Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, October 01, 1908, Image 5

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FARfI FOR SALE. 285 ACRES OF LAND SITUATED NORTH OF SPARTA, FOUR MILE DISTANT; WELL WOODED AND WATERED WITH A 6-HORSE FARN OPENED UP FOR CULTIVATION. PARTY HAaS ENGAGED IN MBRCANTILE 5U5 INEJ-5 AND CANNOT LOOK AFTER PLACE 1-5 REASON FOR CELLING. A DESIRASLE PLACE AT A SARGAIN To A HOME .SEEK ER. ADDRE-5-5 OR SEE H. K. ALSABROOK, SPARTA, - - GEORGIA. THIS IS A BARGAIN! I have decided to dispose of my residence, corner of Sage and Wright Sts. The lot is 90x215. Good six-room residence, good well of water, barn and fine garden spot. For par ticulars call on Mrs. Rosa Brown-Smith. WINDER, GEORGIA. Winder Train Schedules GOOD INFORMATION. Arrival and Departure of Trains [astern Time. Effective September 18, 1008. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. FROM WINDER, GA., NORTH AND EAST No. 52, - -> 10:08 am No 88, - - 10:28 pm SOUTH AND WEST. No. 41, • - 5:20 a m No. 58, - - 6:58 pm Attention is call' and to the fact that No. 32, which leaves Atlanta 12:20, Athens 2:18 p m. has a great cut in time to the east. This train now arrives Norfolk 8:10am, Richmond 5:40. am, Washington 8:50 am, New York 2:45 pm. Complete dining car service to New York with through sleeper. No. 33 leaving Atlanta 4:45 p m. carries through sleeper to Bir miughom and Memphis, and all trains make good connection at Atlanta, Birmingham and Mem- Dhis for the west Gainesville Midland Railway SOUTH BOUND No. 11 —Lv 8:40 a. m. No. 13 —Lv. 3:35 p. m. No. 15 —Lv. 10:35 am; Sunday only. NORTH BOUND No. 12— At. 11:80 m. No. 14 —Ar. 6:20 p m. No. 16—A.. 5:23 pm ; Sun. onlv. No. 12 will run to Belmont re gardless of No. 13. Yard limits at Winder are ex tended “south” to Seaboard Air Line junction- All trains going through Winder yard must be under full control. Adminstrator’s Sale, Georgia, Walton County.-By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of said county, will be sold at public out cry, on the first Tuesday in October, 1908, upon the premises in the city of Winder, in the county of Jackson, between the usual hours of sale, the following real estate, situate in Jackson county, to-wit: Lotsl2and 13 in Block D, Lot 7,8, 10, and 14 in Block B, of Appleby’s • survey of Woodlawn Heights, of record in office of clerk of superior court of Jock son county. The sale will continue from day to day, between the same hours, until all said property is sold. Terms, cash. Sold to pay purchase money and distribution and payments of debts. This the sth day of September, 1908. , H. D. Jackson, I Adminstrator of M. W. Jackson. PROFESSIONAL CARDS J. F. HOLMES, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, Statham, Ga. Criminal and Commercial Law a Specialty SPURGEON WILLIAMS DENTIST, Winder - - Georgia Offices over Smith & Carithers bank. All work done satisfac torily, W. H- QUARTERMAN ATTORNEY AT LAW Winder, Ga. Practice in all the courts Commercial law a specialty. W. dental surgery. Winder - - Georgia Fillings, Bridge and Plate-work done in most scientific and satis factory way. Offices on Broad St. ALLEN’S ART STUDIO. All kinds of Photographs made by latest methods. .All work done promptly. Office on Candler St., Winder Ga Executor’s SALE. Will be Bold, in Winder, Ga., in front of the First National Bank, at 12 o'clock, on the first Tuesday in October, to the high est bidder for cash, the farm of Elisha Hardigree, deceased, 74 ACRES lying on the South side of the railroad and 62 ACRES lying on the north side of the railroad. This farm is five miles from Winder and three miles from Statham. M. J. HARDIGREE. Executor. DIRECTORY Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev. A. W. Quillian, Tastor. Preaching avery Sunday at 11:30 a. in. and 8 p. m. Sunday School 10:30 a. m., \V. H. Toole, Superintendent. