Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, November 19, 1908, Image 6

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JOHNSON’S ACADEMY. Mrs. Ora McEltutnnon and Mins Bailie Patrick made a business trip to Statluim Monday. Miss Mary O'Shelds, of Winder, ha? l*cen spending the week with her brother, John O’Shiclds. Mr. W, A. Watson and family s|H-nt the week-end with relatives near Maysville. Mr. and Mrs. Fate .(ones, of Oak Grove, spent Sunday with* the latter’s mother, Mrs. Alice Patrick. Mrs. Will Wallace spent the week-end with her mother. Rev. F. K. Sea hum, of Pender grass, was the guest of Mr. .1. R. Johnson last week. Several from here attended the funeral of the infant of Mr. and Mrs. Hertnon Klnxl at I’ilienezer Mon day. They have our diepest. sym pathy. Little Nellie Maude Johnson is on the -it;k lid. Miss Jenie Jenkins, of near pM.garf, is ysiting her sister Mrs. Ida Itunngan. Mr. J. L. Gregory, of Jefferson, visited J. R. Johnson Bunda.v. Mr. and Mrs. Ue.nrv Fite visited the latter's parent#, Mr. nndJjMrs. George (iiiflin, Baturdav night and Bunday. Little (Veil Fulcher is inproving from hums. Walter Fulcher and Karlin Wil loughby attended preaching at Pen t< Ci>st Sunday. EASTVILLE. Farmer? are busy in 11ji-• ruction Mnviug grain. Mr. •Tnlni Rost wick and Mr. Rr~ noau, of Host wick, were in town Saturday. Messrs. .J. A. (’liristoplier and C. H. Bishop made a (lying visit to Bust wick Sunday. Mr. Krasins Sanders and Miss Willie Stewart were-married Sun day. School opened at this place Mon day with Miss Kllio Brad berry as teacher. Our Sunday .school is .still in a nourishing comliUon.. Mr. and Mrs. ,J. M. Austin and l>r. ('. 0. Middlebrooks took in tit • birthday dinner at .J. .J. White head sSunday. Mr. Uunaway Male >m spent Sun day in Bishop. Statham Comedy Company will play at the T O 0. F. lmll some time in the near future. 1C very hotly emne. We want to give them a royal welcome. Mr. Joe Saunders was in town Monday. Messrs. Frank Betts and George Scott, of Athens, were in town a siiort while Monday. Mr. W. W. Jordan made a Bus iness trip to Athens Monday. Mr. W 11 Johns n and wife were visitors at Kastville Saturday. The I. 0. O. F. lodge at. this place will have a public installation of oflleers on the second Saturday night in January. Also an oyster supper. All Odd Fellows and tln ir families arc cordially invited. JOIN THE LIFE BRIGADE! IT WILL help you to help yourelf. It will show yon the way to health and success. What more do you want? Membership soc a year includ ing 12 lessons and a useful present. Money back if you desire it. Particulars and lesson ioc. THE UtE BRIGADE. Ki.wkrtqn, Ga. The Meanest Man. “’Bout the meanest man in this here settlement,” says a rural ror respoudent of The Adams Enter prise, “is a feller you all know without me callin' his name. Last Bunday he was on his way to meet in’ when he hearn a hollerin’ dost to the roadside, an' on investigat in’ he discovered that tin hollerin’ was proceedin' from the preacher ( who had fell into a dry well, forty foot. deep. Now it so happened that it was the very day the preacher was to take up a Fig collection for the heathen, likewise to assist the new’ church lwll; an’ wh it do you reck on that mean man done? As soon as he was sure it was the preacher he driv’ on, never givin’ him no as sistance at all, an’ n *ver savin’ one Word 'bout it at media’ time. Rut as soon as the time was past for meet in' he led the way to whar the preacher was —still hollerin' —an’ made like he didn't know nothin’ ’tal bout his U in’ in I lie well. Uowsotncver, they found him out, an' when they had pullel the preacher out there was a sermon preached to that mean man that made the hereafter blaze?” Uneasy Lies Ihe Head. Snicker 1 dreamed last night that I was a millionaire. j Kicker —Well, I might as well have been one for all the sleep I | got Lir-t night. —Bohemian Maga-j I • 1 zinc. Administrator’s Sale. Georgia. Jackson County.—By virtue of an order of t ne Court of Ordinary of said county, will he M>ld at public out,err on the first Tuesday in Decernb* r, 1 DOS, t. the court bouse in said county, within the legal hours of sale, the following described property, to-wit: One bond for title, the property of L. L. Saunde’s. dee hi., given by Quartennaij <t Toole, for the consideration of $55,000, with in terest at 8 per cent, from Dec. 1 1, 1907, in and to that tract or par-' cel of land lying in the state of Georgia, and JacksofTcounty, ini the 245d district. G. M., begin ning at a black gum on branch, thence running N. 71 R. 25} chs to a pine stake on the Georgia Mid-; land li. JJ,, thence running N. J 70 1-2 W. 28.50 ebs to post oak,! lln ftce N. 16 VV. 16 ehs to black j gum on Cedar creek, thence upj said creek to mouth of branch, ' thonco up said branch to the be- j ginning corner, containing seven ty-live acres, more or. less, and known ns a part of the old home place of Randolph AVilia, dee’d. This land is situated just outside of incorporate limits of Winder, G., on public road leading from Winder to Hoschton, and has one 4-room house, w ith good barn and outbuildings: also, one 2-room tenant l ouse: lias good pasture, is well watord, and in high state of cultivation. Said land sold to pay the purchase money thereof and other debts of said deceased, umt for distribution to the heirs. Purchaser will get warranty deed from \V. H. Quarter man and W. H. Toole of Winder, Uft. Terms cash. This Nov. 55. 