Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, October 01, 1908, Image 3

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Real Estate Bargains. We can’t understand wl:y you won’t buy a bargain. The value of the place on Athens street that we are offer ing you at $1,900 is worth $2,500. A 5-room house, three acres of land, with running water, 82 feet front on Athens street, the first house this side of Mr. E M. Moulder’s, within 300 yards of the school. Let us show you this place and we are convinced that you will agree with us, it’s a bargain. Every young man who is desirous of owning a lot in this growing city can certainly do so now on the easy payment plan. There is a peculiar satisfaction in owning a lot that you can beautify and make it increase in value* Come in and let’s talk it over. CITY PROPERTY. Avery desirable close in place on Road street,East side next to Rev. S. W. Arnold, where Dr. J. H. Turner now resides, all modern convien inces $3,000.00, half cash the balance in six months. Don’t wait, this place will sell. BUSINESS LOT. On the North side of Can dler street next to the lot bought by the city, being thirty feet front and running back to the railroad right of way about two hundred and five feet, Price $2,250.00 Quarterman & Toole, First National Bank Building, Winder, Ga. WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR BUGGIES. We have on hand a line of the best Bug gies for the money ever brought to this market. We handle the Rock Hill,Columbia,Taylor- Canady, Tyson & Jones, Columbus, Summers, Durham, Piedmont and Anchor. Give us a call and let S. C. Potts or W. H. Sikes tell you howto roll through life with ease. Cannon & Flanigan, Winder, Ga. Look ! Listen ! Today will be yesterday tomorrow. You can’t turn the wheel with the w’ater that has passed. Now is the time to get busy before building material advances too high, which it is bound to do. Yours to serve. Prices Right. Winder Lumber Company. DWELLING. House and lot corner Wood lawn and Stephens'streets for merly occupid by Miss Dora Wilhite for $2,500.00 House and two acres of land on the North side of Wright street known as the J. O. Wright place at $2,250 $1,350 buys 2-story, 6-room house and lot on Sage street 1 -2-acre lot. Known as the Segars’ house. 124 acres a part of the W. J. Whitehead river farm, four room dwelling, tenant house, good land; per acre $20.00 Vacant lot on the East side of Broad street below the new two story house of Mr. D. D. Kesler, (first lot below) listen $500.00 Probably the most desirable vacant lot in Winder bounded on the North by Wright street bounded on the South by New street, bounded on the East by by Center street, bounded on the West by Sec ond avenue. You can’t be crowed, pretty grove, big enough for four building lots, within five minutes walk to the business part of town* Think of it only.. SBOO PROFESSIONAL CARDS J. F. HOLMES, ATTOI! N K V- AT- LA W, Statham, Ga. Criminal and Commercial Law a Specialty SPURGEON WILLIAMS DENTIST, Winder - - - Georgia Offices over Smith & Gunthers bank. All work done satisfac torily, W.H.QUARTERMAN ATTORNEY AT LAW Winder, Ga. Practice in all the courts Commercial law' a specialty. W. L. DeLaPERRIERK DENTAL BCRGEKY. Winder - - Georgia Fillings, Bridge and Plate-work done in most scientific and satis factory way. Offices on Broad St. ALLEN’S ART STUDIO. All kinds of Photographs made by latest methods. All work done promptly. Office on Candler St., Winder Ga A LETTER FROM NORTH CAROLINA Warrentbn, N. C. —I was nearly dead with kidney affection for six months, growing worse all the time. My case v as hopeless —was unable to get about lat little. I had tried everything with Lttle benefit. I took three’ bottles of Stuart's Buchu and Juniper and was perfectly cured. Am now well and all right. I owe my life to Stuart’s Buchu and Jlmiper. —11. T. Macon. If you suffer with backache, dull head ache, swollen feet, stiff joints, and have no energy and see imaginary specks in the air, you have symptoms of kidney trouble. Stuart’s Buchu and Juniper will relieve you. All druggists, SI.OO. Write for free sample. We will send enough to prove its wonderful merits. . Stuart Drug Manufacturing Cos. ATLANTA, GA. TheJ. R. N. Baugh house and lot on North side Wright street. A fine location, con tains about three acres of land, close to running water. This place can be purchased now at $2,700.00 The Davison place on Sage street. 4-room house and acre lot fronting two streets and all for SI,OOO Two-story, io-room house, with barn in rear, on Athens street; 3-4-acre lot; known as A. S. Morgan place. Price J 3,500 LEBANON. Rev. G. D. Stone preached a very instructive sermon at Lebanon church Sunday at 11 a. m. Dr. and Mrs. W. P. Betts, of Athens, spent Sunday here as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Martin. Miss Essie King, of the Classic City, is spending this week here with Miss Rebecca Guest. Sunday school next Sunday at 3 p. in. Everybody come out to our Sunday school. Our young folks were intertained with a delightful sociable Saturday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Guest. Miss Mary Holliday is spending a while in Athens with her sister, Mrs. M. T. Toney. Jack Wilhite, Roy and Livings- BETTER DO IT NOW t Too late for Fire Insurance after it burns. Too late for Life Insurance after your health is im paired. Make use of opportunity. See us to, day. KILGORE & RADFORD, Insurancec Agents^ Office at The U'inder Banking Company. / LAST NOTICE. Parties indebted to the estate of the late John S. Smith, and to the firm of J. S. & G. W. Smith, are requested to make immediate .settlement. This estate must be closed up, and your prompt attention to this mat ter will be greatly appreciated. G. W. SMITH, Administrator, J. S. SMITH, Deceased. 133 acres 2 miles from Win der on Cedar Creek; per acre $27.50 House and lot on the North side of Wright street between Broad and Georgia avenue, i SBOO Nice lot on Park place 75X 150 (a $500.00. This will be a nice section. We have a business house and lot that will interest a good business man. The loca tion, size and price are o. k. ton Lavender, Henry Hinsley, Misses Ruth Cheely and Ola Laven der, of Athens, spent Saturday and Sunday here with relatives. Mr. M. C. Guest went to the Queen City Sunday to hear Rev. Shadwiek, of England, a noted di vine, preach. Several of our young men went to Pentecost church Friday to at tend the burial of Mr. J. C. Pente cost, whose early demise in Winder last week carried him from earth’s labors. We drop a tear of grief with those who mourn in this their sad hour of bereavement. B. B. E. Yesterday was thanksgiving: d!iy in Georgia. The people were giving thanks that the legislature had ad journed without having done any irreparable injury to the state- - Columbus Ledger.