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday evening at usual hour. Christian Church, Rev. J. H. Wood Pastor. Preaching Ist 4th and sth Sundays at 11130 a. in. and Sp. in. Sunday School 10:30 a. m. Claud Mayne, Superintendent. Travel meeting every Thursday evening at usual hour. Baptist Church, Rev. R. D. DeeWeese, Pastor, Preaui every 2nd and 4th Sunday at 11:3o a. m and Bp. m.. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. W. L: Blassingame, Superintendent. Praver meeting every Wednesday even ing at usual hour. Presbyterian Church. Services on the rst and 3d Sundays ar 11 a. m. and at 8:30 p. 111. Rev. Fritz Rausclieuburg, pastor. Sunday scho >1 eAery Sunday at 10:30 a. m v Y .H. Quarterman, Superintrndent. Holiness Church. Preaching second Sunday at 11 a. in. and 7:30 p.m. Rev. and Mrs. Graham, pastors. Sunday school every Sunday at 3:30 p. 111. T. J. Morgan, Superin. tendent. Prayer meeting every Satur day and Sunday nights at 8 p. m Fv erybody invited. Russell Lodge No. 99. K. of P F. W. Bondurant. C. 0.; J. H. Turner V. C ; B. A. Julian, Prelate; F K Durst, K of R and Sand M of K; J E < allaJian, M of W; H E Milli Kin, M A; H P Stan ton, I G; EC McDonald, O G Winder Lodge No. 81,1. 0. 0. F. S T Maughon, N S; T ECall ban, V G: N B Lord R S; R L Griffeth, F S; W J Smith, Treas Navajo Tribe No. 42, I. 0. R. M Meets every 2nd and 4th Monday nights R L Griffeth, Sachem; J C Pentecost Sr Sagamore; C H Cook, Jr Sagamore E A Starr, G of R; Camp Joseph E. Johnson U. C. V Meets ever)" 3rd Saturday evening at 3 p. m., sun time, in City Hall H. J Cox, Commander; E. M. Moulder, Secretary. Joseph E. Johnston Chapter. The Joseph E. Johnston Chap ter of the Unit°d Daughters of the Confederacy meets every Wednes day after the third Sunday in each month. DECIDE YOURSELF. The Opportunity Is Here, Backed by Winder Testimony. Don’t take our word for it. Don't depend on a stranger's statement. Read Winder endorsement. Read the statement of Winder citizens. And decide for yourse’f. Here is one case of it: Mrs. J. W. Mar'.ow, Broad St., Winder, Ga.. says: “When I first began the use of Dean’s Kid ney Pills, I was in a very much run down condition. I had pains in my back and hips, was bother ed by frequent headaches and feit tired and languid most of the time I had previously taken remedies but they had proved of little benefit. Doan's Kidney Pills procured at Turner’s Phar macy, made a change in my con dition almost before I realized it and it was not long before the pain and lameness had entirely disappeared. My kidneys were also restored to a healthy condition and my strength and energy re turned. My health is now of the best and I attribute it entirely to the curative powers of Doan’s Kidney Pills.” For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Cos., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name—Doan’s — and take no other. The Burned Church. Jim (regarding damage to church by fire)—Good Job it wasn’t a factory, Bill. Bill—You’re right, mate. Only one man put out of work, and he draws hia money.—Punch. The Rule of Three. Stella-What is the rule of three? Bella—That one ought to go home.— New York Sun. Bluabetb's position. By CARL WILLIAMS. Copyrighted, 190S, by Associated Literary Press. Elizabeth found the town formidable as she emerged from the station to face the horde of shouting hacknien. At other times she had come to the city with a party or she had been met hu the people whose guest she was to 1.7 This time she came alone to face the new life which graduation and a determination to make a career had opened up to her. In her pocketbook was S3O, a card with the home address upon it hi ease of accident and a clipping from the Moroton Century. These were the shield and buckler in the fight she was to make for success. The money would keep her going until she ob tained a position and the clipping would cheer her. It was written in the editor's best style and ran: Miss Elizabeth Cady, whose graduation essay on "The Wider Scope of Woman's Sphere” was the sensation of the high school exercises, will leave for tlie city Monday to become a valued recruit in the great army of commerce. We predict that it will not be long before our ac complished townswoman leaves the ranks to