Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, November 12, 1908, Image 1

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VOL. XVI. A PUBLIC NUISANCE. Licensed Debauchery Right in the Heart of Prohibition and Christ- Loving Winder. Slrnuld the time ever come when, f business reasons, it is necessary for us to remain silent on matters which we believe to be a detriment to the town and a disgrace to the community in which we live, we w ill close up shop and return to the honored calling of our boyhood. It is a well known fact to the citizens of Winder and surrounding country that since the passage of the prohibition law 7 it has been an easy matter to obtain whisky here — for those who are familiar with the ropes. It is no uncommon thing to see intoxicated persons on our streets Friday and Saturday after noons, and even on the Lord's day. Mayor Strange has done all in his power t*o rid the town of blind tigers, giving those who came be fore him the limit of the law. The officers have searched the city with a fine tooth comb and brought all violators of law they could dis cover to justice, but so far they have been unable to reduce the drinking habit to any appreciable degree. Therefore, it occurs to the editor that possibly the sale of intoxicants in Wilder is not so secret after all. And it is this black blot on her es cutcheon which prompts this article. For mqjjy yf aJ & we were a citizen Atlanta and have often looked in | doors of her infamous Decatur fcVreet dives, hut we hefe and now declare that we never witnessed a more disgusting scene in any of them than that which occurs every Saturday night at the near-beer ■ K H LOPV RIGHT, 'Jf I; S STROU&E A. 6RGS. jj W faAtr MOBfc LOT 7405. , , . , 50 blaA Overcoats Ulster, storm collar, length S4*9B down to your shoe tops. Sizes 34 to 44, $7.50 value for t 5p Boys’ Hats, 50c values. 111 this sale 25c, and a pocket book FREE with every hat. 65 Boys’ Hats, sell everywhere at ;sc; yours for 50c. 10 dozen Boys’ Hats, “Reswoh Rambler;” comes in black, brown and nutria. Easily worth $1.25. This sale 89c. The largest and most complete lineof Men's and Boys’ Caps within fifty miles of Winder. Price ranges from 25c to St-75- For ten days only will this sale last. Come in and see the bargains. J. T. STRANGE & COMPANY. Leaders in Styles; Regulators and Controllers of Low Prices. toittkr tDcclilji joint in Winder. White men and boys, negro men and negro women congregated under the same roof and gulping down this damnable subterfuge for beer over the same counter. Were some of the well known pioneers of this town who used their every influence for the betterment of her citizenship and uplift of humanity to rise from l>e ncath the sod on nearby graves and witness the scene, they would prefer to return to their peaceful sleep on the bosom of mother earth. We want to say to the preachers and church members of this town, as well as to the city fathers, that where there is a will there is a way. If this establishment cannot be closed under the prohibition law, it oan be condemned as a public nuisance, and it is your duty to see that it is done. There has been such an atmos phere of quietness on the part of the authorities in reference to the near boor dive that the editor feels his loneliness keenly, and has to stamp his feet upon the floor while writing this article to keep them warm. Winder is a town of churches, preachers and church members. It is said the proprietors of the near beer dive are numbered among the latter. Therefore, we call upon Winder’s WINDER, JACKSON COUNTY, GEORGIA, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 12, 1908 preachers! We call upon Winder’s city fathers! We call upon Winder’s church members X We call upon Winder’s respected citizenry! Yea, last and best, we call upon the Christian mothers in this town to bring their influence to bear that the nefarious practice of soiling near beer to white men and boys, negro men and negro women on a prominent thoroughfare of this fair city be forever abolished! \ Off Clothing 2 Beginning Saturday Morning Nov. 14 For 10 days we offer more than 100 first-class men’s Suits at actual one-half price. These suits are made of all-wool —Cheviot, Thibet and Worsted. Sizes from 33 to 38, and Stouts from 36 to 44. These suits are one of a kind, and you certainly can find your number among them. This’is a big sacrifice of profits, but