Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, November 12, 1908, Image 8

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PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. Bush Jackson visited re latives lx re Sunday. Mr. H. C. Collier was in our city Sunday. Miss Ora Leo ('amp .-|xnt Mon day in Aalanta. Miss J)ana Smith was the guest of friends in Atladta last wee k. j Mr. Harry Terry,of Athens, was a visitor te Winder last Sunelay. Mrs. J. C. DeLaparricre is visit ing her elaughtor in Hoschton. Miss I<*io Smith has been some what indisposed for several elays. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Bond visited the former's parents at Bogart Sun day. Mrs. S. T Ross is in Atlanta at ti nding the annual session of the MI. D. C. Home made e*andy will lx* sold at the Thanksgiving dinner and oyetcr suppe r. Mr. R. W. Smith, of Cartersville, was the guest of his brother, A. L. Smith, Sunday. It is not hard to plow when you use a genuine 01 iv< r. Smith Hard ware Cos. sells them. Don’t forget about that good cook stove which saves fuel. A ear load at Smith Hardware Cos. Birds fall lx fore a good shot gun. The best line ever shown in Winder at the Smith Hardware Cos. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. House left for Atlanta Monday, Mrs. House will remain there for several days. Messrs. Chester Cannon and Homer Smith, of the University, came down Saturday to visit home folks. Mr. J. W. Smith and wife, of Athens, will leave next Tuesday for Tampa, Fla., where they will spend the winter. Mrs. M. J. Griffeth, Miss Collie Saunders and Miss Cleo Bush at tended the flower show in Athens last week. Russell lodge, No 99, Knights of Pythias, has about completed all arrangements for a banquet to be given December sth. Mrs. Walter Wood left Wednes day for Atlanta to attend the meet ing of the United Daughters of the Confederacy which is now in session in that city. Miss Naomi McElreath.uf Carters ville, is the much admired guest of Miss Birdie Smith. She will visit Mrs. E. I). Wyley, of Monroe, before her return home. Don’t fail to read the menu for the Thanksgiving dinner, at Mrs. Young old stand, given by the ladies of the First Baptist church Nov. 20th, published elsewhere. The public is eordually invited to the turkey dinner which will be given by the ladies <>f the Baptist church. A ljsh pond will be run in connection with the dinner. For Sale —Three mules, 5 to 7 years old, new surrey, double har ms*, 2-horse wagon, farming tools, corn and fodder. Also pea hujler, | and would eell land —aKut 1001 ***■*•'■" u tfcmrl Rout,ti 2% f i NORTH GEORGIA OOMERENCE. Will Convene at Calnesville Novem her IBth, Bishop Hoss Presiding. The* North Georgia Conference will convene in the- city of Gaincs vi 11c on ne xt Wednesday, the' 18th. This is a large body, numliering some f'ur hundred preachers and • lelegiite s. It is one eif the largest conferences in America anJ trans acts a great amount of business. The; preachers from the charges make their annual reports to this hoely. The territory covered comprises about half of the state 1 . Atlanta, Augusta, Rome and other large cities anel towns are in the territeiry of this conference anel some of the ablest men in th<- south are; among its membe rs. Bishop E. E. lloss, of Tennessee, will preside, and upon him will dc volve the responsibility of assigning the preachers to their several fields of labor for another year. The indications are that the re ports made at the conference will show growth anel progress in the church during the year. Our district (the Gainesville) will she>w marked development. Near one thousand members have joined the churches e>f the district since last conference The financial showing will he good. It is Imped that Winder church will be found up abreast of the Exist. Rev. A. W.Quillian has Ex-en in charge of the church here for the past two years and the board of stewards and congregation has been highly pleased with his ministry. It is earnestly Imped by the many friends of he and his family here that the conference will see fit to return Rev. Quillian to this charge. Bee Lord is at hame this week with a full grown case of jaundice. Mrs. J. W. Carrington and son spent a few days this week in Clarksboro. Mr. and Mrs. 11. A. Carithers left Thursday for a ten days’ trip to St. Louis, Mo. Miss Emma Moore has been called to Comer to the bedside of her mother, who is very ill. Mr. J. T. Wayne, of Atlanta, is spending a few days with relatives and friends in this community. Mr. .1. E. Carrington, who was called to Winder by the death of his little nephew, Henry Lamar Roberts, has returned to his home in Bust wick. Mrs. W. H. Quartorman is in Ytlanta in attendance upon the sessions of the Daughters of the Confederacy. While there she will be the guest of Mrs. Gay, on Capitol avenue. For