assume an important position of com mand. With sueli an augury for her future Elizabeth could not turn back. Her mother had sent marked copies to all their relatives, and, for iier mother's sake as well as her own, Elizabeth felt that she must succeed. She swallowed the lump that came into her throat and headed for the street car. In other days she had al ways taken a cab, but now she felt that she could not afford the expense. It was at the time when toilers were returning to their homes and the cars were crowded to the rails, but she bravely climbed aboard and thankfully accepted a strap with the feeling that she was already one of the workers. The Home For Self Supporting Girls, to which she had been recommended, was vastly different from the accom modations to which she was accus tomed. The tiny room with Us two iron cots and its duplication of bureaus and rockers sharply marked the line that separated the tw-o girls domiciled together. There was no homelike air about the .place, and the chill atmosphere of the dining room found a responsive chill In' her heart. She went to bed early, feeling that she must stifle her sobs to avoid annoying her roommate. She lay in the narrow bed thinking of the dainty room at home, with Its white dimity hangings and Its great white bed. If she had listened to Joe Trenton she would be there tonight, dreaming of the time when she and Joe would have a home of their own. A score of times Joe bad proposed, but Elizabeth bad made the career of woman her fetich aod she would not sacrifice her freedom. Joe’s last effort had been ill timed, for he had spoken on the night of her graduation, when the plaudits of the audience still rang in her ears and bits of the essay echoed loud and clear. “Perhaps—when 1 have found my ca reer,” the girl bad promised gently, “but don’t you see that to turn back now upon my own principles would be false to myself? Others, looking to me for example, might be tempted to turn back too.” "What If they did?" argued the man. “Do you have to put happiness from you Just to practice what you preach?” “Of course,” she cried. “We who would lead must be prepared to sacri fice.” Id the elation of the moment she had pictured herself a leader of her sex. Sbe did not hold with the extremists who argued that woman should vote aDd rule the natiou, but sbe bad given herself heart aDd soul to the theory that a woman had a right to a career, and she was her own most enthusias tic convert. Now she regretted her stand as she choked back her sobs, but w'hen morn ing came she was again strong In her resolve. She sallied forth with a list of addresses. Toward evening she re turned. The list had proved unfruit ful, and the kindly faced woman at the desk offered words of encourage ment that fell upon ears too tired to grasp tbeir meaning. That day was but the first of many. Wearily she trudged from place to place, but the demand was for skilled workers. Some seemed willing to give her a trial if she would serve for vary ing periods without pay, but this was out of the question. She must have a position by the time her slender re sources were exhausted or she must return home and confess failure. The thought preyed upon her mind, and daily she grew thinner and more .worried until the little woman at the desk, whose big, motherly heart was great enough to embrace her whole brood, to see her. With a beam ing face Bhe came to Elizabeth’s room during the sixth week of her stay and announced a visitor. Elizabeth, think ing that one of the many men who had taken her address had come to an nounce the reconsideration of his re ftisal, made herßei?Ti<Ty'and with un certain tread hurried to the parlor. ' where a half dozen other girls were entertaining callers. Withfk little gasp ing cry she stumbled toward Joe Tren ton. who sprang forward to greet her. “I didn’t know that you were in town,” she cried when the greeting was over and they were sitting in the seclu sion of a corner. "Why didn't you let me know that you were coming?” “No time!” exclaimed the man. “I had a sudden call to town, and