Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, November 19, 1908, Image 4

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WINDER WEEKLY NEWS T ...... pPublwlied Every Thursday Evening Kcww lYros. Editors and Proprietor 1 ? # *m - j&ulered at llie Postoftice at Winder, Ga., as Second Class Mail Matter. SUI ISC li 11 TI () X R A TES One N ear, - - - $1 .00 Six MontEn*, - * - 50 Months, - - iio Thursday, November 19, 1908. PEAGt AM) PI! STY. Good times in old Georgia — No other state can head her; Jack Frost on tin* hillsides, Field larks in the meadow. (.Jollier* strut the barnyards, lire r ’possum in the pen; A scent of sage and spnrerib* O’er hill and dell and glen. • Black men ’round the compile ThrowirF the red ears high, An' a callin' to < >l’ Missus For a plate o that chicken pie. TUt‘ hunters toot their eowhorns, Milkin’ the welkin ring; The parson's in the kitchen Atlnmipin’ hisliddlo strings. There’s music in the woodlands— N “ I'raitor' can prevail On us to leave the red hills An' hound dogs on a t rail! Senator Elkins denies the en gagement of his daughter to the Dago prince. The mills of the fends grind slow ly. and tie re are several people in Winder who would make ideal mil lers. Wt missed our guess last week when we said the pap os would he full of slush about Hurry Thaw and the Vanderbilt*. It is all alumt Anna (Jolt Id being tired of her new husband. A Missouri merchant says lie re ceived a wireless message from heaven telling him to sell his stock and become an evangelist. This reverse, the “show me’’ proposi tion. .§ • Gainesville is soon to have live The High School and Itiverside College will each puhiPh a paper. Evidently the people of that town believe in printers' ink. But why such a seatti rat ion? Members of the cabinet and justices of the supreme court of the United States sat. down to a banquet Tuesday at the white house with President Roosevelt and a number of labor loaders, but Sam Uompers was not invited. Famous Lookout Inn, on the crest of Lookout Mountain, near Chattanooga, Tenn., was burned to the ground Tuesday. The incline power-house was badly damaged and the trestle on the face of the bluff was ablaze for a considerable time. Judge Brand has railed the grand jury of (> winnett county to convene at Lawreneeville Monday, Deeepi ber 7th, for one day, to investigate charges of felony against two pris oner-, and to dispose of other mat ters which may lie submitted to them. There is a grievous mistake in the minds of our friends in the north, that Savannah, Augusta and Macon want to see corrected; and that is the idea that they are suburbs of Atlanta. —Elberton Star. And in the mean time Athens is flrow ;oil faster than either one of COUNCIL REVOKES LICENSE. In last week's issue of The News appeared a somewhat salty article iii re/eivnc< to the manner in which • ; !,iWn ;; At a meeting of council held Friday night that hotly revoked the license for the sale of near heer and all kindred drink?. The mayor tells us an ordinance was passed which forbids the sale of any leverage which contains al eohol, It was our intention to reproduce the ordinance a.? passed hy council, but we were not furnished with a copy in time for tin* publication of an article of such length. The ordinance passed hy council took effect Monday morning. There is now no near heer to be had in Winder. UP 10 Ml GRAND JURIES. Since the city fathers have issued the flat which appears in this issue of The News there has been much anxiety expressed hy some as to the outcome of the ordinance. Many citizen.? harken hack to the days of “The Fast Chance and its so-called white hops, just outside the city limits. They tell us how men were hauled into town in wagons, their throats cut from ear to ear, to he sewed up hy physi cian':. Well, if men wish to congregate lor the pm pose of carousal, we know no Fetter place to put them than in a ten-acre lot, where they can tight it out without endanger ing the lives of women and chil dren. • Then, too, we put great reliance in the good old counties of Jackson, Walton and (1 winnett. 