Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, December 02, 1909, Image 1

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vol. xvii. LITHE LOCAL. For Rent —Nice store room. Sam Sharpton. Wanted —000 busheis eai corn. Sun Sharpton. For Sail* —One pony and buggy. Sam Sharpton. Peck of good coffee for SI.OO at Cooper Thomas’. Mr. Claud Mayne made a busi ness trip to Monroe Tuesday. We need your trade, and you need our goods* Smith Hardware Cos. Mrs. McGee, of Atlanta, is visit ing her mother, Mrs. Foy of this city. Good Flour, every sack guaran teed, at SO.OO barrel, at Cooper & Thomas’. Special Sale Prices continued on Men’s and Boys’ Clothing at Kilgore Kelly’s. Mr. A. A. Camp and family spent Sunday in Loganville, Mr. Camp’s old home. Miss Nell MeCants visited rela tives in Gainesville the latter part of last week. When you kill your hogs go to the Farmers’ Supply Coumpany and get your salt. So easy to ehange the color of vour irop bed with Enamel from Smith Hardware Cos. ’Phone No. 73 and tell us about your trip, guest or entertainment. We will appreciate it very much. The friends of Mr. and Mrs. \\ . E. Young are congratulate" them on the arrival of a sweet baby ghl. Mrs. E. I). Wiley and little son, Robert DeLain.vill return this week . from several week s stay in Atlanta* Dr. J. C. Daniel, of Stathnn, was circluating among bis m iny friends in Winder one day this week. Fat cows, lean cows, poor e<>ws, old cows and young cows, steers and yearlings* Segars A* Mills:ips, Winder, Ga. Miss Bessie Harrison, a popular teacher in the Winder High school, spent the week-end in Gainesville with her parents. Miss Liljje Brumby, who has been visiting her sister,.Mrs. W. H. Quarterman, has returned to her home in Flordia* The friends of Mr. A. D. Chand ler will be sorry to learn that he is confined to his home suffering from a complication of diseases. . Men! have you seen the many values which Kilgore Kelly are offering in Clothing? If not it is to your interest to see them. Mr. Bush Jackson, who last week "suffered a slighl paralitic stroke, is rapidly recovering. This will lie good news to Bush’s many friends. Don’t fail to hear the famous Manhattan quartet with the Arca dian Comedy Company. They have no equal anywhere. Seats on sale Friday morning at the Gem Grocery | Company, Listen Boys—We have the be s t line of Wagons, Velocipedes, Bi cycles, Rifles and Shot Guns ever shown in W inder. Don t fail to come to see us when in town. Smith Hardware Cos. The friends of Miss Fannie Slocum will be pleased to learn that she has returned from a sanitarium in Atlanta much improved in health. Miss Slocum is the sister of Mrs. W. A. Brooks. Messrs, Edward * and Garland Rolx*son spent Saturday and Sun day here with their parents, Prof. avid Mrs. E J. Robeson. Edward and Garland are students in the State University at Athens. The many friends of Mr. and Mi-. Gomez an* sympathizing with them in the loss of their nephew, Mr. John Id. Sargent, which oc curred at Mot Springs, Ark., Wed nesday morning, Dec. 1. Mr. Sar gent. visited Winder during the holidays last year and made many friends here who will learn with re gret of his untimely death. toin&cr tUccklii Actus. WINDER. JACKSON COUNTY. GEORGIA. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 2, 1909 v MISS WILLS THANKS HER LRIENDS. Mr. Editor: —Please allow me, through the columns of The Winder News, to extend my hearty thanks to those friends who so generously aided me in winning the capital prize in the contest inaugrated by vour paper. It is a real pleasure to know that my friends were so much interested in my success, which was shown by their cheerful manner of tendering their subscriptions, often voluntary, as well as their eongiatulations af terwards. 1 must here express my apprecia tion of the generous lady competi tors whose energy and hustle kept me busy for six weeks. I commend their spirit of rivalry while thank ing them for their courtesy toward me. I shall prize the piano as a memento of the good will and esteem of the friends who enabled me to win it, and will l>eever grateful to them. Thanking you, Mr. Editor, for this kindness and the many courte sies shown me during the contest, I am, Most respectfully, Susie Wills. AT THE LYRIC. Joshua Simpkins was the center of attraction in Winder Saturday night. This show is not new to this section. Those who remembered the former visit came again, and those who had never seen it, came to; thereby making a packed house. The plot of the storv was excellent and the superb acting made the oc casion very enjoyable- Following Josbutt was “The Waif of the Mines.” This was a western show of the best type. The lives and charac ters of people of that part of the country was illustrated in a very entertaining way. The story was gqod and each one carried out their parts in a very creditable way. The Lyric engagement gives each season better showN. If the