, where he will be glad to greet his many friends. Miss Dana Smith, of Thomson, Ga., has charge of the millinery parlors of J. W. Lyle. Repair Work Solicited. —Let S. O. Brock, Winder, Ga,, fix up your engines or boilers. Miss Anna Settle left Monday to visit relatives and friends at Suwanee and Forsyth. * Friends of Mrs. Saxon will be glad to learn of her improvement, since her recent illness. Mrs. A. W. Quillian left Wed nesday for Madison to he the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Baldwin. Mr. Ernest Settle, of Suwanee, and R. H. Settle, of Athens, spent Saturday and Sunday with home ' folks. __ The Home Mission Society will meet next Monday at the Method ist Episcopal Church at 4 o’clock, prompt. Mrs. G. A. Johns and children, who have been spending the sum mer at Lafayette, Ga-, returned home Tuesday. Mr. \V. H. Kimbell and son, ; Eugene, who have been away for some time erecting machinery, re turned home Monday. Mrs. W. H. Williamson and children of Jefferson returned to their home Saturday, after spend ing several days of last week with relatives in Winder. The Ladies' Aid of the M. E. Church was entertained by Mrs. Lee Radford, at her home on Church St,, Tuesday afternoon. After the close of business, a salad course was served. Mrs, E. M. Moulder entertained the Ladies’ Society of the Baptist church Monday A good attend ance was present. An interesting and profitable meeting. After business hours, refreshments were served. The next meeting will lie held with Miss Ola Daniel, one month hence. Mr. J. Lester Harwell is in At lanta attending a business college. Mr. Chester Cannon left this week to enter college at Lexington, Ky. Messrs. 11. J. Cox and W. J. Haynie made a business trip to Jefferson Tuesday. Elrod A* Barron, the barbers, now occupy more commodious quar- ! ters, the Candy Kitchen. Give them a call. Have your pictures framed at Hill-Flanigan Furniture Cos. They are prepared to do first-class work on shor notice. Elrod and Barron, have moved their barber shop from the Cannon building to tne Candy Kitchen, on Candler street. An up-to-date pressing club has been organized in Winder. Give Elrod A Barron a call. They will see that the work is done satisfac torily. Misses Ethel and Nora Wills re-j eently moved to Winder. They are occupying rooms at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Johns. We welcome them into our midst. Mr. Grady Cannon announces that he will leave soon to enter medical college in Atlanta to the great joy of his friends in Winder and the deep chagrin of the Atlan ta citizens. Mr. J. L. Green leaves today for Lexington, Ky., to resume his studies for the third year in the Col lege of the Bible, having been em ployed by the North-cast District Board of the Christian church to do evangelistic work during the sum mer. f Several Winder citizens partici pated in the educational Jrallv at Auburn Friday. N Rev. Hiram Rainey, of Mulberry, was circulating among his friends in Winder Friday. Misses Susie and Lillie Jones, of \\ atkinsville, were the guests of Miss Annie Thomas bust week. Messrs. Fleming Thompson and Stewart McElhannou returned to the Fid versify at Athens this week. Miss Lena Aderholt has returned and assumed charge of the milli nery department at J. T. Strange & Co’s. Mrs. Clara Jones, who will have i | charge of the millinery depart i ment for Kilgore A Kelly arrived this week. Mrs. M. M. Chapman, of Rome, and Mrs. F. A. Cunningham, of Adairsville, twin sisters, are visiting relatives in Winder. Notice. —On and after Oct. f>th we intend keepingjm hand a good supply of fine Tennessee hogs and will price them reasonably, (kill on us when in need. Sheats A man. Misses Pauline (’amp and Starr Blasingame left yesterday for Gainesville where they will enter Breneau for the year. Mrs. Camp and Mrs. Blasingame accompanied their daughters to spend a day in Gainesville. Messrs. A. A. Camp, W. T. Robinson and Master Robert Camp have returned from DeWitt, Polk county, Ga., where they w r ent to at tend a barbecue given by the stock holders of the Piedmont Portland iLjAVMi* (^ijmseripT. Miss I uicy Jackson has been quite sick for several days. - Mr. Homer Smith left this week to re-enter the State University. The children of Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Lord are detained from school with slight illness. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hood were the guests of the former’s parents Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Columbus Pentecost, who has been ill at his home on Wright street for the past week, is some better today. Mr and Mrs. W. 1). Whitehead, of Social Circle, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. W. -J. Whitehead. Mr. H. V. Davis is spending some time with relatives in Winder. Mr. Davis had his right foot seri ously mashed while engaged in his duties with the Seaboard Air Line railroad, and will be here until the wound# heal. The Wages Family, of Athens, will conduct the music for Sunday school and church service at the opera house, the 41 h Sunday, Sep tember 27th, and will also sing in the afternoon. Tina is a fine to family of musicians and you will miss a treat if you foil hear them. Everybody invited. We rail attention to the an nouncements of Mr. R. L. Carith ers for mayor, and Messrs. Turner, Mayne and Autry for council, which appear in this issue. These gen tlemen are from among Winder’s most public spirited citizens and in every way well equipped to act as city fathers. They will, | "-.I r> H \ V..—