'They were not whipped into line hy this near business, nut are prohibition coun of the old school, and their inhabi tants will go mighty slow in renting lands for such purposes. True, this state near-prohibition bill has left, us in the shadow. The line between intoxicants and non intoxicants is so dimly drawn that the chemists can scarcely trace it. There was no such condition dur ing county prohibition. The law was logical and practical. Sim plicity and clarity were its dis tinguishing marks. However that may. he, we opine that few men will l/m* brown-stone fronts by the running, of “speak: eusios’ 5 in the nho\’4j mentioned counties, for the grand juries will j tike small chances with any eon-: coction which makes drunk come. Atlanta now ealims F>thoo'\pop ulation. The next meeting of ti.e Hinted Daughters of the Confederacy will he held at Houston, Tex- A girl clerk in Kansas city put five bullets into the body of a negro who insulted her. The State Baptist Convention will meet in annual session at j Madison, Ha., Friday, November 27. | Taft will call a special session of congress soon after his inauguration to take up the matter of taiiff revision. Mrs. Susan E Burks, aged sixty vears, a deaf-mute, was run down and almost instantly killed at East Point Tuesday hy an Atlanta sub | urban trolley ear, Maybe those women suffragists : who voted for Taft think they were | the cause of hi? being elected. — El her ton Star. And what s in the think tank of the women who kissed Bryau. — Winder News. It s our private opinion that the tank was empty. —EUaerton Star. And here’s where we agree with V -V’-' **... ttrjj ,:t g, p, % .gr -A ijgfLo M-.t \ * ■ , FT. , v ' - w.' . This is no CUT-PRICE SALE, but goods must go at and below COST. I am going out of the mercantile business. Therefore, will self my entire stock at and below cost. Come and get a bargain. The good must go. The sale is on now, so don’t wait. J, W. Lyle, Winder, - Ga. NEWSPAPER SUPPORE. A newspapw, if it has any, brains, e< nseience and uinsele h ick j of it, must continually decide be-: tween doing its duty and injurirg its pocket. In any position hut that of an editor, the pulic is ab’e to separate the individual home from that of the collective citizen. But if an editor does not please them its at his pockets they aim. ii 1 Tims it is the n< wspapers learn who their friends are. The man wlioj reads the newspaper and admires it all tin* year around, yet gives hi* business support to some other con cern, is not a friend to the newspa per. Admiration alone will not run a newspaper. There are too many men who expect an editor to slave in defense of their pet notions and hobbies, advocate their views against the strongest opposition and coolly withhold the business sup port hy which alone a country newspaper ean live. Talk about a uew.qv per having a public duty to perform, and an editor having to work for his prin ciples is cheap, when others stand back and extend a lukewarm neu trality. The. result, is the "editor may starve while laboring for his principles and the cause of right nod justice, w hich they admire hut do not support. —Walton Tribune. ROWS AND CONVICTS. A I The Gwinnett Journal is advocat- | }ng the planing of convicts on tire ; public roads of tire county. May > The Journal succeed in convincing the people that there is no impo vi olent more greatly net-ded in this entire section than the building of; good roads. — Winder News. Wo advocate the placing of Coin victs on the roads because under the new law the. convicts can be move profitably employed and be-, cause this seems to be the only way to secure a system of roads in the county that the people need. Primarily good roads are what the I county needs. b> get them is, tin question. The Fitzgerald Enterprise is ad vocating a plan that looks feasible. The plan is this: Let the county secure a good farm anti place I enough convicts on the farm to raise j sufficient supplies to support the j eonvites working on the roads. , That s a good plan. commissioners face I We Save You Money on 0 I/LOWB We Guarantee Every MIDDLE BUSTER . We Sell Against < BREAKING OF STANDARDS. They are light and easy draft. The} TURN RED LAND. See the Plows and get our prices be fore you buv. ' WOODRUFF HARDWARE & MANUFACTURING Co.‘ WINDER, G A a big porposition.but they can solve, it with credit to themselves and profit to the county. —Gwinnett! Journal. PLEDGE TO THE SOL!EH. The south is a land that has known sorrow; it. is a land that has broken the ashen crust and moisten ed it with its tears: a land starred and riven by the plowshare of war, and billowed with the graves of her dead: but a laud or legend, a land <>f song, a land of hallowed and heroic memories- To that land every di% ~. Wood, ('very fibre of my being, every pulsation of my heart is con secrated forever. L was born of her womb: ! was nurtured at her brost, and when my, last hour shall come, I pary God that 1 may be pillowed upon her bosom and rocked in sleep within her tender and encircling arms. — Edward Ward Carmack. And so he sleeps. j|> The reason a man thinks ;j-'' a lot of money to !■ made i* prtain business is he isn't in/