Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, December 09, 1909, Image 6

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DOING THEIR DOTY. Scores of Winder Readers Are Learn* inq the Duty of Ihe Kidneys. To filter the blood is the kid neys’ duty. When they fail to do this the kidneyß are sick. Backache and many kidney ills follows; Urinary trouble, diabetes. Doan’s Kidney Pills cure them all. Winder people endorse our claim. Mrs. May Findley,Factory* Ili’l, Winder, Ga., says: “1 gladly endorse Doan’s Kidney Pills, for 1 consider them a sure cure b>r kidney trouble. When 1 first be gan using them, 1 was firmly in tin* grasp of this complaint. My kidneys were so weak that my rest was often disturbed. Besides this I hud much pain in the small of my hack and sometimes arose in the morning so lame and still' that, I could lninfly get about. Doan’sKidneyPille which 1 bought at Turner’s Pharmacy helped me at once. I continued their use and steadily improved until at the present time, I am not both ered in the leant by my kidneys.” For sale by all dealers.. Price SO cent*. Foster-Milburu Cos r New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name—Doan’s —and take no other. THE WINNERS. Committee of Awards in Agricultur al Display Name Success ful Competitors. We, the undersigned, having been appointed to make the awards m the Ninth District Agricultural con tests, after having carefully examin ed the records of each and every county exhibit, beg to report the following: Premiums awarded in Gwinnett, Hall, Jackson, Forsyth, Milton, Cherokee, Banks, Habersham and Stephens: For the heaviest 25 ears grown on lx>ttom land —One 1-horse White Hickory Wagon, J. W. Peyton, Cornelia, Ga; weight 30 pounds 12 ounces. For the second heaviest 25 ears of corn grown on bottom land — One Walker Cultivator, T. J. Car penter, of Cherokee county, wt ight 39 pounds 1 ounces. For the heaviest 25 ears of corn grown on upland —One 2-horse Hackney Wagon, C. 11. Porter, of Stephens county, weight 10 pounds 4 ounces- For the second heaviest 25 care of corn grown on upland —One 2- houre Disc Plow, W. S. Grisley, of Milton county, weight 3S pounds 8 ounces. For the stalk of cotton tearing the greatest nuinl>er of bolls —One Disc Plow, 'l'. K. MayHekl, of Mil ton county, 427 holls. For the second stalk of cotton hearing the greatest number of holls —One 2-horse Turn Plow, .1. S. Soshee, of Jackson county, 201 holls. For the heaviest Pumpkin —One Walker 2-horse PI >\v Stock, W. R. Brogdon, of Gwinnett county, 110 pounds. For the heaviest Apph —One Walker Middle Buster, tie between (>. 11. Fowler, of Forsyth countv, and J. F. Jamison, of Milton coun ty, weight Id ounces. For the heaviest Turnip —One WalkcrJSpring Tooth Harrow It. 0. Bell, of Cherokee county, weight 5 pounds 12 ounces. Fhr the heaviest ear of corn — Five dollars in gold, offered by Thomas M. Bell, Gainesville, Ga-, tie between Henry Cagle and W. L. Fowler, of Cherokee county, and It. 11. Cates, of Gwinnett county, Weigh 1 2 pounds. For the second heaviest ear of corn —One Simmons' Middle Bus ter —tie between W. M. Pinson, of Hull county, and W. J. Bowen, of Milton county, weight 1 pound 15 ounce*. For the heaviest ear <>f corn grown in the Ninth District —One White St a r Buggy, it. D. Stricklnd, of Forsyth county, weight 2 pounds 3 ounces. For the heaviest sweet potato grown in the Ninth District —One Avery High Grfide Steel Walking Plow, F. M. Howell, of Cherokee county, weight 10 pounds 2 ounces. For the heaviest Irish Potato grown in the Ninth District —One Buchanan Disc Plow, S. B. Logan, Ga-, weight 2 pounds 1 1-2 ounces. On account of the provision in the contest that ‘‘no exhibitor tak ing a prize on one product will lx* entitled to a second prize on the same product,” it will be necessary to readjust the county premiums in some instances before delivery can l>e made of all the above pre miums. J. B. Muni>y, W. C- Thomas, B. H. Whelchkl, Committee. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE. Athens Business College, Athens, Ga., on January Ist, 1910, our •45.00 scholarships will Ire advanced to $50.00. Our $85.00 combined course scholarships will be advanced to $95. This advance is to be made from the fact that wc are adding to our course of study a number of new and modern features of busi ness office training. Our course has always been thorough and far more complete than that of any other commercial school, but busi ness methods are advancing. The recent panic has driven business con cerns to more. rigid met hods of ac counting and transacting of office work; their demands are moie ex acting upon the stenographer and bookkeeper. In order to meet this demand and in order to give every student thorough trailing on the various office appliances, we will advance our tuition as stated above. We feel safe in saying that each and every student will l>e delighted with the advance in the course of study, and will readilv admit it is the cheapest $5.00 worth of educa tion ever obtained, and in no case would he taki SIO.OO for this work that has been added to our course. But very, very few commercial schools are teaching the use of the modern filing devices, mimeograph, niultigraph, adding