Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, December 16, 1909, Image 1

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16 Pages Ist Section J||i ' VOL. XVII. AT THE BAPTIST CHURCH. Dr. Brown to Organize a Chorus Gfes -Also Sunday School Class V. for Toon:} tfen. The pastor, Dr. Lister A. Brown, will preach next Sunday in the morning on “Dry Bon<*s” and in evening the subject will be “The Pass Over.’’ A song and prayer services will he conducted in con nection with the night service. Every one is invited to come and take part in the services. The first of January Dr. Brown, who is both a music composer and publisher, and has Conducted music in large Colleges, universities and religious gatherings north and south, will organize a chorus class in the Baptist church. This class will a week for the study and practice of Anthems and other such music. Voice culture and theory of music will be treated so far as time will permit. There|will be no charge except for books. Eve.y one, regardless of faith or. denomi nation, is invited to join this music club provided he means business, wdi attend and practice. M rs. L. A. Brown will assist Dr Brown and the class. Mrs. Brown was trained in the Peabody conservatory of musie, Baltimore, Md., which is one of the largest music school in Ameri ca. She is said to lie a very fine perHrmer on piano and pipe organ, besmes being a good singer, and has leen a very successful 'teacher for the past eight years. On next Sunday at Sunday school a class for young men will be or ganized and every young m in who attends this church, or who de-dres Jp attend it, will please lie present at 10:30 a. m. It is the desire of the superintendent that you help organize this class and become a part of ib_ __ 4 ; A KNIGHT FOR A DAY" Among the gay levies of good looking femininity accredited to the chorus ranks of the musical gaiety “A Knight For A Day/’ to be seen here at the Lyric Theater on Wed nesday Dec. 22. are: The Sweet Girl Graduates, the Corsican Belles; The Grand Opera Priina Donnas, and The Candler Light Girls. The last ensemble is said to la* a striking effect, suggesting something of the effect of an illuminated Rembrandt Jjfcnorama. The girls are presented before a scarlet curtain, all lights of tJilftlieatre being reduced until the curtain is fairly in shadow. In single file, the girls appear from the wings and cross the stage in front of the curtain, their nether portions lost in blockness and their faces brought into striking relief by tiny lights in the shape of roses .that they carry, which they switch off and on with fairy-like effect. This i* (B. C. Whitney’s stupenduous production, under direction of Ben Falk, which played New York this season. MASONS ELECT OfNGERS. The Masonic lodge of this place met Friday night.and elected the following officers: G. W. Woodruff, W. >r.; L. S. Radford, S. W.; W.M. H olsen beck, J. W.; W. T. Robinson, b. D.; C. C. Gregorey; J. D.; L. A. House, Treasurer; R- D Moore, Sec.; J. N. Vonderleith, S. S.; C. O. Nib- S.; A. V. Eavenson. tvler. tOeehtji MAY RUN FOR SHERIFF OT JACKSON The friends of Mr- J. M Ross, of ('handler’s distreit, are urging him to make the race for sheriff of Jack son county. Mr. Ross is well and favorably known all over the coun ty, and should he decide to yield to the wishes of his friends he would receive, no doubt, warm and hearty support. When seen by a News manand asked concerning the rumor of his candidacy, ho said: “It is true 1 have been impor tuned by ni} r friends from all sec tions of Jackson to make the race for sheriff. lam not at this time a candidate. ft is rather early to say just what I may do. I have an ambition to serve the voters of Jackson as sheriff some day. Should I decide to run I will let my friends know in plenty of time.” FELKER-WARE A wedding of much interest to their Winder friends was that which occurred in Monroe yester day at the First Methodist church, when Miss Clare Felker, of that city, and Mr. Clarence R. Ware, of Lewrenceville, were united in mar riage by Rev. J. M. Eaks, of Sparta. Mrs. Ware is the doughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Waltor Felker, and, as Miss Felker, was one of Monroe’s most popular young wo men. Mr. Ware is the popular county school commissioner of Gwinnett, and has a host of friends here and elsewhere who congratulate him upon winning such a lovely and accomplished woman fora life com panion. CHANDLED-BECKUM. On Thursday eveneng, at