Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, October 08, 1908, Image 1

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VOL. XVI. PERSONAL MENTION. See .T. L. Saul before buying. For quality and price go to J. L. Saul. Born, to Prof, and Mrs. W M. Holsenbeck, a boy. M iss Manehe Stanton is visiting friends in Loganville. Mrs. Kemper Smith has returned from a visit to Atlanta. For Rent —Storage rooms cheap. Apply to S. E- Sharpton. Mrs. S. E. Sharpton visited her mother in Atlanta this week. Next Tuesday October 3. The date of the Big Show at Winder. Dr. J. B. Davis, of Newnan, vis ited Winder Thursday. Dr. E. F. Saxon was a visitor to the Gate City Wednesday. Mr. M. J. Hard! gree, of Roope vi He, was in Winder this week. If you don’t know us ask your neighbor about us. J. L. Saul. For Rent —Six-room dwelling in good section of Winder. Gall at this office. Many of Winder’s citizens are attending city court at Jefferson this week. Miss Susie D iwdell will sp-md the week-end with Miss Fannie Caldwell in Lawrenceville. Miss Martha Sargeant, of St. Louis, Mo., is the guest of her aunt, M rs, N. M. C doniez, at the Granite hotel. Mrs. Belle Johnson and little son, Master Hudson left Tuesday for an 'extended visit to friends and rela tives in Lithonia. - Misses Emma Moore, Johnnie Lou Smith and Messrs. Claude Cook and Gcover Mosley visited Statham Sunday. Coming! The Corburn Minstrels- This is the largest show of the kind playing the south. Reserve your seats and avoid the rush. For Sale —One registered Jersey cow; calf two weeks’ old. Also, mare and 3-year-old filly. Apply te O. S. Hayes, Winder, Ga. , Mrs. J. B. S. Davis, of Newnan, Ga., is the guest of her sister Mrs. J. M. Potts, at the residence of Mr. S. C. Potts, on Candler street. Miss Anna Settle returned home Tuesday, after spending three weeks with relatives and friends at Law renceville, Suwanee and Forsyth. . Cowboys and Cowgirls in the Big Realistic Wild West —one feature of the Great Cole & Cooper Shows that exhibit at Winder Tuesday, October 13. The Great Cole &f Cooper's Shows. Historic Wild West and Trained Animal exhibition. Three big shows in one will exhibit at Winder Tuesday October 13. Mrs. S. T. Ross was called to Jefferson this week to the bedside of her sister-in-law, Mrs. E. L. Williamson. We are pleased to state Mrs. Williamson is tetter at this writing. The managers of the Lyric Thea tre have-made arrangements to have J. A. Corbum’sgreat minstrels hare the 17 or 20. Watch the big bills for the date. This company has been playing all the large towns in north and south Carolina to full houses. uKn&cc lUccUln JDteras. WINDER. JACKSON COUNTY. GEORGIA. THURSDAY. COTOBER 8, 1908 J. T. STRANGE & CO. Have just received the following letter from far-away Panama: The Young Men’s Christian Association, Canal Zone, Operating Club Houses of the Isthmian Canal Commission, Public Correspondence. Cristobal Canal Zone, Sept. 2, 1908. Mr. Strange. Sir: Inclosed find P. 0. Money Order for 55.00, for which you will please send me one pair of your “Minor Easy” Shoes like I bought, from you more than a year ago. Size 5, D last. Also a pair of your Zeigler Slippers, same size. If the $5.00 is not enough to pay for the shoes I will send more. I want the best you have in stock, as I always get the best shoes from you I get anywhere. You will please send at once and oblige MATTIE MOON. This shows very clearly to the public where the best-shoes can be found. Nothing is so pleasing to Strange & Cos. as satisfied customers. Buying from Strange is a guarantee of quality. In connection with good Shoes we have a grand line of Dress Goods, Silks, Trimmings, Millinery Ladies’ Cloaks, Suits, Men’s Clothing in High Art. MRS. JANE HOPKINS’ BOYS’ SUITS. Can fit anything from a 3-year-old boy to a 40 0- pounder. J. T. STRANGE & CO., Winder, Georgia. Leaders in Styles; Regulators and Controllers of Low Prices. Col. J. A. Perry and wife, of Lawrenceville, visited the family of Mr. H. G. Hill Sunday. All that are indebted to me for guano or insurance will find notes and accounts in First National Bank for collection. W. L. Blasingame. Rev. J. H. Wood left Wednesday for New Orleans, where he goes to attend the International Missionary Convention of the Churches of Christ. For