Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, November 26, 1908, Image 1

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VOL. XVI. “FOR LOVE OR MONEY” K Girls Witnessed l y e and Appreciative iudience. The play Friday night, g -en hy young ladies of Winder, was the roost thoroughly enjoyed perform ance which has bc%n presented here in many a day. The cast of characters seemed to have been specially written for those who assumed the roles, and the play, “For or Money,” was presented with a smoothness and enthusiasm which richly de served the great demonstrations of appreciation given by the large au dience. The musical features between the ' acts were excellent and added much to the evening’s entertainment. Those taking part in the play have been highly complimented, in dividually and collectively, many of their friends have request ed a reproduction of the entertain ment at an early date. The cast of characters in “For Love or Money” follows: Col. Van Triton, in the harassing of guardian —Miss Manche njtfttton. PJtobeit Aton, a modest, mis- Hpnderstood lover —Miss Ruth Ca- Prithers. 1 Harold Weston, a loyal friend — Miss Cleo Bush. Louise Herndon, seeking to be loved for herself —Miss Kathleen Cokers Miss Horton, Louise’s aunt, her cap set for the Col. —Miss Johnie Lou Smith. Mrs. Ambrose, with views for dor. Also pea huller, and would soli land —it limit 100 acres. Ju'ne H. Wood, R. F. D. 22, Winder, Ga. tUiw) er IWcclUn Kcws. WINDER, JACKSON COUNTY. GEORGIA. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1908 GUEST-CHEELY. Popular Young People of Jackscn County Married at Ltbanon. On Wednesday, November 18, at 4 o’clock'at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Lavendar, at Attica, occurred the marriage of Mr. Gor don Guest, of this place, and Miss Ruth Cheely, Rev. G. D. Stone per forming the ceremony in the pres ence of a large crowd of relatives and friends. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. L. M. Lavendar, and a young lady that is very fascinating and popu lar. The groom is the Second son of Mr. and Mrs. M. (f- Guest, a rising young man and farmer of this place. Immediately after the ceremony the bridal party left for the home of the groom at M.C. Guest’s. There they were tendered a grand recep tion. The table was beautifully decorated with chrysanthemums, violets and ferns and a course sup per . was served —ham, turkey, chicken, salad, cakes of many kinds and fruits. The home was beauti fully decorated with bamboo, holly and chryanthemums. During the evening the guests were highly en tertained with music by a string band and organ. At 10 o’clock the guests left for their respective homes unanimous in saying that Mr. and Mrs. Guegt wetc lovelely hosts. Both the bride and groom arc popular young people and we hope they will have a happy journey through life. Mrs. J. M. Fowler, of Carroll a few days here re- F. Hofmeister, WINDER. GA. POISONED AT HOSCHION. Families tat Pressed Meat and are Made Deathly Sick -Other Items of Interest. Last Monday Messrs. W. T. Shaw & Cos. bought some pressed meat from one of their customers- Mr. Shaw sent some of it to his house for dinner and sold some to other customers After the family had eaten the meat they became very sick. Mrs. W. T. Shaw was seri ously sick and sent to the school house for her daughter, Lola, who, when found, was prostrate and un conscious. The daughter was car ried home in this condition. In the meantime Mr, Shaw wa sending word to all who had bought any of the meat not to eat it, but when the news arrived at each place he found all who had eaten any of the meat in a serious condition. Every doctor was out of town. Dr. L. C. Allen was first to return at 7 p. m. He at once attended to all the sufferers and relieved them. Those poisoned were: Mrs. W. T. Shaw, Miss Lola Blalock, Charlie Appleby, colored; Ella Lyle and child, Canda Moore and child and Ves Moore. This meat no doubt was packed in old tinware or in some way be came contaminated with ptomaine poison. A sample of the meat will be sent to the State Chemist for anuiysa tion. All of the affected ones are now considered out of danger. OTHER HOBCHTON NEWS. School is progressing nicely. wa* in Winder J M. SAUNDfRST Administrator. WATER AND LIGHT COMMISSION. Council Selects Three Business Men to Control Waterworks System. The mayor and council at the last regular meeting, selected three ca pable citizens who will act as mem bers of the water and light commis sion of the city of Winder. The board is composed of the following: Mr. <’. M. Ferguson, selected for the three-year term; Mr. W. H. Toole, for the two-year term, and Mr. J. B. Williams, the member from council, to serve one year. The water and light- commission' has the power and authority to carry out all contracts made by the city of Winder for her system of waterworks and electric lights, and has entire control of the proceeds arising from the sale of bonds for that purpose. They have the man agement and control of the opera tion of the system and will make rules and regulations governing the same. •The commission will elect the su perintendent and engineer and will appoint such agents and servants as may be necessary. Council could not have selected three more thorough business men than the ones chosen, and it goes without saying that the city’s in terests will be well cared for under their guardianship. VIEWS Of A WINK RITE. It is strange, yet not surprising, to see how many of the best citi zens of this country have been smit ten with a form of insanity which they are unaware of in it’s truest sense. That is notoriety. It is more or less natural that a Gd that l*ody and brain, hut it will i out make them over for him. He j will still lx- subject to disease and PERSONAL MENTION. For Embroidery see Hodges & Cooper. Just think! sls 00 Suits for $9.00 at J. L. Saul’s. Enfbroidery sale now on at Hodges Si Cooper’s. For Sal —Good horse and buggy. See John B. Williams, Winder, Ga. Ask your noighljor about ns. J. L- Saul. The Misses Carithers spent Mon day in Atlanta. Dr. Allen, of Hosehton, was in Winder Monday. Remember we under sell all com* petitors J. L. Saul. $5.00 Cloaks at $2.90; SIO.OO Cloaks at $5.00 at J. I>. Saul’s. Mr Jackson Arnold, of Monroe, was here one day this week. t Miss Mattie Hammonds, of Ath ens, sp-nt Saturday and Sunday with friends. Mrs. Ed Jenninings, of Athens, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs- J. R. Cox. Our next car of hogs to arrive just after Christmas. Wait for them. Shoats & Patman. It is of interest to the public to know that R- L. Rogers will open a buggy business in Winder hy Jan uary Ist. A few of It. L. Rogers’ buggies have already arrived and it will be to your interest to see him lieforo you buy a bufgy. Mr. and Mrs. J- C. Phillipps and son, James, of Monroe, will spend Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs- Walter Jackson. traveling pas- tCH J TiTi 111 j > 'TXTTTIicrTv running a house letter than a man can run his business because they <b> it without a single theory. NO 38