1608. J. M. Saunders, AdmT. estate ot L. L. launders, dee’d. A LETTER FROM NORTH CAROLINA Wnrrenton, N. C.—l was nearly ’dead with kidney affection for six months, growing worse all the time. My ease was hopeless—was unable to get about but little. I had tried everything with little benefit. I took three bottles of Stuart’s Buehu and Juniper and was perfectly cured. Am now well and all right. I owe my life to Stuart’s liuchu and Jhniper.—ll. T. Macon. If you suffer with backache, dull head ache, swollen feet, stiff joints, and have no energy and see imaginary specks in the uir, you have symptoms of kidney trouble. Stuart's Buehu nnd Juniper will relieve you. All druggists, SI.OO. Write for free sample. We will send enough to prove its wonderful merits. Stuart Drug Manufacturing Cos. ATLANTA, CA. MANY FARMERS w h y Not Y o u OFFICERS: DIRECTORS: \\ T ti 'mm r p,., i,.iif 8. Vi . ARNI>LD L. K. 5F.1.,. 'V ] L .' w. T. lll> BIN Si >N L. O. .BENTON , ! V Pro? k. BLASINGAMK J. B. WILLIAMS J. B. WILLIAM* l ■ A. 11. O'NEAL T. C. FLANIGAN W. L. JACKSON, Cashier. S. T. ROSS W. H. TOOLE. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WINDER. DON'T LET YOUR HOME BURN WITHOUT INSURANCE. WE OFFER THE BEST PROTECTION. Years of experience. Companies of Unquestionable strength. F. W. BONDURANT GENERAL AGENCY, WINDER, GEORGIA. | W. E. YOUNG, The Shingle Man, Dealer In •Lumber, Lime. SlHngle?. Brick, Hardware Cabinet Mantels DooVs, Sash, etc. Agent for the Celebrated Rubberette Roof inup. Warehouse on Candler Street. I o Special Sale. I will sell my entire stock of CUT GLASS at wholesale cost. Will also sail at greatly reduced prices, my Sterling and Plated Silverware. Now is the time to get your Christmas Presents. Come and see the great bargains I offer. . Next Door to Postoffice. Yours to serve, G. W. GORDON, THE JEWELER. • WINDER . GA. P. S.- REPAIR WORK A SPETIALTY. for Sale. Three mules, from 5 to 7 years old; new surrey, double harness. 2 horse wagon, farming tools, corn and fod der. Also pea huller, ami would sell land —about 100 acres. June H. Wood, K F. I>. 22, Winder, Cuv, \\ ould like to ke ?p an account of their receipts and expenditures if someone would keep it for them. Open a bank account with the First National 0 Bank and you will find the account keeps itself, . with no expense. Your checks are always • evidence of date and amount of all disbursements and your deposit book shows dates and amounts of your receipts. Many of your friends and neighbors have ac counts with us. WHY NOT YOU? Don't wait for a big scart -any amount offered, either large or small, is cheerfully accepted. It’s a handy convenience to the farmer as well as the busi ness man. ! WANTED. I ■ One Thousand Pairs Second I Hand Shoes in the next 60 1 Days. F. Hofmeister, WINDER, GA. W Winder Train Schedules GOOD INFORMATION. Arrival and Departure of Trains Eastern Time. Effective September 155, P,H)B. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. !•'ilo.M WLNIiKU, U.V., NORTH AND HAST No. 52, - - 10:01-5 a m No. 558, - - 10:28 p in SO['Tfl AXU WEST. * No. 41, - - 5:26 a m No. do, - - (>:->55 p m Attention is called to the fact that No. 552, which leave? Atlanta .12:20, Athens 2:18 p m. has a great cut in time to the east. This train now arrives Norfolk 8:10am. Richmond 5:40. am, Washington 8:50 am, New York 2:15 pin. Complete dining car service to N a w York with through sleeper. No. 5-{s> leaving Atlanta 4:45 p in. carries through sleeper to Bir mieghom and Memphis, and alt trains make good connection at Atlanta, Birmingham and Meni nhis for the west Gainesville Midland Rati wav SOUTH BOUND No. li —T.v 8:40 n. m. No. 13 —Lv. 55:25 p. m. No. 15— Lv. 10:555 a m ; Sunday only. NORTH BOUND No, 12 —Vt. 11 Alti m. No. 1 4 —Ai. 6:20 p m. No. 16—A*. 5:2-5 p m: Sun.onlv. No. 12 will run to Belmont iv gardlcps of No. 1:5. Yard limits at Winder are ex tended “south :, to St aboard Air Line junction- AH trains going tbrough Winder yard must be under full control. Notice To Debtors And Creditors. I ' Notice is hereby given all credit ors of the estate of L. E-. Saunders, late of Jackson county, deceased, to render in an account of their de mands properly authenticated. And all persons indebted to said deceased are requested to make immediate payment. This October 12, 1908. J. M. SAUNDERS, Administrator.