machine, and similar modern office applianaees, and those that are teaching them charge the student extra for each machine. We make no extra charge. ITT HATES. Don’t he trapped by tin* cut rate school. The one that advertises a SSO course a part of the year and the other part makes a special rate of $25. Attend the school that has but one price and gives you your money's worth, give you one hundred cents on the dollar. The old saying that you cannot get some thing for nothing is quite true. It pays to attend a school with a repu tation, one that absolutely guaran tees to feach you in a given length of time and will then place you in a good position without extra charge, a school that is recognized among business men as being run on sound business principles. For full par ticulars, ’phone or write us at our expense. Athens Business College, Athens, Ga. Teacher (testing the knowledge of a class on the value of coins) — “Well, what is that?” Johnnie —“Heads, sir!” PROFESSIONAL CAROS LEWIS C. BUSSELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Winder. Ga. Offices over First National Bank. G. A. JOHNS. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Winder. Ga. Office over Smith & Carithers" Panic Practice in State and U. S. Courts. J. F. HOLMES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, St at ham, Ga. Criminal and Commercial Law a Specialty. W.H.QUARTERNAN ATTORNEY AT LAW Winder, Ga. Practice in all the courts Commercial law* a specialty. W. L. DeLaPERRIKRK DENTAL SURGERY. Winder - - Georgia Fillings, Bridge and Plate-work done in most scientific and satis factory way. Offices on Broad St. SPURGEON WILLIAMS DENTIST, Winder ... Georgia Offices over Smith & Carithers bank;. All work done satisfae? borily, Phone 81- DR. S. T. ROSS* PHYSICIAN and surgeon, Winder, Ga. Offices over First National Bank. EDMOND F. SAXON, M. D. WINDER, GA. Office over Turner’s Pharmacy. Residence on Broad St. ’Phone 116. Attend all calls day or night. DR. R. P. ADAMS, BETHLEHEM, GA. General Practice. Telephone. Office Hours—7 to 9a m; 7 to, 9 pm. - ' 'A ALLEN’S ART STUDIO. All kinds of Photographs made by latest methods. All work an d promptly. Office on Candler St., Winder Ga CHILDREN —AT THE— “Awkward Age?” STILL WE CAN MAKE PRETTY GOOD . . . Photographs of them. And you know you’d like to have the pic tures to send away, and some to keep for yourself. Bring the children in, and let us show you what we can do. ALLEN ART STUDIO WINDER, GA. Schedule Seaboard Air line EASTWARD. No. 52—For local stations, Mon roe and Columbus... 9:45 a m No. 32—For Norfolk, Washing ton and New York... 1:52 p m No. 58 —For local stations to Athens 7:32 p m No. 36—For local stations north of Athens, Richmond and East 12:11 a m westward. No. 37— For Atlanta, Birming ham and west 5:23 a nr, No. 57—For local stations and Atlanta 7:45 a m No. 33—For Atlanta. Birming ham, Memphis and West 3:12 p m No. 53—For Atlanta and west 6:18 p m These arrivals and departures are given as information and are not guar anteed. 10 Per Cent. Saved on Plows ■w*n *sjßnrin , imiaßJMnaMnaaßnb j ———■WK ■ii ■nn mi ■■■■■■ i ■ ■i■■■ ■ii > WOODRUFFS •v* rjw - or. nunrjMim TJiarjronjjrr mr mi ti— ii ii ■> aLv. ■■■ hwwi—wqi WE ARE HEADQUARTERS for Plows, and mean just what we say when we say we can save you 10 per cent, on your Plows. We have the goods, and we are willing to make the prices: Small one-horse Chilled Plow - & 4 00 Large one-horse Chilled Plow 4 50 Small two-horse Chilled Plow 6 00 Regular two-borse Chilled P10w... .. 7 50 K'xjtra large twe-horse Chilled. Plow - 8 00 , Best Chilled Middle Breakers ? 50 Steel Middle Breakers .fr 9 00 Large Steel Middle Breakers 10 00 Chattanooga Rtversible Disc Plows 33 0Q Avery Reversible Disc Plows 33 00 John Deer Stalk Cutters 28 00 We affirm that the above prices are 10 per cent, under what others get for similar goods. Come while they last, and save money. Woodruff Hardware and Manufacturing Cos. WINDER. QA. ANNOUNCEMENT. ®I beg to inform my friends and the public that I have secured the agency for tne celebrated HUB BRAND SHOES For Men, Ladies and Children. Before buying your shoes call and inspect my line. I wiU save vou money and sell you better shoes. F. HOFMEISTER, Winder. Ga. > SfIEfeSRAgJ. I CL df ill MG \ II Every suit of “Shield Brand" Clothing bears two ill “Shield” labels. These labels represent an ironclad lip l guarantee that you are receiving full measure of value. i|j This method of distinguishing “Shield Brand” ; n Clothing from inferior grades, eliminates ] 111 possibility of deception or juggling of prices. GJL 111 There are only seven prices on “Shield \\\ Brand” suits within the range of $lO the /// l\ lowest, S2O the highest. V/ (yll % One of the “Shield” price cards with // I W\ I m the word “guaranteed” at the top, is Hi- V i attached to the coat sleeve, also a %\ Y “Shield” label will be found ifKbi inside the collar. These labels , identify the superior quality r J J % displayed in “Shield Brand” 1 -W w. Clothing, from inferior grades. x V — s \ GUARANTEED A\\ X |S%t /W \\ \ i the Übl|- J All genuine \\ N that is sewed 1 garment e?ther 1 k\ \ ! inside of the coat Y ClJpHrNfi / men's, youths’ or fj | \\ L. F. SELL, Hoschton, Ga