S..h —Three mules, 5 to 7 years old; new surrey, double har ness, 2-liorse wagon, farming tools, corn, and would sell land —about 100 acres. June H. Wood, Route 22 Winder, Ga. The late fall and low price of cotton is not going to keep Joe Saul from selling goods. He says they must go, if he has to give them away and pay the people to carry them home. Read what he says about knifing ladies cloaks in two. Dr. 8. S. Yrt awood was in Win i der the earlv part of the week- He ! was on his way from Atlanta, where !he has been in consultation with 1 Dr. Thrasher, of the Atlanta Medi can College. Ib'. Year wood is a Jackson county buy, but is now located at Campion, *i Walton countv,'where.he has an extensive j | THE MENU EOK THANKSGIVING DINNER Roast Turkey, with Dressing 1 lam ( hieken Salad Hot Biscuits (Vlcry Potato Chips Pickels Cranberry Sauce Cake Gelatin Coffee For 50 cents SUPPER Fried Oysters, with Coffee, 2do Stewed Oysters, with Coffee, ‘2sc Chocolate and Cake, l<Jc • Ham Sandwich, 10c Home-made Candies Cigars A fish pond will be on all day for the children. The public is invited. Remember the place —Mrs. Young’s old stand on Candler street, Novem ber 20th. J. T. Strange & Company, in this week’s issue are offering some spe cial bargains in clothing. They are supplying customers in Monroe and Loganville, reviving several or ders from these towns yesterday. Read what they have to say about cutting the prices of clothing in half. Cattle Suffering In the West. Verily the half is not told you! Have you an idea of the awfulness of the hunger and thirst endured? Our laws compel “feeding of cattle in winter” since Oklahoma became a State, hut have any of you an idea of the kind and quantity of the food provided? Last winter, 1 witnessed a “feeding.” For thous ands of cattle a small load, not sufficient to give each one a taste, and the hay was overripe, rotten, and as black as tar, smelling so musty that we could scarcely endure to stand there. Vet it would have caused you to weep had you seen those poor, starved cattle fight for it, and cry after the empty wagon, their hunger in no way satisfied, in this way the millionaire stock raiser defies the law. Another hint: When the “veal calves” are sent away, have any Eastern people any idea what the nursing mothers suffer? Do you know that the poor creatures endure agonies, and some times die, with the undrawn milk which cakes and quite frequently causes the loss of the organ by sloughing off? Did you think the cowboys milked the thousands of cows? Indeed you could not worse insult a cowboy than to ask him to milk one cow. “Cowmilker” is his favorite term of reproach for the settler. He would do without milk always, but never milk. You have not lain, as I have, awake for hours at night listening to the poor moth ers whose agony will not let them rest, or in winter, when the entire j herd wanders backward and for ward, crying, so they can be heard for miles night after night, from hunger. And this is yet only a ! hint of a condition which cannot be imagined by those who cannot see. —Dumb Animals. STATHAM AND ITS PEOPLE Wellt, lie election is over and the people will begetting Tatty, for the next four years at least Well, don't we like taffy anyway. Elder Bennie McDonald is in Fitzgerald attending the state con vention of the Christian church. Mr. and Mrs. David, of Mays | ville, were in the city last week i with relatives. Jack Bennett, civil engineer, of Jefferson, was'in the citv this week _ : doing some surveying. Miss Pauline McAdams is with relatives for a week’s stay in Bogart. Mr. W. H. Bedingfield, of Beth-j lehein, was in the city Tuesday! kinder prospecting around. was in the city Tuesday with her sister, Miss Claud. Miss Nell Carlton, of the State Normal, spent the week-end with Miss Annie May Perkins. Miss Martin,of the State Normal, spent the week-end with Miss Norma Booth. Miss Pearl Wilis, of Omer, was the guest of her cousin, Miss Zona Ross, Sunday. Miss Kate Billingsley has return ed to her home in Monroe, N. C-, after several weeks’ pleasant stay with relatives in the city. Miss Myrt Arnold, of Athens, was here Sunday with her parents. Mrs. J. W. Ware is spending the week in Athens with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Rylee were the guests of their daughter in Col bert Tuesday. Mrs. Brooks, of Macon, has re turned to her home after a few days’ pleasant stay in the city with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Rylee. Mr. Robert Aycock, after spend ing several weeks in the city with his parents, has returned to his station of duty at Charleston, S. C. Wesley Henry has been confined to his room for several days, blit is very much improved. Genial Jim O’Kelly, of Athens, was mingling with friends here Sunday. Mr. S. W. Arnold, of Winder, was in the city Wednesday on bus iness. LEBANON. Wednesday, November 