Sale—A fine breech-loading shotgun. Cost S4O new. IVill sell at a bargain. Gun is in good shape and almost/ as good as new. See W. L. Sikes, Winder, Ga. YOUNG MEN! If you want to know why you should become tele graph operators and what school to attend, write to SOUTHERN SCHOOL OF TELEGRAPHY, Newnan, Ga., for free Catalog A.” EVERY BOY should read iv. Po sitions positively guaranteed. Aie you looking for a house where you can dress yourself from head to foot and your family as well? Go to J. L. Saul. The Corburn Minstrels, the larg est aggregation of the kind south this season, will be seen in Winder soon. Watch this paper for the date. The most gcorgeous and finished ! minstrel troups ever seen in the I south is to give a production in l Winder. Corburn is coining. Watch The News for the date. The silver tea is now being held j at the residence of Mrs. J. T.| ! Strange. Remember if vou can 1 1 attend your donation to Missions j j will be thankfully received. Mr. J. M. Morris wishes us to express thanks to the friends who assisted him in saving part of his household effects at the recent fire and for other kindnesses rendered. Julian Wilson is recognized as the fastest spinter in the Winder fire company. There should be bells, gongs or honk honks on the hose reels to make citizens clear the track when he is coming, or some one is going to Ik- hurt. Glad Bob Carithers has no oppi - sition for mayor. He knows all about dog laws and under his ad ministration the tramp dogs which now congregate under our electric lights will hunt the tall timbers. Get him to tell you of the dog law I in Athens years ago. Next Tuesday, October 13, will be Winder’s greatest gala holiday, all that is worth seeing brought to your very doors. Bring the whole family. Let no one miss the great est exhibition in existence, the vis it of the Great Cole &■ Cooper Shows. The only big show that will exhibit; at Winder. Miss Starr Blasingarrn- is expected home today. Mrs. W. W. Norman spent Tues day m Athens. Mr. Bush Jackson spent Sunday with home-folks. Don’t forget to stop at the “Un ion Depot’’ on Ortolier lfi. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. P* rry spent Tuesday in Atlanta. Mr. and Mis. W. E. Autry visit ed Statham Thursday. Mrs. John Williams visited Au burn tin* first of the week. Mr. W. E. Perrv, of Carl, visited relatives in Winder Sunday. Mr. T. H. Hodges made a busi ness trip to Atlanta Thursday. Miss Anna Moore, of Auburn, was in town Monday shopping. Miss Florrie Wood has been siek for several days past with tonsilitis. Claude Mayne wants to know if you’ve got bis wire fence stretcher. Mr. J. B. Hodges, of I.oganville, was a visitor to Winder Wednesday. Miss Daisy [Ewing, of Atlanta, was the guest of Mrs. Julian Wilson Wednesday. Mr. R. If. Gannon has been in Conyers for several days attending to business matters. Rest line of Heaters and Cook Stoves to be found, at the Smith Hardware Company. Rev. G. D. Stone, wife and twin boys, of Jefferson, were in Winder today en route to Atlanta. MissjFannie Walker, of Gaines ville, is visiting her sister, Mrs. 1). D. Kesler, < n Broad street. Mr. J. G. Cooper, who has been confined to his room for several days with sickness is better. Mr. J. Wesley Smith and Mr. Henry Terry, of Athens, spent Sun day afternoon in Winder. Miss Runette Westcott, who has been in Winder for several months, leaves today for her home in Macon. Mrs. Thrasher has returned to her home in Atlanta, after a visit to her parents, Dr. and Mrs. IT. P. Quillian. Put in your Grates before cold weather. See that full line at the right price at the Smith Hardware Company. Dr. J. C. DeLaperriere is spend ing the week in South Georgia 100 l - ing after h'rs various interests in tl e Win-grass section. Mrs. A. L. Smith and daughter, Miss Birdie, and little Glenn, i Buchanan spent last week in Monroe visiting Mrs. E. D. Wiley. Mrs. A. W. Quillian left today for a visit to relatives at Madison, accompanied by her grandson, Master William Baldwin, who spent a few days this week with his grand parents here. Mrs. C. U. Born entertained Fri day evening in honor of Miss Lula Bowden, of Winder. The teachers of the city schools and others were invited, and a very pleasant even ing was spent. —Gwinnett Journal. NO. 27