the home of the bride near Bethlehem, Miss Lora Chandler and L. M.Beck um were united in the holy bonds of wedlock. Mrs. Beck urn is the daughter of Mr. B. G. N. Chan dler, and Miss Chandler was very popular in the community in which she lived. Mr. Beekum is a prominent planter. Mrs. F. M. Graham performed the ceremony. The happy young couple left Tues day morning for their future home near Wrens, Ga. THE BEST COMING. Wednesday night, Dec. 22, amusement lovers of Winder will have an opporturity t<> witness a i.ig'n-class play in every respect. ‘‘A Knight fur a Day" will hold the boards on that date, and is comes heralded as the best ever. This is a high-priced production, but you will get your money’s worth. “A Knight for a Day" is a big musical lm. ha. Songs, jokes and pretty girls. Does the combi nation suit you? If so, come You won't regret it. Christmas comes hut once a year, Where I get fruit I do not care. Just so they’re tie* lvst in town, And these at Baron’s store are found. Ornges, apples and bananas, too, Grapes,raisins, dates and taffy tulu, And prices, tlv*y are right also, If you doubt this, just come and know. —Barney Baron. When a man is compelled to eat his words his appetite is quickly satisfied. WINDER. JACKSON COUNTY. GEORGIA. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 16.1909 MR. A. D. CHANDLER. After Continued Illness and Lone] Sufferings, Yields to Grim Reaper. Mr. A. D. Chandler, a merchant of this place, died Wednesday morning at his home on Broad street, surrounded by his wife and children. For more than two years Mr. Chandler had been in feeble health, and some too weeks ago took to his bed, and rapidly grew worse until the end came at 3 o’clock Wednes day morning. He was 49 years of age. and had spent his entire life in Jackson county. He married Miss Myrtie Seymour, and to them four chil dren were born, all of whom, to gether with his wife, survive him. He is a brother to Messrs. J. W. and J. M. Chandler, of Ebenezer, and besides these two brothers, leaves two sisters and many rela tives and friends to mourn for him. The funeral took place at tin* residence of Mr. J. W. Chandler, near Ebenezer church, Thursday morning, and at 12 o'clock his body was interred in the Hancock bury ing ground. Revs. W. T. Ilunni cutt and J. H. Wood conducted the funeral services. Mr. Chandler was not a member of any church, but often spoke of of his faith in his Master, and dur ing his last illness constantly talk ed of his home beyond the skies,and said that he was at peace with his God ond ready to cross the Great Divide. To the bereaved family, relatives and friends we offer condolence. MOORE GETS HIS THOUSAND BACK James L. Moore, the matrimonial high financier of Loganville, last week gained a verdict in Gwinnett superior court for the recovery of the SI,OOO he handed over to Miss Lillie Berryman on condition she change her name to Moore. It will be remembered that after thinking more of the compact Miss Berry man side-stepped the agreement but held on to the retainer. The court now orders her to come across with the little pin money advanced by the old man. Moore has since found a wife. IN KACE EOK TREASURER. Mr. George K. Smith, of Jeffer son, was in Winder Tuesday circu lating among his friends. George is in the race for treasurt r of .lack son county. Speaking to a Mews man In* said: “Yes, 1 am in the race for treas urer, and j.t the proper time will make formal announcement.” George Smith is the son of Mr. Frank Smith, deceased, of Jeffer son, and a brother of Dr. S. J. and W. IL Smith, of that place. George is a good fellow and will find warm supporters in all sec tions of the county. NOTICE. All confederant veterans who have not applied for crosses of honor please do so at once. C. M.jMoulder, Adjutant. Mrs. Hultne. of Athens, was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Homer Smith, Wednesday. LITTLE LOCAL Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. .J. Ross, a boy. Mr- M. E. Sisk was in Athens Monday. Wanted —To buy fat cattle. R. 1). Moore it Son. Honest weight guaranteed by R. 1). Moore it Son. Mrs. W. H. Toole was in Atlanta one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Perry spent Monday in Atlanta. Nothing hut stall fed cattle killed. R. 1). Moore it Son. M rs. A. H. O’Neal is spending a few days in Atlanta. Mr. W. E. O’Neal was at home in Winder Thursday. Mr. Fred Perry made a business trip to Atlanta Saturday. Mr. Carl McDonald spent a few days in Athens last week. M rs. 11. E. Edwards is visiting friends in Athens this week. Mr. W. B. Mathews made a busi ness trip to Atlanta Monday. ’Phone 43 for your Christmas meats. R. 1). Moore & Son. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Nowell spent Wednesday in Atlanta. Miss Reba Whitehead is visiting friends in Atlanta this Week. Miss Mary Russell spent Wednes day and Thursday in Atlanta. Mr. John Rudereeil was in town Friday and Saturday on business. Mrs. J. T. Strange and Mrs. E. A. Starr spent Tuesday in Atlanta* Christmas Christinas —Useful pres ents at Smith Hardware Company. Big dolls, little dolls and all kinds of dolls at It. T- Seymour’s. See them. Mrs. A. D. McCurry spent Satur day in Gainesville, the guest of relatives. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Smith and Mrs. E. F. Saxon spent Monday in Atlanta. When doing Chrstmas shopping it helps to visit Smith Hardware Company. Mrs. W. R. DcLaperrierc, of Hosehton, passed through Winder Saturday. Miss Lousia Hodge left Sunday for Newnan, where she will spend the holidays. In brightening up for Christmas, get your paints from Smith Hard ware Company. Bicycles, Wagons and Velocipedes —the good kind —at Smith Hard ware Company. We have the best line of Silver ware ever shown in Winder. Our prices are attractive. Smith Hard wan* Company. I’ar-a-sit-i-cide cures itch in JO minutes. For sale by G. W■ D**La perriere, Winder, Ga. One dollar reward for the correct address of D. C. Goner- Cooper A Thomas,Winder, Ga. Don’t fail to see that wonderful little stove for only $1 at Smith Hardware Company. Mis? Johnnie la>u Smith will en tertain the I) I) I) Club Friday night. Let all the mem hers be present. A good time is expected. Mrs. W. 11. Ouarterman has re turned from Athens, where she has iwen visiting Mrs. West. Col. E. E Hutchins, of Lawrence ville, passed through Winder Tues day, en route to Monroe. Confectioneries and toys at R. T. Seymour’s for the children. Every thing for Santa Claus. R. T. Seymour has the largest line of dolls ever brought to Win der. The prices are right. Mrs. W. M. Ilolsenbeck enter tained the Missionary Society of the Baptist church Monday. Mrs. Walter Wood will entertain Friday afternoon at a Linen Shower in honor of Miss Reha Whitehead. We are headquarters for fruits, candy and everything that children want on Christmas. R. T. Sey mour. Mr. Dan Byrd, of Lawrenceville, passed through Winder Tuesday en route to Monroe to the Felker- Ware wedding. Mr. George Thompson, Winder's representative at Georgia Tech, spent Saturday and Sunday in Winder with his father. Miss Starr Blasingame will arrive Friday from Brenau to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Blasingame. Mr. Earl Kimbell, of Atlanta, is expected in Winder Saturday fov a few days’ visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Kimbell. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Harris and Mr. and Mrs. 11. R. Simmons, of Athens, will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Mathews Christmas. Mr. W. L. Blasingame has moved into his new home on Athens street. This is one of the prettiest homes in the city, and there are several pretty and costly homes here. The friends here of Mr. and Mrs. Agustus \V. Richardson are con gratulating them on the arrival of a fine little girl. Mrs. Richardson was formerly Miss Ornie McElhan nor.. Mr. A. D, MeCurry, the popular buyer, Hoor walker and ad writer of J. T. Strange it Cos., spent Tues day and Wednesday in Gainesville. Mr. MeCurry went to attend the district stewards’ meeting which convened in that city this week. HARDIN GETS IN TROUBLE. J. F. Hardin has got in trouole with the postal authorities. It is al leged he has been sending, through the mail, Mr. W. Norwood Mitch ell, of the Baltimore and Ohio rail road, some nice little postcards. Following are samples of the sen tences to which Norwood took ex ception: “Windy Gasa way Mitch ell, Atlanta. If hot air was music you'd be a brass band.” Another clause reead: “God made the world and rested. God made man and rested. Then God made Win dy. Since then neither God nor man has rested.” GtTS TWO YEARS. J. W. B. Maughon, convicted last week in Gwinnett superior court of manslaughter, was sentenced to serve two years in the penitentiary by Judge Brand. It will lx* re •nemljered that Maughon and a man named Elrod, in attemping to arrest a fellow Cleghorn at Carl shot and Killed him. 16 Pages Ist Section NO. 40