I thought that I'd look you up. Let’s go over to the park and get some fresh air, and I'll tell you all the gossip that the Century hasn't printed.” Elizabeth hurried for tier hat. and presently they were making for tho tiny park near the home. Elizabeth had seen it only in passing, for there was no energy left after her day’s search for employment. Now t the soft grasses reminded her of Home, and it was a wistful face that she turned to Joe when they had found % bench. “Tell me about Morton,” she com manded. but Joe shook his head. “All in its turn. Tell me about your self first. Got a job?” “Not yet.” Elizabeth \vas glad that tho dark concealed her flaming cheek*. “I think I shall have a position in a day or two, but things are very dull here just at present.” “They’re dull everywhere,” was the listless comment. “I was looking around u bit today. Don’t you think, Dess, flint you ought to leave the jobs to the girls who really need them when there are so few?” Elizabeth was startled. Here seemed to be a chance to get back home w ith out appearing to surrender. “What do you mean?” she asked tensely. “There are lots more girls than there are jobs.” he explained. “Now, some of them will have to get left if the girls wriio are clever, but who don’t really need to work, get their places. "You’ll be tickled to death to land this position you have in mind, but maybe some girl wdio might have had It If you had not come will be crying her eyes out because she was not as clever ns you and is still hunting a place. You have a father to support you. Maybe the girl who might have had the Job lias others to support.” Elizabeth’s hands clasped so tightly together that her rings bit Into the soft flesh. For the last two weeks she had been nerving herself to admit fail ure, to go back home and confess that the city had beaten her. Joe was of fering her retreat with honor. It seemed almost too good to lie true. "Don’t yon see,” argued Trenton, “that you really owe it to others to de lay your campaign until the demand exceeds the supply? It’s only fair to those who need the work.” “Perhaps you arc right,” assented Elizabeth, with a show of hesitation. “Of course It is hard to give up one’s ambition, but I guess you are right, Joe.” “I know of a job that you could get that would not put any one else out.” suggested Joe, as though suddenly in spired. “What is it?” sbe asked eagerly. “Housekeeper—for roe,” be explained, with a chuckle. Elizabeth drew back for a moment. Sbe did not want to seem to surrender too quickly, and yet—be bad shown her the way out. Sbe put her bund in his. “I’ll take the place,” she said quietly. Sbe had gone up the stairs to her room with a promise to meet him at the station in the morning, and Joe turned to the gentle faced woman, who still sat at her desk. “You’re right,” he said gratefully. “That argument won out We’re aw fully obliged to you for writing-her folks—and me.” “I am very glad that 1 could help,’* was the gentle response. “1 hope that you two will be very happy.” “I didn’t say anything about that!” cried Joe in surprise. The gentle faced woman only smiled. For ten years sbe bad mothered num berless girls. She did not have to be told that Elizabeth had found her poeL tion. __________ rif* No Discharge. “Maggie,” said the inexperienced young thing to the cook, "the biscuits were a sight If you can’t do better next time, I will have to discharge you.” “Ye will, will ye?” Maggie retorted. “I’ll have ye know, mum, that I’ve bin workln’ out two years, an’ I’ve work ed fer eighty-nine of the best families in towm, an’ I ain’t never bin dis charged yet I’m leavin’ this afternoon fer a better place.”—Judge. None For Her. “Pop!” “Yes, my son.” “When a person saws -wood it means they say nothing, don’t it?” "Yes, my boy.” “And do women ever saw wood?” *No; women believe that sawing wood is a man’s work.”—Yonkers Statesman. To Make Them Smart. “Mr. Pedagog is an oldtime teacher. He believes In the rod to brighten up dull boys.” “Well isn’t that the natural way to /h-v i-m? rmu iiav Tir ocjpt., iJHifs.