Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, December 09, 1909, Image 7

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JUST A FEW WORDS. Have you as yet bought your Fall and Winter Wearables? If you have not, don’t delay, but come here and let us show you how much money we can save you on your purchases. Beginning today and continuing until Christmas, we offer the following greatly reduced prices: . S3 l /s Off on ail Clothing. 33V3 Off on all Ladies' Suits. 50 % Off on ail Laddies’ Jackets. 50 “ Off on all Men's Overcoats. Every article in this store is marked lower than any store elsewhere, and we guarantee every purchase. Remember our prices are lower than the lowest. Quality good as the best. Yours for business, H. MENDEL & COMPANY, Winder, Georgia. Neadq jarters for FIREWORKS 1 have on hand FIREWORKS of all kinds. Cali on me- Your wants can be supplied at honest prices. J. J. FOSTER, Pea Hill, on Winder-Jefferson Road. WINDER LUMBER CO. WINDER , GEORGIA. Phone 47. ' Its an old adage which advises that we should never bet with a man at his own game, and yet Judge Newt Morris is indulging in a game of cards—writing with little Joe. If he gets forgiveness ke’ll never do it again.—Commerce .News. DECORATING FOR XMAS sh mid include touching up the woo'd work and freshening up the hous for Yuletide festivies with the Kherson paints. You will find that these paints are the most convenient and economical way of keeping your hvgeniCjfreih and wholesome. When your painted wood work, walls, floor or house needs retouching try the Kherson’s paints. It seems that Tom Watson and the editor of the Farmers Union News are at outs. Never have thought much of that man Duck worth, and if he attempts to lead the farmers’ union off after the ship subsidy steal, good-bye to the farmers union. It will go glimmer ing.—Dublin Dispatch. ELDER'S ACADEMY. One of the Latest events at this end of the lire was the uniting in marriage of Mrs. Nora Freeman, of this place, and Mr. Marcus M. Dodd, of Prospect church, last Sun day, at l:dO o’clock, at the hos pitable home of her parents, Mr and Mrs. E- J. Freeman, in the presence of a large number of rela tives and admiring friends. As they stood beneath a horse-shoe arch in the parlor, Rev. R-N. Abra ham, of Jefferson, in a beautiful and impressive ceremony, pro nounced them man and wife. Miss Nora is the second daughter of Mr. L. J. Freeman and a pretty young woman with many noble traits of character, while Mr. Dodd is a rising young man and prosper ous farmer. \Ye lift our hats and extend our hand to them with the hope that they may have a happy vovage through life. The presents were many and beautiful and attested the popu larity of this young couple. The Editor’s Grouch. The automobile is a large iron and rubber contrivance for trans forming gasoline into speed, luxury, excitement and obituaries. It con sists of a handsome leather uphol stered carriage U>dv mounted on fat rubber wheels, and contains a giz zard full of machinery suffering from various ailments. It is the speediest and most stylish form of transportation known. It has run lfX> miles an hour and costs SI,(XX) a minute. It can transport seven people from the front porch to the police station, the bankruptcy court or the golden gates in less time than any other method. —Bremen Gate* way. This is straight talk right from the shoulder and we make good every assertion. All we ask is that these of you who have not made your purchases, don’t fail to come here and see our goods and get our prices, as we have marked everything down to the very bottom. MRS. W. L. JACKSON ENTERTAINS. Mrs. Walter Jackson was a charm ing hostess of the Young Matron’s Club recently in honor of Miss Ellen Eaunius, of Monroe,who was the at tractive guest of Miss Ethel Jack son. The lower floor was thrown open to the guest, and was artistically decorated with tall vaees of white and yellow chrysanthemums and quani tie’s of holly ar.d autumn leaves Several games were engaged in during the afternoon. Mrs. T. A. Maynard, making highest score, re ceived a beautiful hand-painted bon bon dish, while Miss Eaunius, the guest of honor, received a beautiful lace collar. After the games a delicious menu was served in courses. Those invi ted not members of the Huh were. l\fisses Ellen Eaunius, Ethel Jack son, Cleo Rush, Ora Eee Camp, Anna Cook, Tavie Mathews, Reha Whitehead and Mrs. Clara Jones. HOSCHTON. Some men can’t make good even with free raw material. Mr- Guy Roberts and wife, of Pendergrass, were in town Sunday. Several from Wind* r were up Sunday in their horseless buggies. We regret to loose Mr. and Mrs. B. F- Young from our town, our loss is Gainesville’s gain. Rev. .J. F. Davis filled his first appointment at the Methodist church Sunday. The farmers around here are sow ing more grain than common this year. Give a woman plenty of rope and she will hang her washing on it. Rev. .J. C. Forrester filled his appointments at Oxford and Sardis last week. W. 11. Craig, of Gainesville, was visiting here Sunday. • OUR BEST ADDS Are never printed in the news papers. Do you know where our best advertising is done? In the store. This telling you about things is all right, maybe, hut it isn’t half as satisfactory as bringing you face face to with your requirements. Showing you is our favorite method. There is no talk that can he half as compelling as the goods themselvs. Here is the best of furniture at it’s l-st. Our confidence comes from ;i knowledgs of what’s what, in furni ture and the way our stock stands today we can truthfully say that we never asked anybody to view an assortment that was quite as worthy* You ar<- invited. Come. W. T. Rohixsox. For Sale! On tl 10 premises, seven miles from W inder and Jefferson, Mon day, December 20th, I will soli to the highest bidder. Five mules, two young Red .Jacket horses, corn, fodder, wagons and even thing kept on a first-class farm. Terms made known day of sale. W. J. Cou.i.vs, Jefferson, (la., Route 2. NOTICE. Owing to ill health T am closing up my affairs, and this is to notify all parties indebted to me either by note or account that I must have an immediate settlement. You can find your note or account either at my place of business or at Smith <t Carithers Rank. Yours respectfully, A. D. Chandler. Pope Brown says llatly he will not lie in the race for governor year. Well, who said he would?"** Oglethorpe Echo.