town suppoits the shows, we would soon have good numbers each week. The best companies will not come here or go anywhere if the town has a reputation of not supporting them. The manager of the local play house in trying hard to bring a class of shows here that will please the public, and in doing so he asks the public for their support. For Salt —One pony and buggy. Sam Sharpton For Rent —Nice store room. Sam Sharpton. * Wanted —500 bushels ear corn. Sam Sharpton. Miss Edith Mayfield, of Monroe, was the guest last week of Miss Re ha Whitehead. Par-a-sit-i-cide cures itch in 30 .minutes. For sale by G. \\ • DeLa perriere, Windei, Ga. A good milch cow for sale cheap. See J- \\\ Thrasher, Judson .Jack son place, Route 22, \\ inder, Ga. $7.50 and SIO.OO Men’s Suits at Kilgore A Kellys for only SI.OB. See them and you yourself will he surprised to see such values. Miss Eul* -Mae Sharpton enter tained quite a number of her friends Tuesday evening at a birth day party. Tin- guests report a plea.-ant evening. Mrs. Walter Suddath entertained a number of young people at a candy-pulling Tuesday evening in hoi or of her guest, Miss Minnie Elder. All report a good time. THE ARCADIAN COMEDY CO. Will Present “The Elopers in Arcadia’’ Saturday Niqht. at the Eyrie, This company comes highly re commended as a clean, high class show, carrying twenty-five people, mostly gir's, giving a guaranteed attraction. What the Columbia State has to say: “The Arcadian Musical Comedy Company will close their week’s engagement here tonight, playing to packed houses every night. We hope they will play a return engagement Suon.” The Charlotte Observer says: ‘‘The Arcadian Musical Comedy Company has no equal. Manhat tan Quartette none better.’’ Seats on sale at the Gem Gro cery Cos. _______ Will THEY BE ASKED EO MOVE ON. Some weeks ago a little Chinaman arrived m Winder from San Fran cisco. He knocked at the door of Winder’s public school and was admitted. He was neat, clean and well behaved, hut he was a Chink. A howl was raised by some of the patrons of the school, and this Wr.ek the board of education instructed Superintendent Robeson to send the little Celestial home. We don’t question the wisdom or right of the lx>ard, and do not wish To be mis understood. For 20 years, in the ranks of organized labor, we have added our protest to others aeainst the admission of the Chinese, Japa nese and all the anarchistic riff-raff of Europe into this country. But what we can’t understand is this. The same men who shut the door of knowledge in the face of this lit tle Chink, cough up money every year to build school houses in China and send our best Puritan blood across the seas to educate them. When these Christian gentlemen reach the Glory Land and meet some of their converts of heathen lands, will they protest to St. Peter for the Chinks to move on? THEY GET ’EM ANYWAY. Winder and the Woodruff Hard ware and Manufacturing Cos. are say closely associated and so well known that it is unnecessary to write the name of the state when addressing letters to that firm. Woodruff- Winder, or Winder-Woodruff, and the letter comes along at double quick time. One came in this week from Copperhill, Tenn., just ad dressed Woodruff Hardware Comp any, Winder. And all this is brought about by printer’s ink. WANTED. Fat cows, lean cows, poor cows, old cows and voung cows,steers and yearlings. Sugars A Milisaps,Win der, Ga. REAL ESTATE EOR SALE. One f>-room house, East Broad street. One 5-room house, Athens street. 51 acres land inside city limits. Terms easy. E. Llovij Thomas. LOS I One childs’ redjcloak on Jefferson- Winder road between Dave Ihomas’ and J. .J. Fosters. Finder please return to A. J. Seymore and receive reward. WHO THE WINNERS ARE. A Pen Picture of the Girls Who Mode the Contest a Success. Miss Susie Wills winner of the capital prize, is the daughter of Mr. W. 0. Wills, of Jefferson. Her mother Indore marriage was was Miss Fannie Holliday. These two families are among those class ed as pioneer families of .Jackson county. When Miss Susie was a small girl Mr. Wills moved from his farm near Lebanon church to Jefferson to educate his children. Miss Susie has the distinction of having received a diploma from Martin Institute Indore she was six teen years of age, also of having taken a diploma at the Athens Busi ness college in the minimum limit of time. She has been recording clerk for tin' ordinary of Jackson county for three or four years, where the rec ords she has made challenge any made liefore or that may come after for neatness, correctness and lf'gi bility. She also acts as stenogra pher of the city court of Jefferson. The result of the contest, shows that she has a host of friends to (jongratulate her on her success. Miss Bertie Sigman winner of the buggy, is the second daughter of Mr. W. W. Sigman, of Gwinnett county, who lives a few miles above Winder. At the age of sixteen she graduated from a high sohool in Alabama. Deciding to teach school she stAYAxI examination and was granted a lirst grade license at the age of seventeen. She is popular and has my friemls. As evidence of the esteem in which she is held as a teacher we need only say that she has been teaching at the same place for four years, wliere she is layvcal as a teacher uhal admired by all fA>r her many womanly graces. Handicapped as she was by her alu ties in the scliayol room during a part >f the contest, she and her friends are to l)e.