that’s our lookout, not vours ’ Just think-a $20.00 suit for $10.00; a $15.00 suit for $7.50; aslo.oo suit, $5.00; sß.sosuit, $4.25. Does this ring your No.? ~ CREDITABLE RECITAL. Music and Elocution Departments of Winder’s Public School Ren der Excellent Program. The recital given by the music and elocution departments of the Winder Public School, at the opera house Monday night, reflected much credit upon the teachers in charge. It is seldom that children of such tender years are so far advanced in music and expression as those com posing the evening’s program. Th£y rendered selections assigned them with credit to themselves and forci bly demonstrated the great care with which they arc being trained. Tableaux vivants, “The Last Itose of Summer,” song by Mrs. Mac Potts, was a beautiful and impres sive finale to the well rendered pro- gram. Winder has been exceedingly for tunate in the selection of teachers, and we congratulate Misses Ham and Dowdell upon this excellent demonstration of the fruits of their labors in these two departments of the school. The program follows: Piano Solo, Mazurka do Concert, Pessard —Annette Quillian. “Mamma’s Way” Louis e Strange. Piano Solo, Over the Hills, Orth —Mary Alice Strange, “Planted Himself to Crow " Reunette Woodruff. “The Mistake’’ —Sarah Chand ler. Piano Solo, Around vhe Mulberry Bush, Winthrop —Lena Jones “How He Won His Freedom”— Ab Quillian. “The Boy and His Bank”—Hor telle Hood. Piano Solo, The Merry War Waltz, Mavlath —Vella Mae Sharp ton. “The Lost Penny” Lourine Hood. “Miss Caterpillar'’ Eunice Crow. Piano Solo, Yalse, Tsehaikowski- Mirtv Meadow. “Her Name”-—Desma Elder. “The Sioux Chief’s Daughter” — Robbie Blasingame. Piano Solo, 11. Yalse Brilliantc, Godard —Louie Belle Brooks. “The Stolen Custard” Lois Williams. “Baby in Church” Montine Robinson. Piano Solo, Butterfly, Merkel — Nitroeris Robinson. “Mice at Play” —Willie Mae ShCats. Piano Solo, Frolic of the Butter ties, Bohm —Lillie Belle Robinson. Pantomime, “The Last Rose of Summer” —Twelve little girls. LOT 3004. - . „„ 18 Cravenette Rain Coats,black and gray mixtures. j 790 Cheap at SIO.OO. Yours for - - - CONCERT AT THE LYRIC. To Be Given by Local Talent Friday Night, Nov. 20th Proceeds Go to Winder Soldier Boys. A concert will lie given at the Lyric theater Friday night, No vember 20th, by local talent. The ladies who have the affair in charge are untiring in their efforts to put on a performance that will prove both pleasing and instructive The proceeds go to Winder’s mili tary company, and no doubt the opera house will be crowded on this occasion. The price of admission is 15 and 25 cents. Notice. The lucky number for the auto matic shotgun given away by Turner ’3 Pharmacy is 62. The one holding this number will please present same at once and get gun. LXCITLMEMT SUNDAY ALIERNOON. Large Mad-Dog Chased Through Slreets by Crowd of Men and Boys. A big red hound affected with rabies created consternation on our streets Sunday afternoon. After having bitten several dogs in the factory district the mad brute was chased through the heart of the city by some fifteen or twenty men and boys armed with clubs and guns. The chase continued lieyond the residence of Dr. J. W. Saunders before the dog was killed. Since the hound proved himself to l>e a real mad-,dog if has been re called by citizens that the same dog was engaged in a fierce fight with some of our town loafing canines Saturday afternoon. Asa precaution and protection to our citizens it would be well for the police to investigate and have the bitten dogs locked up until the (lun ger point is passed. An epidemic of this malady broke out in Elberton recently and one man died with hydrophobia as a result. The city council had the dogs of that town muzzled. This ordinance not having the desired effect, the officials Ordered all the dogs within the city limits killed. Should the attention of the own ers l>o called to the matter, we l>e lieve they will gladly muzzle the dogs bitten Sunday afternoon. WILL RUN SPECIAL. The Georgia Midland will run a -special train to Gainesville Sunday, November 22, to accommodate par ties wishing to attend the meeting of the North Georgia Conference of I the Methodist church, which will be in session in that city at that time. Train leaves Winder at 8:30 a. in. and returns late in the after noon. I * I j |l jljjk l { Wtf y COPYRIGHT, E. 4 i I*oß. ''"l NO 36