4, at 1:30 o’clock, at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Hol liday, of this place, occured the marriage of Miss Clara Holliday to Mr. Fletcher Tuck, of Tuckston, Rev. John M. Bowden, of Augusta, performing the ceremony. It was a quiet home marriage, only a few relatives and friends of the contract ing parties being present. Thtr home was beautifully deeorate*d with ferns, chrysanthemums,bride’s roses, and vases of violets for the occassion. The bride is the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Holliday, and is a beautiful young woman and much admired by her many friends. The groom is a popular young farmer, of Clarke county, and is very prominent in his community. Mr. and Mrs. Tuck left immedi ately after the ceremony for Augusta and other points. We lift our hat to them with the hope that they may have a happy journey through life. Howard Jarrett, who has been with The Western Telephone Com pany for some years, spent a few days here recently with E. B. Mar tin and family. He left Tuesday to resume his work in Winston, N. C. Rev. G. D. Stone will preach his last s rmon at Lebanon next Sun d.iv before he goes to conference. Let everybody come out and hear him. We hope that he will be re- us by the North Georgia conference f'<>r 1904. He has been pastor here only one year and our I people are well pleased with him. Andrew and Miss Rebecca Guest, of Elder's Academy, spent last Sun day afternoon in our midst. Miss Lucille Wilhite, of Thytira, spent last Saturday and Sunday here as the guest of Miss Norma Martin. Mr. and Mrs. John Guest, of Wilks county, are- spending a few days here with relatives- J. M. Holliday deft Monday tor New Orleans to attend the Cotton ■Convention Nov. 11. Tax Collector's Third Round 1 will he at the following places for the purpose of collecting I State, Counfcv and School Taxes for year 1908: LAST ROUND. | Hitchcock's Store, Nov 1 <f, 9 to 10 a m Talmo, Nov 10, 11 ain to l p m Pendergrass. Nov. 10, 2 to 4 p m H. R. Niblaek’s. Nov. 10, at n’ght C. F. Evan’s Store, Nov. 17, 8 to 9 a m Gregory's Store. Nov. 17, 9 to 10 a m Braselton, Nov. 17, 11 a m to 1 p m Hoschton. Nov. 17, 1 to 8 p m Sell’s Store, Nov. 17, 4 to 5 p m Mulberry, Nov. 17, at night Winder, Nov. 18, 9 a m to 4 p m H. A. Hardigree’s, Nov. 18, at night Chandler’s Court Ground, Nov. 19, 8 to 9 a m Statham, Nov. 19, 10 a m to 1 p m W. Jack Jones, Nov. 19, 2 to 8 p m A. A. Jackson’s, Nov. 19, at night Shackelford’s Store, Nov. 20, 8 to 9 a m Archer’s Store. Nov. 20, 10 to 11 a m Clarksboro, Nov. 20, I to 2 p m J. P. Williamson’s Store, Nov. 20, 3 to 4 p m Center, Nov. 23, 10 to 12 a m Thurmond’s Gin, Nov. 23, 1 to 2 p m , 1 % Nicholson, Nov. 23, 3 to 4 p m Brockton, Nov. 23, 5 to (3 p m Apple Valley, Nov. 24, 8 to 9 a m Ingram’s Store, Nov. 24, 10 to 12 a in Harmony Grove Cotton Mills, Nov. 24, 1 to 2 p m Commerce, Nov. 24, 2 to 4 p ni Commerce, Nov. 25, 9 a m to 4 p m Miller’s Court Ground, Nov. 20, 9 to 10 a m Holly Spring, Nov. 20,11 to 12 a m Constantine, Nov. 20, 32 to 1 p m Diamond Hill, Nov. 26, 2 to 3 p m Maysville, Nov. 27, 8 to 11 a m Dry Pond, Nov. 27, 12 to 1 p m Head’s Store, Nov. 27, 1 to 2 p m Jefferson when not on rounds,j till books close on Dec. 19. W. T. Appleby, T. C. J. C. Administrator’s Sale. Georgia, Jackson County.—By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of said county, will be sold at public outcry on the first Tuesday in December, 1908, at the court house in said county, within the legal hours of sale, the following described property, to-wit: One bond for title, the property of L. L. Saunders, dee'd., given by Quarterman & Toole, for the consideration of $3,000, with in terest at 8 per cent from Dec. 14, 1907, in and to that tract or par cel of land lying in the state of Georgia, and Jackson county, in the 243d district, G. M., begin ning at a black gum on branch, thence running X. 7l E. 23 chs to a pine stake on the Georgia Mid land It. R., thence running N. 70 1-2 W. 28.50 chs to post oak, thence N. 10 \V. 10 chs to black gum on Cedar creek, thence up said creek to mouth of branch, thence up said branch to the be ginning corner, containing seven ty-five acres, more or less, and known as a part of the old home place of Randolph Wills, dec’d. This land is situated just outside of incorporate limits of Winder, Ga., on public road leading from Winder to Hosehton, and has one 4-room house, with good barn and outbuildings; also, one 2-room tenant house; has good pasture, is well waterd, and in high state of cultivation. Said land sold to pay tlie purchase money thereof and other debts of said deceased, and for distribution to the heirs. ’ Purchaser will get warranty deed from W. H. Quarterman and W. H. Toole of Winder, Ga- Terms cash. This Nov. 8. 1908. J. M. Saunders, Adtn’r. estate of L. L. Saunders, dec’d.