<'Amgmtulated on the excellent slewing made. Miss Roxie Robinson, win* cap tured third prize, is the ehlest daughter of Mr. .h>hn A. Robinson, of near Winder. She is passionate ly fond of music, and has taught several classes. She is the organ is at Nazareth PrAYtestant Methodist church, where her father is super intendent of the Sunday school. She is a neiee of Mr. \V . T. Robinson, the furniture man, of this city, and of Rev. H. N. Rainey, of Jackson county and Winder. She is a girl of many lovely traits of character® When one rememl>erß that she and Miss Sigman are neighlxn-s, and both popular, she is to be congratu lated upon the excellent vote she received. Miss Salim Pendergrass, winner of tin* diamond ring, is a valued teacher in Perry.Rainey Institute, and is admired and beloved by a host of friends. She Sh related to the well known family by that name residing in Jefferson. NOTICE. Owing to ill health I am closing up my affairs, and this is to notify all parties indebted to me either by note or account that I must have an immediate settlement. ou can find your note or aecaunt either at my place of business or at Smith it Caritljers Bank. Yours respectfully, A. D. Chandler. LADIES, LADIES, IADIES! A nice brand new line of fancy work goods, pillow tops, pillow cords, pin cushions,and many other such goods just received for Christ mas gifts at Kilgore & Kelly’s. • A SIGN OE PROSPERITY" All day Saturdry the streets of Winder were crowded. People from several miles in the country, visitors from other towns and home people. There is no letter proof of the popularity and prosper*v of a young city than to see her streets crowded with people hungry for the goods that have been laid in store for them. It is a high compliment to the town and (‘specially to the mer chants to have customers who live ✓ near other towns or even in them come here to do their shopping. It depends largely on the im pression you make on a man whether he will come hack or not* With the close of each year count less families move near Winder to take the place of those who have moved out,and naturally they come here first to do their trading and if pleased they will continue to do so, but if they are met indifferently, they are apt to go somewhere else, not only with their money, but with their influence as well. However small their influence may he, it will all help to make Winder. It is Winder's misfortune to le situated in three counties, thereby making her rather weak poltitcally, but if we win the stamp of ap proval of the people in her im mediate vicinity, we cannot help being benefited. Winder’s citizenry is composed of intelligent, thrifty and congenial people, and with this combination/ Irer success is sure. Grab a peg, Lx>ys, and help push. BIRTHDAY PARTY. A pretty event of Tuesday even ing was t\t birthday party at which Miss Emma Ola Heed entertained about twenty of her schoolmates. The house was decorated in foli age plants and cut fiowers, artisti cally arranged in all the rooms. . Mapy enjoyable, sames were play cdj after whicK they'were ushered in the dining room to a table laden with fruit, where a salad course and dainty refreshments were served. The hostess was assisted in enter taining by Mrs Jennings and Miss Iveila O’Neal. At a late hour the guest departed, each wishing the hostess many pleas ant. birthdays. WILD HORSE HAS HIS PUN. Broad street witnessed a few ex citing moments Monday aftermxm when a restless horse quit his post in front of Turner’s Pharmacy. There happened to be no one in the hugg.v at the time and old George had it all by himself down Broad to Bush’s lower corner and up by the S. A- L. depot. But here his gay run and play fulness ended, as someone halted him. He became a little too gay in his chase and it was discovered that he hail broken one of the shafts and also badly torn his harness. And still more, when his rocky path was retraced it was also found that he hud thoughtlessly run into a com rade by the wayside and had spilled a sewing machine, leaving it a hope less wreck. After a few hours of recreation, he was redressed, hitched up and his master drove out of town as happy as a lark. CLOTHING, CLOTHING, CLOTHING! The greatest cut price clothing sa'f ever yet seen in Winder, $12.50 Suits $0.05, SIO.OO Suits now $1 1)8 at Kilgore Kelly’s. You should not mis-i this great onnnr* unity to save money on your fall suit. NO. 2aZ